FORLEALELA Chapters 3.5-4 [mF] [Fsub] [blkmail] [huml] [inc] [reluc] [exh]

Chapter 3.5: Outside

Even with such a lovely woman by his side, Rick was still self-conscious about himself on all aspects primarily because of his father. He looked at himself in the mirror wondering if he was ever going to be good enough. His mom an obvious babe and his father not a bad looking mad either, he wondered where the bad genes came from. He looked at himself in the mirror noticing the terrible acne plagued across his face. The triple chin of fat that made people wonder if he even had a neck. He had skin tags all over his body. Constantly greasy thin hair; he had started balding when he was just a boy. He was at least tall, but being obese didn’t really make that an attractive feature. It just scared away people even more. He had bleeding red stretch marks on his man boobs, arms, love handles, legs, calves, almost anywhere you could imagine. Rick was the definition of hideous.

At least the training was going well with his mother. He decided to treat her and take her out on a date. She had been practicing the makeup ever since she had gotten it done the first time. By now, it was identical to how the girl from the mall did it.

“Vanessa, what do you have left for tonight?”

“To be honest, I haven’t been to the gym since my husband left Sir.”

“Hmm,” the gym was a definite priority. “I wanted to take you out, but that’s pretty important. I’ll come with you tonight.”

“Wonderful. I’m so happy Master. Let me get changed.” Vanessa changed into a striped patterned light brown yoga pants, a black sports bra, and tennis shoes. She packed her gym bag with spare clothes and a towel.

The health club they were heading to were one of the perks that James received from working at his company. His family was guaranteed full access as long as he was with the company. It was a 24-7 operating club completed with multiple swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, weight room, pretty much anything and all you needed.

They pulled into the parking lot around 8PM but there were only a handful of cars in the lot. Most of the members came during the day. Just as Vanessa was about to go in when Rick stopped her. “Seeing you dressed up like that gets me real hard.”

“What did you have in mind sir?” she asked smiling. Not needing to hear his answer she bent over the median separating the two seats and unzipped Rick’s pants. She placed his cock inside her mouth and began devouring it slowly. She had gotten much better in terms of technique, but still had trouble taking the entire length of his cock. She gagged trying to deepthroat. After a few minutes of sucking his cock, she moved down towards his balls and began sucking on them popping them with her lips. She alternated between the two while flicking them lightly with her tongue.

“Yes, I live that.”

“Mmmm,” she moaned back, mouth full of cock and balls.

He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in further forcing his cock down his throat. She began choking and coughing, but knew not to hit or motion for air. Instead, she’d rather passout than disappoint her Master. He finally released her as she gasped for air. “You like that cock rammed down your throat? Fucking slut!”

“Yes Daddy. It tastes good. Please give me your cum.” She said in a playful voice.

Rick couldn’t stand it when she acted like a little girl. A few more thrusts inside her throat and he flooded her mouth with a load. “Don’t swallow it yet. Let me take a picture.”

“Yesh Daddy,” she gurggled holding the cum inside her mouth. He took out his phone and took a picture.

“Good girl. Now swallow it.” She did so, taking one big gulp. She opened her mouth and lifted her tongue showing proof that there was nothing left. “How does it taste.”

“So good, I missed the taste.”

“Oh, before I forget. I got you a present.” He handed his mom a bag.

“Thank you so much Sir.” She said happily accepting the gift.

“Put it in your bag. Maybe we’ll have fun tonight.”

Vanessa exited the car but Rick stayed inside. She walked around to his side. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Today I’ll be more of an observer. You have your phone with you?”

She pulled it out showing him.

“Good, make sure to check it constantly. I’ll text you instructions.”

“Yes Master.”

“Are you plugged in?”

She pulled down her yoga pants revealing the glittery butt plug plunged inside her ass.

“Good. Only for today, I want you to ignore me if you see me. Understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good, now go on inside.” She did as she was commanded. The large facility was practically empty. Some staff members lounged around lazily. Vanessa made her way to the fitness area. She always started with a light 30 minute jog on the treadmill. She plugged in her headphones and started working out.

Near the end of her run she noticed someone getting on the treadmill next to hers. She didn’t pay much attention as she focused staring straight ahead. She could see something in the corner of her eye so she stopped the machine and looked to see what was going on. It was Chris waving at her. She pulled out her headphones, “Hi Chris. Sorry I didn’t see you there.”

“No not at all. I hope I’m not interrupting your run.”

