Catching Her [MF] [Msolo] [Voy] [Mast] [Cheat]

Rainy days. I love them. The dark, overcast sky. The low rumble of thunder in the distance. The overwhelming urge to be lazy. They make the perfect excuse to duck out of work, get home well before the kids do, undress, and relax naked for while.

Being so early in the day, I expected the door to be locked. Being so early, I expected to find the living room still a mess. Being so early, I expected my wife to still be asleep on the couch.

When I slipped in the front door I found the living room to be quite tidy. I found the couch empty. I even smelled a bit of Clorox and saw that the dishes and counters were clean. I was pleasantly surprised.

Mindful of the cleaning my wife had done, I slipped my work boots off and placed them out of the way of the door. I passed through the dining room, where my desk is, and dropped off my phone and cigs. I padded lightly across the kitchen towards the bedroom. Since I didn't see her, I figured she was in the bathroom. Knowing how easy it is to scare her, I figured it'd be fun to sneak up on her.

As I neared the bedroom door I began peering through the crack. When I was within inches of the door I heard a faint, soft moan. I stopped dead in my tracks. “Oh sweet Jesus, please let her be masturbating,” I thought. Watching my wife of 11 years pleasuring herself is one of the hottest things I can think of. Sadly, it's a scenario I hardly ever get to enjoy. My dick was growing with anticipation of seeing her in the act.

After a moment I heard another moan, this one a little louder. This one a lot more convincing of what was going on. She was definitely enjoying herself. If I'd had to guess, I'd say she was within minutes of throwing herself into a full orgasm. Another moan. And another. The bulge in my pants throbbed.

I turned the door handle gently. I expected it to be locked, and it was. Fortunately, we kept a butter knife right next to the door to jimmy it open when we need to. And I needed to.

I slid the thin blade into the gap around the strike plate, trying to be as quiet as possible. I delicately probed to feel the resistance of the latch. I slid the knife a bit further, and felt the door give just a bit as its restraint was released.

Steadily, not wanting her to notice, I held the doorknob tightly, half pulling, half pushing, and opened it just enough to get a good eyeful of what was going on.

And there she was, on the bed, on her knees, bent over, head down, with the blanket over her. She sometimes fucked herself like this. She would straddle a pillow, usually with her favorite vibrator on top, and grind herself to multiple orgasms. I liked watching her pleasure herself in this position the most. It's the same position and movements she'd use when she rode me to orgasm. The way her hips moved, the sounds she made, it was always hot as fuck.

What usually wasn't in the picture, though, is what looked like a pair of hands under the blanket around her ass. A couple of bulges moving in slow, rhythmic circles.

Surely I wasn't seeing things right. The room was dim, no lights on. I'd had a few extra cups of coffee that morning, maybe that was playing with my eyes. I squinted to get a better idea of what I was looking at. That moving bulge damn sure looked like a couple of hands massaging her big ass.

“Oh, God!” I thought. “What if?”

My mind was starting to turn circles. My hard shaft strained against my pants painfully. I felt flushed. My heart raced. I had to think. But there wasn't time.

“Maybe I'm just seeing things,” I contended.

The bulge under the blanket grew larger. And then shrank quickly, accompanied by the sound of a slap. My wife let out a moaning, resounding “Oh, fuck! Yes! I'm gonna cum!”

My heart stuttered.

So did my cock.

My eyes were glued to the sight before me. “Fuck it,” I thought. After years of marriage, and a wife who was a bit too prudish, seeing her enjoy sex, even if it wasn't with me, was the biggest turn-on I could imagine. I didn't care she was fucking a stranger. A few times I'd actually brought it up to her. I think she always assumed it was my way to hint that I, too, should go out and fuck someone else.

I deftly undid my belt, thumbed my fly open, slid down my zipper, and released my cock from my silky underwear. I wrapped my fist around my thick, pulsing rod, rubbed my thumb over the head. I could feel all the slippery wetness from my precum. I started stroking, slowly, deliberately.

My wife sat up on the stranger beneath her. She threw the blanket back. I could see the sweat covering her back. She ran her hands up her body, pausing to squeeze her enormous titties before continuing up to her hair. She arched her back and lifted her hair until her arms were fully extended above her. Bending backwards so far allowed me a glimpse of her beautiful, big tits.

Then she collapse back down on her beau, grasping his shoulders as she began to grind more forcefully. Her ass bounced and rocked on his pride, sending wave after wave rippling up her cheeks. His hands clawed and groped passionately. I could hear him moaning.

I tried to look at the man's face, but my wife's hair was covering it. The hair on his arm, however, was a pale gray, hinting that he was a bit older than us.

She moaned more.

The man had big handfuls of my wife's voluptuous ass. He began guiding her movements back and forth on his cock. His own panting and moaning started to match rhythm with my wife's. My own hand started to match the rhythm as well. I didn't know how close this stranger was to cumming, but my own body was starting to send the tell-tale signals up and down itself.

Her thrusting became harder. The man let go of her ass and reached for her tits. My wife leaned up a bit and shook her head to toss her hair out of her face. Her mouth was agape. She stopped making any noise, held her breath for a second, then let out a deep, primal moan. Her ass drove itself back and forth on this guy's cock in a fury. My wife's whole body twitched. Her orgasm sent me over the edge. I began squirting my cum all over the door frame. And apparently the stranger had his own release. His body twitching and his voice moaning.

I slowed the pace of my stroking. My cock pulsed a few last times. The couple on the bed slowed their movements as well.

My wife hung her head down, and began kissing the man's chest. He rubbed his hands on her back and ass. She moved her ass in slow, gentle movements.

I cleared my throat.

They froze.
