(M)y convention (f)uck-buddy

Several years back, I was sent out of town to a work convention in a major city in the Northeast. Being one of the lower level folks attending the convention, one of my main duties was to man our booth on the exhibit floor for long stretches of time. We basically had a 10×10 square of carpet in the middle of an enormous exhibit hall, and if attendees had any questions about our business, I'd answer them to the best of my ability. Pretty lame and boring, and at around 8 hours a day for three days straight, I was not looking forward to this.

Within minutes of the the first day I arrive, I began to look around and see what other companies and booths are nearby. Almost directly across from us is a much larger company with about 5 times the amount of floor space and workers in their booth area. One employee immediately stood out from the rest: a younger, dirty blonde haired girl. She had a cute, round face with a somewhat stylish haircut, and she definitely stood out in the sea of middle-aged guys in bad suits and ties. It was hard to get a good first read on her body, as she was wearing her company's uniform for their booth workers: button down blue shirt with the company logo, and khaki pants. After glancing over a number of times, I was able to catch her name from her nametag: Jen.

The convention hall was fairly slow for a bit, so I would often just start to daydream or people-watch, and it didn't take long before Jen caught me kind of looking at her. She smiled, I smiled back, and I decided I'd go introduce myself, as we'd be in close proximity for the next few days.

I told her my name, what our company did – the usual small talk at these conventions. I casually mentioned that her and I seemed to be two of the younger people at this convention, and she laughed and she agreed. "For sure. Nobody from my company that came is within ten years of my age."

After a few minutes, I headed back to my booth. We continued to chat off and on between visitors to our booths until around lunch time. As I started to walk out to lunch, I asked her abruptly, "want to join me for lunch?" She agreed, told someone in her booth that she was heading out, and off we went.

I really hadn't thought too much further than just lunch – I was really just bored and looking to have a conversation with someone my own age, but Jen was very easy to talk to and generally enjoyable. We grabbed a sandwich at some little fast food thing inside of the convention center and kept talking. I asked her what all she had to do while she was here, and she basically had the same schedule as me: help man her booth during the exhibit hours, but not much going on in the evenings. Neither of us were important enough to have any meetings or bigwig dinners to attend.

We weren't even through with lunch, and I asked her to dinner that night. "I was planning on just eating alone, but would love some company." She agreed almost immediately. We continued talking and flirting somewhat throughout lunch, and through the remainder of the afternoon back out our booths. When closing time came at 5, we walked out of the exhibit hall together.

We were both staying at hotels within walking distance, so I walked her back to her hotel, and told her I'd pick her back up in the lobby in a few hours. I gave her my cell number just in case anything changed.

I went back to my room, showered, shaved, cleaned up as best as I possibly could. Feeling somewhat confident and a little hopeful, I threw a condom or two into my pocket. Better safe than sorry, I thought to myself. I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror: dark button down shirt, nice jeans, good shoes…I felt like I was dressed right for the night.

I arrived at Jen's hotel right on time, and sat down in the lobby. No Jen. A few minutes later I get a text, "still not ready. Come up and wait in my room? Rm 313."

I took the elevator up, knocked on her door, and was stunned when she answered the door. Jen looked incredibly hot. She was wearing a somewhat low-cut little black dress, black heels, and looked incredible. "Sorry if I seem overdressed," she said. "I only brought really fancy clothes in case I got invited to a dinner with our execs, and some workout clothes."

"No, you look great to me," I said. "I mean, really great. I thought you weren't quite ready?"

"Ok, don't laugh at me, but I can't zip my dress all the way on my own," she said. She spun around, and her dress was only half zipped up in the back. "Can you….?"

I said, "Sure. Up or down?," joking with her to break the tension. I zipped her all the way to the top, and for some reason, I kissed the back of her neck. I hadn't even planned it or really thought any further than that, but it felt right. Standing in the hotel room with this hot young girl alone, my body had taken over before my mind could tell in no.

For a split-second, I freaked a little, because I thought I might have jumped the gun. But no, Jen turned around immediately, and kissed me directly on the mouth. Slow and sensual, she tasted divine, and I slid my hands down to her hips and held her close to my body.

We stood there and kissed for several minutes, both her hands and mine gently moving up and down each other's bodies. It was definitely more intense than most kisses I have ever had, and we both were taking it very slow. I think we were both somewhat nervous, making out with some stranger we just met less than eight hours ago, but enjoying the moment.

