Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.28: Things Heat Up [fM]

Shouts of "Fire, fire," echoed around the hall and the sound of running feet began.

Kerina didn't want to get seen like this, but at the same time she had been told to stay here and let the thermometer work. Kerina's brow creased as she tried to work out what to do, her current position doing a lot to distract her. She swiftly decided, however, that the threat of fire was more important than any other considerations, so she reached back and painfully drew the thick thermometer out of her tight ass.

Leaving it on the desk she looked around frantically for her gown… it was gone! She stood there indecisively, she had to get out of here, but she didn't want to be walking around naked. Outside the sounds off footsteps died down and went quiet. Presumably everyone had left.

Kerina was about to take a look when she heard the sound of a nearby door closing. A few moments later another closed. Someone was checking the rooms!

Kerina looked around desperate for somewhere to hide, but there was no where. Before she could think further, the door opened and a tall man, who only looked in his mid twenties, looked in and stopped shocked.

"What are you doing, there is a fire alarm, you have to get out! And, uh, where are your clothes?"

"I-I don't know," Kerina answered honestly, too embarrassed to continue on with her explanation properly.

"Well you have to get out of here," he said grabbing her wrist and pulling her into the corridor, "we have to get to the meeting point."

"No! Please don't do this," Kerina yelped, feet sliding along as he dragged her down the corridor, "please you can't take me out there naked."

He slowed looking at her uncertainly, "I am only a student teacher, I have to get everyone to safety."

Panicking, Kerina desperately fought for something to say, "Well if you take me like this, then they are going to think you are having sex with students."

"Yeah, it could look bad I guess," He said thoughtfully, "well the supply closet with lost and found is just around the corner here, "We could quickly grab something for you to wear," he said pulling her around the corner after him.

Kerina stumbled along again, helpless, but at least happy he as talking about clothing her. They reached a door and he pushed it open into a small room. He grabbed a box in the corner and upended it. He grabbed the only girls clothing, which were 2 skirts, both in school green, and a school blouse and a t-shirt which had been ripped almost in half. He handed them to Kerina, "Come on, quick then."

Kerina blushed as she pulled on the blouse in front of him, swiftly buttoning it up hiding her pert breasts, the she pulled on the first skirt, but it was tiny and wouldn't go over her hips. Blushing Kerina slipped it back off, revealing her neatly trimmed pussy to him again and then pulled the other on. It also was tight but it was able to fit. It was short though, and didn't even fall half way down her thighs. Kerina zipped it up thankfully, but feeling very dirty, having just dressed in front of this older guy.

Kerina looked up and was surprised by the change in the look the guy was giving her now.

"You are very, um, developed, aren't you?" he asked in a strained voice.

"Uh well, you see, its kind of hard to explain.."

"How old are you?" He asked getting a little closer.

"Uh 18, but I, but I don't think…"

"18? Well that's perfect then," he said, his hands grabbing onto the sides of Kerina's slim hips.

"What are you doing?" she asked shocked, but at the same time he ignored her and lifted her up onto a desk, her legs parted, the skirt riding up lewdly displaying her neatly trimmed pussy, her lips parting slightly.

"Pl-please, I don't think we should," Kerina pleaded

"Shhh, just be quiet now," he hissed as he reached down and undid his pants, and pulled his briefs down quickly, his long thin cock popping free.

"Look, don't, I don't want you to.."

"Shut up bitch, I can imagine what you were doing alone and naked in the other class room anyway, now shut up while I do this."

Kerina gasped as he shoved her roughly on her back and thrust forward with his hips, his cock pushing roughly between her pussy lips, plunging deep in her. Kerina struggled weakly and he held her on her back, pulling at the front of her blouse as he started pumping his cock into her lovely young plump pussy.

"Hey what the hell?" a female voice shattered the silence behind them.

"Oh shit," the guy fucking Kerina said looking over his shoulder.

"Brian what is with you and, oh you are having sex with a student? You are a slime bag. You will get fired for sure this time," the voice said smugly. Kerina was whimpering as his cock relentlessly kept pumping her, as she lay there legs open, breasts popping out on the desk.

