[timestop, other tags] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part VI – Shenanigans

Does anyone mind if I drop the string of tags now? Eventually there will be some FF as well I think.

Jake walked into the steakhouse with his favorite two women close behind him. It looked like a pretty fun place, with a real “barbeque in a cabin” sort of feel. There were snowshoes and animal skins and road signs and all sorts of other crazy crap up on the walls, and the Hostess put a cup full of crayons on the table as she seated them. Petra grinned and immediately got to work drawing on the brown paper that was draped over the booth’s table.
Sarah sat next to Jake and opposite their daughter, engrossing herself in the menu. Jake was a little worried about her; ever since he’d brainwashed her into sex Thursday night, she’d been affectionate enough but a little cold, like she wanted to avoid it happening again. It was a little troubling to have your own wife seem like she was upset about wanting sex, but then given the way she’d cooled down about it the last couple years it was not that surprising either.
Jake decided to put it out of his mind and enjoy the dinner. The menu looked pretty great, and none of the prices were too awful. He glanced over at the table, where Petra was busy drawing a very attractive woman’s ass. “Already know what you’re going to order, Pet?” he asked her.
Petra smiled at him. Goddamn, she had a pretty smile. And she’d done her hair up in pigtails, which along with the skirt and high socks she wore gave her an adorable schoolgirl look. “Yes Daddy,” she said. “I’m having the Rib sampler.”
Jake nodded. “That looks pretty good. I think I’ll stick with the steak, though.”

Orders were taken and drinks were served. Petra continued working on her surprisingly detailed nude on the table, despite her mother’s annoyed complaints. She was kicking her legs girlishly under the table; Jake could tell because now and then her toe would touch his shin. She’d taken her shoes off, so he didn’t bother telling
“Did I tell you guys about the car wreck downtown?” Jake asked.
“I read about that,” Sarah said. “They said everybody got out okay somehow, but a pedestrian got hit by some debris.”
Jake nodded. “It was on my way in to the office. Pretty ugly scene. Really though, no other injuries? That’s weird.”
Jake’s own injury had healed really quickly, so he hadn’t bothered worrying his family about it. But it was really odd that nobody had been hurt in a crash like that. He was replaying what he’d seen of the wreckage in his mind when Petra scoffed. “What a bitch,” she said quietly, nodding in the direction of another table where a waiter looked to be apologizing.
“Petra, language,” Sarah chided.
Jake was curious. “What happened?”
“You didn’t hear?” Petra leaned forward and switched to her gossipping whisper. “She was complaining that they didn’t have the right brand of sparkling water, then ordered some ridiculous organic granola hippie substitutions that’ll probably cause the kitchen a ton of effort.”
Jake glanced over, then did a double-take. “Huh,” he said.
“What is it?”
“Well, it’s just, I think I know her. Or, not know, but she was on the train yesterday morning. I remember because she shoved me to get on, then later had a weird, uh.. coughing fit.”
Petra smirked. “Serves her right,” she said. “People who are rude ought to have bad things happen to them.”
Sarah frowned at her daughter. “Honey, that’s not for us to decide. You should never wish harm on people.”
Jake shrugged. “I dunno, there’s something to be said for schadenfreude.” Petra smiled and touched his shin with her toes again under the table. “Besides,” he added, “I gave her my water, so I figure it balances somewhat, a good deed on top of karmic punishment…”
Sarah sighed. “You two are awful.”
Jake grinned at her. “You married me and raised her, so what’s that make you?”

