Surrender [oral] [anal] [dom] [m/f]

His hands explored her like so many busy bees on a honeycomb. His fingers brushed lightly against her sides, tickling her with soft caresses. Emma felt the goose prickles rise on her skin; his touch was warm against the cool night air that blew in from the window slit. Don't let him do this. her mind screamed. You just met him. But she could not listen to her mind. Her body wanted him and she had to obey.

He had a body straight out of a magazine. Six-pack abs and thick arms rippling with muscle. A head of dark hair and a clean-shaven face. Blue eyes that twinkled like stars in the night sky. His breath tickled her neck, soft and warm against her skin. He had her pressed against the wall, arms pinned above her head and she was helpless to stop him. She didn't want to.

He kissed her, lips like lightning that sent a jolt down her spine. Their tongues wrestled slippery and rough and hers yielded to his. Sweat and cologne wafted into her flared nostrils, the raw, real scent of him. It was too strong a cocktail for her; her head swam from the smell of it.

The boat rocked beneath them. He had lured her out onto his yacht, despite her wishes to the contrary. Mysterious men and boats were a recipe for disaster, she knew and yet she could not resist him or his kisses, caresses and manly possession.

Something rough bound her wrists. Black leather tied tight, pressing her hands together. She didn't have time to protest; he pushed her onto the bed, hands trailing up her thighs, past the hem of her dress. Her heart quickened, beat wildly against her chest. Her nostrils flared and her nipples stiffened in the sheer fabric. His hand crawled up her inner leg, past her panties to the wetness underneath. She couldn't hide it from him anymore. He knew she wanted it, no matter how hard she tried to say otherwise.

His finger slipped past her folds and a gasp escaped her. He found her clit and fingered it, infuriatingly slow. She squirmed, biting down on her lip to stifle a moan. His finger slipped out of her and into her mouth. She tasted herself; she was sweet.

His body leaned over hers. He kissed her hungrily, pressing his god-like chest against her. If by instinct, her legs spread under him. She needed him inside of her now. Why won't he take me?

But this man continued to surprise. He flipped her over onto her stomach, lifting her dress up, exposing her ass to the cool night air. His hand came down hard, leaving her cheeks stinging. Slap, slap, slap. He spanked her like the bad girl she was and it only made her more wet than before. He spanked her until her ass was red and smarting. "Please…take me," she begged.

He said nothing, just flipped her over onto her back. His cock was out, hard and erect and swollen. Her eyes widened at how thick and long it was and she trembled. But he grabbed her by the head and guided his cock to her mouth. She opened wide and took all eight inches of it. His cock forced its way down her throat, throwing her gag reflex into overdrive. His hips were like pistons, pumping his manhood in her hole with ruthless speed. Tears stung her eyes as she choked on him yet he seemed to ignore her gags and gurgles. After a long, thorough throat fucking, he pulled out, cock glistening with her saliva, leaving her gasping for breath.

Just when she thought he was finished, he had her on her stomach again, ass in the air. His wet hand lubricated her and her ass clenched in anticipation. Oh god, this is gonna hurt.

But he went in slow, with gentleness she would not have thought possible from a man like him. There was pain at first but she eased around his cock, her muscles relaxing as he slid in and out of her. Her shuddering breaths betrayed her pleasure. She was in too deep to pretend otherwise; this was the best fuck she'd had in a long time.

As quickly as he had entered her, he was out again. His powerful hands turned her over and she saw him standing over her, cock at attention, looking like a god. He parted her legs with a casual gesture and lowered himself, pushing her panties to the side with a finger. He brushed against her with the tip of his cock, stopping just at the entrance of her sex. She shivered, a moan escaping her. "Please," she whimpered.

And then he slid inside of her, inch by inch. She cried out in pain and pleasure. Never before had a man so big taken her. It hurt yet she craved it.

He thrusted in her, steady. The more wet she became, the easier it was for him to slide in and out of her. She heard him grunt and groan as he fucked her. "So…tight."

They reached orgasm together. He pumped her full of his hot seed and her walls tightened and contracted around him. She cried out, arching her back as wave after wave of pleasure rocked her body.

They collapsed in a pile together, breathing hard and heavy. He planted lazy kisses along her neck and jaw, his hand gliding over her belly. Emma didn't care about anything else in the world anymore; she was his now.
