My Last Summer at Home (Part 2)

Jill and I had such a surge of adrenaline and sexual excitement after leaving poor Rickey at the drive-in with cum filled shorts, that we drove my old pickup around for another hour just to settle down. We circled the outskirts of town, and then we took county road 42 out to the gravel pits. The gravel pits on the west side of town were one of our favorite places to hangout. We could drink some beers and smoke some Marlboro's before plunging into the water from a rope that was tied to an old walnut tree. At night it was a popular hangout for the local high school kids who like to smoke a little weed, and maybe do some skinny dipping. Jill and I liked to sit on a big rock down by the water and listen to the cicadas and bull frogs, while we sipped our beer and talked about all our big plans. Tonight Jill was unusually quiet, so I could tell she had something else on her mind.

"That was pretty cool what we did to Rickey tonight, I've never had control over a boy like that before" she mused before taking a big drag on her Marlboro. I took a long drink of my beer and tilted my head to the nighttime sky with a sly smile. "Yeah that was pretty fun, but I kind of thought we were just going to tease him. I was pretty shocked when you pulled his jeans down, and his little buddy was so hard it pointed straight at the roof."

Jill sputtered on the swig of beer she had just taken, and her shoulders shook from a laugh she couldn't hold in. We both leaned back on that rock and laughed like wolves howling at the moon. When we got the nervous excitement out of our system, we just laid on the rock watching the fluffy summer clouds roll across the moon. After a few minutes I could feel her staring at me, and when I turned she opened her mouth a little but nothing came out. I drew in a breath and asked "Jill, what is it? We always talk about everything, no limits, no lies and no bullshit. So, what is it?"

She bit her bottom lip, and exhaled. "That kiss tonight, um…. we've never kissed like that before. Were you just showing off for Rickey?"

"Yeah, a little I guess. I mean it was cool to see his reaction, and then I realized I kind of liked it. I've thought about what it would be like to kiss you, but I didn't want to make our friendship all weird. Do you feel weird about it?" I turned back to look at the moon not knowing what she was going to say, holding my breath until she answered. Jill looked back at moon and answered in a very confident way. “Kissing you was hot. I've wondered for a long time if you maybe think about girls sometimes, because I do, a bunch."

She turned to look at me again, but now her eyes looked unsure and her voice cracked. "And umm… I've kissed another girl too." "Oh my god, who?" I immediately asked. She quickly turned to the moon again, and drew a breath in. "I'll tell you, but honest to god, as my best friend, you have to promise never to tell anyone. OK?" I whispered “OK”. Then she stunned me when she blurted out "Beth Carter", as she turned to see my reaction.

"Girl, what the fuck? Are you serious? Beth Carter?" I asked as I stared at her in disbelief.

Beth Carter was the queen of our high school. She was homecoming queen, prom queen, student body vice president, always on the honor roll and always tied to the hip of the school's star quarterback Scott Martin. She was totally not in our social circle, and not the type of girl we would ever want to be. She always walked around with her nose in the air, and laughed at everything Scott Martin said. Her entourage of cheerleaders always surrounded her at lunch time, and she would never stoop to acknowledging us at school. I was clueless in high school, but was now discovering she was just hiding a big secret with the entire queen of the school attitude.

"When? Where? Why? How the fuck did you even…?" and then I just stopped.

"Well" she explained "our moms were best friends in high school, so we hang out at their house almost every weekend. We have barbecues around the pool and then stay up late while our parents play cards and drink wine. They usually let us have one glass of wine, but you know me. I always sneak a few more, so Beth and I usually get pretty buzzed. When our parents start to get drunk from the wine and get too loud and silly, we go for a swim and then sit in the hot tub."

Jill took a deep breath and then continued. "Last weekend we went into the little cabana they have to change into our suits, and it just kind of happened. I had already changed, and turned around to see Beth just standing their naked and smiling. Of course her tits are perfect, and her waist is tiny, and her tan is perfect. She looked at me and said she never knew I had such a hot body before this summer, and asked what my workout routine is."

"Ha! What workout routine, jerking off Rickey was the toughest work out you had today" I mockingly replied. She punched me in the shoulder and continued without missing a breath. "I looked down and couldn't help but stare at her completely bare crotch. She saw where I was staring and just said "bikini wax". She stepped closer and said "you can touch" and pulled my left hand to her crotch. It was smooth and the folds were very wet, and then she just leaned forward and pushed her tongue into my mouth. Then she grabbed the back of my head before I could react, and sucked my tongue into her mouth while my hand was still on her…"

She stopped briefly before she could say it. "… on her pussy. After about a minute she just stopped and she whispered in my ear "We better stop or I'm going to cum. You ready for the hot tub?” I was breathing kind of heavy by now. I was shocked by this sudden confession, and very buzzed from the beer. This whole experience was flooding my senses with so many confusing signals. I looked at Jill and she stared at me with heavy eyes, and flushed cheeks. I smirked and asked, "Then what’d you do, lez out in the hot tub all night, or what?" She punched me again.

"Oh my god, no" she exclaimed, "don't make me feel weird please. I'd never touched another girl, and hadn't kissed one yet either. She put her tiny bikini on, and we got into the hot tub without saying a word. She took her favorite spot; the spot with the “magic jet” is what she calls it. She just sat on the jet and rubbed her nipples through her suit for a while and stared at me. She kept staring at me when she pulled her boobs out and twisted both nipples until she started to cum. Then she tilted her head back and shuddered like she was being shocked. I'm not going to lie girl; it was all kind of hot."

Jill paused for a good thirty seconds while I tried to sort out everything she had just told me. Then she asked "So, do you want to go over to the Carter's next weekend? They always tell me my friends are welcome."

"Well yeah Jill, if it wouldn't be too weird for you, sure." Then she leaned over and kissed me very lightly with closed lips and shook her head no. I looked into her eyes for a minute, the she got up and ran for my pick up to grab some more beers. What a summer this was turning out to be.



  1. Great story, and you set it up for part 3 perfectly. I can’t wait for the "Beth" storyline to start, lol. Hope that doesn’t sound too weird.

  2. Ha! You would be much less weird than 90% of the other people on the web. I’ve been developing a story for a while, about the "popular girl" who is a closet lesbian. It’s based on a my real experiences from growing up in a small town. Maybe Beth should get her own series of stories…

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