A short tale of two letters. [MFF]

Throwaway because reasons. Came here to share a story of the first affair I've ever had. Well sort of affair, anyway, the story itself is in my opinion worth telling, also maybe I want to gloat a little as I really didn't have a chance to tell anyone before. Buckle up. First some background info.

I studied abroad and upon my last year graduation I came back to my home town, found a job, started doing postgrad degree and also got my own place, however small it was. As I lived fairly close to my parents place I would visit quite regualrly mostly to do my laundry. During one of those visit I bumped into an old friend, let's call her M. with whom I used to hang out during highschool, mostly on parties. We even fooled around a bit one of those times but it was always very casual.

She was visiting a friend of hers nearby. We decided we should catch up and agreed to meet later in the local pub. Afterwards however, she texted me asking if said friend could tagalong. I said sure and as the story unveiled her friend turned out to be a very attractive girl, my age, who was staying in town in her boyfriends place, which she was doing quite regularly.

The minute I saw her I knew there was only one type of things I wanted to do to her, something about her pushed all the appropiate buttons in me. She was 5'7", with a sort of tight body, fit with almost perfect proporions, nice, not to big breasts, and perfect ass. However, she was dressed very casually, like she wanted to hide all of her strenghts. That's why I probably wouldn't be nearly as impressed if it wasn't for her voice. Sort of broken, think Emma Stone, but less huskiness and more slutiness. I could get hard by listening to her speaking about what she had for breakfast. Let's call her K.

Anyway, we drank some beers and really hit it of, all three of us. As the atmosphere loosend it turned out K. and her boyfriend wasn't getting along very well with her boyfriend recently, a mostly come to town to hang out with M. Soon enough topic of the conversation turned to sex and here things quickly went towards very surprising direction.

As mentioned before, I shared some history with M., however the furthest we went was heavy kissing. She was always very blunt about what she wanted and always seemed to know what it was and it was always something. However, I never got around to making a pass, because of reasons not relevant now.

Turned out, she didn't change that much and admitted that as she haven't been with anyone for almost two months, which was a lot apparently, and since I wasn't seeing anyone either maybe we should also catch up with other aspects of our relationship. Apparently she also, haven't changed in that matter either. I consider myself very quick with my words, but she always said things so out of the blue that they made me forget my tongue. On the party we met, I was with my then girlfriend and the first thing M. said to me as soon as I lost my girlfriend somewhere in the crowd was "If I was her, I wouldn't come down from your dick for a week".

So, before I opened my mouth to answer, she added that she meant that we should do it tonight, in my place. She always intimidated me with that kind of shit, and also I really liked K. and it started to look like the is some chemistry building up there so I said that it would probably be unfair towards K., to ditch her so early to the night.

Here comes the moment I thanked god I came back to the city. K. said that she wouldn't mind, and in fact, she could come with us, as she wanted to see my place anyway. I didn't even care I drunk drove us there, which I'm not proud of now. To be continued.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31bih9/a_short_tale_of_two_letters_mff


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