Sex by the beach [MF] [Sleep] [Mast]

A cool breeze drifts through the room, stirring me. The room is dark and though I can't see you, I can hear you breathing next to me. Snoring actually.

The margaritas were easy going down and the bartender by the pool loved pouring them for us. You especially. I caught him eyeing you several times. That white 2-piece you were wearing hugged you in all the right places. At first I was angry but I could see you enjoyed the attention and I couldn't really blame the guy, I was staring too.

And besides, he could work you up all he wanted, I knew it was only going to make our fucking that night even hotter.

Although, it didn't quite work out that way. We ended up stumbling back to our room, drunk and sloppy. Our clothes heaped by the bed, it was a valiant effort before passing out. That hot sun can be a real bitch sometimes. It's fun to lay around in it all day, but it sucks the energy from you, and you don't even notice.

I expected to erupt into a pounding headache any second, but it didn't happen. Before I could solve this quandary, my bladder answered it for me. The water.

I lurch out of bed and sway into the bathroom, still tipsy. Usually I sleep naked, but tonight I had fallen asleep even before I had gotten my boxers off. I flick on the bathroom light to make sure I don’t make a mess of things.

Coming back out of the bathroom I can still hear you snoring. I smile to myself. Even asleep you’re not very ladylike. That was fine by me, especially when it came to dirty talk. I loved your filthy mouth and the things you said when we fucked.

The way you'd beg for me to put it in you, or ask me how it felt to be inside you.

Before I realize it I am standing over the bed, absentmindedly rubbing my growing erection. The light from the bathroom spills onto the bed and I can make out the curve of your body, punctuated by your ass, under the sheet.

I move the sheet slightly, exposing part of your leg. Then I stop, listening. You're in a deep sleep and keep snoring. I move the sheet more, and then a little more, pausing each time to see if you're still asleep. This continues until I've uncovered your legs and ass.

I stand there staring at you, my eyes following up your legs until they meet your ass.I love looking at your ass, the curve it makes in the shadow, the smooth, tan skin, how your legs are slightly apart, and how I can just barely make out your smooth pussy.

My cock is now very hard and throbbing, working it's way through the hole in my boxers.

I want to grab hold of your ass hard and spread your cheeks apart to expose your pussy and tight asshole, but instead run a finger lightly up your leg. Still no response. The finger runs up higher, circling your ass cheek. I then turn into your crack, brushing down past your asshole, sliding over your inner thigh, until it comes back up to rest on your pussy.

You waxed shortly before we left and I love the smoothness of your skin. My finger circles around over and over again. My cock is now fully exposed and I wrap my hand around it. One hand rubbing your pussy while the other rubs my cock.

Although you're still asleep, I can feel a little wetness leaking onto my fingers. I love how, even asleep, your pussy is wet and ready for me.

I gingerly make my way into the bed, straddling you as you lay on your stomach. My hands run up your legs until they reach your ass, and I gently squeeze and spread them apart, revealing your pussy and tight little asshole.

Still snoring, with no idea how I'm about to take advantage of your body.

One hand runs from your ass down and the fingers find your pussy. Gently at first, not to wake you, they tickle over your lips, lightly brushing them. The brushing gives way to urgency and becomes wanton rubbing. The wetness build until the fingers can wait no longer and a digit slips inside.

The heat rises and I can't resist fingering you faster and harder. But the finger is an inadequate substitute and I slide it out. My cock is throbbing now, inches from your tight, wet little pussy.

I pause only for a moment before leaning forward and guiding myself slowly inside you. Inch by inch I slide in, expecting you to start at any moment. Before I realize it, I’m up to my balls without a peep from you.

Fully inside you, I don’t move. I love being inside you and could remain there for hours. I’m flexing my cock, feeling it press against you, against the glove you have wrapped around me.

Flexing up and down, I want to fucking pound your pussy so bad, my body begging me, my mind screaming at me to. Instead I draw slowly back out, the feeling unbelievable. Never have I had you all to myself, without you knowing, without you being aware. I stifle a moan as my head pops out, making a delightfully wet popping sound.

I breathe into the night, waiting. I’m met by your snoring, assuring me that you’re blissfully unaware of my self-indulgence.

This is all about me using your body for myself. Eager for more pleasure, I start to slide back in, not quite as slowly this time. When I get to the bottom, I don’t wait as long before coming back up. Slowly, my pace increases.

I first notice your ass starts to hinge upward. Then I notice you’re no longer snoring. Soon you’re thrusting in time with me, your hips rising to meet mine.

I grab your hair and lean forward, my lips by your ear.

“Not so sleepy now, are we?”

You pant and moan in response.

“You like waking up to a cock inside you, fucking you, don’t you?”

More moans in response.

“You’ve been a bad girl, you were talking in your sleep”

I pin your arms behind you, continuing to thrust into you.

“You were talking about that bartender. Were you dreaming about his fat cock? He’s probably stroking it right now, thinking about you.”

You half-heartedly protest and moan in response. I know how much you like being looked at and although your mouth says no, your body is saying yes.

“You liked teasing him, didn’t you? Leaning forward to show off your tits. He probably snapped a few photos of your ass as you were walking away.”

Breathing faster, your protests fall away and are replaced by more moans.

“He’s probably looking at those pics now, dreaming about how badly he’d like to fuck you from behind.”

I can tell you’re close to cumming, you’re panting and thrusting faster and faster.

“He’s stroking his cock now, getting closer and closer, he’s going to cum all over you.”

That puts your over the edge, you cry out and I can feel you squeezing my cock with your pussy as you orgasm.

“You want that hot cum all over you, don’t you?”


“Beg for it. Say it.”

“Yes! Cum on meee… pleease…”

“He’s going to cum on your tits.”

I pull out and you flip over, your hand finding your clit, while the other pulls on your nipple. I’m stroking my cock and our eyes lock in a lustful gaze.

“You’re going to cum again, aren’t you? Let me hear you cum.”

You scream again and your hips thrust upward. I love hearing you cum and moaning I go over the edge, shooting thick ropes of cum onto your chest.

“Take it, take my cummm…. all over youuuu….”

You gleefully rub it into your breasts, moaning all the while.

“Suck it dry… suck my cock dry and swallow every last drop.”

You immediately take me into your mouth and do as you’re told, and slurp and suck my cock clean.

We collapse in a heap, me spooning you, my fading erection nestled between your ass cheeks.

“Hmm… was that a good midnight treat?”


I wrap my arms around you and sigh.

“But”, you say, “maybe next time you could put it in my ass?”

My cock twitches in response and you giggle.

“Who says we have to wait until next time….”

To be continued…



  1. you basically wrote my fantasy. i can’t think of anything more mind-blowingly sexy than waking up to my man’s cock inside of me. please write more, i’m obsessed!

  2. Thanks, I aim to please :). I’ve got a few more stories in progress, but there’s never enough time. I’ll try to get something up soon, maybe flip it around, where she ravishes him in his sleep.

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