one night with (m)y new (f)riend

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I went to visit two of my best friends from college in New York City. One of my buddies had a serious girlfriend (he met her when we were all freshman) and they had been together for about 6 years at this point. My other friend was single and was working at his old summer camp as a counselor (I guess that's what East Coasters do?) where he met a beautiful girl from England that he had been hooking up with all summer. He kept telling me leading up to the trip that the English girl had a bunch of friends in town and that we were going to be hanging out with them a lot. I was excited because my friend said they were hot and there were a lot of them. Excited for what the trip would behold, I boarded my plane for NYC.

I had been in NYC for a couple hours just chilling with my single friend, when the phone rang at his apartment. He mumbled some words and hit some buttons on his phone, looked at me and said "the English girls are here!" I was excited to see if what my friend had said was true. How many were there? Were they all hot? Were they friendly? Were they sluts? Would they like me? Would I fuck all of them? Would I fuck none of them? You know, all the normal thoughts that go through your head when your friend tells you he met a girl with "a lot of hot friends."

The girls walk in and they are all pretty good looking. I am not the best looking myself, but I at least have personality and can make girls laugh. So after being introduced to all of them (and not remembering any of their fucking names) we head out for the night to a bar.

We get to the bar and find a table in the back where we can all sit together and the girls can put their stuff down (girls always have so much stuff). I figure a good way to get the party started is to buy everyone a shot. We order some shots of Jameson (that's what the English girls wanted), make a toast to the group, and slam back the Jameson. About 30 minutes later I find myself having a conversation with 3 of the English girls. I am pretty hammered now and my game is on point (or they were either completely shit faced), because they were laughing at everything I was saying. I was making horrible jokes about tea and crumpets, and if English people really eat a dessert called a "Spotted Dick" (from the movie "King Ralph" with John Goodman) and they were loving it.

I decided that I like where our conversation was going, so I ordered 4 more shots just for our little circle. I tell the ladies I will be right back with the shots. I am gone literally 6 minutes to get the shots and I come back to the table area to see all the girls standing up with looks of shock on their faces. I have no idea what is going on, but I catch the eye of my buddy and his face is white as a ghost. As I get closer I see that one of the English girls got a bit to tipsy and threw up all over the table we were sitting. The girl my buddy had been hooking up with told us that her friend was really sick and that they were all going to go home.

I was pissed cause I thought I was gonna have a chance to at least make out with one of them, but whatever, I was there to chill with my friends. We ended up meeting my other buddy and his girlfriend out at a bar, where she told us tomorrow her work was throwing at party at a bar and we should come.

So the next day arrives and we talk to our friend with the girlfriend and he tells us the deal about the party and says we should go. Getting ready to leave for the party my friend calls and says that he got called to go to a client dinner last minute and wasn't sure if he was going to make it. But he told us to still go with his girlfriend to the party because it would be fun.

So we meet the girlfriend at the apartment and she has 2 friends with her along with her younger sister. The younger sister is only 1 year younger than us and she was way better looking than my friends girlfriend (her sister). We have a few drinks at the apartment, I make small talk with all of them, and then we decide to head out to the party.

I ended up talking to the sister all night. She was really cool and I liked her because she was constantly bagging on my friend and her sister. Saying they are lame, no fun, boring, all that stuff (I know I'm an asshole, but I thought it was funny).

She was giving me signs all night that seemed pretty obvious that she wanted me. So since we were at an outside bar, in New York City, in the middle of July, it was very hot/humid out. I told her that all the people in such tight quarters were making uncomfortable and would she come outside with me? She obliged and before we could get out of the bar we were making out pretty heavily. I finally get her outside and it felt about 15 degrees cooler so I was very happy.

She said her feet were killing her and she wanted to sit down. So we sat down on the sidewalk, talking and making out. Next thing I see is that the taxi cab we are sitting behind has his reverse lights on. We are making out but I saw the white light, but since I was a little intoxicated I did not put two and two together. Next thing I know the taxi reversed right over her right foot. I saw the whole thing and it looked really painful, but she took it like a champ. She cringed a little, I asked if she was ok, to which she replied "yes!" very enthusiastically. Once I heard that "yes!" I knew I was going to have a great night ahead of me.

So we stayed outside a little and kept making out. I kept asking if she was ok, and she kept saying "yes." I couldn't understand how she was feeling fine after a taxi ran her foot over. I felt bad, but whatever. We decided to go back into the bar so no one would be curious about what happened. We got back inside and I told my friend what happened. Needless to say he did not believe me (about the taxi running her over…he believed me about the makeout).

About 30 minutes later my friends girlfriend, sister (who got her foot run over), and other 2 friends wanted to go back to their place to smoke some pot. My friends girlfriend didn't have a pipe and she knew I could roll a joint from our college days. So she asked me if I could come over and roll it and smoke with them.

I happily obliged, but my single friend said he was to tired and that he was going home. He told me to go with them and that he will wait up for me back at his apartment where I was staying to let me in. So I got in a taxi with the girls and were on our way. I figured the worst that would come out of this is that I would get to smoke a joint and I could go back to my buddies place and crash.

We pull up to the girlfriends apartment and 2 girls get out, the sister gets out, and the girlfriend is in the taxi with me fumbling around her wallet trying to pay the driver. I tell her to get out of the car and don't worry I will take care of it. I paid the taxi driver but had to sit in the car a few minutes because I was so hard from the girl trying to stroke my cock from the outside of my pants during the drive that I didn't want to get out of the taxi with a huge boner.

We get into the building and onto the elevator. Once in the elevator the other 2 girls said "We dont want to smoke, we are going bed." They ended up being neighbors with my friends girlfriend so they walked into their place and I went with the sister and girlfriend to her apartment. She gave me the weed and I started rolling a joint for the 3 of us to share.

