A coach and her athlete [mF][str8]

This is my first story so criticism is welcome. It is about a track athlete who fucks his buxom coach. Enjoy As I sat in my English class, listening to another absurd tangent that somehow started with the subjunctive mood and ended with the super bowl, I wished the bell would finally ring to release me from my teacher’s asinine babbling. My focus was wandering and my eyes were heavy. My legs were aching as well – not from boredom, however, but from excitement. Last period was about to end and I was anxious to get out on the track. Today was a hurdle day, so I had been looking forward to practice all day; running hurdles was always my favorite part of track, and I rarely ever got the opportunity to practice. Our head coach, Max Carden was fresh out of college. He was only about four years older than the seniors on the team and commanded even less respect. He had two assistant coaches to help him try to keep some semblance of order, yet the team was still a bit of a madhouse most days. One of his assistants, the throwing coach, Mr. Jameson, was an imposing man a little over six feet in height. He had been with the team for many years but turned down the head coaching position to focus on his teaching. The other coach was a different story entirely. She was much shorter in stature, measuring not a hair over 5’6”, and joined the team at the same time as Coach Max. She worked with the sprinters and jumpers usually. And oh man, she was hot. I completely lost interest in the English lesson, for all the spare space in my mind was now filled with Miss Emmeline. Her plump ass and juicy thighs danced in my imagination. Her b-cup boobs bounced inside my brain as I imagined her straight blond hair swinging left and right as I…. Suddenly the bell rang and my fantasies were interrupted. I snapped back to reality, grabbed my back pack and tucked my boner into the top of my pants before making my way over to the locker room.

After I got there, I shot the shit with my teammates for a bit while idly messing with my locker since I didn’t want to start changing until my erection subsided. While taking much longer than I needed to get my clothes ready, however, I realized that I forgot to bring my compression shorts. Normally, this problem would not be too serious, but on this particular day I had brought some extra short shorts because they were easier to hurdle in than regular length gym shorts. I also just happened to be wearing an exceptionally loose pair of boxers as well. Woo freaking hoo, I thought sarcastically, this is great, just great. After my blood had finally left my member and returned to the rest of my body, I started undressing. I pulled my school-issued polo off, revealing my lean, muscular torso. My arms were cut as well, but not too large. I always made sure not to work them too much because I knew that having large arms was detrimental to a distance runner, but I also made an effort to keep them looking nice and defined for more vain purposes. I undid my belt buckle and slid off my pants. Then, I slipped on my t shirt and stepped into my shorts. After lacing my trainers up, I set off into the hallway. I felt like a bit of an idiot for forgetting my compression shorts and I could feel the legs of my boxers reaching just barely above the legs of my pants. I tried not to let it bother me though. I wanted simply to get out on the fresh red track with the lovely cerulean sky filled with the songs of brown feathered birds hanging overhead and enjoy my run.

Once I got outside and the team was all together, we started our warmup laps. I could feel my johnson hanging down the left leg of my boxers, threatening to come out if I took too long of a stride, so I trotted along and tried to conceal the fact that I could feel my dick flopping back and forth between my thigh and my boxers. I finished my laps and got into line for stretches. While everyone else was waiting for the shot-putters to finish their laps, I slunk off to the bathroom next to the bleachers to do something about my penis problem. Luckily, I was able to balance it snugly inside my underwear my adjusting the waistline and maneuvering my dick into such a position that it rested firmly in one place and I could be reasonably sure it wouldn’t be falling out any time soon. I left the lavatory as soon as I was finished and emerged onto just in time for the tail end of the first or second stretch. My knob nearly swung free a few times during our pre-practice routine, but managing it was much easier after having already done it once. I could just adjust myself a little bit and be fine, but what I was really hoping was that running would draw away some heat from my groin and cause a touch of shrinkage, so I wouldn’t risk hanging dong every time I took a step. It was pretty hot out though, so I wasn’t overly optimistic. Also, since I was doing hurdle work, I would be working with Coach Emmeline, which was not particularly conducive to keeping my schlong small and out of the way either.

Regardless, I was still praying for shrinkage for probably the first time in my life when I sauntered over to the robust Miss Emmeline for my instructions. “Alright Carter, today we’re mostly gonna focus on form, alright? When you’re running the 400 meter hurdles, you do not want to be spending any more energy than you have to for each jump” she said as I approached.

“Sure thing, Coach. I know my form starts to fall apart once I get to the last stretch,” I replied. “You could do a bit better on the first stretch too,” she half giggled.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head exaggeratedly while unsuccessfully trying to stifle a smile. “Fine, I guess I could do a little better.”

