played! [mff] [fixed title]

This story has its genesis in real life events and real people. I've just imagined it going a bit further than it actually did. Enjoy!

I was in my mid-20's, in supreme physical condition, and in a relationship with Cass. Cass was a year younger than me, average height, brown hair, pretty face with an athletic build herself and an absolutely magnificent pair of DD tits that, at her age then, just sat there. She tended to dress plainly and conservatively but what was hidden beneath her clothes was simply incredible!

At this stage of our relationship Cass was, it must be said, sexually unadventurous. After we had gotten to know one another I had revealed some of my escapades in the past – which shocked her somewhat – and I think it wasn't until she really got to know a few new girl friends in our social circle that her mind was slowly opened to new and exciting possibilities. Hearing her friends talk of bisexual experimentation and threesomes she was becoming less shocked and more curious, to the point where she eventually started to bring these things up in our conversations as well. One night Cass had mentioned that she'd be open to the idea of, as she put it, being in the bed whilst I had sex with another woman.

At the time Cass's best friend was a girl named Stacey. Stacey was perhaps a year or two older than us, again average height and build, with dyed blonde hair and nice C-cup breasts that she managed to show off to mouth-watering perfection with the right bra and V-neck top. She was also divorced with two young kids – a textbook MILF. We saw a decent amount of Stacey, who would sometimes tag along with us on the rare occasion that her ex had the kids and she wasn't dating, but mostly we'd spend the evening at her place and just drink and chill once the kids had gone to bed.

It must be said that I found Stacey to be a bit of a tease. It was all talk, and always in the open with Cass there to hear it. It was never anything that she couldn't laugh off as a joke at the time, and as such I didn't take a lot of notice to be honest. It all came to a head, however, when Cass was on the phone to Stacey telling her about her first experience sunbathing topless – at my request – at a public beach that day. Stacey asked Cass if I would mind if she joined us next time, as she had always wanted to go topless at the beach, but was too chicken to do it alone. I couldn't believe my ears! Stacey was clearly teasing me, and I played it up completely. After that, I felt I had license to suggest to Cass that perhaps Stacey would be suitable to help us realise some of our fantasies. She was non-committal but didn't veto the idea.

Not long after that, Stacey's flirtations seemed to get a little more covert and, after a while, even a little more physical. She still made the odd joke with Cass present, but now she'd sometimes follow that up when Cass wasn't in ear shot or had left the room. And then the little touches started; initially quite innocent but then progressively more inappropriate, until one day at her place she patted me on the ass whilst telling me that she loved the fact that I always wore shorts. I had always been careful to respond in good humour but not actively encourage the behaviour. Secretly I was absolutely loving it of course, but by this stage I felt I had no choice but to tell Cass before it went too far. If I'm being honest, it was a pretty big stroke to the ego; I just hoped she didn't end the friendship over it.

So tell her I did, trying to play it down as much as possible. Cass clearly wasn't pleased, but instead of confronting Stacey about it she wanted to see how far Stacey would take things if I reciprocated. So I was instructed to play along, but not actively encourage her or up the ante in any way, and to report anything and everything as soon as possible. I suggested that the whole 'forbidden fruit' aspect that got Stacey excited in the first place might kill it all if I was suddenly keen. In my gut however I suspected that going down this path things wouldn't end well, but at least it was going to be a little fun whilst things lasted. My challenge was to draw this out and enjoy it as long as possible!

Cass seemed eager to spend as much time as possible in the ensuing weeks hanging out at Stacey's, no doubt wanting to test her intentions. I started out by responding suggestively to Stacey's little jokes when we were all together, giving her a little smile when she thought Cass wasn't watching. Cass pretended to either not hear the banter, or simply to ignore it. Cass also started to make herself scarce a little more often, and for a little longer. Stacey's behaviour hadn't really escalated for a few weeks now – still the odd touch here and there but nothing more – and I thought that was the end of it, until one Sunday afternoon.

We arrived at Stacey's early while she was still putting the kids to bed. Stacey wore a stretchy green and white striped singlet top and a pair of white shorts. It wasn't long before I realised that she wasn't wearing a bra, and although the top was likely designed to be worn that way, I had never seen her wear anything that hugged her body like that. I was mesmerized by her bra-less tits, the outline of her nipples clearly visible, and had a hard time not staring at them. And so it was that a few hours later that I found myself doing exactly that, with Stacey bending over in front of me clearing pizza boxes from the coffee table, straight down her top at her glorious cleavage. She suddenly looked up, straight at me, gave a quick gasp, stood up, turned towards the kitchen door and and walked away. I knew I was busted, but also had the feeling that there weren't going to be any adverse consequences.