We light up the joint and start passing it around between the 3 of us. We finish it in about 10 minutes and are just talking. My friends girlfriend says she will be right back, so I continue on with the sister. She is trying to reach her hands in my pants and get to my cock and I tell her instead of fighting for it, if she asked nicely I would give it to her. She said she wanted to go check on her sister to see if she was ok because she didn't come out of her bedroom.

The sister comes back and says my friends girlfriend (her sister) is sleeping. We sit on the couch and start making out, again. This time my cock feels like it is about to burst with how many times during the night I've gone from hard to soft to hard again. She straddles me on the couch and try to take off her shirt. She tells me it isn't a good idea because her sister is asleep in the next room. As she just about finished that sentence, I don't know why, but I picked her up off the couch and brought her into the kitchen.

Their kitchen for some reason had a door that lead you into it. I carried her through the door and placed her on the kitchen counter. She had some kind of big weird dress thing on, which I was finally about to get her out of. I yanked it off of her and revealed her beautiful tan body in just a thong. She had perfect C tits and fantastic ass. I said to her "you have a ridiculous body, why the big dress…?" and before I could get her to answer she was trying to take my clothes off.

I think she felt bad for me (my body isn't exactly "rock hard") because once she got me naked she said "not so bad yourself." Even though she was probably lying, that was nice to hear. I finally got her out of her thong, and went down on her from behind. She loved it because she kept shoving her ass back into my face. She told me to lick her ass, and I did, and it ignited the animal in her.

She turned around and told me to stand up. She got off the counter and onto the floor on her knees. I was so fucking hard I thought I was going to poke her eye out. She then proceeded to give me the best blow job in the history of the world. She had my balls in her mouth sucking on them and stroking my cock. She kept telling me that I better not cum because she wanted to make sure she got fucked. I honestly didn't care whether I came or not, the only reason why I probably didn't cum during the blowjob was because of how much I drank earlier.

After she was done with my balls she looked up at me, looked back down at my cock, looked up again at me and tried to spit in my face. Thank god she missed. I was starting to get worried. I was thinking to myself "WTF????" and before I could say anything she had a hold of my cock like a microphone and was speaking to it saying "Im gonna spit all over you and take you down my throat!" I got a little to excited and screamed out "DO IT!!!" She wasn't expecting that because she looked up and smiled kind of breaking out of her hidden slut behavior for 5 seconds before diving right back in. My dick isn't that big, but I've never been told its small, and she literally had her mouth touching my pelvic bone. That is how far she took it down.

She continued with the whirl wind of the blowjob when I was about ready to cum I told her I wanted to cum on her face. She pulled my dick out of her mouth, grabbed it like the microphone again and said, "I said no cumming until I say so!" I thought I said it to myself in my head but I blurted out "YES MA'AM!!!" Again, she stopped to give me a smile.

She got up off the floor and jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter. She had her feet up on the kitchen counter with her pussy spread wide open. To this day, her sitting on that counter is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

I walked up to her, spit in her pussy, and pointed at it and said "You are going to get fucked!" Then I looked at her and said "two can play that game!" and winked at her. Again, she smiled.

So I slid my hard cock into what seemed like a pussy that had been exposed in a rain forest it was so wet. I probably was fucking her for about 2-3 minutes then realized I needed to cum. I told her to get down onto the floor so I could cum on her face. I pulled out and she rushed off the counter onto the floor and yelled out a big "OUCH!" It scared me so much I came instantly and missed her face. I shot out what felt like gallons of jizz but didn't get any of it on her face (or on her anywhere).

I asked her if she was ok and she said her foot was killing her. So I put my clothes back on and then carried her to the couch where she was going to sleep that night. I got her clothes for her from the kitchen and she put them back on. We talked for a little. She told me she had a lot of fun and that getting fucked while her sister was asleep in the room next to us really turned her on. I told her that she would be inducted into the blowjob hall of fame, and that her sitting up on the counter with her pussy spread open was the sexiest thing I've ever seen She said she really appreciated that because she never viewed herself as sexy before. I told her that maybe we can see each other again before I leave town, but she said she was busy and that she would appreciate me not telling my friend and her sister about what happened. I said no problem (but obviously was going to tell my friend).

So I goodbye to her and jumped in a taxi to get back to my friends place where I was staying. I'm hoping he is up so he can let me into the building, but also want him to be up so I can tell him what happened. He was sleeping but somehow heard the buzzer and let me in.

The next day my friend I'm staying with, my friend with the girlfriend (whose sister I fucked the night before), and I all go to lunch. I proceed to tell them about the story the night before…

How we went to the bar, went outside, made out, she got her foot run over by a taxi, we went back to the apartment, smoked a joint, his girlfriend passed out in her bed, then I fucked the sister in the kitchen, tried to cum on her face, but missed, and everything in between.

As I'm telling the story I can see two different looks on both my friends faces. My one single friend who I was staying with had a look on his face that he didn't believe one thing I was saying. He just kept saying "no way, no way" as the story went on and on. However, my friend with the girlfriend was giving me the look of disbelief. It's like when you tell your parents you did something and they think you are lying but you really aren't, and then they find out you weren't lying. So he says "I can't believe this!" And my single friend goes "I know it definitely isn't true!"

My friend with the girlfriend then goes, "No…it's all true."

Single friend goes "How do you know?"

And then the friend with the girlfriend goes "because my girlfriend called me this morning at 8am that her sister woke her up with a swollen foot, and she went to the doctor and it's broken. Then after she called me at home and said that she is in the kitchen and there is sticky stuff all over the counter from when her sister got home last night and tried to cook food when she was drunk."

We all laughed…
