FORLEALELA Chapters 5-6 [mF] [Fsub] [blkmail] [huml] [inc] [reluc] [exh]

Chapter 5: Sex Addict

A lot of things had changed since Frank moved in. Vanessa had breast implants increasing her size from a 36C to a 36F bust. She had recovered over the course of three weeks and the surgical scars were almost invisible. Rick had started school to become a dentist and was often out for most of the day. Frank had a strong hold on the family. Both Vanessa and Rick were starting to miss James wondering if he would ever come back.

Now with Vanessa completely recovered, Frank began his assault on her once again. He didn’t display his despicable acts openly in front of Rick. Most sexual encounters happened behind closed doors during the night. Vanessa could feel herself starting to lose her sanity from all the sleepless nights of pleasure. She certainly wasn’t attracted to Frank in any way, but her body was too weak to say otherwise. She began to crave the sexual attention.

That night, Vanessa was lying in a warm bubble bath trying to ease her sore body. Frank walked into the bathroom naked with his cock swaying from side to side. Vanessa blushed hoping he wouldn’t do anything as of now, but seeing his cock made her pussy twitch. He stepped inside the bathtub and sat across from her.

What a magnificent display of human aesthetics, Vanessa thought to herself. He almost looked like a marbled God. She tried not to stare, but it was getting hard. “I’ve always thought that you were a beautiful woman. My son, that fuck up, managed to do one thing right in his life. It must be hard for you to live with my son.” He said moving across the tub. He was behind her now gently caressing her breasts. “I know you’ve been a good wife. That bastard hasn’t been taking care of you has he?”

Vanessa closed her eyes and rolled her head back starting to feel the shots of ecstasy. “No,” she whispered. ‘Why?’ she asked herself, ‘Why does he make me feel so good?’.

“That’s alright. I’ll straighten him out tomorrow and everything will be just as it’s supposed to be, but for now, let me take care of you.” He moved one hand off her breast and down towards her crotch. Vanessa could only nod as she braced for what was about to happen.

Frank kissed her neck softly, nibbling her nerves. “They turned out perfectly.” Frank said groping her breast. “Do they hurt?”

“No,” she responded sighing.

He turned her around and sank his face into her artificial cleavage. He began consuming her breast sucking on her nipple viciously like a starved child. She moaned loudly as he worked his finger inside of her. It only took a few minutes before she began cumming from his working hand.

Out of breathe, she collapsed onto his broad chest. “It always amazes me how you cum.” She couldn’t think and only nodded with her mouth open and her eyes slowly closing. “We still have a long night ahead of ourselves.” Frank picked up all 130lbs of the woman with his arms. Still wet he dropped her onto the bed. “I’ll ravage your body once again tonight.”

With her body completely exposed and in a dazed state, she nodded and welcomed him with open arms. He kissed her passionately working his tongue inside of her mouth. She kissed back licking and sucking his tongue. He grabbed the back of her neck and forced her to sit up introducing his cock to her face. She kissed the side of it while rubbing her nose and inhaling his scent completely.

From the bottom up, she licked his long cock slowly. Every once and while she would get a pube in her mouth but she didn’t stop. Once Frank was moderately hard, she began trying to take him down her throat. She failed miserably as the cock hit the back of her throat not even a quarter way full. She gagged as tears ran down her face. By now, Frank was awake and no longer wanting to go at Vanessa’s pace. He bunched up her hair and began forcing his cock even further. Vanessa resisted trying to hold her head still, but Frank thrusted his hips towards her fucking her violently.

She could definitely taste blood as her throat began to stretch and tear from his assault. Instinctively wanting him to stop, she accidently bit down. He pulled out immediately slapping her across the face with his cock. “I’m sorry Father.” She said holding the sting to her face. She couldn’t face him knowing that he was surely pissed off.

He didn’t speak. He only held her head up and slapped her again with his cock. Her face had swelled and left a red imprint across her cheek. She was about to cry wondering why the man was terrorizing her. She hated him from the depths of her heart, but feared him even more. She felt helpless as if he had her life in his hands. She simply sat on her knees taking the beating from his cock.