“Good, I set up the back half of lane three for you, so I want you to give me a run through at a nice easy pace. And make sure to focus on keeping form.

“Okay, got it.” As I walked over to the first hurdle, I started to worry that no only had my boxer issue not improved, but talking to Miss Emmeline also made it worse. I decided to take it slow and to make certain that my dick stayed put. I started running with an awkwardly short stride and jumped over the first hurdle in an atrocious fashion. I finished the rest of the distance though, and reported back to Coach.

“What happened out there? You were really stiff.” She cooed. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yea, I’m fine. I guess I’m just out of practice is all.” I responded.

“I guess so, Carter. You were all over the place. Let me give you a quick refresher.” She pulled a hurdle into the next lane and bent down to stretch out. I watched the fabric of her tights mold itself to the sensual curves of her buxom ass as she strained the polyester with each new pose she made. “Just watch me.”

“Yep, I am, Coach” I mumbled distractedly. She set off and, despite her short nature, glided effortlessly over the tops of the hurdles like a blue jay flitting from tree to tree. Once she finished, she jogged back over to where I was standing.

“You think you can do that?” she asked, proud of her own grace and precision. I noticed beads of sweat on her soft breasts, pushed together enticingly by her bright pink sports bra.

“Yea, I can handle it,” I lied. I was almost certain that my cock was waiting to flop right out the bottom of my shorts the moment I tried to clear a hurdle properly, but I had to try any way. I crept up to the starting line and shook my legs out in an attempt to calm my nerves. Then I jolted out down the track. I could feel my cock bouncing with each stride, coming closer and closer to leaving my shorts, and as I cleared that first hurdle, it happened. It was just for half a second, but that was plenty of time for it to be noticed. I continued my course. Each jump revealed my hanging meat stick for a moment more. After crossing the finish, I managed to fold my schlong back into place and headed back to Miss Emmeline.

I noticed that she was blushing but trying to downplay the fact as much as possible. “That was… uh… impressive Carter. Why don’t you do a few more of those and we can put the hurdles away once you feel like you’ve got it.” She spoke softly, avoiding direct eye contact.

“Sure thing,” I replied while rubbing the back of my neck. I was embarrassed by the ordeal, but I was also aroused. She said “impressive” after all, right? I was emboldened by her nervousness as well. Was I really something to get butterflies about? I ran through my lane a few more times while I pondered the nature of Miss Emmeline’s reaction. I figured I would have to try my luck when we were putting away the hurdles. She was only a few years older than me, after all, and I could never live with myself if I missed the opportunity to bang my coach. After a while, once most of the team had finished their workouts, I approached Coach Emmeline to tell her that I had finished. She said alright and we started loading the hurdles onto their cart. We brought it behind the bleachers and over to the athletic shed. Miss Emmeline reached for her keys to unlock the door, and I decided to seize my opportunity.

“Did you like what you saw out there?” I asked, feigning innocence, yet at the same time my face split into a bit of a devious grin that might have betrayed my true intentions to a keen observer.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/33nl2i/a_coach_and_her_athlete_mfstr8


