A recent online dating Experience [M][F] first ever story, reposting because I forgot gender tags… These take a while to write, who knew?!

I commented in a thread about sexual achievements and thought this sub might like my story:

So recently I started using online dating…

Me: 6-2, 215 pounds, very fit, big arms, big chest, good abs. Think a slightly fluffy steve reeves but without the large thighs…

I started seeing this one girl, cute, smart but not terribly experienced though very willing to try new things. Our ages are both between 25-35, she is about 5-8, slight runner build, asian with a small pert chest. Our first night together we had anal sex for her first time, went very well too. This isn't about the first time…

About a week after we had started having sex I started asking her to send me nudes. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing like a nice booty shot. She sent me a few the day before so when she was due to come over, I was ready for action. I knew what I wanted to do.

She came over later than I had hoped, around 9:30. I has purchased some whipped cream vodka and gingerale for awesome cocktails for when she arrived. We had a few cocktails and were feeling loose. Since she had just gotten off of work I suggested we both take a shower to clean off (I like to be clean). In the shower we kissed, I took command of the soap and washed her whole thin body. I spend extra time on her pert A cup breasts, washed down her stomach pausing just above her mound. I re-soaped my hands and washed down the front of her legs, then back up the back of her legs. Re-soaping my large hands I soaped between her legs above the knee, working my way up to her waiting pussy. I kissed her lips as my soapy right hand worked its way between her folds, my left traipsing back between her cheeks. I washed down her crack paying extra attention to her most private of places while my right hand thoroughly rubbed her folds and button.

Breaking the kiss we rinsed off, my mouth dabbling down her chest as she arched her back to rinse her hair, jutting her eager nipples forward. I took first her right one into my mouth followed by the left, sucking them until they were quite hard. When she finished rinsing her hair she had an eager look in her eye.

Stepping out of the shower into the cold bathroom we dried off as fast as we could. She was cold so I held her briefly in my muscular arms, (too large to fit two hands around) squeezing her into my chest. Looking down I couldn't help but give her another deep passionate kiss, she looked so amazing with her wet hair nestled up into me.

skip to here

Once dry and warm we exited the bathroom. She began walking to the bedroom but I had other plans. Kissing her, feeling her rub against my body had me hard as a rock, I was not about to wait to get to the bed. I grabbed her wrist and tugged her back into me, pushing her back into the wall next to me. Shocked she looked at me right as I grabbed her chin kissing her aggressively with my right hand, my left holding her wrist above her head. I grabbed her other wrist and placed it above her head so I could hold both of her hands above her head against the wall. She lightly struggled to bring them down but my grip was firm and much to strong for her. I broke our deep kiss slowly, her tongue sliding out of my mouth with her teeth closing down on my bottom lip pulling at the tender skin, drawing a small amount of blood. The pain encouraged me.

Still holding her hands above her head, both nude in the hallway, I kissed down her chin, along her jaw to her ear. I gently nibbled at her earlobe to then continue kissing down the side of her neck, across her throat and back up the right side of her neck, finding my way to her lips once again. I paused, looking into her eyes, slight wonder in her eyes met with bold passion in mine.

My right hand dropped from her neck, my finger rubbing her skin as my hand made its way down to her waiting nipples. I rubbed across her left breast then to her right, pinching her nipple just enough to give her a little shock. She squeaked when I pinched her, trepidation in her eyes as my hand made its way slowly down her stomach.

She pressed her hips forward as my hand slid over her mound, my fingers sliding through the folds of her pussy, her wetness coating my finger. Kissing her lips again my fingers rubbed the length of lips, using her wetness to rub her button at the top. She groaned as I squeezed her clit between the tips of my index and middle finger, my fingers pressing up as I drew them forward, then again as I pushed my fingers back, curling them up as they entered her.

Her warm pussy felt so tight around my fingers, the more she gets turned on the tighter she becomes. She was getting so wet my whole hand became slick with her juices. I wanted to taste her.