After losing count of how many times he slapped her with his cock, Frank ordered her onto the bed. She laid on the bed bent over. Frank’s favorite position was seeing Vanessa’s ass in the air as he fucked her. The waves of her hips moving to and from his cock drove him insane. Vanessa feared the worst knowing that her body would soon betray her again. As much as she hated to admit it, he hit her deepest parts by fucking her from behind.

Frank prepped Vanessa with a bit of spit. He slowly entered her reminding Vanessa of when she lost her virginity. Her walls began to spread as he inched his way slowly in. Then out of nowhere he began to hammer in and out of her pussy making her lose her mind.

“No,” was all she could say as she began cumming from just the size of his cock. She felt so full the only comparison being giving birth. In and out he fucked her senseless. Vanessa passed out once again from the multiple orgasms. Her tongue caught the snot dripping from her nose, and tears ran down her eyes that had rolled back. The ultimate combination of pain and pleasure. She couldn’t comprehend the world around her as each thrust broke her reality replacing it only with the feeling of his cock. For her to exist, she would need a cock pounding inside her. Like a revelation she became addicted to fucking. She knew he’d kill her with orgasms as she finally lost consciousness.

Chapter 5.5: Now or Never

Vanessa had become a former shell of herself. The constant sex had broken her down to a soulless person. She rarely spoke and moved very slowly throughout the day. The only time she was able to feel something was her sex sessions with Frank. By now, Rick had realized that his mother would soon lose herself entirely and become Frank’s sex slave. He hated the idea, but couldn’t gather the courage to face his grandfather.

That night Frank received a call from his Son. “Dad, I’m not coming home.”

“What do you mean you’re not coming home. You said one more month and it’s been a month. Your family is waiting for you.”

“I’ve found a new woman. She’s pregnant and we’re getting married. Tell Vanessa that I’m sorry.” James sobbed into the phone.

Frank completely consumed by anger broke the phone with his grip. He walked to his room and began packing his things. Vanessa looked a little confused, “Where are you going father?” She asked looking to her father as a puppy would to it’s master.

“I need to talk to my son. I’ll be back in a few days.” Surely nothing good was going to come from this.

Rick overheard the conversation as he heard his grandfather and mother leave the house. He waited a couple of hours waiting for them to return. When he heard the garage open, he walked upstairs cautiously. It was only his mother that had arrived back. He opened the door and approached her. “What’s going on?”

“You grandfather is going to be gone for a few days. I have to get dinner ready.” she said in a static voice.

“Mom!” Rick yelled. She didn’t even turn around. “We can leave now. Let’s get out of this hell hole. Fuck Frank and Fuck Dad.” She didn’t even motion to stop. She continued her routine deaf to her son’s proposal.

“What would you like to eat for dinner?” she asked looking through the pantry.

“Mom!” He cried again this time walking up to her. She was still occupied with her duties not acknowledging her son. “Stop it!” He screamed grabbing her hand. “Why do you let them do that to you? Why can’t you ever think for yourself. Please. I’m begging you. Let’s go.” his voice went quiet as he began to cry.

Vanessa’s face didn’t change but tears began running down her face. “Can’t you see honey? I’ve been broken. I can’t live without that man anymore. I need his cock.”

“No!” Rick roared. “You don’t belong to him.”

“I do. I live to serve him.”

“Stop lying. He forced himself onto you.”

“Just the way you forced yourself onto me? Your own mother?” She now faced him seeing a bit more lively. “To lust after the woman that gave birth to you. The thing you made me do.” Her voice increased as she vented her frustrations. “All I ever did was stick up for you. If there was only one person in this world that cared for you, it was me! And you repay me by using me as your fuck toy? To embarrass and humiliate me!” She was now screaming and crying. “How can you call yourself my son?!”

Rick cried knowing all the terrible things he had done to his mother. The trust between them was completely gone. “I’m sorry mom. I messed up, but we can’t stay here. You know that.”

“No. I love Frank. I’m going to stay here. You go.” she said calming down.

Rick overcome with anger grabbed her mother by her shoulders and shook her. “Stop saying that! You don’t love Frank! You love me.”

“Sorry honey. I belong to him.” With that, Rick delivered the hardest he had ever slapped anyone. The entire world went silent from the echo of the slap. He instantly regret his actions. Vanessa gasped for air. She looked around as if she had just woken up. “What?” she questioned Rick.