Sarah and Petra went on talking about something else, but Jake couldn’t help keeping watching the other table. If Mala Kapur was a habitually awful person, then it might be a good idea to make an example of her. Or, at least, a fun idea.
Miss Kapur appeared to be on a date. She was wearing a black low-cut top with a zipper and a mid-length skirt, and sitting across from her was a bored-looking guy in his thirties, who was chewing on a breadstick and watching her talk. Every now and then he’d do a nod-and-smile response to her chatter.
Jake listened a little closer. It sounded like she was a really entitled bitch, going on about how poor people just don’t try hard enough and charity is a waste of time. Suddenly he didn’t feel so bad for throat-fucking her on the train.
Since the food was taking forever anyway, Jake decided to have a little fun. He stopped things and got out of the booth, walking over to Mala’s table. “Gotta keep up with tradition,” he said with a chuckle, sliding up her skirt and pulling her lacy black panties down and off. Then he put her skirt back and examined her top.
It was pretty tight, and the zipper in the front gave a “half-undone” look that really showed off her cleavage. Peeking under it, he noticed that her bra matched today. She must have been expecting some action tonight. Jake peered over at her date. Poor guy. Deciding he deserved a show, Jake unzipped the front of Mala’s top, leaving it undone but closed, then returned to his seat.
Time started again, and Jake watched as Mala’s top opened, exposing her bra-clad breasts to her date. The guy’s eyes were glazed over from boredom, but he straightened pretty quickly in his seat at the sight. Being a classy guy and all, he looked down at the table and said something quiet to her. Mala gasped and snapped her top closed, zipping it back up again.
“Did you see that?” Petra whispered excitedly. “I told you, bad things happened! Maybe I have spooky powers!”
Jake chuckled. “Maybe you do, Pet,” he said, winking at her. Sarah shook her head in disgust at the two of them.
Jake waited for Mala to resume her awful gossip. After a minute or two she was back in full swing. He heard her mention “the patriarchy” and almost hurt his hand with the force hi used to mash the Pause button.
This time, drastic measures were needed. First Jake again unzipped her top. Then, using a steak knife from one of the tables, he carefully cut the middle of her bra. It was fit pretty tightly to turn her “B” into a “C”, so he was pretty sure the result would be dramatic, but just to be sure he pressed his palms against both cups gently, squishing her breasts a little. Then he sat down again to watch the show.
This time, the result was more dramatic. Mala’s tits pushed against the bra like coiled springs, flinging it and her top open and treating her date to a full view of her bared breasts. The poor guy’s eyes widened in surprise, and this time he didn’t look away. Mala noticed straight away and snapped the top shut again, glaring across at him, but the damage was done.
Petra had obviously seen the show as well, because she immediately clapped her hand over her mouth. She stared at Jake, tears in her eyes as she shook with suppressed laughter. Jake met her gaze, grinning widely. “Wardrobe malfunction,” he whispered, earning an angry elbow nudge from his wife.

Jake left the bitch alone for a while after that. Her date had gotten a nice show. Maybe later he’d see about doing some work on permanently correcting her attitude.
At last, the food was served. Jake’s steak was perfectly cooked, and the smell of the rib plate Petra ordered made him salivate. Sarah had ordered a fish and chips plate that looked really good, also. They were all about half done when Sarah excused herself to go to the washroom, leaving Jake and Petra at the table alone.
“So Mom’s kind of a bitch lately, huh?” Petra quipped.
“I dunno if I’d say that,” Jake replied, cutting into his steak. “She’s just had a lot going on, she gets stressed.”
Petra rolled her eyes and poked him along the shin with her foot. “Come on. She’s mean and no fun at all, and how often do you guys even do it anymore?”
Jake blinked at her. “You realize that’s a really weird thing to ask your Dad, right?”
She smirked at him. “And ‘normal’ is totally our strong suit. Hey, you have a better angle than me. What did that mean chick’s boobs look like?”
“I had no idea you were into boobs, Pet,” Jake said, eating another piece of steak.
Petra winked at him, sucking some rib sauce off her fingers. “Come on,” she whined, rubbing her toes along his leg. “You gotta admit it was cool.”
Jake grinned. “Yeah, it was, wasn’t it?” He nodded at her plate. “Good ribs? The sauce smells great.”
Petra held out an index finger, smeared in sauce. “Wanna try some?”
Jake shrugged, leaning in to lick the sauce from her fingertip. Sure it might look weird, but they were close and it wasn’t all that strange to-
As soon as Jake’s tongue touched his daughter’s finger, she leaned forward, sliding it into his mouth. The sauce was incredible, and he couldn’t help but suck it off as she drew her hand slowly back. The view down the front of Petra’s tee didn’t hurt much, either. “Amazing,” he said softly.
Sarah returned at that moment, sliding back into the booth. “What’d I miss,” she asked, “Did a waiter drop his pants now?”
Jake could feel himself blushing, but Petra smiled sweetly at her mother. “Nothing much, Mom. We were just talking about this rib sauce. Wanna try some?” She dipped her fork in the sauce, holding it out to Sarah.
Sarah took the fork and slipped it in her mouth. “hmm, not bad at all,” she said, returning it. “Maybe I’ll have that next time.”