Stacey emerged from the kitchen only a few moments later, cloth in hand, and walked straight back to the coffee table. She made a show of bending over again, wiping the table and generally fussing over nothing. Cass was conspicuously absent still. "Are you looking down my top again?" she asked quietly without looking up. "Yes" I replied matter-of-factly, knowing now that that was exactly what she wanted to hear. She continued to wipe for a few more seconds, her boobs jiggling side-to-side with each motion. She stopped, looked up at me again, and smiled. Then she shot a quick glance at the kitchen door, turned back to me, and reached over and cupped my semi-hard cock in her hand for no more than a second. Then she stood, checked the door once more, and whispered, "So you like what you see!" and marched off again triumphantly. I sat there, heart racing, my cock only getting harder.

I realised that this was probably the game-changer. Cass wouldn't have an issue with me salivating over Stacey's breasts or even unashamedly looking down her top, but I couldn't imagine her forgiving Stacey for what she just did. I also realised that this was likely the last chance I'd get to reciprocate, and I was going to make sure that I copped a good feel, especially since it would be sanctioned by Cass in the name of catching out Stacey. And so about half an hour later, heart pounding and blood flowing to my cock, I followed Stacey into the kitchen to grab another drink from the fridge. As she opened the fridge door I came up behind her, and pressed my semi-hard erection into her white shorts. Wanting to make the most of the opportunity, I reached around and caressed her breast through her top for a few moments, whispering, "Yes, I like what I see very much!" into her ear. I then stepped back and edged over to the sink, ready for her reaction. She closed the fridge door and, bottle in hand, turned towards me. She held my gaze for a moment before glancing down at the bulge in my pants, then over to the door. "You can't let her see that now!" she exclaimed with a wicked grin, and then walked out to Cass in the lounge room. It was a few minutes before I could leave the kitchen.

I was delirious. Here I was feeling up my GF's best friend, behind her back albeit with her approval, and it was exhilarating! I knew I was getting caught up in the moment, just like Stacey no doubt, and I briefly entertained the idea of not telling Cass about tonight. Maybe I could get a bit further with Stacey before spilling the beans? My mind raced, trying to come up with a way for this not to end, but I knew it was futile. The frustrating thing was that if it wasn't happening behind her back, there's a chance Cass would be into it. What if I could convince Stacey herself to come clean – would it turn out differently? What to do? It was getting late…

On the drive home Cass asked me what happened. She probed for details and I left nothing out. Cass couldn't see but telling her about it had me hard again. Cass didn't say much, she seemed deep in thought, likely plotting some sort of revenge, or at the very least how to confront her over her actions and possibly even end the friendship. It was hard to gauge her mood as we readied for bed. In bed, lights out, I suddenly felt Cass's hand on my cock. "What do her tits feel like?" she eventually asked quietly, rubbing my erection. I tried not to answer too enthusiastically, but it wasn't long before Cass had mounted me and was sliding up and down on my rock hard cock, bringing herself to orgasm. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't imagining that it was Stacey grinding on top of me that night!

As we lay chatting, coming down from the sex, Cass said to me, "One final test!" I was surprised, and to say excited would be an understatement. Cass explained that she wanted me to kiss Stacey, to see what she'd do! She wanted to know if this was Stacey just getting off on a little forbidden groping, or whether she was willing to go the distance and have an affair! At this point I didn't see that it mattered much, but guessed that Cass had already plotted her revenge; whatever went down she wanted to catch Stacey in the act this time! We started to discuss how that would happen but we drifted off to sleep.

A few days later Cass exclaimed, out of the blue, "I've got a better idea!" She went on to explain that she thought a kiss was too easy for Stacey to explain her way out of, she could claim that I kissed her and that she was caught by surprise. She wanted to catch her doing something that she couldn't worm out of, something that was clearly purposeful, something perhaps even a little humiliating to be caught doing. She still wanted me to kiss her, and report back, but ultimately she wanted to catch her – sucking my cock! I was taken aback but my heart started racing. The very thought of that sent my head into a spin. I had no idea how I'd set that up, and said as much. In the ensuing days we tossed around some bad ideas until a few days later, Cass announced with authority that she had a plan. And it was a good one.

Normally we'd see Stacey at least twice a week, sometimes more, but it was fast approaching 2 weeks since we saw her last. I figured that Cass was pissed and although she was plotting revenge, still couldn't face pretending that nothing was wrong. I was beginning to wonder if we'd even see Stacey again, but then Cass rang to tell me that we'd be hanging with her this Friday night, at her place, no kids. It was on.