“Will you come with me?” He asked again still holding her in his arms.

“Yes. We have to move quickly.” she said suddenly gaining her senses. They packed very little and left that very night. They cut all communication with James’ side of the family. They weren’t sure what happened with Frank and James but they weren’t concerned as long as they never pursued them. They had driven a few states over and began a quiet life in a broken down apartment complex. They only had enough money to live for one month as they quickly scrambled to get back on their feet.

Chapter 6: New Beginnings

After the mother and son fled from their abusive home, they found themselves in a decent sized city. The apartment they lived in was the worst, but cheapest placed they could find. Rick found a job flipping burgers, he’d bring home free dinners which helped out a lot. Rick promised his mother that he would take care of her and asked her not to work. Vanessa was aware that Rick wasn’t capable of providing for both of them, so she began to search for work. She sent out applications but hadn’t heard back for any interviews.

Rick came home exhausted and smelling like smoke. “God damn it.” he yelled in frustration

“How was your day sweetie?” Vanessa asked greeting him.

“I’m so tired.” he bitched. “I’m taking tomorrow off.” Vanessa frowned. His full time schedule was too hard for someone that had never worked before. She knew his constant breaks would eventually cost him his job.

“I could always work too. If it’s too hard.” she suggested while he kicked his shoes off.

“No. I don’t want you working. You just stay home mom, I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay,” she said obediently as she organized his shoes. “Are you hungry? We have Mac n’ Cheese.”

“No. I’m too tired. I’m just going to bed.” Rick fell on top of the only furniture they had in the cramped studio apartment. He fell asleep instantly leaving Vanessa with her worried thoughts.

She thought about her entire life until now. She wondered if their current situation was any better than her abusive neglectful life from before. She had a hard time gauging whether or not she should call James. ‘No,’ she thought to herself. ‘I can’t give up this easily. Especially when Rick is trying so hard.’

A month had passed and she still had no luck with any jobs. The only jobs that people wanted to give her were sex related. They began falling behind financially since Rick had been dropped from his full time position. His absence caused his hours to get cut and in turn they could not pay the rent that month.

Rick was at work that day as Vanessa scrambled to find an excuse for why they wouldn’t be able to pay their rent. The landlord was an older Mexican man that went by the name Juan. Every month he’d make a big commotion collecting rent money with his wooden baseball bat. “Where’s my money?” you’d hear him yell down the hall as you waited for him to step to your door. Luckily for Vanessa, she had found out a little information on the man that had brought them closer together.

Vanessa spent most of her days volunteering as a baby sister at a local church. She figured that she may do some good work as long as she wasn’t occupied and the church provided free meals to her. She met Juan one day dropping off his grandson. They saw each other regularly from there and talked sometimes.

There was a knock on the door absent with the profane yelling. Juan was at her door. “Good morning Ms. Vanessa,” he said with a slight accent.

“Hi Juan. My son is just running behind a little this month. I’m sorry I don’t have money for rent.”

“Oh,” he said still keeping his smile intact. “Well, you can get your things and get the fuck out then.” he said turning his back. “I’ll give you until the end of the day.”

“Wait. Please. We’re really trying to make this work. Can’t you give us a week. I promise I’ll get you the money.”

He turned around and approached her again. “How long do you think I’ve been doing this Ms. Vanessa? Do I look like an idiot? Do you know how many chances I’ve given. How many people lived here for free?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“If you don’t have the money. You need to leave. I’m saying this as a friend. Now please don’t make me angry.” he said turning his back again.

She began to panic imagining having to go back to her hell. She felt so useless, she knew she had to do something, even the unimaginable. “Please Juan. There must be something I can do for you.”

The comment stopped him in his tracks. He smiled as he turned around. He had been eyeing the busty milf for awhile now, just waiting for his opportunity to strike. “Come by my unit later tonight. I think we can work something out.”

