The Phone Call [mf][oral]

She knew instantly what was coming the moment the phone rang. This was his favorite game. And right on cue, she saw his head peek from under the covers like a shark’s fin.

“Hey mom,” she said. She placed her hand over the microphone mouthing “No,” over enunciating in her silence. But that only made his smile grow larger. He slid from under the comforter and moved to the foot of the bed.

“Not much. I think we’re going to grab lunch then do some shopping. I need a dress for next weekend.”

The covers began to creep down her breasts, glided over her stomach, and were jerked off of her legs. She made a half-hearted attempt to grab at least a sheet. She missed, of course. She didn’t want to ruin the game. Her toes pointed, she slid her left knee on top of her right, and wrapped her arms around herself. Again she over-enunciated a silent “No!”

“I don’t know. We’ll probably walk around the mall for a bit. What about you?” she asked, hoping her mother would launch into her typical details-laden monologue about the trivia of the day ahead. She knew she soon wouldn’t be able to manage much more than monosyllabic responses.

He began innocently, massaging her foot. He bared every one of his teeth as he gave a playful snarl and gently bit her big toe. She tried to shake her head, but instead let her eyes roll back a little as her head sank into the pillow. She tried to pull her foot away, again half-heartedly, but his grip held firm. As he stood, he slid his hand down her leg to between her knees, spreading them apart. He was hunched over slightly as he climbed onto the edge of the bed, but still appeared tall. Her eyes were locked on his as he reared up on his knees fully erect. As her eyes drifted down his chest and beyond, she discovered he was, indeed, fully erect. Sometime the game was harder than others. Phone call or no, every inch of her wanted every inch of him. And as she closed her eyes, the image of those inches fresh in her mind, she realized her finger had found its way between her lips. She hoped he’d take the hint.

“Sweetie? Are you ok?”

Oh god, the phone! Had she been sighing too loud? Had she moaned?

“Sorry, what?” was all she could come up with as he raised her ankle next to his ear and began running the tips of his fingers up and down her leg. Her other leg rose and rubbed against his ribs.

“You sound a little strange. Flustered.”

“Sorry, I just got an annoying email from ghah!”

That grinning bastard had skipped her thigh entirely and slid a single finger inside her.

“What was that?!”

“Sorry, I stubbed my toe,” she said. She knew her voice had gone breathy, and could only pray it didn’t crack. She reached down to push his hand away, hoping for enough of a reprieve to at least end the conversation. What would happen if her mother realized the “such a nice boy” she’d come to adore was inside her daughter? But as her fingers wrapped around his wrist, she only pulled him deeper. Her eyes closed as her entire body contracted around his hand before arching her back slightly as she pressed her head back into the pillow. A second finger entered her as he began to feel with a force that should have hurt. She loosened her grip and slid her fingers back to just above his and began to rub herself.

“Sorry mom, I really need to answer this email.”

For fuck’s sake, get off the phone!

“Oh before you go, what are you getting Greg for his birthday?”

Despite having a death grip on her phone, her pinkie still managed to find its way between her lips. She glanced down to find his free hand wrapped around himself, moving up and down in slow, powerful strokes. She reached forward to take it. But he released himself only to grab her wrist and press her hand back to where it had come. She knew that grip well. He was in charge now.

“I’m not sure,” she said.

“Keep talking,” he whispered.

She looked up at him with eyes now softened to beg for mercy, but she knew better. If she did what she was told, she wouldn’t need her finger between her lips much longer.

“I was thinking about a gift card to the auto shop or something. He and Steve have been working on his car a lot.”

It took every bit of self control she could muster to hold in the moan growing larger by the minute as he pushed his fingers even deeper with that firmness that should have hurt.

“What are you thinking about getting him?” she asked her mother.

She figured that would get her talking for a little while, and didn’t wait for a response before moving the phone as far from her as her arm could reach. She tilted her head in the opposite direction, removed her hand from herself, and used it to press a pillow to her face as she finally released a powerful, muffled moan. He removed his hand from her and clutched her chin between his fingers with a firmness that should have hurt. Straightening her head and locking his eyes on hers, he released her chin, slid his hand under the pillow, and flipped it off the bed without ever breaking his gaze. Then he reached across her. And with the gentle pressure of two fingers against her forearm, guided the phone back to her ear.

