farrah + susan [ffm] (repost from tumblr)

I had been with Farrah for about a year and a half, and this was our second winter together. I had taught her how to snowboard the season before and we had been planning a late-season trip up north to Farrah’s stepfather’s cabin with her best friend Susan for months. Though it was late March, the forecasters were calling for a significant blizzard, and after only one day of riding, we had to cut our trip short and head back south. The snows were beginning to drift on the highway, and it was getting late, so we decided to stop at Farrah’s mother’s house. We were still pretty far north of the city in which we all lived, but we hoped that in the morning, the plows would be out and we’d be able to complete our journey home. The house was empty and quite comfortable, as her mother and stepfather were vacationing in Florida.

That night, we were tired so we just had a few drinks from the liquor cabinet and retired, Farrah and I in her old room and Susan choosing to sleep on the couch in the living room outside our door. The next morning, the storm was still going slate-grey and strong. The plows had not come to her neighborhood yet. We still had a few days left on our vacation so we decided to make the most of it. We cooked a large breakfast of waffles on the waffle iron and fruit, and watched Welcome to the Dollhouse. After the movie, we decided to suit up and venture out into the storm. Farrah’s mother lived in a nice, working class, but very idyllic town, and her neighborhood was very hill-and-vale. Farrah did not feel like snowboarding, so she dug out a sled and we started off towards a hill that Farrah knew from growing up. The walk on the path through the woods was pleasant and silent, and the going was simplified by there being less snowfall which made its way all the way down through the trees to the ground. The hill was deserted as the snow was still coming down fairly hard and parents had probably warned their children away until conditions improved. Sledding proved difficult for Farrah in the big wet powder, but it was somewhat easier for Susan and I. After only three runs, we were already growing tired of trudging back up the long hill to the top, Farrah’s feet were starting to get cold, and the color washing over everything was starting to turn to a dark blue-grey-purple as the sun was setting behind the stormclouds and the light pollution from the city miles away was starting to reflect up off of the clouds.

When we got back, we changed to get warm, made some hot chocolate and hung out coats and pants up to dry. Farrah and I started to make some roasted vegetable tacos from ingredients left in the house; there were some good-looking squash, peppers, and tomatoes that certainly would have gone bad by the time her parents returned. The kitchen grew warm and Susan walked in from the living room where she had been reading A Moveable Feast on the couch.

She was wearing only her skintight white termals, hugging every little curve of her body. Farrah joked with her about how hot she looked; we were both in sweaters and jeans. She replied that it was warm in the house, but warmer in the kitchen. I had always been aware that Susan had larger breasts than Farrah, and it was something that Farrah talked about from time to time. She would tease me that she had seen Susan’s ass or that she was walking around in her underwear again and how amazing her body was. It seemed like Susan had removed her bra under her thermals, but I didn’t want to look too closely so as to make her feel uncomfortable or anything. They were both attractive girls; Farrah was very tall (almost my height), with very long straight blonde hair parted down the middle, hanging all the way down her back. She had very pretty auburn-colored eyes and an engaging smile and laugh. She was fairly thin, but also a proportional size for her height. She had average-sized breasts with big pale pink nipples, and a small ass atop her mile-long legs. Susan was about 5’5”, with long, straight, naturally golden-highlighted brown hair parted down the middle like Farrah’s, but Susan’s general appearance was much more hippie-like than Farrah’s, who looked somehow more “hip” and contemporary. Perhaps it was heavy-lidded Susan’s big, blue sad dog eyes and slightly crooked teeth behind strikingly thick lips, which made her look perpetually stoned. In her tight white clothes, though, I was getting my first look at what her body really looked like: all smooth, even lines, narrow waist, big bouncing breasts and pert butt, in contrast to Farrah’s protruding hip bones and jutting wide hips.