Rick arrived at the apartment complex late that night. He tip toed past the landlords unit knowing that he had come up short this month. ‘Just give me a couple weeks you dirty bastard.’ he thought to himself. Just as he was about to pass his door he heard moans coming from within the paper thin walls. Curiosity forced him to stop and press his ear against the wall. Although the sounds were somewhat distorted, he could clearly hear a woman inside. ‘Even this old bastard gets laid? What a lucky piece of shit. I wonder who it is?’ he asked himself.

“Oh please. No more!” the stranger cried from within.

‘He’s really giving it to her.’ Rick though getting a little turned on himself.

“You like that you dirty slut?!” Juan yelled as Rick heard a series of slaps.

“Oh, god!” The woman cried, “it’s been such a long time. I can’t help myself. I’m a dirty slut.”

‘Woah. She kind of sounds like mom, but mom would never say something like that. Maybe I should record this.’

“I’m gonna cum!” she cried

“Alright. I’m almost there too. Tell me where you want it bitch. Inside?!”

“No please not inside! I’ll become pregnant. Anywhere but inside.”

“Then you’ll swallow my load. Don’t waste a single drop.”

The moaned and cried together as the sound eventually faded. ‘What a show,’ Rick thought to himself. ‘I better get back before this old bastard comes hunting for his money.’ Rick exited towards the stairwell.

Upon entering his unit he noticed an empty room. “Mom?” he called out. “Where the hell could she have gone.” Suddenly, he began to connect the thoughts. “No! It can’t be.” He dropped his things and ran out the door not caring to lock it behind it. He ran downstairs and slowly crept up to his landlords unit.

“Please stop! My son will be home soon.” Vanessa cried on the other side of the wall.

“I’m not done with you yet bitch. You still owe me a lot.” There was no denying it. His mother was fucking the landlord for the rent. Rick fell to his knees knowing that he had failed his mother. He couldn’t even move. Couldn’t even stop his mother from being violated. He wept pathetically and helplessly as his mother was fucked again and again. “I can’t get enough of this ass. Where should I put it next? Here?!”

“No!!” Vanessa cried again. She eventually stopped resisting as only tears ran down her face. She began thinking if this was really the best thing for her and her son. Maybe they should’ve taken their chances on the street.

Finally hours later Juan finally let Vanessa go. She was at the door with smeared mascara and a messy head of hair. “Two more nights like this and we’ll call it even.” he said giving her a smack on the ass then pushing her outside.

When Vanessa arrived home, she found Rick fast asleep. Not wanting to arouse suspicion she quickly took a shower before going to bed. She woke up the next day extremely sore. Juan didn’t have the biggest cock in the world, but what he lacked downstairs he made up with his fingering techniques. She couldn’t remember how many different positions they fucked in or how many times he made her cum. She began to sob thinking that she had stooped so low. She was no different than a prostitute walking the streets.

Rick had already left for work. He promised that he would work harder no matter what it took. To never have to see his mother like that again. Vanessa woke up and started her morning like she did every day. She checked her email to see if there were any new jobs available. She was surprised to find that a company had reached out to her wanting to interview her. The interview was in a couple of hours. Vanessa rushed to get ready putting on the best clothes that she could.

She walked into the large building wearing a professional attire and resume in hand. “Please, help me this one time.” she quietly prayed. Inside there were a line of women much younger, much more attractive waiting to be interviewed. The position was a secretary position for a construction company. It seemed like everyone was looking for a job. Vanessa felt extremely intimidated by her strong competition.

One by one, the women entered and left the building until finally, Vanessa was called in. Just a seat and a desk inside the room. There was an older woman and a middle aged man sitting behind the desk.

“Vanessa Vicksen?” The man called.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you.” She reached out offering her hand but no one shook it.

“My name is Austin. I’m the man you’ll be working for. Here is my current personal assistant Sally. She’s been helping me with the interviews today. Do you have any experience?”

“Yes. I mean, no not really. I’m sorry. I don’t have any experience at all.”

“Did you read the description of the ad Mrs. Vicksen? It clearly stated that we were searching for someone with a lot of experience. We don’t have the time to train you. If you can’t follow simple instructions I really can’t see how you’d be able to work here at all.” Sally said in a stern, slightly annoyed tone.

