In Over My Head, Part 3: Things Get Twisted [mF][oral][nc]

This is a work of fiction.

I'm writing this down because I don't know what else to do. My grades have gone down the tubes, my college plans are looking iffy, and I've started cutting myself. I want to tell someone but I'm too scared – it could destroy my family and leave us in a national media circus. I'm hoping that writing this down will help; I'll probably just burn it but at least I'll kinda get it out.

Part 3

After that memorable dinner, things seemed to quiet down for a while. Things were clearly getting more serious between my Dad and Caroline, but they seemed to be doing their hook-ups away from the house, probably because of my Dad's concern for me.

I didn't know how grateful I should have been for that.

Then one day a few months later Dad came to talk to me on one of the few days he was home at dinnertime.

"David, I've given Caroline a key to the house. I thought you should know."


"She's going to help me put in a garden. I haven't planted anything since your Mom…well, I haven't had the time to take care of the weeding, and you were too young. Do you mind…helping her out, from time to time if she needs to carry mulch or anything else heavy?

"Sure, no problem, Dad." In truth I was a little excited at the prospect of being close to her again. Part of me hoped she would try something like at the dinner – and part of me was horrified that I wanted that.

Sure enough, the very next day I came home from school to find her out back turning over clods of turf with a spade. She wore a white t-shirt that clanged tightly to her busty frame and cut-off jeans that didn't quite cover the bottom curve of her ass. When I saw who it was I tried to quickly retreat into the house, but she saw me and said "Hey, David, do you mind giving me a hand with this?"

I walked back out and over to where she was digging. "Here – cut the sod from here to the corner and I'll move it."

I did as I was asked, and started working the spade to cut out pieces and toss them onto the pile. Meanwhile Carol picked them up – always by bending over facing away from me – and loaded them in the wheelbarrow to go dump on the compost heap. It was hot, sweaty work, and before long Caroline stopped and peeled off her t-shirt, revealing her white bra underneath.

I stopped in surprise as she did this, and she looked back at me and said, "Well, go ahead and take yours off too, there's no need to suffer out here!"

It took me a moment to process what she meant, and in that moment she rolled her eyes, marched over to me and said "Lift your arms, David."

I did as she asked, and she lifted my shirt up over my head and tossed it onto the deck. "There, much better, don't you think," she said, running her fingers over my chest. "You were getting so sweaty…"

I blushed at her touch and turned back to the spade. She pulled my wrist back toward her and said, "I think that's enough for today, David. Let's put the tools away."

Writing this now I see what an idiot I was, but at the time I wasn't thinking straight. What would you have done if a curvy blonde had taken off her shirt and yours when you were 15?

I put the spade and the wheelbarrow and followed her into the garden shed to put them away. As soon as I entered she grabbed me, pinned me to the wall of the shed and kissed me.

It was the first time I'd ever been kissed by a girl, and I didn't know what to do. Soon her lips probed between mine, and I fumbled around trying to reciprocate. As we finally settled into a rhythm, she reached back and unhooked her bra, then pulled it off and pulled my hands up to massage her tits. She kissed me again, the pulled gently away and looked me in the eyes as I kneaded her breasts. "You've been a very bad boy, David. I've seen the way you look at me, how you want to force yourself upon me."

Her words struck home, and I started to pull away, but she grabbed me firmly behind the head and kissed me, using her other hand to guide my fingers to her exposed nipple. My guilt remained, but I was also incredibly turned on.

I was in heaven – my first kiss, the first time I'd touched a girls' breasts softer than I expected, and soon would come another first. Caroline started by rubbing my cock through my pants, but soon escalated to opening my belt buckle and unzipping my fly, all the while still kissing me passionately and hungrily.

Then she stopped, pulled down my pants, and fell to her knees. I part of me – a small, small part – screamed in alarm What's going on? She's your Dad's girlfriend! But I could barely hear it. The truth is I was aroused like I'd never been before in my life. A gorgeous, curvy blond was taking hold of my cock and moving it to her lips – I didn't even know why, but I wanted it.

God help me, I wanted it.

She began by gently running her tongue around my head, then licking the accumulated precum off of my tip. From there took my shaft into her lips, rubbing it back and forth with her hands as she slid it into and out of her mouth. At my age it didn't take long – probably two minutes into this I came, pumping my seed into her mouth. She swallowed it all, then licked the remaining mess off of my still-twitching cock.

And then she cried.

I thought it was a joke at first, it was so jarringly different from what she'd just been doing. But tears started streaming down her face, and she sat down across from me in the shed.

"What…what's wrong?" I asked.

"Look what you've made me do," she whispered. "Please leave."

I turned white, then gathered up my clothes and beat a hasty retreat. You're probably laughing at me, dear non-existent reader, thinking I was an idiot to buy that line. Well, you're right. I was an idiot. I mean, on some level I knew I'm not the one who started that, but I also knew that I'd wanted it, and I thought that made what happened my fault. By the time I got in the house I was in tears myself, and I made a beeline for my room and curled up on the floor behind my bed, crying. What had I done? What would this do to my Dad?

And so it was I didn't hear her until the door opened.

When it did, I froze. In walked Caroline, barefoot and wearing her t-shirt again (but not her bra). Without a word she walked over, sat by the bed next to me, and pulled me into her lap. She cradled me between her breasts and pet my hair, rocking me and soothing me. "Shhhh," she said. "It's OK. I won't tell your father."

"It's not your fault you're sick."

And so my descent into hell began in earnest. Every day she put me to work in the garden, and every day she brought me to orgasm – with either her hands, her breasts or her mouth. She did this, she said, "to help me control my urges." And every day she'd hold and cuddle me afterwards, telling me she'd help me keep from hurting anyone.

She gradually began exerting control of me, and restricting my time with my friends. She made herself irreplaceable in my life, and what I hate myself most for is that I loved it.

She was a friend I could tell stuff to, a beautiful girl who got me off, my tormentor and my confessor. Every time she brought me to orgasm she deepened my guilt over what we were doing, then soothed it away by holding me.

And of course, she continued dating my dad.