I made the first bold-ish move; I eased my hand down to the bottom of her dress, and began to inch it up with my fingers. She responded by grabbing on to my ass and squeezing. Naturally, I followed her lead, my hand all the way up the back of her dress now, fondling her ass. Her body was much more impressive in this outfit than this morning. I eventually pulled away from our kiss, guiding her towards the bed. She seemed somewhat nervous, but she laid down on the bed, face down. "You might need to undo what you just zipped," she said softly.

I climbed up on the bed next to her, and slowly unzipped the back of her dress. She then rolled back over to face me, and we begun to kiss again, but this time more passionately – more aggressively. I began to kiss down her neck, and she worked her arms out free of her dress. I helped her shimmy it down her body. She was very tan, with firm full breasts – a full B or C cup. I began to suck on her nipples while I ran my hands over hips, pulling her dress down to her legs in one motion. Jen kicked off her heels, and somehow worked the dress onto the floor, leaving her only in a pair of black panties. I continued to kiss all across her chest and stomach, and quickly felt her hands gently guiding my head downward. Sliding a finger on each side of Jen's panties, I eased them down her legs before kissing my way back up towards her thighs.

I moved Jen towards the edge of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the side while I knelt on the floor below. I began to kiss up the insides of her legs towards her newly trimmed pussy, which only had a small triangle right above her slit. Slowly, I began to lick, and Jen's body began to respond almost immediately. She moaned quietly, trying to keep her excitement muffled. Between licking and guiding my tongue deep inside her, I whispered, "I want to hear how much you are enjoying this." Jen began to get a little louder. Pinching her own nipples while I licked her pussy up and down, Jen's muscles began to tighten and spasm wildly. I heard her say, "Oh, I'm coming…." as she shook violently up and down underneath my tongue.

She laid back to catch her breath, and I took that as an opportunity to strip off my clothes. I was standing fully nude and fully erect when she sat up a bit, and she eyed my cock with lust. I'm an average sized guy, but I've been told I have a nice looking cock. She motioned for me to come closer, and I walked to the side of the bed near Jen's face. Immediately, she began to work my balls and cock in her hands, then licking all up and down my shaft. I was very hard, and told her to suck me good. She obeyed, taking my dick deep inside of her mouth. She was an eager cock-sucker, and I was really beginning to get into it when she pulled back. "Do you have any condoms," she asked, and thankfully, I was prepared.

I grabbed one out of my pants, rolled it down over my dick, and climbed up on top of the bed. I eased into Jen in the missionary position. She was very tight, and felt simply amazing around my dick. We fucked in this position for several minutes, before I eventually pulled out, and told Jen to flip over.

She did as she was told, and I entered her from behind. She immediately started moaning louder like this than before, so I knew she was enjoying it. It didn't take long fucking her from behind before her breathing sped up again. "Oh my God, I'm going to cum again," she said, and that was all it took for me as well. I began to thrust faster and deeper, as we both came in a furious finale.

We both just stayed motionless in her bed for a few minutes. Eventually, she started laughing, and I did too for some strange reason. We ended up ordering room service and watching Sports Center naked before I went back to my hotel room for the night.

She kissed me at the door before I left and said, "See you on the exhibit floor tomorrow."

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33mics/my_convention_fuckbuddy


  1. The way I see it, you were the man, made all the right moves, and she followed your lead. Nicely done.

  2. That is one of my least favourite terms. Turns confidence and natural behaviour into something douchey.

  3. This guy didnĀ“t try to be Alpha, in fact… he tried to be a gentleman and simply went with the shared desire. Which ironically is what douchebags who try to be alpha are trying to pretend to be… natural and responsive.

  4. It’s not a bad term. It only carries white sun glasses wearing, tap out branded douchery lately. It’s more about confidence than being an asshole, and is perfectly shown in this delightful tale

  5. Nooooo, no no nope. They flirted, He indicated desire, she reciprocated, they got busy. At no point did he neg, spur game, stalk her, harass and drug her. It’s a guide to follow in flirting like a grown up, which is far different from "being alpha."

  6. Right? The term reduces natural socialised behaviour with imitated behaviour for positive outcomes which is the difference between healthy interaction and sociopathic behaviour imho

  7. No, it’s about controlling and tricking women into sleeping with you because you don’t see women as equals. You can be confident without being arrogant and anyone trying to be "alpha" has crossed that line miles ago.

  8. > is the difference between healthy interaction and sociopathic behaviour This. So. Much. This.

  9. Yeah, holy FUCK, the line between awkward idiot and certified pimp is a very thin one

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