“I was just about finished.”

“Oh, where are you going now?”

“Maybe some weights.” Her phone vibrated. “Excuse me, it’s my son.”

It was a text from Rick “How is it? Anyone there watching you?”

“I ran into Chris…” she responded

“Your son didn’t come with you?”

“He’s doesn’t really like this place.”

“I see. I guess it’s not for everyone. I remember seeing James around her awhile ago, but he doesn’t seem to come anymore. If I had known you worked out here, I would’ve asked to join you.” Vanessa hadn’t noticed before, but Chris was rather fit for his 50-something-year old body. He had taken much better care of himself compared to James.

“Do you come here often?” She asked before her phone vibrated again.

“Is he flirting with you?” Rick texted.

“A little,” she responded.

“My, he certainly is a momma’s boy isn’t he?” Chris chuckled.

She lightly laughed back. “Well, I was just getting ready to go to the weight room as well. Mind if I accompany you?”

“Just a second. My son may need me to come home.” She lied hoping that Rick would let her out of this uncomfortable situation.

“Do you want me to come out?” She texted Rick.

“No. Flirt with him. I want to watch.” Rick responded.

“Are you here?” She texted again.

“Yes, I’m watching.” Rick texed. “Make good moves for the movie I’m making.”

“Is everything alright?” Chris asked.

“Yes, he’s okay.”

“To the weight room then?” He asked offering his hand off the treadmill.

Vanessa wasn’t in a position to refuse her real Master. She took his hand and they made their way to the weight room.

They began working out, but Chris was more chatty than concerned about his workout. “I didn’t see you and your husband the last couple of weeks. I heard James went to Japan.” Vanessa was shocked that Chris knew that.

“Yes, he’s supposed to train a team overseas.”

“That’s strange. Is everything alright at home?”

“Yes of course.” Vanessa’s phone vibrated.

“This is boring.” Rick texted.

“What should I do?” Vanessa texted back.

“Ask him to come swim with you.” Rick advised. “Wear what’s in the bag I gave you earlier.”

“Ok.” She responded. “I won’t be able to take my phone to the pool. How far should I let this go?” She texted.

“As far as he wants to. I’ll keep a close eye. Don’t worry.” Rick texted.

“I’m not feeling very well today Chris. Would you care for a swim?”

“Most definitely.”

“Great, give me a few minutes to change into my bathing suit.”

“I’ll see you out there.”

She made her way back to the changing room. She opened the bag Rick had given her earlier and was stunned at what she was looking at. It just looked like two pieces of string. It took longer than expected, but she was able to find how to put it on. The neon green g-string bikini left almost nothing to the imagination. Her nipples were covered by two small triangles, and her crotch covered with a slightly bigger patch. The string ran down straight down her ass crack.

“Make sure to pull the strings over your hips.” Rick texted. “Send me a picture.”

Vanessa took a quick selfie before heading out. Charlie waited patiently by the pool. He also had a fit body. Not much fat and you could even make out some of his six-pack abs. He was clearly blown away when he saw Vanessa. Luckily for her, they had the pool to themselves.

“Wow Vanessa. That’s a very nice bikini. I wish my wife looked like that.” He smiled.

She blushed. He certainly was a creep, but he was hot for his age. “Thank you.”

“You know. I always knew you had a great body. I’m impressed. Not many women, especially white women, would be willing to dress like you do. You’re very confident aren’t you.”

She couldn’t stand much more compliments as her faced turned more red. “Shall we swim?” She suggested.

He nodded following her in. He was mesmerized by the size of her great ass. They submerged themselves in the clear blue pool. They started slowly swimming laps before stopping for another chat.

“Swimming sure is great. After I swim a couple of laps I always like to hit the hot tub. Rinse and repeat until your arms feel like they’re falling off.” He laughed. “Wanna try it out?”

“Sure,” Vanessa said willingly following the man that had sexually harassed her only two weeks ago.

“You like the jets? They feel great when they’re pounding into your back.”

“Sure.” The bubbled concealed anything that was inside the water. They sat across from each other at first but Chris quickly got up from the hot tub.

“I want to show you something.” He walked over to where he was originally sitting and grabbed his phone. He hobbed back in the hot tub sitting right next to Vanessa. “Look at this.” He swiped through his phone navigating to his pictures. He began to show her the gallery of the pictures he took from their encounter at the mall.