I dropped her wrists, breaking our kiss and stepped back, I knew what I wanted to do. I told her I wanted her to do a hand stand. At this request she looked at me quizzically, I repeated myself, "do a handstand, here against the wall, I will help you." She placed her hands on the ground with her chest facing away from the wall, I grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs up until she was in a handstand. With her heels on the wall I told her to wrap her legs around my neck. As I said this I grabbed her waist and lifted her 120 pound frame effortlessly off the ground. She caught on and wrapped her legs around my head, placing her hands on my hips. As she did this her lips wrapped around my cock, she sucked in as she moved her mouth down my cock.

I repositioned my hands so that I was holding her up by her shoulders, her legs wrapped around by head, her arms around my waist. Having a beautiful wet pussy now exposed to me, I eagerly ran my tongue along its length, savoring her wetness. I felt the shock go through her body as my tongue flicked across her clit, then pressing between her folds and circling around. I felt her saliva dripping down my cock as she sucked my in, using her mouth and tongue across the shaft and head. She groaned as my tongue circled her clit, appreciatively she tried taking more of my cock into her mouth. If felt the back of her throat as she tried to take all of me in, she gagged slightly before I felt the head of my cock enter her throat.

The feeling was amazing. Her lips made their way around the base of my cock, her tongue giving me firm pressure along my shaft, her throat closing around the last inch or two, squeezing the head of my cock in its confines. She bobbed her head back and forth bringing the head of my cock into her throat and back out. She withdrew my cock from her mouth to breath, coughing slightly, kissing the sides of my shaft only to work my cock back into her mouth.

The feeling was amazing as my tongue worked its way around her pussy. I would circle her clit, occasionally sucking it in between my lips then run my tongue around her lips. Becoming more eager I dipped my tongue into her tight pussy, then back out along the length. Adjusting my grip I angled her pussy for better access. I started licking her with more intensity, the feeling caused her to stop suking me and moan. Emboldened I licked from her clit, up her lips, dipping into her pussy farther back until the tip of my tongue ran across her tight rosebud. I circled her ass with my tongue, running it around the outside then across the middle, thrusting forward. The new sensation was shocking to her, her whole body tensed for a moment then relaxed as she squirmed in my arms.

I ran my tongue back to her waiting pussy, as I did she eagerly brought my cock into her mouth, sucking my in with a new foracity. She started getting close to coming and began to loosen her grip of my head with her legs. I let her down slowly onto the ground.

She got up off the ground just before I grabbed her once again, lifting her onto my shoulder like a rag doll, taking her into the bedroom and throwing her onto the king sized bed. The sudden impact shocked her, forcing her to sharply draw her breath in as she lay on her back. I pounced on her grabbing both wrists and bringing them above her head as I kissed her. I positioned her wrists so I could hold them both with my right hand above her head, my left had pressing down on her hip. I kissed her roughly again, running my hand down her thigh to the back of her knee.

I spread her knee with my left hand, my right knee pushing her other leg apart. I pulled her right leg around my waist as I positioned myself at her tight entrance. I looked into her eyes as I tried to thrust into her, she was so tight that It took a few tries to get the head of my cock to go in. I used my hand to hold myself against her opening and pushed forward. her breath drew in sharply from the initial pain of being stretched. Her pussy was so tight and wet waiting for me. I withdrew slightly then thrust into her, trying to get my full length into her. I felt her cervix at the tip of my cock as I ran into the top of her vagina, with still another inch of my cock wanting to be inside of her. She moaned as our hips began working in unison, I would withdraw most of my length then thrust forward until I no longer could, she would moan as my cock stretched her deep.

As I thrust into her she struggled to bring her arms down but I held firm. Breaking the kiss I wanted to suck her nipples, being forced to let go of her wrists as I did. My tongue swirled around her nipples as she grabbed the back of my head, pulling my hair and pushing my face into her chest.

I repositioned myself to better see her, moving her ankles above my shoulders as I continued to thrust into her. Thrusting hard and deep she panted for me to go faster. Abs burning I began to pound into her. I dropped her ankles and grabbed her hips thrusting hard, as hard as I could. She screamed "YES" then gasped for air as she came. I thrust a few more times before it was too much for her.

She then said "(bigsexyman) I want to be able to feel all of you inside me. I want to take you deeper." I slipped out and she rolled herself over onto her stomach. She brought her knees slightly in to press her cute runner's bottom toward me. The view was extraordinary. Her tight round ass waiting for me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/336ujc/a_recent_online_dating_experience_mf_first_ever