In Over My Head, Part 2: Dad’s New Girlfriend [mF][tease][voy][mast]

This is a work of fiction.

I'm writing this down because I don't know what else to do. My grades have gone down the tubes, my college plans are looking iffy, and I've started cutting myself. I want to tell someone but I'm too scared – it could destroy my family and leave us in a national media circus. I'm hoping that writing this down will help; I'll probably just burn it but at least I'll kinda get it out.

Part 2

I remember when I first realized what was happening. Things had been a bit weird with Dad for a few weeks – he was on call and working late a lot more than normal, and was in much better spirits than I'd seen him in for years. At the time, I'd taken this in and accepted it with the self-centeredness of youth, never wondering about the cause.

Then one day he came home early, while I was still eating dinner, and sat down across from me with a half-smile on his face. Dad was a former Army doctor who now worked in the University hospital downtown. He was 6'3" and a steady 220 pounds for years, though every year the muscle-to-fat ratio dropped a bit, with lighter brown hair than mine and grey eyes to my green.

"David," he said, "I need to talk to you."

As is true for all kids, those words immediately put me on edge – nothing good ever came from an I need to talk to you conversation. "OK, Dad, what's up?" I said as lightly as I could.

"Son, I…I want you to know I've met someone. I'm…dating someone."

Oh, fuck, is that all? "Dad, that's great! I'm really glad – Mom would want you to do this…it's been long enough, Dad." I deflated in relief – Dad hadn't dated since Mom passed, but it had been years since I'd feared the prospect. Ten years was surely long enough for a man to grieve.

Dad smiled and beamed in relief. He leaned over and gave me a hug. "Thanks, son…listen, I'm going to have her over for dinner Friday night. You've probably seen her before, but I'd like you to properly meet. She's one of our new neighbors' grown-up daughters, Caroline."

I froze. Caroline? How did they?… A picture of her naked, on her back, with my dad standing over her jumped into my mind unbidden.

Dad saw the look on my face and said, "Look, son, she is a good bit younger than me, but sometimes these things happen. She's an adult, and quite level-headed and mature for her age. I think you'll like her."

"OK, cool, Dad." You have no Idea…

Dinner Friday went fairly well, at least at first. Caroline turned out to have a lovely soprano voice. and she was outgoing and charming. For the occasion she wore black pants with flat shoes, and a peasant blouse – this was modest with a fairly high neckline, but did have a bit if elastic under the bust to outline her stunning rack.

Dad and Caroline sat at one side of our narrow dining room table, while I sat on the other side. They talked about meeting at the hospital when Caroline had a slightly pulled hamstring, about discovering a shared interest in gardening, and about going on walks around campus at night when they both couldn't sleep – this explained my dad's recent late nights.

As dinner went on, I relaxed. They were a cute couple, despite the age difference – finishing each other's sentences, feeding each other morsels from their own plate, and generally looking very happy together. Sure it was a little weird that she was our neighbor and I'd seen her naked, but –

That's when I first felt it. A gentle touch on my jeans leg, almost imperceptible at first, then slowly growing stronger and more insistent. My eyes grew wide as I realized what was going on – Caroline was stroking my leg with her foot and toes, all the while still chatting happily with my Dad as though nothing was going on.

I froze. I was a lanky 15-year old, a few inches taller than Caroline but not by much, and I'd never had a girl touch me in this sort of a sensual way. I loved it, but I couldn't believe it was really happening. I just sat there, quietly, drinking in the sensations.

When dinner was finished I cleared the dishes – reluctantly tearing myself away from Caroline's caressing foot, then sat back down while Dad got up to go get the Tiramisu he'd made for dessert out of the fridge. I patted my lips nervously, afraid to even look at Caroline while we were at the table alone. Across from me, she leaned back in her chair, patted her tummy and called out to my Dad, "Michael, that was absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to taste dessert although I don't think I can eat much."

And as she did that, she slid her foot along my inner thighs and gently rubbed the crotch of my jeans.

My eyes widened in surprise – I'd begun to think the previous touches had been an accident – she was just stretching her legs and happened to bump into mine, but this…was different. My cock began to swell to her touch, and was soon straining against my jeans. I leaned back a bit myself to open my legs and relieve the pressure, and she used the room to expand her caresses, stroking my upper thighs and all around my penis before returning to run her toes along my bulge.

Dad returned with the dish and began to scoop out portions. "How much do you want, kiddo?"

"Um…" my voice broke with the tension, "Just a bit, Dad."

He looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Are feeling ok, kid?"

"Just…um, didn't leave much room, that's all."

Meanwhile under the table Caroline continued to stroke my bulge with her toes. When Dad finished serving, she finally broke off and sat up, taking a bit of her dessert and purring with delight at Dad.

The spell broken, I ate my dessert without tasting it, blood still rushing through my ears. As Caroline finished her small portion, she leaned over and took my hand.

"I want to thank you for being so understanding about me and your dad, David," she said as I froze in terror of what she might say. "You've been a sweetheart."

She giggled and looked over at Dad, then turned back to me, looked me dead in the the eye, and added,

"I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot of each other."

A couple of hours later I lay in bed shaking. Dad had gone back to the hospital, covering for a friend who was on call in exchange for having gotten the afternoon off to make dinner. What was happening? What did this mean? She was dating my dad, for fuck's sake, so what was she doing with me?

I saw the light come on in Caroline's room, and silently took off my briefs and went to the window for my nightly show. Once again I stroked myself while she played with her gorged breasts and pussy, shooting my load while imagining it was my cock and not her toy rammed deep into her shaved cunt.

I came, with feelings of guilt and revulsion washing over me for jerking off to my dad's girlfriend. His first chance at happiness in years, and I'm watching her…

In her room, Caroline finished and stood up to turn off the light as she always did; only this time, she came around the bed to face out the window. Looking right at our house, she kissed her hand and blew a kiss in my direction.

