Just one taste!

Disclosure: I promise you this is a real story. It happened about 6 years ago while I was at work with the secretary at the time. I had originally made it into a story for litorotica but since this actually happened I wanted to post it here. This is my first post so be kind…or don't, that's cool to.

It was another boring day like any other with jobs lined up. I was stuck in the shop cleaning, organizing and rebuilding equipment wishing he had been out on a job, regardless of how grooling it can be as well.

Like I always did, I would break up the monotony by walking into the office and chatting with the secretary Kris. I liked doing this because Kris is playful and always could bring fun to a boring day. She was the girl next door type but with a dirty side. She was flirty with everyone so I never thought much of her sometimes more than obvious advances.

“What are you up to tonight?” I would say, with Kris’s response being “You know me, just going home to play by myself”, She would say with a smile. I'd just laugh and tell her to think about me. “I always do!” She would reply.

Before wandering upfront to harass Kris, I sent a quick text to make sure she wasn’t too busy. In three separate messages I sent “Whats up darlin?..You busy?…Hello?”. No replies for several minutes and then, “Don’t Stop!” Kris finally replied.

me “What?”

Kris “MORE!”

Me “WTF are you talking about”

Kris “It’s PLAYTIME!”

Me “huh?”

me “Text me 100 times and don’t stop!”

me “Ok? Im so confused”

I did as I was told and sent a single “.” atleast 100 times as fast as I could all the while wondering just what was going on.

Me “Good enough?”

Kris “mmmm…yeah…”

Me “Were you just fucking with me?”

Kris “no…you just fucked me!”

Kris “That felt so fucking good!”

Me “you’re full of shit”

Kris “When you first text I had my phone between my legs.”

Kris “It felt kind of good vibrating over and over”

Me “lol. Kind of?”

Kris “a bit more than kind of I suppose”

Me “Thinking about me again?”

Kris “Yup. Once I had seen it was you my mind wandered and I wanted to play!”

For whatever reason this time was different and I found myself aroused at the thought of Kris pleasuring herself, especially while thinking of me.

Me “Ok, spill it. I want specifics. lol”

Kris “mmmm I was thinking about your hands sliding down my panties from behind my office chair”

Me “Don’t stop there!”

Kris “Each vibration made me so wet. I imagined you kissing my neck and whispering in my ear how much you wanted to fuck me”

Kris “Fuck i’m getting wet again!”

Me “that sounds pretty fucking hot. You’re making it hard to work. :) “

Kris “GOOD! if my panties are wet I want your cock HARD! :P “

Me “I still think you’re fucking with me”

There is no way Kris is actually getting horny and wet thinking about me while at work, I thought to myself.

I walked upfront to office trying to hide my very noticeable bulge in my pants. As I walked in the front office Kris turned around in her deck chair with the biggest smile on her face.

“Having fun back in the shop?” She asked. “Tons, can’t you tell? So what are you up to?” Il asked. Without skipping a beat Kris replied, “Apparently you big boy!”. Kris smiled wickedly and turned back facing her computer. My face turned bright red with embarrassment. Not to be outdone I walked right up behind Kris’s chair, leaned in close behind, gently pulled her hair aside whispered in her ear,

“My desire right now is glide my hands over your body. To feel your body quiver as I kiss your neck. to feel the warmth from between your legs as my hands slide between your thighs. I want your panties soaked and dripping with your cum!”

A deep breath later Kris softly says…

“If you only knew….” and bit her lip.

I placed my hand on her cheek and while looking her in the eye said…

“All I know is that my mouth wants to taste you dripping off the tip of my tongue. I can smell your pussy and I want a taste!”

Kris stood up and told me to stay there, she had to do something quick. I was quite confused and curious as to what was about to happen. About a minute later I received a text from Kris. It was a picture of silky smooth white panties completely wet from what I hoped was actually her sweet juices. Another pic came a minute later with Kris’s fingers covered in a sloppy mess of her drenched pussy cum. One finger was touching her clit while the other was stringing a thick milky fluid from her glistening lower lips.

I was now so hard I was unconsciously touching his erection through my pants. One more picture followed with Kris’s fingers shining with a creamy sticky mess of or her cum with her tongue lapping it off her fingertips and a caption saying “mmmmm. Tastes so good!” . I quickly replied, “My mouth is watering at the thought of how you must taste. I think I might cum if I got a taste”.

Not long after I hit send Kris came walking back into the office with the biggest smile of satisfaction on her face. Walking right at me she said, “are you sure?” . “Absolutely!” said WIll.

Kris grinned seductively, leaned back, slid her right hand down her tight jeans and with a small moan from her touching her now sensitive clit she pulled out two very cum soaked fingers. Kris closed her eyes, tilted her head and devoured one of her creamy fingers enjoying the sweetness of her own musky juiciness.

My jaw dropped and Kris fed me the other finger. She smelt so sweet and desirable it made the gooey sticky finger that was once between legs and within her moist pussy taste orgasmic. My tongue flicked and swirled around her cum covered finger savoring every drop of her sex and sucking her dirty little finger clean.

Kris smiled and looked down at my engorged cock. “Ill do the same to that later! Now back to work!”.

I had never been so turn on before in my whole life. I can still picture the look on her face as she pulled out those wet fingers for us to taste. So incredibly hot.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30x0z9/just_one_taste