As I began to plate the tacos, Farrah found a full, unopened bottle of tequila with which she made us all margaritas. We were getting wasted and conversation opened up a bit. I knew Susan’s on-again, off-again (currently off) boyfriend, Sam, and she was normally very reserved about the relationship around me. He was definitely a really quiet guy and they always seemed pretty bored together. Now, she was letting loose, and apparently Farrah already knew all the details but had kept them from me out of fealty to her friend. We were laughing and having a good time, and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Susan, as Sam’s continuing, self-conscious presence had gotten in the way of a few potential opportunities for Susan. As we got drunker, the music got louder and the jokes got funnier, and we lost total track of anything that was going on outside.

At one point I went to go to the bathroom, and then into the bedroom to grab a different shirt from my bag as it had gotten a lot warmer in the house. As I was changing my shirt, Farrah burst in and started making out with me. She didn’t let me get my shirt on, and was undoing my belt and taking my cock in her hand. I slid my hand up the back of her sweater against her warm back, and undid the clasp on the back of her bra. I slipped her sweater and bra off in one motion, and as she was hovering over me as I lay on the bed, her tits were right in my face. I had always loved the way that, when her nipples were not hard, they were almost invisible and completely flat against her large, pale areolae. I grabbed them and started to suck on them to get them hard and her nipples grew bigger and darker. I heard her let out a satisfying yelp, and felt her readjust her body to press her clit into my erection and rub herself partially up and down my length. Her jeans were rough against the skin on the back of my cock, so I started to undo her jeans. She stood, dropped them, and came back to straddling me. She was wearing smooth, light-pink satin panties and I could feel how wet she was through them as she continued pressing herself into my cock. We were kissing and I could feel a sultry immediacy and slackness in her bottom lip. I knew she was getting close to orgasm already, and felt proud that I was getting her off so handily, but I wanted to make her wait for it, so I flipped her off of me onto the bed. She sat up next to me, kissed my neck and started stroking my rock hard dick pointing skyward. I crossed my right arm over and started touching the inside of her thighs. Drunk, we had become completely oblivious to our surroundings. She started asking me to please touch her clit, as my fingers, now inside her panties, were running up and down either side of her clit…close, but not quite enough to make her cum. All of a sudden we hear something and look up to see Susan starting to cover her eyes and look away. She was all dressed again in her coat and snow pants and boots, apologizing profusely that we had left the door open and didn’t know we were in there hooking up. All the lights were on, she had definitely seen us both.

We let her know that it was okay, Farrah and I started putting our clothes on and Susan had backed down the hall a few feet so as to be out of sight. She explained that she wanted to check the storm out now that it was dark, to see what it was like, and told us that she had looked out and it still didn’t look as though the plows had been around.

Though I was still hard, I stuffed my cock back into my jeans and Farrah, though she looked flustered from having come close to orgasm, said that sounded like a good idea. We got dressed, took a bottle of brandy with us and trudged back out into the snow. Our gear was still fairly wet, but we were bundled up underneath, and it didn’t really matter regardless.

It was turning out to be one of the biggest blizzards any of us had seen in our lives. The sky to the north, to empty country and mountains, was pitch black. A few neighbors who had shoveled earlier were losing any evidence of having done so. We ran around, passing the brandy around, throwing snowballs at one another and yelling. All awkwardness of what had transpired an hour ago seemed lost. Susan tackled us into a snowdrift with the bottle and it went flying, landing silently in a huge pile of snow nearby. Farrah kissed me.

It wasn’t long before we’d had enough and headed back in. We stripped down again, hanging our wet gear up in the garage and running in to find warmer clothes. I watched Farrah and Sarah run side by side and felt a twinge of my erection come back.