“… so I guess there’s always that. But I just don’t know. What do you think?”

"I’m not sure,” she said, bracing herself for his fingers to return to work. “I think any of that will work fine.”

But his fingers never came. Instead, he moved his legs, one after the other, over hers and settled on her chest. As his upper thighs pressed her pressed her breasts towards her chin, she knew he was finally within reach of her mouth. With one hand still wrapped around himself, he grasped the hair on the top of her head with a firmness that should have hurt. But he held her head in place, still keeping her from indulging her oral fixation. She ran her fingers down his stomach, hoping to at least grip him. She expected both his hands to move to the back of her head, guiding it to her desire. But instead the hand on her head held firm as he released himself to once again grab her wrist and prevent her hand from finding its target.

“No,” he said. “Show me first,” as his hand returned to its slow, powerful strokes.

“What was that?” her mother asked.

“Sorry mom. Jack just asked me to do something.”

“Oh! Well tell him I said hello!”

“My mom says ‘hi,’” she said, as she met her finger with her tongue. She guided it into her mouth will all the passion of the real thing. It was no substitute. But she knew the more she turned him on, the sooner she would get what she really wanted. It didn’t take long.

He let go of himself to push the poor substitute away from her mouth and moved both hands to the back of her head. Slowly, with a firmness that should have hurt, he guided her quivering lips onto him. He didn’t press deeply, but his hand remained hard and motionless, preventing her from pulling back too far. She moved her free hand to his lower back helping to pull herself deeper onto him.

“Maybe we could ask Steve what parts they need and we could each get Greg one!”

“Mm hm.”

“What are you doing? Are you eating something?”

“Uh huh.”

“Sweetie, it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full.”

Mercifully, he moved his hands so she could remove him and answer.

“Sorry, I was grabbing a banana before we leave,” she said. Then he guided her mouth back over him. This time he began gently rocking his hips, thrusting just slightly in and out of her mouth. She bobbed her head back and forth, matching his rhythm. As his hips began to move faster, so did she. She made sure to move her head towards him as he thrust forward. She wanted him as deep as she could take.

“Ok. Well I guess I’ll let you go,” said her mother. “Love you guys! Hope you have fun!”

She removed him and said, “I love you too!” just in time for him to burst all over her face. After a moment, she gripped his ass with both hands, forcing his entire body forward and him back into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around him again, caressing him with her tongue. She didn’t want it to be over, but she at least wanted him to be completely clean when he removed himself again. She wanted him to stay there, but she knew soon his tongue would find its way between her legs, and there it would remain until he was ready to enter her in other ways. It was disappointing when he finally left her mouth, but exciting knowing what was to come.

But as he moved back down her body, she was shocked to find he didn’t even pause before standing at the foot of the bed.

“I’m not done with you yet,” she said in her sexiest voice. Propped up on one elbow, she slid her finger over her tongue, down between her breasts, over her stomach, and finally inside herself. She was careful not to disturb any of what he had left on her. She knew he like to admire his work. And she knew he must be pleased, as he gripped himself again, making those same slow, powerful strokes. As best she could tell, he hadn’t lost a bit of firmness.

“You want more?” he asked.

She only nodded as she lay back, spread her legs wider, and slipped a second finger inside herself. It went in easily, as she had never before been so ready to be filled.

“I want you to take a shower,” he said. “I want you to wash and shave every inch of yourself. Then when you’re done, you can was me. Every inch except my cock. You can have that back when we get to the fitting rooms.” With that, he turned and left the room.

Normally she loved how he would tease her. After all, it only heightened every eventual sensation. And she eventually got everything she wanted. But he had never gone so far as to let her actually taste him before pulling away. She was dumbfounded. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to be furious. But as she lay staring at the ceiling, she felt no dissatisfaction. Only desire. She wanted him even more.

Edit: formatting



  1. Glad you liked it! So for chapter 2, should they get started in the car on the way to the mall or should he make her wait?

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