Sugar Baby Gets Paid – Part 1 – M/f – Mild humiliation

As the elevator doors closed she felt his hand lightly caress her bottom, the light material of her dress bunching slightly.

The dress he bought.

She closed her eyes and smiled. It was a loving touch, gentle, but somehow claiming.

His hand dipped and then continued rubbing, sliding across the back of her panties.

The panties he bought.

As they got out of the elevator, he held it for her and told her the room number. It was a nice hotel and her heels clicked lightly as she walked.

The heels he bought.

As they got to his room he closed the door and took her into his arms and kissed her deeply. As he released her, she excused herself to freshen up. In the bathroom, she pulled the dress off and looked at herself.

It was all his. The dress, the shoes, the panties, the bra, the watch, the necklace, even the make up. She was his girl. Paid for in full.

They hadn't sought this out all those months ago.

She was not over her ex yet and had sought the bar for flirtation and maybe, just maybe, a new man.

He was in town for business and looking to have a bit of fun, maybe even pick a lady up. Who knew.

It was the sort of bar were people actually danced to the live music. They met. They flirted they danced. They drank too much of the drinks he kept buying. They ended up in his room. They fucked. They broke her favorite heels. He felt awful and promised to get her a new pair.

She hadn't taken him seriously, but the next day they woke up. He took her to breakfast and then shopping. The store was nice. The shoes were costly. More than she would have ever been able to waste on heels, even heels that looked this hot on her.

He had to leave for the airport and as they were saying goodbyes she jokingly said that she'd have to owe him for the shoes next time.

"It sort of feels like you paid fort hem last night," he said, smiling and joking. They kissed and he left.

They hadn't planned this at all. Both hoped to see each other again, but it was not going to be something long term. They were attracted to each other, enjoyed each other in bed and liked each other. But it was not love. They knew it. He was from Chicago, her Detroit. They loved their cities and would not leave.

But he was in town one night every week. A short term fling. That would be all.

But he had money. She wasn't poor. She was educated and held a great, well paying job. She also had enough student debt that her lifestyle was constrained.

She could enjoy herself and splurge occasionally, but always felt so guilty about it.

He wanted to take her to a fancy restaurant and she had no dress. So they went shopping and after he had bought her one dress, they snuck into the changing room and then he bought her another.

"If you keep buying me things," she said, still joking and not understanding what was happening, "I'm going to have to work harder to keep you happy, maybe do a few of those freaky things."

They laughed and he said back, "well a dress like that needs a matching necklace, what do I get from you if it has diamonds in it?"

They both laughed for a moment and stopped, smiles fading, looking each other in the eye and it started to click.

They never said it out loud. He never paid her. He bought her things, treated her to nice meals, took her shopping. And she kept sleeping with him. Some weeks, it would be small, a nice dinner and an appointment for her at the spa. They would make love later that night. Other weeks, he would do something extravagant. A diamond bracelet. A gold watch. On those nights she pulled out all the stops, doing the sorts of dirty and perverse things she had never done for another man.

To her shock, she loved it. To his shock, he loved it as well. There was something so dirty to it. So depraved. So immoral. They both felt it and when she came, especially on those nights of extremes, she came with a burning humiliation that only fueled her arousal.

She contemplated all of this as she looked at herself in the mirror. Was it starting to get stale? Last week he hadn't gotten her anything but tickets to the symphony and dinner. Like it was a real date. Tonight he had just taken her to dinner. That meant she didn't have to do any of the dirty stuff and that sort of disappointed her. She adjusted her make up slightly and re positioned her breasts to make them look nicer. She left the dress on the floor.

She left the bathroom and found him waiting for her. Her tall handsome benefactor. His coat and shoes were off, his shirt already unbuttoned. She walked up to them and they kissed deeply again before she dropped to her knees.

Oral was still on the menu for the night, though if all she was getting was dinner, she wasn't taking the shot in her mouth. She paused for a moment as she undid his fly. How had she reached this point, she wondered. Was she seriously planning the nights sex based on how much he had spent on her? She felt a flush and her nipples hardening and realized that the idea turned her on.

His cock was free quickly and she went to work. Her painted red lips sliding on its already hardening length. His hands went lightly to her head, tangling in her hair just enough to apply a light pressure of pulling as she slid down, a pleasant sensation to her.

He grew hard in her mouth and she continued to suck. She could almost deep throat him and she teased him with it a few times before taking her mouth off him. No, she thought, no more of that mister only bought me dinner. What sort of girl do you think I am. She giggled at that and he gave her a funny look but she shook her head and stood to kiss him before pulling him to the bed.

They were rolling them. Kissing deeply before his mouth found her neck. One hand on her breast while the other feverishly undid her bra. She was straddling him, pulling off his shirt. They were kissing and pulling tightly against each other, bare chest against bare chest. Then he had her panties off as she struggled with his pants. He pushed her away, his hard cock bouncing from his zipper. One of his hands found her sex and it was nearly dripping.

He couldn't wait any longer and before she knew it she was lifted in the air, placed on her knees and he had thrust into her deeply from behind. They both moaned loudly and his momentary need satisfied, he began to thrust slowly. She pushed back into each thrust enjoying it. But at the same time, she realized this was going to be the last night. They couldn't do this any more . . . especially if he was just going to take her to dinner. It was going to be over.

His cock pushed deeply into her and she felt his hand on her ass. His thumb getting close to her asshole. Should she stop him? He didn't get that after a night like tonight. That was a special thing. He seemed so sense her hesitation though and his hand stopped though he didn't stop thrusting.

She closed her eyes to enjoy it, this last fuck when he said, "I bet your worried that I've gotten tired of this game."

She opened her eyes and considered what to say, his cock still deep inside her, though now thrusting sluggishly. Yes? No? She didn't want to ruin the night. She opened her mouth to speak when a wad of green dropped in front of her face. A small roll of $100 bills wrapped with a single rubber band. She gasped and felt his cock speed up and couldn't help but moan.

There was nothing coy about that money. His one hand wrapped around her waist and the other, the thumb, now slid to her pussy, wet itself and pushed slightly into her asshole. Her eyes were fixated on the money. She was moaning. She felt so dirty and it was so horribly sexy. She couldn't help it, in a moment her right hand was on her clit.

All she felt was shame and pleasure.

All she saw was his money. His money paying for her body. A lot of money, the sort of money that meant he was going to expect a really perverted night.

She was paid for. Her body was his. She came.
