Two pairs of eyes, two pairs of hands, two… you get the picture – Part 1 (F/M/M)

Since my last post, I've been pretty busy with studying and socially with friends and haven't even had time to think about seeking out any new adventures… so, it seems that one decided to sneak up on me.

About a week ago, someone replied to a really old attempt to seek out someone willing to watch me show off in cosplay, and they had an intriguing prospect – the guy was in his early 50s, and he was enquiring as to whether I'd like to meet up with him and a male friend of his and show off my outfits for both of them.

Interested in the idea and excited by its appearance out of nowhere, I replied and we started chatting, which eventually turned into things escalating and us planning a meet – the guy was friendly, nice and eloquent, and also looked good for his age, and although I didn't speak to him at all his friend (who was a few years younger) sounded like a nice enough guy too. Although he lived out of town he wasn't too far away, and eventually we set our plans in stone, leaving me as excited and also as nervous as I'd ever been.

Yesterday was the big day – I'd spent the evening before packing a big over-shoulder bag with no less than five different cosplay outfits, complete with matching underwear but minus any bulky props, so late in the morning I took a long shower, dressed myself simply (t-shirt and jeans, bra and plain knickers), left all of the contact details of where I was headed with a friend (just to be safe!) and headed off on my journey after lunch, which culminated in about an hour's train trip. My nerves were really jangling here – I'd never done anything quite this crazy before in my mind, even compared to previous meets!

Arriving at my destination station, I headed into the car park and immediately spotted Graham, the guy I'd been talking to. Dressed casually, he pulled off his shades and welcomed me warmly, and I was pleased to see he looked like his photos – a bit of a beer belly but otherwise quite dashing in his own way. Offering to take my bag while asking about my journey, he guided me towards his sporty car, and we hopped in and made more small talk on the short 5 minute journey to his place.

We arrived at a block of flats, and he guided me into his ground floor home with a decently sized living room, and a bedroom and kitchen immediately off of it. Also in the flat was Brian, Graham's friend, who was slim and well-dressed and got up to greet me quietly with a nervous smile. Graham was clearly the more outgoing of the two, and continued to offer up some compliments and chat as he went to the kitchen to find a bottle of wine, pouring out three glasses and handing them out. We all stood a little awkwardly in the living room as we drank a little and talked about inconsequential things, until Graham broke the awkwardness by pointing me to the bedroom and telling me I was welcome to change in there.

Taking that as a signal to get things started, I excused myself and headed into the neat, tidy bedroom as they sat down to wait for me. Pushing the bedroom door closed I was feeling my heart start to pound, and I took a few deep breaths to compose myself. I could hear the two men talking quietly between themselves, occasionally laughing, with put me at ease somehow, and I opened up my bag and found my first outfit for the day – Madoka Magica's Sayaka (which I've worn previously for some fun times). Stripping quickly out of my casual clothes, I pulled on the plain blue knickers I wear with the outfit, and then carefully put on the outfit itself, wig included. I hoped the two men outside the door didn't get bored or impatient as I worked to get the outfit's long socks in place and everything adjusted to look as good as possible, but eventually I was ready.

Taking another deep breath, I opened the door and walked back into the living room as silence descended for a moment, before Graham whistled through his teeth and told me I looked sensational, with Brian quietly agreeing. I gave them a twirl to show off the full outfit, and then spent some time posing simply for them – standing, leaning forward, facing away from them and looking over my shoulder, then bending forward, enjoying their intent, smiling gazes upon me. While I did this, Graham asked me a smattering of questions, about where I got the outfits from, how I got into the whole cosplay thing, and so on. Asking what material parts of the outfit were made from gave me another cue, and so I moved closer and invited them to have a feel. The two men leaned forward, both reaching out to feel a stocking clad-leg and explore my legs within them, then the gap between where the stockings and my legs began, causing me to shiver and feel a tingle of excitement as they both gently touched my legs.

Moving away, I posed and teased them some more – kneeling down, moving onto all fours, then sitting and finally laying back on the floor. I then lifted a leg in the air, and after running my hands across my body began unbuckling and sliding off one of my stockings knowing that my actions were potentially offering a limited view of my knickers beneath the short skirt. I then did the same with other stocking, before standing again with my legs now bare. I also peeled off my gloves as I asked whether I should move on to the next outfit, and as they both nodded I told them to wait for a moment as I headed back into the bedroom, taking what remained of my wine with me.

