The Hike – I eat your pussy and fuck you in the forest. (m)(f)(oral)

This one's for Lisa:

We're out hiking, out in the forest, all on our own. It's really quiet, I can see that you're starting to sweat. You're wearing that summer dress I got you. Remember, when you told me that it was too tight around your breasts, and then I told you that that's just why I bought it. The white one with the big polka dots. I love seeing your figure in that dress, the way the polka dots wrap around your bulging breasts, the fabric around them so tight you don't even need to wear a bra. I love the way the soft fabric hugs against your waist, the way it flows around your thighs, just high enough for me to get a peek at the bottom of your butt when you step up a hill just in the right way. I wonder if you notice me looking. You wonder if I noticed you didn't put on any underwear today. I have.

You stop in the shade and lean up against a tree. You're our of breath, sweating, but you're smiling. I'm smiling too. You look so sexy with the little beads of sweat running down your cheeks. I like how you don't bother to wipe them off.

I come up close and lick one off of your face. It's salty :) You giggle and your mouth darts to meet mine. Our lips greet each other's first, pressing into each other, almost like a schoolyard kiss. Yet we are no longer in school. And there's nobody around for miles.

You hug me and press your body into mine. Your tits squeeze into my chest. Your tongue squeezes between my lips. It finds mine, and they dance. Our tongues slither all over each other for minutes, never getting tired of it. Each little moment different from the last. Your saliva is refreshing. I suck it out of your mouth and relish the taste of it. You start to drool and I suck that up too. I can tell your body is getting charged up. You've been humping my thigh for at least a minute already. I can feel the warmth of your pussy with every thrust. My cock is getting hard against your belly. I know you can feel that too, the way you're moving yourself against it. You start moving your abs in an amazing way – in waves that go up and down my dick. I wonder if it's possible to come just from this, from kissing you like this, from the way you're pushing against my dick, and then the orgasm starts to rise. I stop it right at the edge and ride it out without cumming. I'm breathing hard into your mouth. Your kisses are ravenous. My mouth is full of your spit. You know I like it.

"Show me," I say.

You pull the neck of the dress down over your breast. Only a little bit of light is getting in between the thick leaves, but the way patterns play on your glistening skin is a sight to behold. Your tits are beautiful, simply exquisite. A little miracle of nature. I lean down and kiss it on the bottom, then on the side, then on the top, then right on the nipple. You jump a little on that one. I take it in my hand feeling the weight of it, and I start to gently suck on your nipple, circling my tongue around it. You're glad you gave me so much spit. The wetness feels refreshingly cool on your nip.

But I want to really taste you. I run my hand up the inside of your thigh. Feeling every muscle and contour. I reach your pussy and hold it in the palm of my hand, not moving. I just squeeze it, feeling it's wetness start to make my palm slippery. The more I move my hand, the wetter it gets, until my palm is slipping freely and smoothly up and down your pussy lips. You start to hump my hand and I help you. You bite my lip. I know what you want. I let go my hand from your pussy and bring it up to my mouth. With one big lick I take all your wetness off and hold it in my mouth. It makes me moan it tastes so good. I come up really close to you, grab you by the chin, and give you one last kiss. You like the taste of your pussy too, I can see it in your eyes.

I sit down cross-legged underneath you and just wait. My face is right in front of your pussy. You tease me a little, bringing your skirt up just high enough for me to see it, then dropping it back down. I slide forward a little, and you come up to meet me. I kiss you on your knee, and then more and more up your thigh, until my face disappears beneath the skirt of your dress. You look around to see if anyone is there, but there is only silence.

And I just kissed your pussy. So you close your eyes, and lean back against that tree, and drift away to enjoy the feeling of my tongue gently tracing your pussy lips. I find your pussy with my mouth and slip my tongue into it. I take your labia between my lips and run my tongue along it, and then I start to lap your clit, just how you like me to. I start off slow, soft, wet. The sensation starts to resonate deeper in your gut. More and more of your thoughts blank out as all you can focus on is the pleasure. How does my tongue know exactly what to do? How is it making you feel a way you've never felt before? I speed up gradually, savoring your taste for ten minutes at least, or it could have been thirty, you don't know.

You moan and I feel it starting to drip down my chin and neck. Your hips are moving, your body is shaking, you're squeezing your tits so hard it looks like it hurts, and your face is in that beautiful expression of ecstasy. I love making you come. I keep kissing your pussy as you come down.

I come up to kiss your mouth even though I know your pussy wants more. I have other plans for it. My cock is as hard as it's ever been from eating you out. I undo my button and it practically springs out against your stomach. You can feel it pressing all the way up your abs, almost to your tits. It feels hot.

You're wondering if this might be the time we go for it, and that little glance you give me tells me it feels right. I press you up against the tree and lift your skirt up above your waist. I bend my legs and position my cock right against your warm pussy, sliding it against your lips until it gets all slippery and wet.

I can't get much of my cock in your pussy from this position, and you're actually a little relieved, because with a cock like mine, you want to start off slow. You've been wondering how it would feel to have something so big inside you. You grab it with both hands, and guide yourself onto the tip.

You gasp as it enters you. You already feel stretched, but your pussy is sopping wet, and you're horny as hell, and it starts to feel amazing in like fifteen seconds. Your eyes roll back and you just gyrate your hips on it, feeling the thick head of my cock slide around between your pussy muscles. You're squeezing my cock so tight, it's amazing. I keep kissing you and letting you find your rhythm on my cock. Your first time with a big one, I want you to get the hang of it before I really fuck you with it.

Just as I have the thought you're the one who starts fucking me. You seem to have found your sweet spot and went from ten to sixty in about a second. You start to scream and lower yourself harder and harder on my cock. I speed up to match you, like a good dance partner should, and start to moan from the feeling of your tight slippery pussy sliding up and down my dick, from seeing your tight beautiful body thrust with such energy, from the intoxicating expression on your face.

You can't believe it but you start to feel it, that feeling you weren't sure you were ever going to feel. You're about to orgasm from having a cock inside you for the first time in your life. You look me in the eyes and you know I'm about to come too, it makes you feel like a woman. You've made me into a man.

We share that little moment together and it seems like time stops. Then we both scream into each other's mouths because we finally burst. You jump up and wrap your legs around me and just hug me while the orgasm courses through you. Your squirt is pouring out of you while my come is pouring into you. You're squeezing up against me so tight, you're coming so hard. And I am too. You hang on me like that for a few minutes, just coming down, feeling the breeze. Slowly you let yourself down, and get the hang of standing on your own feet for a second. Your body feels different than it did a few hours ago. It feels light, refreshed, radiant. We look at each other and say nothing. Everything has already been said.

All that's left to do is… well… You get a devious look in your eyes and run off. I come chasing after you. The lake is just around the corner and over the hill, from what you remember. We're going skinny dipping, and you won't take no for an answer.