— Continued in comments —



  1. — part 2 of 3 — On the drive over we went through the plan again, which was pretty straightforward. I was starting to feel, however, that this was edging more towards entrapment, and that Stacey was no longer the initiator – almost like she was being played. Regardless I’d been hard for a week since Cass changed the plan and hadn’t got any relief from Cass either. And with little prospect of getting off tonight, the agony was ecstasy, but I planned to get what I could out of the the night, even if I felt a little guilty that it was at Stacey’s expense. I thought Cass handled the evening particularly well. She was perhaps a little cold initially but Stacey seemed oblivious. As planned though, we got stuck into the drinks and Cass announced, more than asked, that we’d be crashing on the lounge room floor as I obviously couldn’t drive. Stacey had no issue with that. As Stacey cleared away after dinner I saw my chance and followed her into the kitchen. I stood behind her as she rinsed the plates in the sink and as she turned I grabbed her gently, pulled her towards me, and gave her a gentle but passionate kiss. At first she didn’t reciprocate but then I heard a soft moan and she relented, pulling me closer still, her arms wrapping around my back up to my shoulders as she explored my mouth with her tongue. After a few moments I pulled away, then leaned in and whispered in her ear "I want you. Tonight." With that I stepped back, smiled, and walked back out to the lounge room as I felt the blood rush to my rapidly engorging cock. It was too risky to explain what had transpired just then, so I gave Cass a quick nod. The three of us chatted for another hour or so. I was busting to get another few seconds alone with Stacey but it was not to be. I tried to read Stacey all throughout that hour but she gave nothing away. All I could guess is that from her reaction to my kiss, I wasn’t too far out of line. Cass started to make noises about being tired and going to bed, so after another 15 minutes or so we eventually made moves as Stacey went to fetch some pillows and blankets. Although it seemed like hours, only a few minutes later Cass & I were whispering to each other under the blankets in a dark lounge room. I described what happened in the kitchen, and she seemed pleased that her plan was succeeding. It was a matter now of waiting until Stacey was in bed, indicated by the last of the lights being turned off. By the time that happened, another 15 minutes had passed, and we decided that I didn’t have to wait too much longer for it to be plausible that Cass was asleep. I was to go into Stacey’s room, leaving the door ajar and, in polite terms, seduce her. The aim was to start things off by trying to get her to suck my cock, and Cass would be waiting outside the door for a verbal cue from me. Time to go! With a pounding heart and a rock hard cock, I quietly pushed open Stacey’s door and whispered her name. The room was lit with the streetlights outside, blocked only by sheer curtains to let in the light summer breeze, so when Stacey sat up in bed and looked at me, I could see her features clearly. I indicated that Cass was out like a light, and then while pondering my next move, Stacey merely threw back the sheet and shifted to one side of the bed. As I crawled over I noticed she was wearing an over-sized T-shirt; anything else I had no idea. I was wearing only boxers, and when I sat down next to her my raging hard on was embarrassingly obvious. She smiled, grabbed it in one hand, and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes until I finally slid my hand up her body to cup her breast, caressing it through her shirt and confirming that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Not long after I felt Stacey slipping her hand under my waistband and gripping my bare cock. At this moment it hit me that this wasn’t going to last much longer – possibly only a few minutes – and resolved to drag it out as long as possible. I took my free hand from her breast and placed it on her thigh, then ran it up this time under her shirt and up her torso. I noted that she wore panties, and then continued up until a could feel the underside of her ample breast, and then her hard nipple in my fingers. The mutual groping continued when she started to pull at my boxers to take them off. I lifted myself off the bed to comply, but before she could return to my cock I turned to her and started to lift her shirt over her head. Likewise she sat forward from the pillow to comply, and seconds later I basked in the glorious sight of Stacey, wearing nothing but panties, sitting on a bed next to me, her gorgeous tits even better than I had dared imagine. I stopped to compliment her, which earned a smile, and then leaned over to kiss her again. This time I continued kissing down her neck and didn’t stop until I reached her hard nipple, licking and sucking and caressing with gusto as she reached around me to find my cock again. After a few minutes Stacey all but pushed me off her and with a smile, laid her breasts on my thigh and brought her mouth down over my cock. This was it. As I ran my fingers though her hair, I whispered loudly, "Oh that’s it Stacey, suck my cock!" loud enough for Cass to hear. Stacey responded as she took my whole length, and then slowly ran her lips from the base to the head. As she sucked me I reached behind her to rub her pussy through what I then discovered to be soaking wet panties. She worked it for a few more minutes as I kept half an eye on the door. Clearly Cass hadn’t heard me, so I whispered out loud again, "You’re so good at sucking cock Stacey!" – it was such a turn-on to say her name on that context! This only spurred Stacey on, and it was starting to feel… too good! This would have been the perfect moment for Cass to burst in – what was she waiting for? I was beginning to care less and less about Cass’s plan, and if she waited too much longer, it was going to be all over! I made a few more feeble attempts to warn Cass, but I was now almost to the point of no return. I warned Stacey that I was getting close, and that she should stop if she didn’t want me cumming. She stopped only long enough to blurt out "Just cum baby!" and at that point I gave in completely to her. And that is when Cass burst in! "Oh not now!" I groaned out before I could stop myself. "I knew it!" she snarled from the end of the bed. I looked at Stacey, who still had one hand wrapped around my cock and a look of what I can only describe as apprehension on her face. My appreciation of the gravity of the situation was completely overshadowed by the fact that I had been so close to cumming! "You fucking slut!" Cass continued, "My supposed best friend is fucking my boyfriend – behind my back! My best friend!?!" Cass stood there, hands on hips, daring Stacey to respond. "It’s not what it looks like…" Stacey started to say somewhat meekly. Even I thought that was a pathetic response. "Oh yeah? Well it looks like you had my boyfriends cock in your mouth!" snarled Cass again. Stacey said nothing. Cass stood there fuming for a few moments more. "OK. You wanna be a slut, then finish him!" she commanded. — continued —

