Not sure if I should continue this ….some thoughts maybe?

warning: this is long as fuck.

Kei stood back, and walked among the quiet hallways. It was days like this when the urges to just disappear from world floated to the surface of his thoughts. Terrible things had happened today, and the long school day did not make it any better. He walked faster and faster down the hallways as he approached the school entrance, and looked back and glanced at the people rummaging around. Kei thought to himself, “Why the hell do I still go to this damn school? I wish I could just move schools”. The school bells rang just as he left the school and walked to the bus stop. The wind blew around as leaves stirred into a small whirlwind. Kei liked bus rides. The long bus rides always let Kei think. He was the happiest when he was looking out the windows as the bus moved from one stop to the next, and the world outside became blurred, and the music from his iPod soothed his mind. The engine of the bus whirled into motion as some of Kei’s classmates stepped away from the bus, and Kei’s bus top was approaching. He pulled the “STOP” button and prepared his things as he stood up, and the bus rolled to a stop. He stepped of the bus, and began the slow walk home. It was a sunny day today, but his thoughts were like the stormy skies of August in the Midwest. Negative thoughts rumbled around his mind as he walked toward his house. This was the moment he was dreading the most. As if the situation at school was not bad enough, Kei began to hate the idea of home. The neighbors whisked their cars out of the cul-de-sac as he approached his house, and knocked on the door, with his characteristic stuttered knock. Someone began to walk to the door, and the door opened. Kei’s mother opened the door, and asked her son, “How was your day at school today? “, as he mumbled back a sigh and just grunted “it was okay”. Kei really didn’t want to make his mother worry about him, as things had turned bad lately at home. His mother and father had been arguing a lot lately, and it was beginning to get on his nerves. But at least his father and mother were out a lot. It gave him some reprieve from the constant arguing he heard between his mother and father on a daily basis. Sometimes he heard his mother and father mentioning divorce, and sometimes it seemed like they were going to hit eachother. Kei ignored his parents incessant arguing but began to wonder if staying near his parents while they were arguing would be a good idea. He did not want his parents hitting each other, because his mother tended to get violent in the heat of their arguements. He ignored that thought, and walked upstairs to his room and dropped his backpack, and turned on his laptop as usual. It was a shitty HP laptop, one that his father brought from Future shop, and it was refurbished. None the less, he treasured it. It granted him reprieve away from the bad times at night when his parents argued. The laptop turned on, as the different logos blinked into existence, and the fan whisked into the motion. The logon screen showed, and he mindlessly typed in his credentials. It was just another day at home. MSN messenger popped onto the desktop, and just as he was about to login his mother yelled up the stairs, “KEI! Food is ready!” Slowly, as he pulled himself up from his computer chair, he left the room and headed downstairs. He looked outside the window. It began to snow outside, as the clouds began to move in. He moved on as he jumped down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen. It was his favorite, siu-mai with rice. He looked at his mother and stood up and hugged her. Kei’s mother hugged his son back, a silent expression of love being exchanged. Kei’s mother went back to preparing dinner, as Kei went to work the plate of food. He slurped down the plate as fast as he could – because he didn’t get to eat this very often. Dim –sum was not commonly eaten other than at restaurants his family used to go to when he was younger. But those days were memories now. His parents did not go out together and his family did not do anything together anymore. His father, or mother would go out with him or his sister separately, but never as a family. He missed the old days, when everything was still good. As he chew on the last bit of food, he stood up and put the plate in the sink. He smiled at his mother and went back upstairs to his room. Sitting back down at his computer, he logged onto messenger and went through his messages. No messages popped up. He closed the program and took his homework out and looked through the pages of worksheets due the next week. This was his only sanctuary now, and he dove into his homework. The sun moved through the sky outside, and the clouds disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. It was 5pm now, and his parents were usually out now. A knock suddenly was heard from downstairs, and he walked downstairs to check. He looked at the peephole, and checked who it was. A familiar face looked back, and he opened the door. An attractive girl looked back at Kei, and they looked into each other’s eyes for a second. It was his best friend, next-door neighbour Katie. They had met eachother as kids, and grew up together. Even as the neighbourhood changed, and some people moved away, their friendship remained the same. Surprised he asked, “Hey Katie! What’s the occasion today?”, and Katie voiced back, “Oh nothing, just seeing what you are up to! My parents are out, yours?” He blinked at her and divulged to her, “Nope, their out too…” Naughty thoughts flashed through Katie and Kei’s minds, but both of them were brought back to the present as he remembered to let her in. Katie and Kei, opened the basement door as they walked down to the basement. Kei opened the door to one of the smaller rooms in his basement, near the electrical box. It was small warm room, with a carpeted floor. Kei mumbled, “So Katie, what do you want to do?” Katie had other thoughts in her mind as whispered in Kei’s ear seductively, “Kai, you know just what I want to do, so stop beating around the bush!” Katie pulled on his belt and, and pulled down the snug jeans and Kei pulled his boxers off. It wasn’t always like this between Katie and him, for a while their friendship had always been platonic. But as the loneliness began to take over him the past year, he began to talk with Katie more and more, and sometimes things got really sexual. He thought back to a year ago….. “Hey Katie, I know this is really weird, but ….… have you ever seen a penis in real life?” her head slowly moved and she stared at him. Lately, they had begun to share more and more. Sometimes, her conversations with Kei made her feel good inside. She didn’t know what to call it, but none of the boys at school made her feel this way. She slowly stuttered and replied, “No, I haven’t see one, but maybe it would be nice to try….” Since that day, Kei and Katie’s time with each other turned into naughty steamy sessions with each other. Katie’s soft hand massaged the long shaft of his penis and woke him from his thoughts. He looked at her face lovingly and stepped down and kissed his way down her neck. This could get out of hand he thought…. But the way his hands roamed down her soft, round flesh destroyed this thought. Katie’s hand began to stroke his cock, and he began to feel an oncoming flush of pleasure. He slowly kissed his way down to her clitoris, and licked the little button at the top of the hood of her clit. She groaned in pleasure as she began to stroke his cock faster and faster, as Kei’s hand entered her rosebud. Katie and Kei began to moan in pleasure. An explosive orgasm rocked through their bodies, and ripples of pleasure moved through their bodies. The orgasm subsided and they looked at eachother, and lightly kissed eachother. Love rippled through his heart for her, but he desperately wanted her to know. He was going to get through this year, and he was going to get through what happened at school, but first he whispered in her ear, “Katie, I love you.”

To be continued……maybe…I don't know.


Categorized as Erotica


  1. Uhh.. Perhaps some formatting. It might be a lovely piece of literature, but it’s Cantonese if you don’t format!

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