Excited now, I took a couple more sips of my wine, and then put my glass down and stripped out of Sayaka's outfit, folding and leaving it carefully arranged so that I could pack it away later. Next up was an outfit I hadn't worn in quite some time – Misa from Death Note – and although I was a little quicker changing it still seemed to take forever, changing into a black lacy thong and bra, then my suspender belt and stockings and finally the black dress itself. The cosplay perfectionist in me wished I'd also brought her boots with me, but they were too bulky and so I reminded myself that my hosts wouldn't really care as I headed out into the living room.

There was even more vocal appreciation of my looks this time, and so began another round of posing – standing, sitting, laying, offering little glimpses of my legs and thighs here and there as both men leaned forward and watched me closely. Graham then asked if I needed a refill for my glass, and I agreed, bringing out my glass from the bedroom. Filling it up, he invited me to sit for a while, and so I found myself on the sofa between the two men as we talked a little more. Putting his glass down, Graham asked if I minded being touched a little more – I followed suit and put my own glass on the coffee table before inviting him to do so. Again, I felt a hand on a stocking-clad leg as Graham stroked it, and soon his friend joined in, tentatively touching and stroking the other.

Now Graham was feeling a little braver, and his hand headed beyond the top of my stockings, toying with the suspenders and then resting on my thighs and stroking me very slightly while telling me how soft my skin was. Brian continued to toy with my legs and stockings, but Graham's hand continued to be braver, and I felt fingers pressing against my crotch through my thong. I sighed, opening my legs a little wider and letting his fingers explore me through my thong. A moan escaped my lips as he pressed harder, and I knew my wetness was growing noticeably. After a while I felt some fumbling under my skirt, as my thong was pushed to one side and Graham ran a finger up and down my naked slit. Letting that finger sink between my outer lips, he found my clit, bringing more moans from me as he exclaimed about how good my pussy felt and how wet I was. Continuing to hold my thong aside he invited Brian to see for himself, and so another hand ventured under my skirt as a thicker finger found my pussy and rubbed against it. Surprisingly more forward than his friend for once, I then felt the tip of that finger slip inside me, which brought forth another moan from me. "I think she likes that, mate" was Graham's response, as a grinning Brian let his finger slip deeper into me before beginning to move it in and out. Graham took this opportunity to explore the top half of my body through the outfit, stroking my arms and chest, and letting a hand run over my breasts through my bra.

Sat back on the sofa with my eyes closed and a finger slowly moving inside me, I opened my eyes as Graham took the lead again. "Do you mind if I taste you?" he asked. I told him I didn't, and with that Graham moved from the sofa and Brian moved his hand away, getting up as his friend gently coaxed me into a kind of half-sitting, half-laying position across the sofa. Kneeling on the floor next to the sofa, my skirt was pushed up and my thong pulled aside again, as Graham's compliments on how good my pussy looked were quickly replaced by his tongue running along it. Brian was stood by this point, watching over us and moving into a prime position to see my pussy as his friend tasted my wetness, and I moaned and gripped the sofa as his older tongue flicked repeatedly against my clit. For over five minutes he worked me expertly with his tongue, focusing intently on my clit but occasionally letting his tongue wander between my lips and briefly inside me. My eyes were mostly closed, but I'd occasionally open them to see Brian still stood, watching with an obvious erection straining against his trousers, glancing down to see my cosplay dress hiked up, a man over 30 years older than me sucking and lapping at me. This sight and the sensations his tongue was causing eventually got me off, bucking my hips towards his face and involuntarily moaning loudly as I came. He continued to lick and lap at me until I couldn't stand it, pushing myself into a sitting position with my wig now looking a little dishevelled and all three of our faces flushed for different, yet similar, reasons.

As two of us recovered, Graham queried whether I needed a break or wanted to change into another outfit now. Grabbing my glass for a little more wine, I told them I'd go and get changed again, getting up and straightening my dress before heading to the door. Given what had just happened, I threw caution to the wind now, unzipping my dress and letting it drop to the floor just inside the doorway in front of their watching eyes, gifting them a glimpse of me in my lingerie before walking into the room properly to change.