“I’m sorry. My son and I. It’s been really hard and this is the first interview I’ve received in over two months. Please. I really need this job. I can promise you that I’ll do everything that I have to. I’ll work as many hours as you need me. Please.” She started breaking into tears fearing that if she didn’t get a job soon, then life would only get worse for her and Rick.

Austin looked somewhat concerned. He had never seen a woman with such desperation. Austin had grown up in a similar situation. In poverty and without a father, he remembered his mother working two sometimes three jobs at once just to provide for him. He could tell she was being genuinely desperate. Such a drive he hadn’t seen from other applicants. Out of pity and instinct he decided to hire her on the spot. “When can you start?” he asked offering a tissue.

Both Vanessa and Sally were shocked. “But sir. She can’t possibly-”

“It’ll be alright Sally. The jobs not that hard anyhow.”

“Thank you so much. I promise you won’t regret it.” Vanessa said.

“You still haven’t answered my question Mrs. Vicksen. When can you start?”

“I’m sorry. I can start today if you’d like.”

He laughed loudly. “That’s fine. Why don’t you take off today and get ready to start tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much sir. I promise you won’t regret this.” Vanessa left the room smiling wider than she had in many years. Sally looked disappointed at Austin.

“What?” Austin said smiling at Sally.

“Your mother would be extremely disappointed with you if she saw you today. Was it because of her big tits? or her large ass? She’s nothing more than a breeding cow.”

“Oh Sally. Don’t be so mean. She’ll be fine.” He paused closing his eyes and relaxing a bit. “And mother. She’d understand.” He smiled again.

Vanessa arrived home later that night. She went shopping for some proper work attire. As she entered the building Juan stopped her in her tracks. “Oooh. I like the outfit. Where’d you go honey?”

Vanessa ignored him trying to walk past him.

“We’re still on for tonight right?”

“No Mr. Juan. I’ll pay you the rent.”

“Oh you got money? Where is it?”

“Well I mean.” She paused remembering that she wouldn’t be paid for at least a month.

“I’ll tell you again. You got three choices. Pay me today or get the fuck out of my apartment.”

She was startled not wanting to end up on the streets. She was at a loss for words.

“Or you can come over right now.”

So disgusted and helpless she felt that she didn’t really have a choice. She prepared herself mentally promising that she’d only have to endure his terrible acts for a month. Then they could move out completely. She walked towards him as he placed his arm around her waist.

“Good girl. Now let’s have some fun.” Vanessa entered his unit seeing that he hadn’t cleaned anything since her visit last night. It was an absolute pigsty. “You remember where to go?” She nodded stepping over the piles of trash.

They made it back to his bedroom. “I have to admit Vanessa. Seeing you dressed like an office slut really turns me on. Where’d you go today honey?”

“I had an interview,” she said quietly as he began groping her body. He slowly zipped the side of her skirt down her legs.

“Wow, I’ll never get sick of this amazing ass.” He gave her a hard slap. She winced closing her eyes. “An interview? You looking for a job?”

“Yes,” he began kissing her bare ass as he bent her over on the bed.

“Lay down honey.” He pulled her panties to the side revealing her pink pussy and small white asshole. He shove his nose deep inside her asshole while eating her out. “You could always work for me. I could get you a lot of money.”

She rolled her eyes hating him as she stared straight ahead. “No thank you,” she said politely declining.

“Fuck you then.” He gave her a hard slap, one that made her jump, and pulled down his pants. He was already hard from seeing her. He qued her to bring her pussy up for his fucking. “Since you’ve been such a bitch to me, I’m extending your services for the rest of the month. You got that your fucking whore?” He jammed his cock into her dry pussy. It hurt them both as she yelped.

She knew in the back of her mind that it would come to this. She laid with her face down and ass up taking the man’s cock. He grabbed a large chunk of her flesh.

“This.” He squeezed pinching her as hard as he could. “This is all mine! Whenever I want. You’ll come to fuck me. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” he yelled slapping her again and again.

She tried her best to endure the pain, but when she couldn’t take it anymore she screamed into the blanket she was biting down on. “MMMMM” She yelled feeling no pleasure at all.

“That’s right bitch. I’m gonna make you scream every single fucking day until you give me money.” The assault continued late into the night.

