[MFF]Our Naughty Night Out. Second post. Give me some feedback

I approach her as your eyes burn into me from across the room. I step in close and you read by our body language that introductions were made. Your curiosity is piqued and and your not quite sure what to expect next.

I caught her gaze a few times earlier in the evening just out of the corner of my eye. As I made eye contact, her's quickly darted away. You've noticed me noticing her all night. She appears to be just my type. Brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, short, with a curvy figure and a gorgeous ass. The complete opposite of you.

I confront her with a smirk on my face. "I've noticed that you've been watching me." She blushingly replies, "I don't know what you're talking about. I would never try to lure a taken man." A little shocked, I lean in close and whisper in your ear, "Don't worry about her. I'm Kevin, and she shouldn't concern you." "I'm Samantha," she replies. "Why shouldn't I be worried about her? Isn't she going to be upset seeing you over here with me?" "I'm sure she will be jealous, but I have an offer for you. I'm going to buy you a drink regardless of your answer. I have no interest in you other than your lips. I want to make out with you and taste you, feel your soft lips against my rough touch. Taste your tongue inside of your mouth." "Won't she be mad?" "My girlfriend, Rachel? She'll probably come over and rip you off of me. I know she'll want to get the taste of you off of me, make me forget all about you. The scent of your perfume with stir her emotions." "And what do I get out of this?" She demands. "Not only will she want me to forget you, she'll want you to forget me. When she feels I'm thoroughly back under her spell, she'll turn her attention back to you. What happens next is up to you."

I see the spark in her eye. I see that Samantha's interested, but not entirely sure. I grab her by the small of her back and pull her into me not giving her a moment to react. I grab her gently along her neck and pull her face to mine. At first her body is rigid, but it slowly relaxes as my mouth meets hers. I start with a slow passionate kiss, then I begin working my tongue into her mouth. She lets out a small moan as our tongues meet for the first time. Samantha's hands start moving up my body grabbing my strong shoulders.

Rachel's eyes go wide as she suddenly see's us pressing ourselves against each other. Our bodies craving to get closer as my mouth devours her's. The image ignites a fire deep inside of you, but for some reason your pussy is ignited as well. You storm over to us. I startle as you grab me by my shoulder's pulling me away from the world of ecstacy that Samantha and I created with our mouths. I smirk at you recognizing the look in your eyes that tells me you're about to lose control.

You surprise me by pulling her body close to your's locking your lips onto hers. You purposefully slide your body between us pulling my hands off of her body and replacing them with your own. I see your body slowly grinding into her leg. I take this moment to let you two get better aquainted while I grab a round of drinks at the bar. I come back to find her hand up your shirt and your's on her upper thigh.

"Should we take this somewhere else?" I say while admiring the view as half of the bar does the same. All I hear is a muffled affirmative from the both of you. You two slowly peel apart and we begin our walk to the parking lot.

We approach both cars, Rachel and I in one, Samanth in the other. "Your place or ours?" you ask. "I have roommates and I can get pretty loud," she responds. It was decided, she was coming back to our house. I open your car door on the drivers side when Samantha approaches me and and grabs my hand. "He's riding with me. I need directions," she says with a devilish grin. Looking disappointed, you agree.

You start up the car as we come around to hers, just a few spots over. She tosses me the keys and says, "You're driving." I climb into the drivers seat, adjusting it all the way back to accomodate my long legs. We pull out onto the road, Rachel following behind. From her car all she can see is her looking at me, clearly engaged in whatever we are talking about. You can see her hands move closer to my body, but can't tell what is happening. Suddenly, her head disappears from from site, but you can just barely make out her body moving up and down. Furious, you struggle to keep your cool and continue you driving, but your free hand keeps on reaching up to your breasts where your nipples are already erect with anticipation.

We pull up to the house and you see me struggling to get out while buttoning up my pants. I fumble with the keys in the doorway and we head into the house. You storm in immeadiately leading Samantha to our bedroom. You both waste no time stripping each others clothes off a layer at a time. I notice the restraints still attached to the bed when I get an evil thought. I pull my shirt off and continue to undress down to my boxer-briefs that hug me just right allowing you to see the bulge hiding beneath. I crawl over to Samantha where she is sitting on top of you in the bed sucking on your nipples. I grab her from behind kissing her neck and I whisper into her ear, "Want to play a game?" You look into my eyes and nod.

I grab the arm and leg restraints and strap Rachel down to the bed. I find a blindfold and start to explain the rule's of the game while placing it over Rachel's eyes. The rules are simple, it's similar to the basketball game horse. I will match whatever you do to Rachel's body, and Rachel will decide which one did it better. The other one get's a point. The first one to three points loses and has to please the winner. Rachel has to stay tied up the entire time. Samantha agrees to the rules and our game begins.

Samantha goes first by driving her tongue into Rachel's mouth delivering a provacative kiss that lasts for a few minutes. Rachel's breathing intensifies and her body writhes beneath Samantha on the bed. My turn comes around and I start a little slower, more passionately landing my kisses. I bite your bottom lip and begin to intensify. You begin moaning beneath me. Our tongues dance in each other's mouth's and I reluctantly pull away. A few Seconds later, you reply point Samantha.

My turn to go first I head straight into the neck. I kiss from your collar bone up to your ear lobe nibbling at every step of the way. I can feel your body heating up beneath me. Samantha moves herself to the other side of your neck and I sense my turn has ended. She works her tongue around your ear and begins to leave a hickey on your neck. Point for me, Rachel indicates.

Samantha fully charged up never takes her mouth off of your body and moves down to your sensitive nipples. She gently circles around your nipples with her tongue noticing how hard they already are. She starts to suck on it gently using her lips and tongue on you. You begin to whimper and whisper soft little pleas. I take my turn and roughly take your nipple between my teeth. I bite down hard enough to send convulsions through your body and causing you to scream. You have your first orgasm of the night. 2-1, I take the lead.

I move my hand between your legs and begin caressing. I start off slowly tracing around every curve and surface. I run my fingers from your slick, dripping pussy up to your clit. I run little circles with the tips of my fingers around keeping a steady pace as you let out little moans. After a few moments of this, Samantha impatiently pushes my arm out of the way and begins to use her hands in ways that only one used to playing with their own could know. She inserts her fingers into you while stimulating your clit, working upwards to your g-spot struggling to maintain her position as your body bucks wildly away from her and back towards her hand. You attempt to fuck her hand, but your restraints prevent you from doing little more than thrust. She expertly works three fingers into you and sends you over the edge bringing around your second orgasm of the night. 2-2, all tied up.

Samantha allows you to calm down before kissing down your body. She approaches your pussy and licks up your slit. Gently works your clit with her mouth, flicking her tongue expertly on your clit. I sense that you don't have much longer. I force her out of my way I position my mouth on top of you. I can taste a mixture of her spit and your juices. I let my fingers go to work inside of you as I work my mouth to suck all of your clit into my mouth gently nibbling on it. Your body shudders beneath me with each full pass of my tongue over your sweet spot. Your body betrays the exact moment of your orgasm and you scream and struggle against your restraints. Unexpectedly, you begin to gush squirting all over sending you into a euphoric screaming state as the orgasm racks through your entire body emenating from within.

The game has ended and I have claimed my victory. The prize is Samantha's eager body. I pull the blindfold off and quickly forget about you as Samantha and I consume each other

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2x2w9f/mffour_naughty_night_out_second_post_give_me_some


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