  1. Continued: “Uhmm…” she hummed nervously. I noticed her start to fumble with her keys for a moment before I decided to give her an out. “My form was pretty great, right?” “Oh,” she faked a laugh, relieved, “yes, you did very well.” Her hands relaxed and she unlocked the door to the shed, but her cheeks were still rosy with the mark tenuous infatuation. She flicked the light on and we wheeled the cart into its place. Before she left to head back outside, I made my final move. I was sure by this point that she saw my cock, and she wanted it. “That wasn’t all you were impressed by though, Coach was it?” The redness flushed back to her face in full force and once again she laughed nervously. This time she said, “Well, if I’m being totally honest… There was one more thing that I might have been impressed by.” As she finished those words, she bit her lip and moved slowly over to the door to draw it shut. “Yea? And, what might that be?” I asked in the sultriest voice I could manage. I leaned back onto a rack of equipment to disguise my excitement. “Oh, think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” she whispered sexily as she locked eyes with me and began moving slowly in my direction. As she walked, she swayed her wide hips side to side, accentuating her plump ass. When she reached me, she planted her palm firmly onto my crotch and sensually gripped each finger around my growing package as she leaned her face right in front of mine and breathed, “Question is, will you give it to me?” I swallowed hard. I decided that now was not the time to have second thoughts; she clearly put aside her inhibitions, so I should too. Consumed by my returning confidence, I stood back up straight, grabbed Miss Emmeline’s delicious ass with one hand and said, “You bet your sweet ass I’m going to give it to you.” At this, she had only a fraction of a second to process my response before I closed the final distance between us and began passionately kissing her with the pent up lust of an entire year of admiring her innate sexuality from afar. As our tongues danced and our hands wandered, I could feel the raw emotion in the room building quickly. I temporarily broke our embrace to slide Miss Emmeline’s top off by gliding my hands up her voluptuous body. She then undid the strap to her sports bra, unveiling her creamy, perky breasts. While I was taking in their awesome beauty, she gently pushed me backward onto the high jump mat. I fell back. My arms were outstretched behind my head, and Coach Emmeline took this opportunity to pull my shirt off. She rested her buttocks on my pelvis and placed her hands on my chest. She gave my pecs a firm squeeze and her face twisted with pleasure as she begun grinding herself into my groin. My juicy cock stiffened with every motion. I took hold of her powerful ass while she leaned forward to plant her lips on mine once again. I closed my eyes in her passionate kiss. She then lifted her head up, moved herself up my body, and lowered her bust onto my waiting face. I wasted no time nibbling and kissing her succulent breast, all the while rubbing my hands up and down her back until I slipped my fingers into her tights and teased her by playing with her panties. She picked herself back off me and took a few steps back. I sat up, now fully erect, to see her kick off her shoes, turn her back to me and take off her tights. She bent down all the way to the ground when she remover her leggings without bending her knees. Her plump ass was on full display, hidden by nothing but a thin pair of panties that I had pulled between her, round, peachy cheeks just moments ago. “You know I love when you do that,” I moaned. “I’ve noticed you staring at me when I stretch,” she replied with a wink, “don’t think I didn’t notice.” As she talked, she pulled off her panties and revealed her soaking mound between her voluptuous thighs. As she began to straighten herself, I placed my hand on her hip and leaned in close. She was surprised yet excited by my initiative. “You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted this,” I whispered, my voice gravelly from desire. “I’ve had my suspicions. You’re the one who has no idea how bad I’ve wanted this,” she smiled and turned to me. She kissed my lips as she slid off my shorts and boxers. My turgid erection stood up and found its way between Miss Emmeline’s legs. The shaft rested against her throbbing womanhood while it was squeezed between her succulent thighs. The head brushed against her delectable ass, and my mind was swimming in her essence. I could tell she was lost in me, too, because when she went to breathe she gave me a playful, yet lustful smile that spoke more clearly than any words could have of her desires. I put my arm around her and turned so that she was now facing the high jump mat. I pushed her back onto the pillowy cushions and wrapped her legs around my shoulders. I lowered my head to her wet pussy and gave it a tender kiss before teasing the inside of her thighs with my tongue. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed it into her moist mound, so I began flitting my tongue across her labia and into her vagina. I suckled on her clit and drew it into my mouth. Once inside, her tender clitoris was subjected to countless lashes by my tongue. She moaned and groaned for a few minutes while I continued my pleasuring. Eventually, she couldn’t take it any longer and cried out, “Unnhh, just fuck me alreadyyy.” I was more than happy to oblige. I stood back up and turned my coach over. She got onto her hands and knees and lifted her plump booty above the mat. I grabbed my rock hard erection and rubbed it against her eager honeypot. I guided the tip into her slit, grabbed her hips, and thrust myself deep inside of my own coach’s vagina. I was living a dream. I could not believe what was happening. My sexual pleasure was compounded by the mental stimulation of finally fucking Miss Emmeline. As I thrust myself rhythmically into her pussy, her hips responded in like. Every motion I made was met by an equal response from Coach Emmeline. I heard her breathing reaching a climax, and I could feel myself reaching a climax as well. Her body convulsed with waves of pleasure as she moaned out in ecstasy. I continued bringing my shaft in and out of her dripping cunt. Miss Emmeline sighed, “Oh my God Carter, I’ve never cum like that in my life.” “Mff, I’m, Mff, about to, Unhh, cum too, Uhh,” I grunted. I could feel my sperm swelling into my member. “Give it to me, Unh. I want your hot, stick jizz inside me now.” At her words of encouragement, my pleasure reached a crescendo. I released myself inside her pussy. I felt ropes and ropes of cum shoot out into her depths. I grunted moaned as my body was inundated with pleasure. After the last drop of cum had been drained from my loins, I collapsed onto the mat beside Coach Emmeline. She leaned over to give me a wet kiss, which I accepted eagerly. “That was amazing,” I sighed dreamily. “It was,” she replied, gazing at the ceiling as if she could see all the stars of the night sky. “We should do this again sometime.” “Definitely.”

  2. Words I would avoid for future reference: •Honeypot •Jizz •Booty •Vagina (there is nothing particularly wrong with this word, it’s just usually not seen as very sexy)

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