They were almost done eating when Petra caught Jake’s eye and looked over to the side. He followed her gaze and saw that Mala was pushing the check across to her date. The poor guy had to listen to her and still had to pay the whole bill? Unacceptable, Jake thought, stopping things and sliding out of the booth once more. He walked over to Mala’s table, contemplating. He didn’t want to do anything too drastic; from here he could see that Petra was watching. But he definitely wanted to punish Mala once more, if only to see his daughter giggle.
“I shoulda jerked it into your drink,” Jake muttered, carefully sliding up the back of Mala’s skirt between her and the chair. “But I suppose that would only be funny for me.” He tucked her skirt into itself at the waist, bunching it up in a way that exposed her bare ass but might seem accidental to an observer. He thought a moment, then returned to his place to let things play out for a minute.
Jake wasn’t sure what was better: the sight as Mala got up and didn’t notice that her ass was exposed, or the way Petra almost turned purple trying not to laugh. He gently kicked her foot under the table, not wanting her to give it away – especially to Sarah, who would probably intervene at this point.
But this wasn’t quite perfect, not yet. Jake stopped time once again, walking over to Mala and inspecting her up close. He too a picture for his collection, then lifted her skirt in the front to get a better look at her pussy.
She’d definitely been hoping for action. It looked like she’d meticulously shaved and trimmed a perfect triangle of dark hair above her crotch, and her legs were smooth-shaven. Jake grinned, moving his hand between Mala’s legs and giving her clit a little flick with one finger. “Well, we can’t let you down, can we?”
Jake rubbed his fingers along Mala’s pussy, playing with the soft folds of skin between his fingers. She was a little moister-feeling than he expected… was she maybe anticipating seducing her date right away? Jake’s dick sprang to alert at the idea that Mala might be a slut on top of being a bitch. As always, things stayed where Jake moved them, so before long his fingertips were slipping up inside her. “No,” he said, reaching down and unbuckling his pants, “We certainly cannot let you down.”
Jake smeared the wetness from Mala along the head and shaft of his cock. He bent Mala forward at the waist and widened her stance a little, and in seconds was guiding himself up between her lips. He moaned as he felt her warm pussy opening around him. “Fuck, that’s nice,” he said as he held her waist and guided himself inch by inch up into her, stopping up against her cervix.
Jake started pumping back and forth, sliding into the frozen bitch’s cunt again and again. The only sounds in the restaurant were his breathing and the wet sound of skin on skin. Her passage stayed open after withdrawal, so it was easy to push harder and deeper and soon Jake was slapping his hips up against the dusky skin of her ass.
Jake moaned again, squeezing Mala’s ass in his hands as he thrust still deeper. The feeling was incredible! Without clenching or elasticity, Mala’s deepest reaches were Jake’s to claim, but her cervical passage was tight enough that it still squeezed around the head of his cock. He unzipped her top and squeezed her tits in his hands, driving up faster and faster, raping the woman without a thought to her comfort or resistance.
But that’s what this was, wasn’t it? Jake frowned, shaking out of his spell of lust. This was rape. Sure, the woman was a bitch, and it was fun to fuck with her… but did he really have the right to rape her on the spot, just because he could?
Jake looked back and saw Petra staring at him. Well, staring toward him. In his mind, an image flashed of her in the shower, a frozen statue, and he remembered the shame he’d felt as he painstakingly cleaned his cum off of her skin. With a sigh, he slowly pulled out of Mala’s pussy. He pulled her panties out of his pocket and used them to wipe his dick clean, then got dressed and hid the panties deep in his bag. Returning to Mala, he put her skirt down in front and returned her to her upright position, then walked over to his own table. He leaned in and softly kissed his daughter’s forehead, then sat down again and started time.
Mala’s reaction was pretty intense. Jake watched her pussy snap shut, then her knees buckled. She gripped the table and kept from falling, but the moan she let out was pretty loud. Fluids coated her inner thighs, giving a shine to her skin. Her date looked shocked, moving to help her recover from what seemed like some sort of painful spasm, but he almost dropped her when he saw her ass sticking out the back of her skirt.
Petra was biting the side of her hand to keep from saying anything. Her wide eyes kept flicking from Mala to Jake and back again, as if to say “are you seeing this oh my god look”. Jake smirked and winked at her, but stayed quiet to avoid a potential fight with Sarah over the morality of schadenfreude.
Mala’s date and the Hostess helped her off to the washroom to compose herself. A moment later, the waiter came by Jake’s table, watching them go. He turned and smiled at the three of them. “Anything for dessert?” he asked cheerfully, dutifully trying to distract them from the drama.
Petra blushed deeply and pointed. “I’ll have whatever she’s having!”
Jake and Petra both started laughing and didn’t stop until a thoroughly disgusted Sarah had called for the check and paid at the front.