We watched Saturday Night Live, and midway through, once Susan fell asleep, Farrah and I gently, as quietly as we could, retrieved her blanket and placed it on top of her, and friskily ran to the bedroom. She made me stand, completely naked in the middle of the room, as she dropped to her knees and proceeded to give me a blowjob. She had a very strong grip, and would always hold the base of my cock in her fist as she went down on me, and during breaks she’d slowly slide her hand up over the wetness her mouth had left. Whenever I was finally getting close and would tell her, this is how she would get me off – long, slow, very tight strokes, my blasts shooting multiple times for each stroke, usually going over her shoulder as she kissed my thigh or tongued my balls. This time, when I told her that I was going to cum, she left her mouth on the head of my cock and slowly, deliberately ran her fist up my shaft from my base to her lips. I felt myself release hard and fast right against the roof of her mouth. Right after the initial shot, she started choking and released my cock from her mouth. The next shot went clear across the room, getting on the wall about 6 feet away and all over the carpet. I panic, grab my cock hard and attempt to keep it from shooting too much more, while attending to Farrah’s choking in the middle of an orgasm. I hadn’t gotten off in about four days, and with all my exposure to two beautiful girls during that time and enough sexual activity to get me close but not quite there, I don’t know what I was thinking by letting her get me off in her mouth. I always had very strong orgasms, and she knew this (from the first time she ever gave me a handjob in the woods on a fall afternoon, when I whispered to her, “watch,” and proceeded to heave a massive, arcing orgasm all over the dead leaves, and she whispered a cute little, “woah”). She was soon recovered, and apologized profusely for “ruining my orgasm.” In actuality, it was an amazing, debilitating orgasm, and I let her know as much. Before cleaning up I ended up going down on her right there on the carpet, teasing her a little at first by licking her labia before she grabbed my hair and angled my mouth towards her clit. She was sweaty from running around outside and wet from the orgasm, and in short time she had a very loud, back-arching, thighs-squeezing-my-skull, heels digging into my back orgasm.

We lay there, naked on the beige carpet, for awhile, making out. I went to the kitchen without putting any of my clothes back on, as there was no view from the living room where Susan was sleeping. As I turned the corner to find something with which to clean the cum out of the carpet and off the wall, Susan was standing there eating a cookie in her tight white thermals. This was the second time she’d seen me naked in one evening. I immediately wondered if Farrah’s extra-loud orgasm had woken her up (and, presumably, made her hungry for a cookie). This time my nudity did not have the benefit of an erection. I had always been proud of my soft size as there was not much difference between that and my hard size. When I had played football, I noticed that I was bigger than all the other white players, who had rather uniform, what I suppose were more normal-sized flaccid penises. The black players, (a few of whom yes, had longer dicks than me) would make fun of the other white players and would ask them why I was so long and they weren’t, joking that I was black, but only in my dick. I was hairy, and tall, and big, and part Greek, so I just chalked it up to those factors. But with Susan standing before me, looking hot as fuck, and all the inherent confusion of being seen naked by someone and not knowing what to do, I felt vulnerable. I felt my cock twinge and she giggled before I tried to cover myself up as we were both apologizing at the same time and I was explaining that I thought she was asleep.

We heard Farrah jokingly chiding me from the other room that I should have put clothes on and she walked out, in her own little floral pattern thermals. She looked funny because the sleeves only reached three-quarters of the way down her arms and the legs came midway up her calves. I was already heading back into the bedroom to grab some clothes. Farrah grabbed the cleaning supplies from the kitchen and I went to the bathroom to clean myself off.

The next morning we all slept in, and had another big breakfast. Still no word from Susan, which honestly was preferred. Just a small laugh when we first saw one another, to put me at ease. The snow was, inexplicably, still falling almost 36 hours after it had started in the mountains. I went out to shovel, just so that the final effort once the storm was over would be easier.

There was about 2-3 feet on the ground, and since I had to do the driveway and sidewalks, it took about two hours. It was good exercise though, and I felt good. The snow was coming down much lighter than it had been, and it looked like we would probably be able to leave as soon as the streets were plowed.

As I entered the house, Farrah and Susan had hot chocolate, freshly baked chex mix, a warm change of clothes, and the heat cranked all the way up waiting for me. In the warmth of the house, they were both lounging around in little gym shorts and tank tops. I silently mused to myself how badly this cabin fever was getting to me. We watched another movie, Dr. Strangelove, and I made a pasta dish with vegetables and some garlic bread from the freezer, which turned out satisfactorily. We had a whole slew of different drinks this night: we opened a bottle of red wine, some whiskey with ginger ale, vodka, and remembered the brandy, still chilling out in a snowbank somewhere.

