I was feeling cruel – M/f – BDSM

I was feeling cruel and she was horny.

Each day, every day, she had to masturbate three times, bring herself to the edge, hold herself there for at least a minute and then stop.

I had been away for the weekend and she was not allowed to orgasm without my permission and had not thought to ask me before I left.

My trip had been bad, full of maladies and unfortunate events.

I was feeling cruel and she was feeling horny.

We talked, we kissed, we hugged, we stripped and then she was face down on the bed. Blindfold. Ball gag. Hands pulled out and tied to the legs of the bed. Spreader bar, four foot long, tied to the ankles then tied to the foot board.

Hitachi vibrator slid up against her pussy and held down by her weight. Vibration turned onto low.

The flogger first. Light strokes across the back. The butt. The thighs. The back. Harder hits on upper back. Harder hits on the butt.

Then my hands. Gentle massages. Rub the red tender flesh. Kisses on her back. Teeth on her back. Kisses on her legs. Teeth on her legs. A finger teasing the wet entrance to her pussy.

Vibrator turned up. Moans through the gag.

The crop. She loves the crop. On her arms. on her legs. On her back. On her butt. Whack. Whack. Whack. Gently on her asshole. Gently on her pussy.

More moans through the gag, slight writhing as the skin grows red.

Vibrator turned up. It's load and her moans are constant now. Not begging yet.

I was feeling cruel. I wanted her to be begging.

More massaging. Rubbing the tender flesh with one hand while teasing her pussy with the other.

Then my hands. Slapping her back. Pinching her ass. Slapping her thighs. Vibrator turned up and I hear it.

The sound coming through the ball gag, "heeeeez, heeez, heez".

Good. I was feeling cruel.

From the top of my dresser I grab the punishment box. I hold it next to her head and say "quiet" which she does but her breathing is so heavy through her nose, gasps of air. I shake the box next to her ear. She understands after only a moment. I hear the whine starting with the gasps of air through her nose.

She is horny. I am cruel. She understands.

Just moans now through the gag, short and hard, she knows there is no reason to beg, no chance of pardon.

My hands slap down more on her ass. Over and over and over turning them bright red and then I finally let one slowly trail across her ass and then circled the entrance to her pussy.

She came. Her entire body thrashing against her bounds, displacing the vibrator. She came to a shuddering orgasm.

I slid the vibrator back into place under her. She made gasping noises. I heard "heeez oh, heez oh." Then she stopped. She knew.

Her body started to shake as I climbed on top of her. Her moaning through the gag only made louder as I grabbed her hair and pulled her head up. I lay on top of her and felt her under me. The angle was bad, but I made it work. I was feeling cruel and she was just so wet.

I found my way inside of her helpless body and began to thrust. Soon I had a rhythm up and heard her spasmed breathing through her nose. Short ragged breaths, fighting her body, fighting the pleasure.

My hand back in her hair, pulling her head for leverage and I felt her starting to cum again, her body fighting its bounds, thrashing and I lost control, pushing myself over the edge and finishing inside her.

I pushed the vibrator away and slowly rolled off her. I untied her and we held each other for a long time before we finally had to use the bathroom. As I finished, I picked the punishment box up and handed it to her.

"I believe you owe me two," I said.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30v947/i_was_feeling_cruel_mf_bdsm