Sarah huffed at them as the three left the restaurant. “You two are awful,” she said. “I hope that poor woman was alright.”
“I’m sorry, dear,” Jake said. “You’re right. We shouldn’t laugh. We’ll shush.”
“Yeah, sorry, Mom,” Petra added.
“Well,” Sarah said, unlocking their car, “Just think about others a little more, okay?”
“Of course, dear.” Jake leaned in and kissed her. “Sure you don’t want to go to the movie?”
“No, you two have fun,” she said, smiling at him. “I’ll catch up on some of my shows at home and maybe turn in early.”
Sarah liked to watch a lot of sitcoms that Jake found just stupid or annoying, so she would save episodes up for times when he wasn’t around. Jake shuddered. “Alright, see you at home then,” he said.
Petra hooked her arm through Jake’s as they watched her mother drive away. He looked down at her. “Now, you didn’t pick us another sex movie, I hope,” he said, bumping her with his hip. “People are going to look at me weird if I take my little girl to a sex movie.”
Petra giggled and pulled him toward the theater. It was just across the parking lot, conveniently enough. “I don’t think it’s a sex movie,” she admitted, “but I can’t guarantee there won’t be any boobs. Maybe we better pretend I’m your date instead.”
Jake chuckled. “I doubt anyone will believe that,” he said. “You’re way too young for a guy like me.”
Petra reached up and pulled the elastics out of her pigtails, shaking her head until her hair spilled across her shoulders. She combed her fingers through it, brushing it back behind her ear and over the left shoulder, then forward over the right, and added a little swooping arc to her bangs, then looked up at him. “How about now?” she asked.
Jake swallowed hard. In seconds, his daughter had added a good ten years to her look, going from “slightly naughty schoolgirl” to “smoking hot office temp”. In the dusk light, her coat smoothed down, it almost looked like she’d come from an office to join him. Jake was suddenly very intensely aware that he had never finished fucking someone in the steak place, but at the moment he couldn’t recall who, what her name was, or what she’d looked like. “That’ll do,” he said quietly.
Petra grinned and clapped her hands, then re-took his arm, dragging him again toward the theater. “Come on, honey,” she said, “I want to get sodas before the previews! Do you want popcorn?”
“N-no, I’m full,” Jake stammered. “Didn’t you just eat all those ribs?”
“Well yeah,” Petra said, winking at him. “But everybody likes something sweet or salty for dessert.”

To make up for the Victorian romance, Petra chose an action movie to drag her father into. But to suit her own purposes, she made sure that the female star was one who she’d found a lot of racy pictures of on his computer!
She pulled him closer as they walked into the theater, taking him into the middle of the back row. Once his bag of tricks, as she’d always called it, was stowed under the seat, she set her little bag of popcorn on his lap for him to hold.
Petra was really nervous about this. After all, it could go really badly. He could reject her and stop hanging out with her entirely. He could tell her mom, and who knows how she’d overreact. They could even kick her out of the house or make her go to therapy.
On the other hand, she couldn’t wait any longer, and she couldn’t let her father sleepwalk through a loveless marriage for the rest of his life. Something had to be done. And it was such a very nice something, and she so wanted to be the one to do it.
She’d thought of convincing one of her friends to go for it instead. Katie maybe, or Jenny. But in the end she just felt too strongly about her Daddy. “It has to be me,” she thought, reaching into the bag and taking some popcorn. “Nobody else can have him.”

Jake tried to ignore the way the popcorn bag rubbed against him. His dick was still mad at him for the interrupted event of earlier, and was tucked throbbing down his pant leg. He thought about just stopping time and finishing the job, but he still felt kind of bad for that whole “raping a stranger in a restaurant” thing and didn’t feel right about getting off just now. As the house lights dimmed, Petra leaned up against his side. “What are you doing?” He whispered to her.
“I’m cuddling with my date, honey,” she replied, apparently committing to the whole pretend-girlfriend thing. Goddammit, the girl was just so sweet, he couldn’t stay gloomy near her. Never could.
Jake smiled. “Well, Pet,” he said, leaning back a little and putting his arm around her shoulders, “Make sure you behave yourself, or the usher will throw us out.”

