My [F] Horribly Embarrassing Saturday Night with Friends [GROUP]

I've been wanting to share this story with someone for a while, but its too embarrassing to tell without being anonymous. I'm sure a lot of you guys will find this story hot or sexy, but I still shy away when anyone brings it up.

Background Info:
This happened about 2 years ago. I was a freshman girl in college, and I already met a big group of friends. We all had only known each other a few months, as we were in our second semester. The last Saturday before finals began we decided to rent a cheap cottage on the beach to party.

Story Time:
Everyone arrived late afternoon on Saturday. Including myself there were 8 of us. 6 guys and 2 girls. I didn't like many girls, so I stuck to my group of guy friends, and the only other girl was one of my good friends Rachel. We started drinking as soon as we got there, and by 8 PM we we're pretty drunk. I'm a lightweight, but I drank more that night than any other time in my life. Rachel and I have never hooked up with any of the guys in our group before, and we really never talked about it. My friends nickname for me was Mousey, because I was kinda shy, a little quiet, and I'm extremely petite. Like 4"11 100 lbs petite. Because of this most of the guys in the group flirted with Rachel more. They would occasionally call me cute, adorable, etc. but nothing more than that.

So we drank, talked, and danced a little until it was around 10 PM. I was so drunk I broke out of my shy and quiet shell, and was instead loud and making jokes. None of my friends, except Rachel one time, had seen me like this and they we're all having a blast. Next thing I know my friend Jake suggests we play flip cup. Without thinking I blurted out asking what the losing team had to do. Everyone kinda paused in thought, and than my other friend Mike shouted the losers had to play the next game in their underwear. Even though I was so drunk by now, I hesitated at the thought of being in my underwear around all my guy friends. No one spoke up so it was agreed upon, to my reluctance. There were 3 guys on each team and me and Rachel on opposite teams, so it was now 4 vs 4. It came right down to the last person, but sadly we lost. As soon as the other team finished they started to chant: take it off, take it off! I made a half-joking beg saying something like, pleaseeee do I have to!? And of course all the guys were saying I had to. I took my top off at first, and every guys face went straight to my boobs. They aren't very big at all because I'm so small, but there's at least a little something there. In case anyone is wondering I'm a size 32 B. Than came the pants. Oh the pants.

They were so tight around me, and I was stumbling all over trying to pull them off but they wouldn't budge. One of the guys told me to sit on the couch and they would pull them off for me. Already embarrassed I sit down and there are 3 guys yanking and pulling the legs, while another guy tries pulling my waist part down. After a little bit of a struggle they popped off so fast it was like a rocket. What I didn't know was it caught the top of underwear as well, and as fast as the pants came off so did my undies. Now imagine laying down on a couch with both legs in the air, and being completely bottomless. Well, that was me. I didn't even notice for a few seconds because I was so drunk. One of the guys shouted something like, oh my God she lost her underwear! That's when I noticed and pretty much died inside. As I demanded my underwear back from the guy holding them he told me that was the thickest bush he's ever seen. I'm so hairy down there and I didn't shave for a few weeks. As I put my underwear back on all my guy friends were trying to console me telling me, don't worry it's not that bad we're all friends. Meanwhile my friend Rachel is dying laughing at how funny the situation was.

The night goes on and now that I'm drinking even more I completely forget about what just happened. I start to even laugh about it. I was practically bragging about how lucky they were to see that. At one point I even said I'm not scared to be naked! All the guys immediately went quiet, and one of them said prove it! This is when I realize what I had just said and was trying to back out saying, no not in front of my friends! They of course made chicken noises, and were just egging me on. Rachel even said jokingly, Mousey almost cried when her undies fell off, laughing the entire time she spoke. Everyone was laughing along with her by now. To this day I regretted my next decision so much. I still don't know why I did it. Without thinking I took off everything. As soon as the underwear came off I knew I made a big mistake. I turned so red and wanted to run away, but something wouldn't let me. Every guy at once was commenting on my butt, my boobs, etc. Than I started to call everyone else a chicken. So after a little bit we we're all completely naked and drunk in the cottage. It was the most embarrassing moment for me, but it was also really surreal. We than all ran out of the cottage and onto the beach, skinny dipping in the ocean. Rachel taking pictures and videos the entire time we were out there.

When we returned to the cottage, things got WAY too out of control and went WAY too fast. Everyone stayed naked and we sat around on the floor in a big circle. Everyone was sharing sex stories, and telling really personal details. Rachel and I even measured all their dicks to see who was the biggest. I'm so drunk I felt like I didn't care, but in the back of my mind the whole time I was freaking out in embarrassment. One of the guys shouted out that he was so horny! Kind of in a joking, but half-serious manner. I got really nervous by that point, because I knew something was probably going to happen. Than right after, another one said we should have some fun. Now there were 6 guys and only us 2 girls. Rachel and I looked at each other like, this is so awkward but we could see it in each others eyes we were both really horny as well. A few more words were exchanged and the next thing I know Rachel is jerking off two of our guy friends at once, while a third is starting to finger her. I blurted out, oh my God! Guys this is so weird! It's like a porn video right now! One of the other guys came closer to me and just asked if I was horny. I didn't really respond to him, just kinda nodded a little and whispered that this feels so weird. He started to play with my butt and boobs, and all the other guys were yelling out Oh my God! Mousey!! Just than I turned so red, but being touched also felt so good. Than I felt a finger slip right inside me. I let out an uncontrollable moan, and all the guys stopped and just watched me. Even Rachel stopped. 3 other guys came over, and now I had 4 of my friends squeezing, touching, and fingering me. One of them put me on my stomach and everyone started to grab my butt. Than I was lifted just a little bit, so I was bent over on my knees, legs spread apart. I felt so many fingers inside me from behind I was moaning and panting so much. I heard one of the guys said he could see my tiny asshole, and I went back to panicking. Just hearing that and knowing there all looking at it was so embarrassing. Than before I could reposition myself, one of the guys stuck a finger inside it. I tighten up so much. This continued on for what seemed like hours.