There was more cheerful-sounding discussion in the other room as I peeled off my wet thong and took off my bra, then pulled out outfit number three – another cosplay I've enjoyed myself in before as video game character Catherine. I almost wished I'd brought something a little more different from the last outfit, but hoped the two men would still enjoy the white stockings and suspenders, thong and figure-hugging white dress that the outfit comprises.

Still wet from what had just happened, I stepped out to another round of admiration and simple posing, now quite happy to lay on the floor and allow them to look straight up my skirt given that they'd seen and touched my most intimate place anyway. Having shown off myself and my outfit, this time there was a different request for Graham – whether they could undress in front of me. I told them that would be fine, and stood with my hands on my hips, perhaps feeling a little smidgen of power as I stood fully dressed watching these older men hurriedly strip out of shirts, trousers and briefs. Maybe a little nervous now, Brian's erection had diminished, but Graham was still fully erect, offering a small penis (the smallest I've seen, not that it matters) with a fascinatingly engorged head.

Perhaps catching me starting, Graham asked if I'd like to reciprocate what had just happened, and smiling and nodding I made my way over towards him and knelt in front of him. Reaching out, I took his cock in my hand and stroked it a few times, watching it twitch as I did so, and then slowly wrapped my lips around it. Hearing an appreciative moan, I started to bob my head up and down, sucking and licking as I went about it. Wrapped up in what I was doing, I was interrupted by a reminder "don't forget my mate here!", and glanced over to see him now sporting a full erection of his own. As he shuffled closer hopefully, I moved a little and offered my mouth to him instead, taking hold of his longer, thicker cock and giving him the same treatment, exploring with my tongue and bobbing my mouth up and down on him. This time there were no moans, but I glanced up to see his eyes tight shut in pleasure.

I found myself alternating between sucking on the two men a few times, allowing them to enjoy the experience without actually cumming for maybe 15 minutes or so until Graham asked if I wanted to change costumes again. Clambering up off my knees, I agreed and headed to the bedroom again, unzipping and taking off the dress and stripping out of my underwear, including another rather wet thong.

Last but not least for now was my personal favourite (and I'm certain I'm not the only one!), Haruhi Suzumiya's bunny girl outfit. Although tight fitting, this one was reasonably simple to put on, as I pulled on my black fishnet tights and then squeezed into the outfit, struggling to zip it up fully for a while before putting on the wig and rabbit ears which finish it off.

"Holy shit" was the exclamation from Graham as I emerged in this outfit, and I laughed and grinned like a lunatic while putting on another show for them – sticking my ass out, letting them peer down my cleavage as I bent forward, sitting in positions with legs apart and so on. Eventually I ran out of ideas to tease these two naked men and their erections, and so I sidled closer to them as a show of consent for them to explore me as they wished. They both took up this cue without missing a beat, and I soon had hands running up my thighs and between my legs from one side, and over my bare chest and pressing against my breasts in the outfit from the other.

"Can we help you out of this?" was Graham's next question, to which I nodded, and then felt the zip at the back of the outfit being found and pulled down by him. Both men helped me as I wriggled out of the outfit and discarded it, leaving me in just wig, rabbit ears and fishnets. Seeing my boobs for the first time, Graham was quick to lean forward and take each nipple in turn into his mouth, sucking at them while a hand massaged them. He then stepped back, allowing Brian to have his turn with my breasts, massaging them more firmly as Graham used his hand to slide inside my fishnet tights and seek out my pussy. Finding it very wet and waiting, he rubbed my clit a little before allowing two slim fingers to slip inside me and begin to finger me. This went on for some time, interrupted only by Graham pulling down my tights and coaxing me to step out of them – one man rapidly fingered my pussy while the other devoured my breasts with his mouth and hands. Between the two of them, I felt my legs almost give way and Brian move to hold me steady as I came with Graham's fingers buried inside me and a thumb rubbing against my clit.