At some point after dinner, while laying around, playing cards, drinking, and listening to Helium’s Pirate Prude, Farrah joked about their funny inside jokes surrounding Mary Timony’s comical lyrics as though they understood her life and sense of humor perfectly. I certainly could be convinced of this. Farrah leaned over and bit my neck at some point during “Baby Vampire Made Me / Wanna be a Vampire too, Baby” and then drunkenly squealed about how good it felt when Susan “played vampire,” which was something she had discovered when Farrah had spontaneously bit her while listening to this album. This intrigued me; I had never heard Farrah mention this, despite the fact that she usually told me everything. She insisted that I had to let Susan bite my neck, and before I could hand-wringingly oblige, she was on it. I could feel her big tits pressing into my left shoulder, as Farrah watched me at first pull a slight face, and then smile at her. It really did not feel like anything other than a girl biting my neck, but I was a bit tense and nervous. I was getting hard. Susan popped up and saw Farrah biting my neck. I locked eyes with those big round bedroom eyes of hers and she smiled. I saw her eyes glance down at my lap where my erection, which tended to point left, was almost touching her bare knee. I felt embarrassment flooding back and closed my eyes and she went back to my neck again. This time it was different – I felt her big, puffy bottom lip lightly caress the skin on my neck instead of her teeth. I was hard as a rock. I almost instinctually pushed Farrah away out of awkwardness but it felt too good for it to stop. They had both angled themselves around to be more in front of me than beside me, and the head of my cock was now brushing against Susan’s thigh. Farrah stopped biting my neck, moved across me, and started biting Susan’s neck. I brushed her hair out of the way and kissed her bare neck. Then Susan started kissing her neck, and their lips drifted towards one another right in front of me. I had my hand on Farrah’s back, but had been careful to not touch Susan up until this point. I felt as though it would be okay to put my hand on her back, so I did. She was not wearing a bra.

Susan stopped kissing Farrah, and while maintaining eye contact with her, put her left hand on my dick. Farrah, started rubbing my right leg and went back to kissing and biting my neck. Susan reached across me and started kissing Susan’s neck. Her tits were pressed firmly into my chest and I looked down at her cleavage popping up and out of of the top of her tank top. My girlfriend stopped kissing my neck and told me to bite Susan’s neck. Though it came as a bit of a surprise, it was very reassuring and at that point I had a good idea as to what was going down.

I kissed her soft, warm neck and thought about their friendship. They were both cool, carefree people…I reassured myself that this wouldn’t change anything. Susan’s skin felt different than Farrah’s. It had been awhile since I had kissed another girl’s skin. It was soft and supple and pliable; Farrah’s had very nice, but taught skin. It was just different. She was rubbing my cock over my jeans, deliberately running her hand all the way up and down my shaft. I put my hand on Farrah’s little ass and felt between her legs, reaching towards her clit. She started breathing heavily and dropped one hand down to Susan’s and undid my belt. Susan relented and sat back as Farrah pulled my cock out and started to stroke it. “Wow,” she said, staring at it, “you weren’t lying. Wow. I want to watch you do that.” I was looking at Susan’s eyes, but she was just looking at my erection. Her nipples were hard and I continued to play with Farrah’s pussy as she kneeled over me, stroking my cock for Susan.

She took me in her mouth and I took my shirt off, then hers and I slipped it over her head as she took my cock out of her mouth and smiled up at Susan. I pulled my jeans down past my knees and Susan helped get them off. I slipped my fingers inside Farrah’s shorts and started to rub her clit quickly in circles. She leaned up, grabbed Susan’s arm, and pulled her tank top off. I watched her tits drop out of her shirt, one by one, first the right and then the left. She had absolutely gorgeous breasts; not as large as I had presumed, but firm and round and still quite large, especially for the rest of her frame. Farrah looked up at me and smiled. I took her bra off and they started making out and touching each other’s breasts. Susan had great little stomach muscles that moved and flexed with each movement of her body. I was still playing with Farrah’s clit, and Susan grabbed one of my hands and placed it on her right breast. She had very nice nipples which were rock hard in my hand.