Petra was glad the lights were dim, because she blushed when her father called her by that nickname. She cuddled into his shoulder, getting comfy, and reached for more popcorn. “Of course I’ll be good,” she promised. “Otherwise we won’t have anything to do after the movie.”
Jake choked on a laugh. “You’re awful,” he said, shifting a little. “What will my, uh, roomie say?”
“Who cares what she says,” Petra replied. She was really enjoying playing the role of the naughty girlfriend. “We’ll hang a sock on the door and she’ll leave us alone.”
“That’s no good. She’ll hear you, and start banging on the walls.”
“Then we can go back to my place instead, and nobody will disturb us all night long. We can do all the weird stuff.”
Jake chuckled. “You mean like the Cleveland steamer?”
What? Oh, it was on. Daddy may have years on her, but she knew a gross-off challenge when she heard one, and she wasn’t about to lose that easily. “Yeah baby,” she said in a lower sexyvoice. “You can do a donkey-punch if you want.”
“What about a rusty trombone?”
How did he think these up so fast? “Mhmm, and then you can give me a Land-shark.”
“Oh yeah, and then we’ll do a Charizard.”
Must not laugh. Must. Not. Laugh. Petra smirked. “How about we just start with a blumpkin,” she said, reaching over to rub his thigh, “and go from th-”
That wasn’t right. His leg was there, so what was that other thing in there?
Holy shit is that his cock?

Pleasure shot up Jake’s spine and he bit his lip to keep from moaning as his date rubbed his dick through his slacks. Those fingers felt so nice, soft but smooth…
Her hand froze at the same time that his mind caught up and they both remembered that she was his daughter. Her hand pulled away and he shifted in the other direction, and they both were quiet for a minute. The movie previews started playing and Jake finally looked over at Petra, who was herself looking down at her hands in her lap.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “It was an accident…”
His arm was still around her shoulders, and he gave her a little squeeze. “It’s alright, Pet,” he said, smiling when she looked up at him. “I know you were just playing around.”
Petra smiled back and put her hand on his leg again, this time carefully avoiding the eager bulge along his thigh. “Thanks, da- er, I mean honey,” she said, winking at him. “Let’s watch, I want to see what’s coming up.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. She’d panicked. But he’d pulled away, too. So was that good? Petra had to admit to herself that she had no idea what she was doing. It’s not like there were self-help books at the library for seducing your father!
Still, he hadn’t gotten mad. And for a few seconds he’d even enjoyed it. Maybe she could keep the game going and get him there again.
And was that really his dick? Wow. She had imagined it right before, it was definitely long. And thick. Not at all like Keith’s. Petra flexed her jaw, wondering if she could do the same things with Daddy that she had with Keith, and cuddled close to him again as they watched the screen together.

Jake was a little bothered by the whole dick-stroking thing, and even more so by how Petra had gone back to her game so quickly after. But then, she’d always been good at bouncing back from things. That was one of the things he admired about her, along with her body which he did not need to think about.
Of course, he thought, he could always take care of the problem. He glanced at the girl clinging to him. He could freeze her, freeze everything, and have his fun, relieve the tension. She’d never know what hit her, she’d just feel a moment of intense pleasure, and that would be that…
What was he thinking? If he couldn’t rape what’s-her-name in the restaurant without having a guilt attack, he certainly couldn’t do the same to his little girl!
Jake tried to focus on the movie and not on how intensely horny he was, silently promising his dick that he’d find a way to get relief after the movie. Maybe he’d see some girl teasing a cripple and jerk off in her soda or something. The previews were ending anyway, and the movie was coming on, and… uh-oh.
It was that movie. The one with his favorite actress in it. The actress who he’d been collecting fake nudes and paparazzi photos of for years, the number one frequent flyer on the Jake express to spankytown. How the fuck was he supposed to lose this boner when she was oh god that dress was tight…

The movie was surprisingly good, not just as sexy action material but good as an all-around film. Jake soon found himself paying attention to the story, nearly forgetting who his date was. That is, until she started giggling quietly.
“What?” Jake asked quietly.
Petra pointed at a man sitting a couple rows ahead. “Him,” she whispered.
It was dark and hard to see, but the man was leaning back in his seat and looked very comfortable. Jake couldn’t see what she was giggling about.
And then the man’s girlfriend came up for air. She was sitting next to him, and leaned in to kiss him deeply. The man looked around to make sure the coast was clear, then with a hand on the back of her head guided her back down on him.
“Looks like we’re not the only couple here,” Petra whispered. “That’s sweet.”

