[M/F] The wonders of hooking up through Reddit – Part 3 (of 3)

Part One is here and Part Two is here

It was a great week, though it will sadly end after this last chapter. She was only in town for another day, so we spent about 30 hours straight together enjoying it as much as possible. After I left on Wednesday night, it was torture for the both of us. She sent me this picture to show me how wet she's been and how she hasn't been able to get me off of her mind. I responded with a picture of my pants-bound erection and a similar sentiment, but her pictures are way better. In any event, we had to wait from Wednesday night until Saturday evening to see each other again. After talking about how hot it would be for me to cum in her ass or on her face, I decided not to masturbate for a few days. I even managed to convince her to do the same, though she slipped up a few times. She didn't cum, though, with which I was pleased. She sent me this picture on Friday at my request and I almost wanted to quit my night job and head her way immediately. I restrained myself, however, and waited until Saturday. From here on out, it's all sort of a blur of the best sex I've ever had (not hyperbole in the slightest), but I've tried to recount some of the finer moments for y'all.

She answered the door once again within 3 seconds of my knocking and we had our hands on each other's bodies as she was struggling to get my jacket off. We had discussed exploring more bdsm, so I pinned her against the wall with her ass sticking out and her hands above her head. I growled in her ear, "How many times did you touch yourself?" to which she responded, "Too many times to remember." I couldn't have asked for a better response, so I pulled down her pants and after admiring her shapely ass, did the same with her soaked panties. I picked them up and rubbed them under her nose and told her what a dirty girl she had been while she whimpered and tasted herself, leaving traces of lipstick on the gusset. I told her to count for me and she could only groan an affirmative response before I let my hand come down hard on her left ass cheek. She choked out a "One," as my free hand snaked around her hips and between her legs, where I fingered her dripping pussy. I spanked her again, harder, on the right cheek, shortly followed by a, "Two." I kept on alternating cheeks and having to use my hips to keep her from falling (her legs weren't working very well) and by the time I got to eleven, she had lost count. I unleashed a flurry of strikes all around her ass cheeks as I fingered her more intensely, eventually allowing her to reach a knee-buckling orgasm as she collapsed against my chest in a series of heaving breaths.

I helped her onto the bed where I continued undressing her as she recovered. I could tell she wanted want my cock inside of her somewhere, as always– she was insatiable– but I knew I wouldn't last very long, so I wanted to make her cum again. I took my time tracing circles around her puckered asshole and cleaning her swollen lips of juices, hooking my arms around her hips and holding her down until I licked her clit to another orgasm. She couldn't be deterred from my dick at this point, so she finished taking my clothes off and inhaled it as soon as she could, kneeling in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed. The way she kept on choking and gagging on it as she looked into my eyes was so hot, and when I asked her if she wanted me to cum on her face, she nodded eagerly. I pulled out and jerked it with her saliva, spraying it onto her cheeks and forehead and lips, though I missed her glasses, unfortunately. She cleaned herself off hungrily, telling me how amazing I tasted.

I think that after that is when we laid together for a little while basking in the glow of affection and post-orgasmic bliss. This inevitably turned into sex, at which point we enjoyed our second ever simultaneous orgasm. She corrected me on my last post, saying that I had forgotten which position we were in, and she was right. Both times it happened, it was in missionary. My hands cupping her face and pulling her hair to expose her neck, our voices expelling a smattering of vulgarities and each others names, her legs bent and held near her head. We showered and went to dinner at a nice Italian place, at which I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. We spoke about how relatively mundane our sex lives had been before one another and how unbelievable they were with each other, neither of us acknowledging her looming departure to a state 3,000 miles away.

We returned, stomachs too full to immediately pick up where we had left off, so we watched Frozen. For the first 25 minutes, at least. After she put on my (silk) pajama pants, cuddling turned into kissing and kissing turned into grinding, at which point she mounted me. She was playfully holding my arms down and grinding on my boxers-bound erection pretty hard, and I was more than ready to fuck her again. But when she started moaning louder and louder, I began humping back in earnest until she seized up and came– all without any direct contact to her pussy. Incredible turned on by such a development, I flipped her over and undressed us both to give her slick folds a few cursory licks before rolling on a condom and fucking us both to another orgasm, whispering how hot it was to have her cum without so much as a hand to help.

We then finished the movie and watched some Community before probably having sex again and going to sleep… I remember the 'score' was Her: 9 orgasms and Me: 5 by the time we dozed off, so I definitely missed a few. Sue me.

The next morning around 8am, I forget who started it, but we woke up to naked kissing and grinding until she mounted me. At first, her plan was to rub my tip against her pussy, but we all know how those types of shenanigans end. I repeatedly asked her to make sure she was ok having sex without protection, and she was. She was on the pill and by this point, we trusted each other. She rode me slowly and kept asking me to fill her pussy up with cum so we could watch it drip down her thighs. How was I supposed to hold off?

After cleaning up and showering, we went to IHOP and planned to get some pedicures, but skipped the latter in favor of more alone time. After digesting and lying down for a while, she teased me about giving her another back massage, as the first one only lasted for about 3 minutes until turning into anal sex. Well, guess what happened this time? I blame her, though, because she kept on getting so worked up and moaning and whimpering, raising her ass in the air until it was clear that she didn't really want a massage any more. I used saliva to lube myself up before entering her ass slowly. She rested on her stomach and I had my arms wrapped around her. One was applying some pressure on her windpipe while the other was pulling her hair and giving my mouth access to her very sensitive ears and neck. It didn't take me long to cum again, making the score 9 to 7. I stayed inside, though, as she told me how she liked making me cum without an orgasm of her own, because it evened the score. Not one to refuse what clearly sounded like a challenge, I kept gently grinding against her ass and I slipped a hand between her thighs. I rubbed her clit and even with my cock mostly flaccid, she had an orgasm before too long.

Most of the day proceeded like this, and I think the final score was somewhere along the lines of Her: 12 and Me: 10, so I'll chalk that up as a Win for me. It's like golf, right? Without getting too repetitive, the one other highlight I'll include is that before leaving, I buried my face between her legs and ate her out for what I thought would be the last time. Also, to avoid going home a loser, I kept on licking after one orgasm and gave her a second. This is a day after we had both shaved and she was bucking her hips pretty wildly, so as a result, I ended up with a breakout of some razor burn and whiteheads around my mouth and chin. Totally worth it.

Anyways, we said our melancholy goodbyes (she was leaving soon and I had work the next day/night) and I left. I ended up going back the next night and stayed late enough to only get 2 hours of sleep. It was a more abbreviated session, but it was one that was more romantic than lustful. As such, I won't share it here, though I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Just too personal, you know? It was an even harder goodbye that night, but we agreed it would be too difficult and emotionally painful to try something long distance. I'll admit to you all that she forever changed the way I look at sex. Sometimes it can be as good as it looks in porn. Perfect pussies do exist without airbrushing. Simultaneous orgasms are possible.

It was tough as hell to give it up, but we'll always have Paris.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zieyi/mf_the_wonders_of_hooking_up_through_reddit_part