Here’s a Bob the Builder story I wrote about a year ago…

On a bright sunny day in Bobsville, Bob had finally worked up the courage to ask Wendy out.

"uh, Wendy, um, I was wondering if we could go on a date Saturday?" he stammered.

"Oh, no I couldn't Bob, we work together. It wouldn't be right." she replied

Bob didn't handle it well. "We work together," he mocked.

"We'll see about that." he sneered

Later that day Bob was walking toward Farmer Pickles house. "Ah, Spud, just the scarecrow I wanted to see!" Bob said, "How would you like to help me out and I promise you'll get to eat something along the way," he offered.

"Spuds on the job!" Bob explained his plan and with no hesitation they agreed and gathered up the rest of the team to carry Bobs plans for Wendy.

When Wendy showed up at the yard the next day, only Roley was there with a camcorder.

"Hi, Wendy." He crooned.

"Uh, Hi Roley. Where is everyone?" She was already uneasy with the situation.

"oh, they'll show up when the time is right." he whispered. Just then Bob and Spud showed up.

"Hello Wendy'" Bob snorted.

"Bob whats going on?" the terror starting to creep into her voice.

"I'm sick and tired of Plichard being the only pussy I can get around this place, and I'm feeling generous and I'm going to share the sweetest pussy in town with my whole crew." the words slipped out of his lips in such a way that Wendy knew to run was the worst possible option.

"Don't hurt me Bob." she whimpered. Roley zoomed in to get the tear just as it started down her face.

"I'm only going to hurt you as much as you hurt me all these years of working together." snarled Bob

"Bob I-" he landed a backhand across her cheek and grabber her arms.

"Spud, you hungry?" Bob shouted.

Oh, boy am I?!" Spud then eagerly tore away the jeans Wendy was wearing and started kissing and nuzzling the hair less nappy dugout. "Spud please" she yelped as he forced her lips open with his tongue and began to explore of every inch of her cunt. Wendy knew that this would be the worst day of her life and every thought she had was how was she going to survive. She didn't know what was next but she didn't want it. Finally after what seemed 3 lifetimes Spud finally got up from his knees. "That was sooo yummy Bob! Thanks!" Then Spud grabbed one of her arms from Bob.

Bob yelled, "Dizzy you're next!"

"Brillant!" the little orange mixer said as she rolled out with a 13" black dildo attached to the top of her drum. Bob held Wendy left arm and leg while Supd held the other side. Dizzy tilted her drum down and started to spin it in the process making an almost propeller type motion with the dildo. It made several rhythmic slapping noises against her thighs before Dizzy ran it up inside her.

"Dizzy! Oh god why?!" Wendy manages to yell out.

"Can we fuck it?" Bob shouted triumphantly.

"Yes we can!" The the team responds "You bet your sweet ass we can!" Lofty adds.

"I like the confidence Lofty, you got next!" Bob beams proudly. He and Spud turn Wendy upside down making sure that his knee connects with her eye during the flip. Lofty has a 10 inch neon green square dildo attached to his crane, lines it up just slightly off center and drops into Wendys smush mitten.

"Rock and Roll!" injects Roley.

"Ung," is all she can manage everyone of the 15 times Lofty lifts the fake dick and drops it back down. Finally Bob holds a hand up to stop Lofty. He drops his half of Wendy and after she lands on the ground Spud holds her in place while Bob balls up his fist, lets it fly and rearranges her nose. With blood and tears blurring her sight, she can barely make out Bob pulling a pinball machine from the garage.

She's lifted up onto the pinball machine and then Bob aggressively devours her newly exposed pink nipples while undoing his over alls to unleash his erect pink tractor beam, all 9.5" of it. "This is what you missed out on you stupid bitch!" simultaneously shoving his cock into her sloppy axe wound and hitting her as hard as he could one more time. He thrusted himself over and over into her tight, glistening, squishy fuck hole and throws his head back and releases all of his two ball throat cream into her.

Tilt. Tilt. Tilt. All Wendy could make out was the sound of the pinball machine.

"Scoop, get out here!" he ordered. Out rolled the yellow Catapillar backhoe loader with a a dildo the length of a newborn and the girth of a paint can strapped to his loader. "Oh boy, my turn." he said. He quickly swings his boom around to hold her down while he mindlessly pounds her roast beef curtains past the point of submission. Halfway through what seemed to be his 100th push, Wendy gathers enough strength to bite down on the limb holding her down making Scoop jump back freeing her momentarily. Bob and Spud grab her before she can get too far.

"Shit, worked in the movies." dejectedly spouts Wendy.

"Think you can run, eh?" Bob punctuates each one of his words with a slap to alternating sides of her face. He then throws down Wendy face first into the blood stained dirt and calls for Muck.

"Muck likes the yuck and I'm gonna fuck you in the butt!" He takes by far the largest dildo to this point, 15", purple, vieny, 10" circumference and forces it in and out of her rusty sheriffs badge. Wendy had all but given up on life when she felt something jerk her head up.

"Listen closely and listen good you fucking, worthless excuse for a woman," Bob said while yanking her hair so tight that a few strands were pulled out by the root, "I'm going to shove my cock in your mouth and you're going to take all of it and if you even think about biting me, I will kill you and no one will miss you and no one will look for the body. I know you fucked my twin brother Tom that Christmas you "surprised" me with him showing up. I smelled you on him." Without another word Bob rams his throbbing tonsil tickler into her warm, wet bloody mouth. He yanks more hair out with one hand while with every withdrawal of his manhood, lands another blow with his other hand. Soon after more than enough blows to knock both Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis out, he shoots his sticky baby batter down her throat.

Bob gets up and throws a hanky her way.

"Be back here at 7 in the morning, we have to fix Mrs. Potts roof again."