"Get away from her now, you sick bastard," the voice said getting closer, Brian was shoved out of the way and a hand grabbed Kerina's hand pulling her up into a sitting position.

"Are you okay…what the??"

Kerina sat there, legs apart, skirt riding up around her waist, blouse open with her young pert breasts hanging lewdly out, looking into the face of Haley!

"Haley?" Kerina asked confused.

"Kerina? What are you doing here?" Haley asked stunned, "Why are you dressed as a student from here?" Haley continued after a few moments.

"Uh, w-well you see, I was here for a physical. Uh and, and I was taken to a room for an exam and then the alarm went off , and I was there by myself and I couldn't find my robe…" Kerina trailed off as Haley's pretty brown eyes turned from confused to annoyed, "uhh, what are you doing here?" Kerina finished lamely.

"I am a doing a student teaching placement here, the same as your boyfriend here Brian is doing. I don't know what is wrong with you Kerina, seriously when you were first at College, you were so nice and quiet and now you have turned into this slut who just sleeps around. You are pathetic and I am sick of it. Don't let me see you around here again or I am reporting you both," Haley stated angrily, turned on her heel and walked off.

"B-but you don't understand.." Kerina pleaded weakly as Haley walked away.

"Now where were we babe?" Brian smiled and pushed Kerina back roughly, pushed her legs apart and slid back inside her.

Kerina lay there helpless as he fucked her roughly, and grunted loudly and came inside her.

"That was great babe, we should hook up again another time," He said grinning as he stood up and zipped himself up. He looked down at the pretty Kerina, laying there legs apart, pussy gaping from the fucking it had just received and her breasts red from where he had been squeezing them. He grinned and walked out.

Kerina weakly did the clothes back up and headed out the door. He had really fucked her hard and she was walking uncomfortably, but she was desperate to get out of there. Fortunately the fire alarm, while turned off, was still taking up everyone's time as classes were counted and the teachers ensured everyone was there. Kerina used the opportunity to leave via a small side door and she walked slowly back to her Dorm room.

With out her belongings again, Kerina knocked hopefully on her door and was relieved as Lisa opened the door for her. Kerina limped in, disheveled in a too-small school uniform, and realized that Lisa's boyfriend was there.

Kerina was too embarrassed to even talk. "Wow, looks like Kerina has been at it again," grinned Ben.

"Well, we were just going," Lisa said, picking up her keys.

"What? No we weren't" Ben said confused.

"Well we are now," Lisa said angrily and stormed out, Ben followed grinning back at Kerina before he walked out. Kerina went and sat on her bed dejected.

A flashing symbol on her phone led Kerina's attention to her cell phone. A message was awaiting for her. She dialed the number and listened. The manager from the department store had left a message offering her the job, asking her to come in on Thursday afternoon.

Kerina sat there miserably. Unable to face any more she lay back and drifted off.

She was roused as she heard knocking on the door. Sleepily she walked over, thinking Lisa had locked her self out. Opening the door she looked confused at the two figures standing there nervously.

Seeing her standing there disheveled in a little school uniform, Morie grinned.

"Hi there Kerina, we hadn't heard from you from you for a while and we were in the neighborhood. Well come on, are you going to invite us in?"

Kerina stood there shocked by the two foul smelling bums at her door.

"P-please, you have to get out of here," she hissed.

Big Johnny looked hurt at her comment, "You gonna throw us out when we were so nice, you remember?"

"Yeah," grinned Morie, "remember when you were running naked from the police," he said getting louder.

"Shhh shh, okay, okay come in," Kerina said horrified looking out down the thankfully empty corridor.

"See, I knew she would treat us nice," said Morie, "look she even dressed up for us. I always wanted to fuck a schoolgirl.

The evening was a haze after that, but suffice to say that Kerina was soon back on the job. Bent over her bed, skirt hiked around her waist, Morie finally took his turn at fucking the luscious 18-year-old.

In fact he had a couple of turns and so did Big Johnny. When they left about an hour later, they were both very satisfied and went out to search for something to drink.



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