My College Girlfriend Was Right To Be Paranoid (M/F)

I was a quiet kid in high school, I had friends and what not but I was still quiet so I sometimes got overlooked in the dating scene. I decided to change that in college and within 2 months got a girlfriend.

We dated for about 5 months, during that time I have a friend I'll call Maria who I start to really hang out with in the twilight era of my Freshman relationship. She's there for me during all the fights and there for me during the break up. In fact part of the reason the break up happens is because my girlfriend thought I was "uncomfortably close" with her.

Well either way relationship ends and Maria listens to my post-break up whining. However one night while we're sitting in the abandoned dorm lounge things get really flirty. Lots of play punching and what not. Eventually it comes to a head when I make a joke inferring that she's a guy. She scoffs and looks me in the eyes and says "I'm a girl, trust me, don't you believe me?" when she does this she opens her legs slightly but not overtly.

For what seems like an eternity I take a breath, weighing my options and say "Nah, I don't believe you" and I start to run my hand down her inner thigh. Before I can get to the goal line she puts on that sexy voice, you know the one that women have, slightly heavier and much sexier, and says "Oh yeah?" and jumps me, pushing me back on this lounge couch making out with me.

I start to run my hands up and down her body, especially on her yoga pants that contain her perfect ass. I start to rub my hand lightly over a certain spot on her yoga pants. She starts to run her hand down my chest towards my rapidly hardening cock until she says "We can't". She breaks off the making out and starts to talk about how shes friends with my ex. After about a solid minute of that I run my hands down her clothed thigh and start to put pressure in just the right space and stupidly whisper in her ear "I Don't care, I want you".

She starts kissing me again before she randomly jumps up and closes the lounge door, blocking it with a study chair. She then jumps back on me, grinding my cock. I very clumsily unbuckle my belt while this is happening and pull down my pants and boxers. She then stands up and rips down her yoga pants and gets on top of me again, barely giving me time to admire the rather-new view.

We make out briefly before she tries to get my dick to her wetness. After a few "Almosts" and "Whoa not theres" I take over and glide my dick into her. She doesn't really wait and starts to buck her hips wildly into me. It doesn't take me long to build up pressure and I moan barely "Cum.." She looks down and asks "What?" but I can't answer as I suddenly hold her down and push several ropes of cum into her. She gives me a fake pout and says she wishes I didn't cum in her, I shrug. We get dressed and decide to be "those people" and leave the mess on the couch. I decide to stay the night in her dorm so we get dressed and awkwardly go back to her room.

On the way we pass a security station whose security guard is busy talking on the phone to someone, it's while I'm noticing this that I notice that his security camera display includes the lounge me and Maria were just in….



  1. What if she wasn’t on the pill? You didn’t even ask her if you could cum in her. :/

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