Rick arrived late that night again. By now, a small crowd had gathered near the landlord’s unit. “Damn, Juan’s really giving it to that whore.” A man said in the crowd. They laughed. Rick rushed passed them embarrassed and scared. “Anyone know who it is?” he asked looking around.

“Might be that fat bitch from 201.”

“Damn, you talkin about that thick ass milf?”

“Yeah bruh, have you seen her titties. Saw her walkin out with a skirt and shit. Probably goin to work.” they laughed.

They finally finished around midnight. As Vanessa was gathering her things Juan stopped her. He pulled out a butt plug with a pink jewel. “I want you to wear this at all times. You’re to never take this out. Understand?”

She just nodded wanting to get home as soon as possible. He shoved it into her asshole. Luckily it wasn’t as big as the ones Rick had trained her with. She could easily manage the butt plug. “I’ll make sure it’s in whenever I see you.”

‘Whatever,’ Vanessa thought to herself. She’d just put it in when she was walking past his unit.

The next morning she woke up still a bit sore. She got ready not forgetting to put her plug in. As she walked past Juan’s unit he came out greeting her. He placed his hand on her ass and ran his finger down her asshole to make sure he felt the plug inside of her. It was there just as he expected. “Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”

Vanessa walked off not wanting to miss her bus. This was Vanessa’s daily routine for the next month. Every night, Juan would fuck her senseless. Some nights he was a passionate lover, other time he came quickly and let her go. She showed no emotion and just treated it as a daily chore. Meanwhile, Rick worked hard. He was only getting around 6 hours of sleep a day and working the rest. He knew of his mother’s problem with the landlord but never said anything. He told her to hang on just for a few weeks inside his head. Then he’d get his pay checks and they’d be fine.

Vanessa quickly started falling for her boss. He was an honest man and not a sleazeball like the rest of the men she had encountered in her life. He never took perverted peeks at her and always looked deeply into her eyes whenever he talked to her. It was as if she was looking into her soul. She didn’t know if he was married or not, but didn’t have intentions of possibly ruining her job. She simply enjoyed his company as she secretly fell in love with him.

They’d regularly go out to lunch together and they would talk about their life. She found out that he grew up with just his mother in a poor neighborhood. He didn’t make any money until he finished college and started his own business. He cared for his mother for fifteen years as he watched her slowly wither away from her cursed cancer.

Vanessa felt special as Austin began opening up to her. He seemed like he wanted to cry. She could see how lonely he had been since his mother had passed. Maybe that’s why he kept Sally around, she thought.

Austin began crying. Vanessa wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. She decided to go with her motherly instinct and cuddle him. She held a hand over his back and rubbed him. “It’s okay.” she said in a sweet caring voice.

Austin lost what he was able to hold together so well and embraced Vanessa. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this. I promise, I’m not normally like this.”

“I understand.”

“Something about you makes me feel safe. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s so wrong, but I fell in love with you from the first day we met.”

Vanessa was shocked. The word “Love” was such a distant idea. How long had it been since a man had professed their love to her. She couldn’t remember the last time James said it or even Rick. She wanted to cry too.

He felt uncomfortable with her silence. “I’m sorry. That’s wrong of me to say isn’t it.”

“No.” She stopped him wanting to tell him that she too was in love. “I have feelings for you too Austin.” A man crying into her shoulders, was the only man that had ever shown that they wanted more than sex from her. For the first time in her entire life, she felt like a real woman. Love, how could it feel this strong?

They began to date regularly after that. Austin didn’t care much about the employer-employee relationship as he owned the company. They were moving so fast on an emotional level but never had sex. They were bound to be together. Soulmates at least.

Vanessa told her son of her new found love. The way she expressed the way she felt about him and how she just couldn’t shut up about him made Rick realize that he would soon lose his mother.

For the first time in his life, Rick thought of his mother’s interest instead of his. He gave her his blessings and sent her off to get married. Vanessa refused to leave Rick behind, but he somehow convinced her that they would still see each other all the time and that he wanted her to be happy and not to worry about him.

Vanessa was married to Austin three months after they first met. She moved into Austin’s house and Rick was left to fend for himself. Vanessa promised that she would come visit him every day. It was like a fairy tale ending where the princess finally met her true love.


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