She was so ashamed she had to look away. “You were so hot that day. I mean today too, but jesus, I didn’t know you could be that vulgar Vanessa.” He placed his hand on her thigh. “Why were you really dressed like that at the mall?” He stroked her legs moving closer towards her pussy. “Do you like being watched? Do you like the attention men give you?” She shivered thinking back to the day. She hadn’t thought of it for awhile, but there was something very enticing about the feelings she experienced during the mall ordeal. “You like those young black boys looking at your big fat ass and wanting to fuck the shit out of you?” He whispered deep into her ear.

She closed her eyes as his hands made their way inside of her. His fingers moved without any resistance from Vanessa as she leaned back and relaxed herself. Chris thought that she was starting to show her true colors, but to Vanessa, she was simply following her Master’s orders. Even to be used by such a lewd man.

Regardless of her initial intents, she couldn’t deny the fact that Chris knew very well what he was doing with his fingers. He quickly found the spots that triggered Vanessa to moan out loud. “I never understood why you married that loser husband of yours. I’m so much better than him. Let me take care of you. Let me fuck you.”

She moaned even louder taking his fingers deep inside of her. She began to wonder when the last time was since someone had made her feel this good. Everything felt brand new as she indulged in the pleasure.

They sat there for a while as Chris continued working his fingers in and out of Vanessa’s cunt. They could both feel Vanessa building to an orgasm as she breathed faster. “Yeah, cum for me baby. Let go.”

“Ahhh!” She was now screaming about to explode when they were suddenly interrupted.

“Mom?” Rick called out.

Vanessa yelled out trying to cover herself up. She was quickly brought back to reality. Chris on the other hand instantly jumped out of the hot tub trying to cover his rock hard erection. He tried covering his face making sure Rick hadn’t noticed him.

Vanessa was actually disappointed and understandably frustrated by Rick’s interruption. She hadn’t felt so close to climax in years and she was just a second away from a real orgasm. She squirmed inside the hot tub wanting it so badly.

“That was great. Let’s go home.”

“Yes, sir.” Vanessa followed Rick

The rest of the night was uneventful. After watching a movie, they went to bed. Vanessa woke up to the sensation of her butt plug being pulled out. It was rather dry hurting it. “Owww,” she moaned.

“Sorry, did that hurt mom?”

“It’s okay honey.” Rick grabbed the bottle of lube and worked it around his fingers. He slowly inserted them inside her asshole. Her asshole was much looser now as Rick was able to fit two fingers in comfortably. A sensation Vanessa had never experienced before stirred her mind. She clamped down on his fingers and then released them. It was when he began rubbing the lower part of her rectum that she went crazy. “Oh My God!” she almost screamed orgasming instantly.

She laid there like a fish out of water shaking in off set intervals. “What happened?” Rick asked.

“I came,” She gently whispered. This was Rick’s first time seeing a woman orgasm. It was an amazing sight to witness.

“Does it feel good?” he asked.

“Yes,” she responded out of breath.

“Can I do it again?” He asked rubbing the outside rim of her asshole.

“Hold on honey. I’m so tired right now.” But Rick couldn’t wait. He wanted to see her cum again. To see her so helpless and overcome with sensation was a different type of control he got off on. He slipped his fingers in and began working her asshole again. “Jesus Christ. I’m cumming again.” She said humping his fingers. “Yes! Right there. Fuck my asshole!” She fell into a seizure type movement again.

Rick felt a liquid touch his thigh. He lifted up the covers to discover that his mother had pissed herself. She was biting on the edge of the blanket trying to cope with her orgasm. “Did you pee?”

“Sorry honey.” she paused to breathe, “I couldn’t control it.” Rick was excited seeing his mother in this new light. He spent the rest of the night torturing her with anal orgasms.

Chapter 4: Change of Power

A month had passed and the son and mother master/son relationship was reaching its climax. Although, Rick hadn’t lost his virginity yet, he was having too much fun making his mother cum like a whore while fingering her asshole. This in turn brought a new feeling to when she wore her butt plugs. Thoughts of sex consumed the mind of Vanessa Vicksen. She longed for her son to play with her asshole and let her cum.

Vanessa and Rick waited for James to return today but he was nowhere to be found. A day after his thought return Vanessa received a phone call from her husband. “James, are you alright? I thought you were coming yesterday.”

“Yes I’m fine. It looks like I’ll have to spend another month here. But I want to talk to you about something.”

“What is it?”

