At the movies

My first Erotica story. It's based off a fantasy I had with a coworker. Any thoughts or advice I appreciate. Thank you.

I've always had a thing for my coworker, Sarah. Sarah is a 5’4”, blond 26 year old with milky white skin tone. Unfortunately, she's engaged, and I like the guy. So all I can do is fantasize about her. And I did. Many nights, I lay in bed thinking about kissing her, pleasuring her, lifting her up in his arms as I entered her. But I know these were only fantasies.

One night, I get a message over Facebook from Sarah. The message says “Hey James. Going to see a movie, want to come?” I was very shocked. But I told myself it was just a friendly invite, it didn’t mean anything. Plus, it was most likely from her and her fiancé, Kevin. A movie sounded fun though, so I accepted.

When I walk into the theater and I spot Sarah sitting in the back row. She is wearing a green long sleeve shirt with a black vest and a skirt and she is alone. I sit down next to her and ask “Where’s Kevin?”

“He’s hanging out with some friends. I just needed to get out.” Sarah replies.

“Ah, I see. Well thanks for the invite.”

The lights go dim and the movie starts. The film isn’t that good and I’m starting to get bored after 20mins. I look over to see Sarah is bored as well. Sarah notices my glance. She smiles.

“This movie sucks, doesn’t it?” She whispers.

“Very.” I whisper back.

I think about suggesting we leave. Before I can, Sarah lifts the arm rest that is between us. She moves closer to me and whispers in my ear “Let’s have some fun then.” She grabs my hand and guides it to her thigh. When she starts to spared her legs, I start to understand.

I slid my hand up her thigh and felt bare skin. She’s not wearing any underwear I think to myself. I could already feel how wet she was. I looked at Sarah with desire in my eyes. She nodded and I started to message her lips with my thumb and forefinger. I rubbed them in between both fingers and gently pulled on them. I could hear Sarah start to breath hard.

I slowly slid my finger to her clit and move it up and down. Gently gliding my finger over and around Sarah’s clit was almost too much for her. She let out a small gasp. We pause to check the theater. Nobody seemed to notice. We both smile at each other and I continue. I slide two fingers inside her. This gets me harder than ever.

I could feel Sarah getting close to orgasm. I move my finger back to her clit, rubbing it a little harder. Sarah’s hands moved from her breast to my hand. Feeling her about to come, I slid my fingers back inside her. As soon as I do, Sarah grabs my dick and held it was she came. I never knew a woman could come so hard without making any noise.

Not able to wait anymore, I pull my fingers out and move them to my mouth. Before I can lick them, Sarah grabs my hand. She sucks on them, cleaning them of her juices. Sarah leans over to my ear and whispers “You don’t get to taste yet.” She says she needs to clean up. As she stands, she kisses my lips, winks and leaves.

I can almost taste her on her lips. I sit there, watching the rest of the movie. I can’t pay attention, I keep thinking about what just happened and wanting to take care of his hard on. I realizes Sarah isn’t coming back, so I get up and leave. As soon as I get home, I grab a wash cloth and sit down at the computer. I’m just about to pull my pants down when I hear a knock at door. I open the door and can’t believe who I see…


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