Having recovered my strength and balance, Graham asked if I wanted to move into the bedroom, and I duly did, letting him take the lead with Brian following behind me, all three of us naked as I dispensed with the wig and rabbit ears. Once inside, Graham invited me onto all fours on the bed, before he opened a bedside draws and produced a new box of condoms. Unwrapping the pack then taking one out, he moved behind me as he opened the foil and rolled the condom on. Finally asking whether I wanted him to fuck me as I watched him over my shoulder, my affirmation saw his penis teasing my lips as he stood behind me next to the bed, before his entire length slipped easily into me in one moved as me both moaned at the wonderful sensation. "Fuck me, you're tight" he exclaimed breathlessly, and spent some time moving slowly in and out of me, clearly trying to savour this moment while I got to enjoy the feeling of a new penis inside me and stimulating me.

After five minutes or so of relatively slow thrusting and movement Graham picked up the pace, my arousal building as he began to fuck me properly while Brian stood off to one side slowly, idly stroking his erection. Grabbing my hips, he soon began to fuck me with real urgency, and within a few minutes my constant moans were drowned out by his own, which culminated in him filling the condom as he came inside me, groaning loudly. While he pulled out and discarded the condom in the bin, I rolled onto my back on the bed, breathing heavily. Brian continued to stand, watching me, until Graham asked me if I was still ready for more, and swallowing I nodded again.

With an "off you go mate" and a chuckle, Graham handed Brian a condom and then stepped aside. Brian clambered onto the bed, kneeling close to me as he put on the condom. I made myself more comfortable, scooting into the middle of the bed on my back and spreading my legs for the second man who was going to fuck me mere moments after the first. He moved between my legs and, still finding me very wet, slid effortless inside me, and I moaned loud as the excitement of feeling two different cocks in such quick succession washed over me. Rather than start slowly, Brian took only a few introductory strokes before moving to fuck me properly, pressing his slim body against me as I held my legs open and dangling in the air. The feeling of him grinding his body against me and pushing his cock in and out of me relentlessly as he did so was really working for me, and lost in the moment I found myself kissing him hungrily and moaning into his mouth as he fucked me harder, before he moved to kiss and nibble my neck instead.

I don't normally enjoy dirty talk in the bedroom particularly, but on this occasion my arousal was further increased by Graham who began to cheer on his friend, telling him to fuck me good and make me cum, watching intently from behind us and commenting on how good my pussy looked with his cock inside it, and so on. All of this was bringing me to the edge, and I found myself joining in as I implored Brian to make me cum, feeling him redouble his efforts as he thrust his cock in and out of me more deeply. My moans were almost all I could hear now, but a final comment from Graham for me to "cum all over his old man cock" was the final straw that pushed me over into orgasm. I moaned and shouted into Brian's ear as my body shuddered and tensed around him, and not long after I heard him grunt as he pushed deep into me, cumming into the condom as he held me close.

We stayed that way for a short while, sweaty and panting, before Brian peeled himself off me and rolled over Even Graham was quite for a while at what he'd just witnessed, and nobody knew what to say until the ice was suddenly broken with a question. "Are we going to eat soon? I'm starving" from Brian. I burst out laughing at this point as it seemed like the most mundane reaction to the fact he'd just fucked a girl almost thirty years younger than him, but he had a point – I'd been there maybe a couple of hours at this point, and I realised I was actually incredibly hungry myself after a day of butterflies in my stomach followed by everything that had just occurred.

In agreement that it was time to eat, we all went to find our clothes, me leaving the men to change in the living room while I found my casual clothes and changed back into them. Myself and Brian then sat in near silence and drank some more wine while Graham cooked up some spaghetti, only occasionally provoking some more chat to break the silence. The meal cooked, we sat and ate without saying too much either, although once we were all finished it was Graham's time to take the lead again.

"Did you say you were bringing one more outfit for after dinner" he asked. I had said that, and I did have one more costume to show off…

EDIT: I've now finished writing up the end of my experience with these two guys!



  1. Created an account just to tell you how marvellous that story was. Encourage encourage. I look forward to mischievous tales of your future exploits! (Also part two was equally excellent!)

  2. Came here for the story but I was even happier when you mentioned cosplay :3

  3. As a girl who **loves** to play dress up, yet has never quite made it to cosplay… Damn! That was *HOT*!!! I’m off to chapter 2!

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