The movie went on and Jake tried to forget about how hard he was, how much he wanted to fuck someone, and how easy it would be to do right now. It didn’t help that Petra kept reaching over and taking more popcorn from the bag on his lap; every time she did, it rubbed against his dick and reminded him of the situation. He was thankful when the bag finally emptied, until her fingers, seeking the last few pieces, brushed firmly against him, once more sending a jolt of pleasure up his spine.
“I think it’s empty,” he whispered, setting the bag in the empty seat next to him.
Petra made a tiny sad noise and pressed up against him. “Fine, sweetie,” she whispered, “More cuddles for me.”
He was about to object when his eyes were suddenly drawn to the screen.
There they were. The most magnificent breasts in all of Hollywood. The second-best pair he’d ever laid eyes upon. And the rest of her… wow. This was a really hot scene. It made sense; the woman had been kicking the shit out of bad guys for about an hour, it was about time for some relaxation.
And that was when he started feeling it again. At first he didn’t even realize where the pleasure was coming from. Slowly, his brain began to understand what was happening: while he was watching his star-crush get nailed – and wow was that ever happening nicely – Petra was stroking his cock through his pants again. Intentionally, this time. He almost couldn’t handle this information.
“Petra-” he whispered, but she put a finger to his lips. “Shhh,” she whispered, “don’t get us kicked out, the usher knows my Dad.”
She was still playing her naughty girlfriend game! “I don’t-”
“Shhh,” she said again, giving his cock a squeeze, and he stopped caring about whatever it was he’d been thinking a moment ago.

Petra’s heart was beating so hard she thought one of her tits might fall off. She was really doing it! She was stroking her father’s dick in the back of a dark theater, and he was letting her! She rubbed down the entire length – and what a length it was – and teased around the head with her nails, earning a soft groan from him.
Breathing quickly, consumed with terror and thrill, she reached up with her other arm, bringing his hand down from her shoulder onto her breast. She’d taken her bra off in the theater washroom an hour before, praying for something like this to happen. As soon as his palm touched her stiffened nipple, his fingers flexed, cupping and squeezing her. He wants this, she thought gleefully, he really wants this!
Petra screwed her courage up another notch and slid her hand up, popping the button on Jake’s slacks and slowly, quietly pulling down his zipper. She reached into her Daddy’s pants, feeling for his big, hard dick…

Jake bit back another moan as Petra pulled his cock free. Her fingers curled around it stroking slowly down to the base and back up, all the way around the head to rub it with her palm. Her hand was soft and warm and perfect, just like her breast against his hand. He squeezed again, rubbing her nipple through her shirt with his palm. How had he not noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra at dinner?
Jake looked around the theater. There weren’t a lot of people at the show, but they certainly weren’t alone. The man who’d been getting blown earlier was leaning against his date and was watching the screen, but his shoulder was positioned oddly. It looked like he might be returning the favor by fingering her while they watched the film.
Petra kissed Jake’s neck with the softest pair of lips he’d ever felt. His cock jerked in her hand and she giggled. she nodded toward the other couple. “Maybe I should follow her example,” she said, and before Jake could say anything, his beautiful little daughter was down and had her lips sliding around the head of his dick.
It was intense. It was amazing. It was indescribable. Petra’s warm mouth, her soft lips, her eager tongue circling around his flesh while her fingers kept stroking him up and down faster. His hand, no longer on her breast, found its way into her hair, stroking through it and gently pushing her down. And down she went, starting to bob her head up and down on the top couple inches of him.
This was too much. It needed to stop, but he didn’t want it to. He needed time, needed to think this through, needed to figure out what to do. But Petra wouldn’t stop and Jake couldn’t make her. “Mngh fuck,” he whispered, “I’m gonna cum…”
Petra sped up in response, tightening her grip, stroking faster and sucking on his cock. Jake groaned, his entire body tensing as he started to cum. His hips bucked upward, and Petra’s cheeks suctioned in on him as she worked to swallow his load.
She kept stroking him the whole time, and he kept cumming, longer than he expected. Finally after he didn’t know how long, he came back to himself, panting. Petra was still stroking, milking the last drops and licking his shaft clean of the cum that had leaked from her lips when she couldn’t swallow fast enough.
“Oh God… Petra, I- That was-”
“I know,” she said, smiling up at him. “Do you feel better, Daddy?”
“God, I- yes. I feel amazing. But-”
“Daddy, wait… what’s going on?” Petra sat up, looking around and then toward the screen.
Jake pushed his finally-softening member back into his slacks. “What do you mean, Pet?”
Petra pointed toward the screen. The movie was frozen. As were all the theater’s occupants, including an usher who looked like he was seconds away from checking the back row for shenanigans.
“Why did everything stop?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/31s2nm/timestop_other_tags_jakes_magic_remote_part_vi

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