Take me to the store [MF][mast][voy][exhibition]

Hi! Here my first story ever. Please, be gentle with me ;) Also, English isn’t my firt language so… sorry for the mistakes. Enjoy. . . . .

The automatic door slide open slowly in front of me. I'm already attracting the attention of people around me. Good. It’s time to start.

It’s Tuesday, I always chose a day in the week to have less chance to encounter children. I might be a slut, but I still have a conscience. But now I’m too exited to even think about that. I walk inside the departement store and a grin spread on my face. It’s going the be good.

Today, before leaving. I put on my blue skirt that is juste long enough to let men use their imagination, but short enough that they don’t have difficulty using it. I wonder what they would do if they knew that I wasn’t wearing any panties. My smile juste became bigger and I have to make a effort to supress it. Thanks to my push-up bra and my low v-neck, people can easly see the curves of my breats and the valley between them. I finished my outfit with my red stiletto and my cherry red lipstick.

I make my ass sway as I walk inside the store. With eatch step, I feel the anticipation grow in me. I don’t waste time. I need this now. I chose an aisle and I start my show. I pretend that I’m looking for a item and browse the shelves. I put a finger on my cherry lips and bit it a little, slowly, and make a little moan, like I pounder between two article.

I can see them, I can see them looking at me already. I don’t waste the chance and bend over, to look a the botom shelf, I keep my leg extended so they can take a good look at my roud ass. I can feel their burning stare on me, looking at my ass, trying to see under my skirt. My heart start to beat faster and I can feel the wetness starting to build. When I raise my head I can see in front of me a man looking straight into my cleavage with his mouth open. That feels good. Yes, look at me, don’t stop. Lust after me. Fuck me with your eyes. I look at him in the eyes and lick my lips. I saw an buldge form in his pants and I try not to moan and act like I didn’t see it. I let them appreciate my body in secret.

It’s time to change place. I rise up and start to walk, I can see that their eyes are following me. It’s a very good start. In the jewlry departement, I get a good chance to expose my breast by bending to look inside the counter facing the alley. I also spread my legs open, not to much because I want it to look somewhat natural. I saw a young couple holding hands coming from the left. The boy see me at the counter and start to slow down until he pass me. A man is coming from my right, I can see him at the corner of my eyes. It’s a man in his fifties. He’s passing behing me. Well, not passing because I saw him go behind me, but I still haven’t see him pass to the other side. I know his behind me, so I rise on my toes and bend farther on the conter. I even wiggle my ass a little, I can feeling my cunt spread open from it. It feel so good to expose myself to the lust of stranger. When I finaly saw him pass me, I feel his hand grab my ass firmly. I turn to look at him, but his already far away.

That’s when I saw him. A guy not to far from me and looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. I feel a blush on my cheek and I start walking away as if I never saw him. Now I’m in the kitchen departement. There is no many people, I’m about to leave when he come around and start to browse the shelves and gives me a side glance. He’s following me, it has to be. I’m a little scare and at the same time I’m feeling incredibly turned on. I rise my arms over my head and bend my elbows to put my hands behing my head as I strech my body to make my cloths cling onto my curves. I feel my skirt rise higher on my thigh. The feeling of being even more expose make my clit pulse with desir. He’s coming in my direction but he stopped looking at me. He’s looking at the item beside me and take it off the shelf and pput it back. He’s so close that he brush my shoulder with his.

This is not what I expected to happen today. No one ever acted like that before. My hornyness stops me from leaving and make me stay to discover what will happen next.

I’m looking at him now and I bite my lips, not sur what to do. He saw my hesitation and turned around to face me. He looked at my breast and licked his lips. He wasn’t giving me any attention, he didn’t care about me, he wanted my body. My respiration became fast and heavy, making my breast go up and down in front of his eyes. He continued to stare without shame.

I was so wet that I started to think that it would start to drip to the side of my inner thigh. That would be perfect. His eyes started to go lower on my body and they found the hollow of my thigh just under the end of my skirt. I couldn’t stop a moan from escaping my lips. A smile appeared on his face. Without thinking I lowerd my hands and grip the fabric of my skirt. I couldn’t stop myself from rising it higher and higher to expose my burning pussy to his eyes. The smile on his face desapear as quick as it came. He lowered his hand to his groin and started to rub himself over his jeans. I lowerd my eyes to see his erection pressing against the material. I took a step back and leaned against the shelves behind me.

I grabed my breast and took them out of my bra. My eyes was locked on his face. The desire in his eyes and the horny expression of his features got me in a lustful trance. I slided down, bend my kneens near my shoulder and spread my legs open. My skirt became no more than na belt. One of my hand was teasing my nipple and the other one was between my legs. I spread my pussy wide open with my index and ring finger. My middle finger was teasing my clit up and down and around it. My breathing was frantic. I was moaning in a whisper ‘’look at me, look at me. Yes, look at me. Don’t stop!’’. I wanted to give him the best show I could give, so I put two finger deep inside my pussy. They slided in ealsy and I licked my lips. I started to move them up and down, up and down really fast. We could hear squishing sound from my arousal. I knew what I could do and I wanted him to witness it. It didn’t take long for my pussy to start to squirting on my hand and on the ground. I could feel the liquid going down my ass checks. I could hear him say ‘’fuck’’ and put his hand inside his pants and started strocking his cock faster and harder. His eyes was violating my sex and it felt good.

I started rubbing my clit with my thumb and with my other hand I rised one of my breast near my mouth and licked it and sucked the smooth flesh. His respiration stopped and he closed his eyes, he was about to cum. ‘’No don’t! Look at me! Open your eyes!’’. He did and at the same time they open, I came hard. My body was convulsing and my hands rubbed every bit of pleasure it could take. It took a eternity to my orgamse to decrease and leave me panting and satisfied. That was bliss, right here.

He took his hand out of his pants, came near me and whiped is cum on my breast. As I said ‘’Thank you.’’ he started to walk away without looking back. It made me feel good to be used like that. With a smile on my face I rised on my leg. I felt a little dizzy, a good feeling. Just before I could put my skirt down, a women came into the aisle and looked at me in shock. I restrain a moan and lower my skirt way slower than how I would have done a moment ago.

I leave the departement store and get to my car. I never imagined having that in me. Now that I know, I need to hit the adult toy shop and buy some accesory for next time.

Maybe : to be continued.

Thank you for reading it. Tell me how you liked my story and tell me if you want another one! :)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/321ide/take_me_to_the_store_mfmastvoyexhibition


  1. Thank you! I appreciate that you liked my story. I’ll keep them coming :)

  2. Thank you :) I’ll tell you when I’ll post my next story! I think it won’t take long.

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