It soon turned into me and Rachel being shared between all of our friends. They kept asking the whole time if we were okay with it, and truthfully we wanted it badly by than! All of our friends got to fuck us both, and they all came on our body. We eventually all fell asleep that night and awoke to everything that had just taken place the night before. I was so embarrassed and shy, but all the guys were assuring us it stayed between our little group. Every time I talk to my friends now I always picture that Saturday night. It went so fast and so crazy most of us still can't believe it happened. If you want to know any more or any details just PM me or comment. Thanks for reading!

Tl;Dr: Went to cottage on beach with friends, got naked and had big orgy, and still embarrassed about it all.



  1. It was a pretty good story except for the fact that you wrote it like a middle schooler having her first sexual experience…

  2. Yeah, I’m sure this happens every weekend – NOT….but then it wouldn’t be special/unique/totally FANTASMIC!!! I think about how this could have gone so many different ways, but turned out…okay. So, bigger question – what happened with you and Rachel? No touchy, tongue thing going on? THAT would have completely blown everyone away! And furthermore, where…..are…..her… 32B’s… suckable.

  3. Its a good story but you have to finish it. You got the build up down but left out all the details in the act. My suggestion is either add a text response about what happened once the orgy actually started or start a new story and tell us there.

  4. Fun story. Was Rachel hairy too? And how about the cock sizes, do you have a range? Any of them uncirc’d?

  5. Great story. No need for details; that was enough for the imagination to get the point. In my youth I was involved in a number of orgies and it was a lot of fun because those involved were all good friends. Thanks!

  6. Nothing to feel embarrassed about at all love. You were all friends and were obviously very close to each other before the sex. The fact that it hasn’t become a habit or ruined relationships attests to the fact that you are all mature caring adults. Very hot story!!

  7. So you’re aware, you posted the same comment like four or five times.

  8. its my shitty internet on my ship. I work on a ship out at sea and the signal goes stupid sometimes. not my fault. sorry everyone.

  9. It’s pretty lame to have that much buildup without actually describing what happened…The sex part needs a lot more details.

  10. > If you want to know any more or any details just PM me or comment. Thanks for reading! Da fuk…just write it in the story

  11. All your mentions of embarrassment.. I couldn’t help but imagine this whole scenario as an anime. All in all, great buildup! I’d love a part 2 that got into the details of the act. There’s just something about reserved girls coming out of their shells that.. ungfh..

  12. You mentioned one guy stuck his finger in your butt. Did they fuck you there as well? Also did you use condoms?

  13. Yeah, not really sure why you regret all this… sounds like you had fun, and got a story to stick with you for the rest of your life. Why would you regret this?

  14. I had a similar experience. I got a call around 11pm from my FWB saying she’s about to go down on her (female) work colleague if I was interested in coming over and watching. I’d met her before at our gym. When I get there they’re both already topless and it’s not long before they get into each other. To cut a long story short, after they’d finished with each other the work colleague is telling me to fuck her. Although I’d *only* been watching I’d gotten naked and been stroking my cock pretty much the whole time. Now this work colleague has a perfect 10 body, and a pretty face. I slide into her and she grabs my cock with her pussy and squeezes – it was like nothing else I’ve ever experienced in my life – and still haven’t since! About 2 minutes later I have to tell her I’m going to blow if I don’t pull out so she stops and I get off her. I was so embarrassed, but considering the call I got, the drive over, and what I was watching I had pretty much been edging for hours – I hadn’t expected to be fucking this smoking hot girl! Although she didn’t get off on me fucking her, my FWB told her that she wanted to watch her blow me and she kindly did. Not surprisingly it didn’t take long, and she was fucking good at it too. We all ended up cuddling under the sheets and they were disappointed that I didn’t stay the night – I’m pretty sure they were banking on another session – but to this day I remember it with a healthy dose of embarrassment!

  15. As others have said, no need to be embarrassed considering how it went down. Sounds like no-one came even *close* to being disappointed by you or anyone else there! I remember my first threesome, my ex and her BFF whom I’d known for over 4 years. We were all worried that it would be weird/embarrassing the next morning but it was anything but! In fact it was so good, it happened quite a few more times over the ensuing months.

  16. Thanks! There’s a bit of a back story that might help explain my decision – this wasn’t the first time I’d received that call! About **2 years earlier** those same 2 girls were drunk and rang me at 1am to come over and "do them both". I actually had a GF staying over that night, fast asleep in my room. Despite the fact that the relationship was in its death throes, I couldn’t bring myself to cheat on her, even under the circumstances. When I received *this* call, it was totally out of the blue. I was in another relationship, early days, not sure where it was going, and FWB knew about it. Hence the suggestion to come over and "watch" (of course we both knew it would probably go further than that). I agonised over it and in the end I couldn’t bring myself to miss the opportunity a 2nd time – this other girl was sooo hot (to give you an idea, to this day I still think she had one of the hottest bodies I have *ever* seen, and I’ve probably seen tens of thousands of naked chicks on the net in the years since then!) As much as I would have loved to, in the end I felt too guilty to stay the night, and to be honest also thought the chances of my then-GF finding out were also greater if I stayed. So I reluctantly left.

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