I felt Farrah’s body give a little quake. I immediately slowed my motions, and whispered to Susan to suck on her nipples. She complied, and I put my thumb inside of Farrah, rubbing right behind her clit as I rubbed it with my first three fingers. Farrah erupted into orgasm and hugged Susan’s face into her breasts.

After she came, I stopped touching her and she repositioned herself to go down on me. I wanted to suck on Susan’s nipples but couldn’t reach to where she was sitting. Instead, she dropped down and started kissing my thigh right next to where Farrah was holding my cock. Farrah noticed and took my head out of her mouth and started lightly kissing down my shaft. Susan joined in. She was laying on her side splayed out away from me, proudly displaying her impressive rack for me. I felt them and lightly toyed with her nipple.

Farrah and Susan started kissing one another right above my erection and it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Susan leaned back and slipped her right hand inside her shorts, propped her left leg up on the couch, and slipped her other hand into the bottom of her shorts so that she could finger herself while watching Farrah blow me. Her eyes barely met mine, she was fixated on Farrah’s expert cocksucking work. The position she was in to touch herself was slightly squeezing her breasts together, and as her right hand worked her clit rapidly, her tits trembled slightly side-to-side.

Farrah looked up at me and said, “I want to watch you cum on her tits.” I paused with my my mouth open and didn’t say anything. “And I want you to do it. I want to watch.” I responded nodded and she went back to going down on me. I looked at Susan and she smiled with eyebrows that gave that “sympathetic” look of someone who is being turned on but is interrupted from their task.

All of a sudden a bright flash of the first signs of orgasm washed over me and I can’t stop it. I yelled that I was going to cum and Farrah released me. I grabbed my dick in my right hand and didn’t really have the time to move, so I squeezed and angled myself towards Susan and burst all over her. The first shot landed lightly on her right leg, the next three blasted all the way over her left shoulder, onto the couch and the floor beyond it, getting a little bit in her hair. Right at the moment that my first shot hit her leg, she started making a cute little orgasmic moan that peaked along with mine. I lost track of how many eruptions overwhelmed me, but the majority of the next five or six landed on her chest and torso. The end of my orgasm wound up on my leg and hers. I collapse and we all start laughing. Farrah yelled “holy fuck!” and Susan starts laughing and shaking her head, implying incredulity. I didn’t know if she had really gotten herself off or if it was just for show for the two of us, but I believed that she did.

After cleaning up the mess, the three of us fell asleep right there on the floor together, naked under the blanket. In the morning, I was the last to wake, as the first sunlight in days poured through the windows and onto the living room floor. The girls were both already dressed, and I roused myself as they prepared breakfast.

The plows had come and there was not much left to shovel. It seemed as though the storm had probably ended at some point during our little adventure. It had been my first threesome (or at least 4/5th of the way to a threesome) and sadly enough, Farrah and I broke up a couple of months later. I did not believe that it had anything to do with what had happened with Susan, and their friendship had remained just as intact as it ever had been. I later learned, also, that they whole thing had been premeditated over the course of many months. Farrah only had nice things to say about the sexual aspects of our relationship, while Susan’s complaints about how boring and lifeless her love life with Sam was gave them the whole idea. Even the use of Helium had been part of it.

A little over a year later, Susan was back with Sam and I went on a big group vacation with a group of our friends. Sam couldn’t come, but things were almost completely normal between us, as if nothing had happened. Getting to see her in a bikini was great though, as I had spent a year fantasizing about what had happened and attempting to visually recreate everything in my mind. Before the vacation was over, she got involved in a scandalous relationship with a big bull of a man whom everyone agreed looked like me. Everyone tried to keep the secret from Sam but she eventually told him, and ended up seeing this new guy for some time. I had always hoped she was happy with him.

originally posted at revolutionarylibertine

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zxjrg/farrah_susan_ffm_repost_from_tumblr


  1. Thanks! Reassuring, it’s actually the first of this type of nonfiction smut I had written.

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