(MF) my last night with Beth

The last time Beth and I slept together.

So this will be my last story with Beth and I, ya I only posted a few, but not sure if you want every single fuck session on here, its kinda repetitive, we meet either at her place, or her shop, fuck like rabbits, rest, go again, rest, go again and I head home.

This last one kinda is a good one, because it was more emotional for both of us. We are texting one day, just like we usually do, then just a random text comes across,

“I cant talk to you anymore”

“Did your boss come in? Text me later I guess?” from me…

an hour later

“Is everything ok?”

a couple hours later….

“Did I miss something? Did I say something wrong?”

This lasts for a couple days, I don't hear from her for a while. I keep wanting to go visit her but I’m afraid. One night on my way home from the gym, I text her…



“What happened? Is everything ok?”

“I want to tell you, but I want to tell you in person”

At this point I pull a U turn and head to her place. I walk to the living room and sit down, she tells me her fiancé texted her being all moody and pissy about talking to me a lot on facebook, and got into her head. She started to think about being sober and not having an affair, and thought it would be better to just end things like that. It was a good attempt, but I kept pushing by trying to find out. We both had our emotions in front of us, knowing this would be the last time we really saw each other….

She grabs me by the hand and leads me to her bedroom, closes the door, and we end up with our lips locked…. “We don't have to do this, I know its not what you want”

“what I want right now is you, all of you….”

We kiss deeply, slowly making out, our tongues massaging each others, our clothes start coming off, no foreplay what so ever, I get on top of her, kissing and biting her neck softly, and I enter her, I swear I was harder than I have ever been with anyone, it was just pulsing in her, and she could feel every beat. Her hips matching the speed of mine, kissing deeply more, she likes to bite, and makes sure she bites as hard as she can on my chest, leaving a mark, which I don't care any more. My cock curving so much into her, she creams at least twice with me on top. She rolls us over, our lips still not leaving our faces for long, just feeling her hips going up and down on me, back and forth, just keeps going, we both are deep in our feelings.

She sits up, and starts bucking like crazy, and it drives me crazy seeing her like this, my cock so deep inside of her, I swear I can feel her abs while she's riding me. She's cumming so much, its leaving trails behind on the bed, harder and harder she bucks, my cock is ready to explode so deep in her. I bring her back down, biting on her neck… She tells me

“I love your dick, I will always be yours…”

“I love your pussy, I love you…. I will always be yours as well”

At this point we’re cumming together, my cock pulsing so hard deep inside of her, she's still bucking hard on top of me, I flip her over and I’m still going, not stopping the motion, it doesn't hurt, its just pure bliss, we keep going, I grab her and lift her up, making her ride me as we sit up, my cock pumping deeper and deeper. This is the very rare occurrence where I don't come down after cumming, we’re like this for an hour, I cum at least 3 times, never leaving her pussy, filling her up each time, theres marks all over the place on both of us, we’re getting our last fuck in as best as we can….

After we’re both spent, cum all over my cock, kissing softly on the bed… We end with our usual shower, and cuddling, I get dressed and about to leave, we cuddle and I cant let her go…. We end up kissing again, she drops to her knees and gives me an amazing blow job I couldn't stop her from doing… I throw her on the couch, and start pushing into her again, we cant stop grabbing each other and keep fucking for another half hour….

When we are finally spent, I wipe off myself with her drenched panties, closest thing I could find, we force ourselves not to touch each other after a hug…. I leave, and head back home.

The next time I see her, is a month later, I drop by her shop, we talk for a bit, I ask her hows things with her fiance, she still says dicey, but she couldn't stop her self, she found a new fuck buddy, she has videos of them going at it… I watch a couple with her, and I’m so turned on at the site of her getting fucked.

She already tells me he isn't into three some or having guys watch, she already asked cause she wanted me there. I shrug and say its ok, its better I stop… She said she was with him last night, if she wasn’t, we would of been in the back room, I still tried to convince her anyways, my strength wasn't that great that day.

The reason why this is the last story, is cause my wife found out the same day I visited Beth at her shop, my life crumbled in front of me, after my wife found all the emails, pictures, videos, etc… I’m still with her till this day, we worked out a lot of things, but all these stories was to vent, so I wouldn't act out again. I hope you all enjoyed it, I may delete my account, I may not… I’m still trying to see if this is good for me or not. But enjoy :-).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30786s/mf_my_last_night_with_beth