  2. — part 3 of 3 — "Wh..what?" asked Stacey, absolutely shell-shocked. "Finish him you fucking two-time little slut. Look at him", motioning to me somewhat pityingly, "at least fucking finish what you started! And since you are such a slut, you can suck his cock dry and swallow every last drop of cum, every drop!" We just stared in disbelief. "Don’t just sit there, suck his fucking cock like your life depends on it. Slut!" And with that last command she moved a step closer, threateningly. My jaw was still resting on the floor when Stacey resumed pumping my cock, and then bent over again to take me in her mouth. I looked at Cass standing at the end of the bed, hands on hips, and thought I saw her snarl break, just for a moment, into a grin. I realised then that she wanted Stacey to feel humiliated, used, purely for my pleasure! I soon felt that familiar wave rush over me again and I completely surrendered to the orgasm that Stacey had given me, releasing gush after gush of hot cum into her greedy little mouth. Obeying Cass’s orders, she sucked and sucked until the last of my spasms had subsided. I was completely spent. "Open your mouth!" Cass ordered, and Stacey opened wide and thrust out her tongue to show it was empty. She had swallowed it all. Holy fuck! "I’ll finish dealing with you in a minute…" she directed sharply at Stacey. "Now you!" She stared at me with a rather unimpressed look on her face. What had I done wrong? "I hope it was worth it?" she said, hands still on her hips. Confused, all I could muster was "What?" "I hope this was all worth it for you?" she asked again. Still none-the-wiser, I struggled for an answer. How could she hold me accountable for any of this? Sure, I’d enjoyed it, but I was human, and she had pushed for it. This was not fair! I started to stammer my objections but she spoke over me. "I sincerely hope this was all worth it…" she continued before pausing. And now her scowl visibly gave way to a grin, "…because Stacey and I spent months planning this out!" And with that, they both erupted in laughter. It took a moment to sink in, but when it did, the feeling was indescribable. I was hit with a mixture of relief, incredulity and renewed horniness. We all laughed together and when we finally regained control of ourselves recapped certain moments over the last few weeks. Every single part of it was scripted by the two girls. I expressed my concern that Cass had taken so long to bust us, but of course that was all part of the plan, to bring me so close. Besides, she was getting off as she saw the whole thing anyway! "Oh by the way you’re very lucky, Stacey doesn’t normally swallow you know!" revealed Cass. Stacey confirmed, but said she didn’t mind for such an epic sting – in fact, she actually didn’t mind my cum at all! I pointed out that Stacey hadn’t gotten off, even offering to go down on her if she liked that sort of thing, but she said that "the moment had passed" and that she was sure there’d be other opportunities. I thought for a while we’d probably all pass out on Stacey’s bed, and I dreamt of waking up to a early morning threesome, but she kicked us out and we returned to the lounge room. This time Cass was genuinely tired and we fell asleep soon after. Of course I grilled Cass about the whole thing the next day. It all started with that call to Stacey about topless sunbathing. Cass later told Stacey that I was regularly jacking off in front of her talking about it, begging her to arrange it. Which was true. She then asked Stacey if she would actually consider coming to the beach with us and going topless herself, under the pretense that she just wanted the begging to end. Stacey reiterated that she was serious when she offered on the phone that day! And then she added that perhaps I should be made to jack off in front of both of them if she were to agree to it! That started a whole new conversation in which Stacey had admitted that she would be very interested in a threesome. However the two of them got even more devious and hatched this plan. Needless to say I did get the opportunity to return the favour to Stacey. Several times. As far as threesomes go, the girls weren’t particularly into each other, rather they seemed to get off on watching each other with me. Cass even allowed me to fuck Stacey without her, as long as I told her about it. The last time I was with Stacey was a few weeks after she had started a new relationship. I answered the door, and Stacey pushed her way in and practically raped me, making me promise not to tell Cass and assuring me that it was a last hoorah and that it could never happen again. That was as hot as fuck. I always suspected however that Cass was actually in on it, but I didn’t want to spoil it for myself, so I never asked.

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