Writing out my [F]antasies is hot. Sharing them is fun. This is hot and fun. Hot fun. [MF]

To: ­–

Subject: Hi

I have something I want to discuss with you, but it is of a personal nature and not work-related. So I would like to keep it out of work email. Would you mind giving me your cell number so I can text it to you? Also, the content may be a bit distracting, so would you prefer that I wait until after work hours before sending it to you?

Subject: Re: Hi

Of course. It’s 555-0131. Please send it now. You have me too curious to wait.

To: –

I have heard that you live with a roommate and so I am assuming you are not married. But are you seeing anyone?


No, I’m not seeing anyone. That’s what you wanted to ask me?

To: –

Yes. I have a proposition. Before saying it, though, I want to be clear that you are very welcome to say no. No hurt feelings, no complicated awkwardness, promise. Ok?


Ok. Got to say, I’m very intrigued.

To: –

It has been a long time since I’ve been fucked well. But I currently have no interest in getting involved in another attachment. What I want is someone that will make me cum and then leave me alone. I would like that to be you. I will take care of you, too, of course. Are you interested?


… Is this a joke?

To: –



Why me?

To: –

I’m attracted to you



To: –

Ha ha. Because you are attractive


I’m a goofy guy with weird curly hair

To: –

And I can’t stop thinking about that hair brushing my thighs as you go down on me. Do you lick slit?


I would love to get my mouth on yours

To: –

Now you are distracting me from my work


Tonight then?

To: –


42 Yonic Place



Can’t wait

I hear a car in the driveway. Peak through the blinds.

He gets out.


…Rubs his face with his hand

He’s nervous. That’s cute.

I open the door before he knocks. Meet his eyes. I give him a friendly smile, hoping to put him at ease. He returns it, seems to relax a little and steps inside.

“Hi” He says

“Hi” I answer, stepping closer to him so I can rest my hands on his chest.

He tentatively puts his hands on my hips, says “You look nice.”

“Thank you” I say as I run my hands up, over his shoulders, lean into him and tilt my head up toward his. I can feel his heart pounding and the effect I’m having on him increases my own throbbing. Kissing him feels really good.

He pulls back just enough to be able to speak, “You aren’t wasting any time.”

“Would you rather stop for a chat?” I say, raising my eyebrows playfully.

“No” He gives a big smile in response and bends back down to meet me.

“Then take my fucking clothes off”

His hands move down and around me, cupping my ass; one hand moves further until his fingers are skimming lightly against me. He kisses me deeper, presses me against him, and I can feel his hardness straining against the fabric of his pants. It makes me heat up so much I wonder if he can feel it through the thin cotton of mine. A moan that escapes makes me think he can.

He pulls my tank over my head. I push my pants down over my hips and let them fall, stepping out of them. He pauses to look at me in lacy grey.

“I’ve wanted you… for a while… since the first time I saw you, and every time since”

“Then take me” I say, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hall to my bedroom.

He stands behind me, his hand brushes my hair out of the way and he begins kissing my neck and shoulder as he unclasps my bra. I let it slide off and his hands cup my breasts for a moment before trailing down to catch the edge of my panties. His hands are rough and warm on my waist, my hips, my thighs, as he pushes them down.

I turn to face him. His eyes move over me. The look in them is serious and hungry.

I tug up the hem of his shirt so he knows I want him undressed as well. He lifts his arms and pulls it off the rest of the way. I move to his jeans. Undo the button, pull down the zipper. He bends to remove shoes, socks, and then we both get him out of his jeans. He is bulging against the thin fabric that’s left and the sight of him makes me want to be filled so badly I don’t know if my knees will keep me upright any longer.

As he pushes me gently toward the bed, he says, barely above a whisper, “… As requested.”

I lay on my back, he kneels next to the bed in between my legs and I know what is coming. I’ve imagined this with him so many times the anticipation has me extremely worked up. Time slows and I am hyper-aware as his mouth finds my clit. The arch in my back and my moan is involuntary. It feels amazing. He works me slowly. His tongue runs softly along me and then with more force on my clit. He settles into a rhythm of varied pressure, gentle, harder, tugging me lightly with his lips, sucking for intense but short bursts, slipping his tongue inside me. I ride every wave along with his moving mouth. He shifts so he can slip a finger inside me and begins flicking the tip of his tongue on my clit. Its intense and I grab the blanket with both hands on either side of my head. I want to scream, I want to cum. But not yet.

“Stop, stop… stop.” I say urgently to avoid that cliff.

He pulls away, looks questioningly at me. “Are you alright? Was I hurting you?”

“No, it’s amazing. You are amazing. I just don’t want to cum yet and I was close.”

“Oh” He says with a smile.

“Come here” I move to the middle of the bed and he climbs to be on top of me, propped on his arms, kisses me so I can taste myself on him. His weight on me is the counter I need after the feeling of being suspended in open air during his impressive oral. But for now, I roll him over so I’m on top. I pull off his one remaining article of clothing and settle in between his legs. It’s my turn to take him in my mouth and I do so hungrily. I give every inch of him the attention he just showed me. I give his balls a nice tongue massage before moving up along his length. I take the head in my mouth and work his shaft with my hand. As I work, I feel him start to thrust against me. Shortly, he lets out a groan and says “If we aren’t cumming from oral, you are going to want to stop soon.”

I meet his eyes and move up to straddle him. He uses one hand to guide himself into me as I sink down slowly, taking his length inside me. I’m so wet he slides in smoothly and the feeling of him filling me up almost tips me over the edge again. I pause and let that feeling ebb before I start to grind against him. He sits up and I wrap my arms around him. He circles one around my lower back and pushes me harder against him. My clit rubs against him as I grind and feel myself start to contract around his thick cock. I can’t hold it back this time. I grab him tight, digging my fingers into his flesh and I moan loudly as I cum and cum and cum and the contractions deep in my pussy radiate in waves throughout my body.

The calm and patient lover he was earlier is gone and now he quickly moves behind me as I wait eagerly on all fours. He slams into me from behind. He fucks me hard and fast. I receive the pounding gladly. He grunts something I can’t understand. He let’s out a long “Fuuuckkk” from deep in his throat. He grabs my hips and thrusts as deep into me as possible again and again. I know he’s almost there. He pulls away a little further than before so his whole length can slam into me once, twice, and then I feel his hot cum hit my back and ass.

Collapsing beside each other, it’s nice to get to look into his face. The satisfied look I see there makes me very happy. I know it mirrors my own.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2xz0g8/writing_out_my_fantasies_is_hot_sharing_them_is


  1. Nice work, I enjoyed it. It reads like… realistic fantasy (an oxymoron, I know), but well written contradictions are the best kind ;)

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