Not So Innocent… [M/F]

So, I stumbled across this Sub a month ago just browsing reddit. I liked reading the affair stories because they related to me somehow. So I’ll start this story here.

Her name was Ashley and we’d known each other, since shit, middle school? She was a quiet one, and then broke out of her shell in our senior years of high school. We didn’t talk to each other much, but we never failed to say “Hey” to each other if we did happen to pass by. Anyways, we go off to college, Yadda Yadda. Fast forward to our Senior Year in college and we finally meet up at a bar during thanksgiving break. We shared a couple of drinks and laughs. We leave, I walk her to her car, hug her goodbye, and that was it. It is done after the hug phase because she had a boyfriend. And I respected that. So after that daily texting each other became common until the summer of 2013, when she got engaged. It kind of just suddenly stopped after that. Now entering my 5th Year of College (changed majors too often), it was one October night that for some reason the idea that I should text her popped into my mind. I followed through with it. Man that night was fucked up. So much regret, anxiety, and anticipation. The next morning I wake up to a text saying “Hey what was that text about it.” And that’s where it all begins.

I told her I wanted to reconcile our friendship. So we started from scratch and became friends again. It was around December/Christmas time when we started to become comfortable with one another again. (Sharing our personal ideas, ambitions, secrets, and sometime personal fantasies). Christmas rolls around, and we started HEAVILY texting each other. She told me about her sex life, and I told her about mine as well. I knew her now more than ever now. Christmas eve, I told her I wanted her all to myself for my birthday (which is January). She asked me what I meant, and I told her I wanted her. I wanted to have sex with her. (My brain is wired for different wavelength and my impulses are fucking random). No response for a good 5 minutes until I got a message with “Are you serious”. I responded “Uh yea. The past few nights of us talking about our sex lives, desires, and fantasies just made me want you.” She agreed, but only to that one time for my birthday (or so we thought).

Next day is Christmas, at my mothers. After that, I drove back to my father’s house for Christmas there and to spend most of my Christmas Break there until I went back to college. That night rolls around, and I get a text saying “Hey, I was out and about last night and got you Christmas present.” I quickly texted back “Oh really?”… She replied with “Yea, come over tonight so I can give it to you.” Umm well that was settled. Half of me said she was genuine, the other half of me said “whelp, her hormones are raging”.

I get over there, and without any hesitation, as soon as I saw her, I kissed her. I didn’t give a fuck. Kissing evolved into feeling each other up, to groping, to squeezing her nice round ass, to finally pulling off her shirt and bra to reveal the nicest pair of 34C tits I’ve ever seen. Her pretty, young, and innocent face was just icing on the cake. Before you know it, we're naked on her bed (she didn’t live with her fiancé at the time). Kissing each other led to me exploring her neck with my lips, down her chest, to her tummy, and teasing her throne, to her thighs, back to her nicely shaved pussy. I ate her out for a good 15-20 minutes, because god damn she tasted so good. She O’d 3 times. (I loved it when she would put her hand on top my shaved head, made me hornier). She returned the favor, good BJ skills I’d say. After that I picked her up and laid her on her back, teased her pussy with the tip, and with no remorse entered her. We fucked for a good 2 hours. On the bed, floor, her dresser…and every position imaginable. She loved doggy, and so did I. Her ass was so round and perfect size to grab and slap at the same time. She loved having her ass slapped, hair pulled, and having her face forced down into bed. (It’s always the quiet ones who are the freaks in bed). After I came, we laid there, laughing, talking, and cuddling. We talked for 30 minutes, until we realized we were hungry. So I took her to iHop, hair in a mess, make up half gone, hoodie, and yoga pants. But I didn’t care, she was perfect to me. We ate, shared a few laughs…Haha at one point some drunken dude came up to us and said “You guys are the most perfect looking couple I’ve ever seen.” We laughed. But we weren't a couple, she was just an innocent engaged girl who fucked a guy she never should have, but wanted to and liked it. We got back to her place, as soon as she closed her door; she dropped everything, got on her knees and began sucking me off again. I was shocked. Lol, we took it to her bedroom again, I began to eat her out, and we fucked again. This time, not as long… probably 20 minutes this time. At this point, its 4AM. I know my father my gets up early and he’ll have a shit attack if my SUV is not outside our house at this time. So I get dressed, tell her Good Night/Good Morning, kiss her goodbye, and headed home. The drive home seemed long with my mind racing about her… Anyways, Merry Christmas…

(We had sexual relationship with each other for a good 11 months. Even after her wedding. If you want the whole story from beginning to end, I can do that for you guys. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Trust me; it did not end well for any of us.)



  1. Please keep up with the story. I want to hear about the affair in a new marriage.

  2. I am interested in more as well. Kind of look watching a train wreck, I can’t look away.

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