“My father.” Vanessa froze. The very words triggered a terrible fear deep inside her. “He’ll be taking care of the house while I’m gone. I know I don’t need to tell you, but please treat him with respect.”

Just then the doorbell rang. Vanessa dropped her phone ending the call with her husband from shock. Rick was still asleep as she approached the door.

She peered out the window to see James’ father standing out front. She reluctantly opened the door.

“Hello Father,” she greeted him.

“Vanessa. It’s been awhile.” James’ father, Frank, was a man feared by nearly everyone. His stature, the way he talked, looked, even his aura demanded respect and obedience. No one ever dared to go against his word. Having mastered many martial arts, his body was built like an ox. He almost looked like a gorilla with his overly sized forearms. With all this being said, Frank was comically short standing at 4 foot 8 inches. He always had to look up towards people, but no one ever laughed at him. “Why don’t you get my things from the car?”

“Yes Father.” She bowed her head.

After settling in Frank sat on the couch. “I’m very disappointed with my son’s action. How can a man leave his household? Who’s here to watch over things?”

“You don’t need to worry about us Father. Rick is here with me.”

“Rick? You fat piece of shit son? Where is he now?” he asked.

“He’s sleeping.”

“SLEEPING?!” He yelled getting up from the couch. “It’s 5 past 8 and this boy is still sleeping? I’ll rip his fucking head off. Where is he?”

“Please Frank,” she knelt beside him begging him not to act out.

A swift slap across the face, pain that she hadn’t felt since the last time he hit her. “Where is he?” He demanded again pulling her up by her hair.


Frank ripped the door open and ran down the stairs. All Vanessa could hear were pleading cries from Rick as she sobbed on the floor up above.

Frank had really done a number on Rick. His face was swollen and he had even knocked out a tooth. Rick had tears running down his face but didn’t make a whimpering sound. Vanessa and her son sat across the table from Frank.

“Now, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but from now on, you’ll wake up every day at 5 in the morning. Find a job or go to school. I’ll give you one day to figure it out. If you don’t make a decision by then, I’m kicking you out of this house.”

The two sat in silence as he continued lecturing them for the next three hours.

At this point, Rick was truly terrified of his grandfather. “Now go wash up I’m starving. Vanessa start the meal.”

“Yes Father.” Vanessa and Rick parted ways going towards where they were directed.

After finishing lunch, Rick was sent out to find a job or enroll in a school. He decided to apply to a few restaurants and fast food joints. He had never worked in his life and found that this was likely his best chance. He returned later that night with paper copies of proof that he had applied.

Frank approached him before dinner. “So did you make a decision my grandson?”

“Yes Sir. I applied for a few jobs.” he said sheepishly.

“That’s fine, let me see what you did.” Rick handed over the papers. He could see his grandfather’s face turning increasingly red and more angry. He ripped them all in half before delivering a punch to Rick’s gut. He fell to the floor gasping for air. “No one in my family will ever be caught serving other people. Don’t even think for a second of working in a fucking restaurant. You’re not a lowly peasant. Now tell me, what are you going to do tomorrow?”

“Go to school?” he asked sobbing uncontrollably.

“WHAT?” He slapped him across the face like a bitch. “That didn’t sound like an answer to me.”

“GO TO SCHOOL!” he yelled crying out again.

“Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He walked over Rick’s crippled body. “No dinner for you tonight. Starving the body makes the mind stronger. You can eat once you’ve provided results.”

Rick made his way to his room crying his self to sleep. Even though Vanessa had witnessed everything, she knew that she was in no position to challenge her father in law. The two sat in silence as they ate the dinner. Thankfully, Vanessa was a decent cook.

After finishing the dishes they went straight to bed. Vanessa found it odd when Frank followed her to her bedroom door. “Oh father,” she paused, “the guest bedroom is across the hall. I put all your things there.”

Frank looked angry, “Nonsense, I may be old, but I still have some things that need to be taken care of by you. Bring my things to your bedroom.” She did as she was told. When she arrived back to her room with his luggage, Frank was stripped completely naked. “That’s fine, just leave it right there.”

Vanessa was a bit embarrassed seeing her father in law naked. There wasn’t a single ounce of fat on the man, each muscle was clearly defined and looked very healthy. What’s more was his long fat cock. He wasn’t hard, yet he seemed as big as Rick when he was fully erect. The size of his cock was nearly the size of his thigh.

“Well what are you doing?” Frank asked.

“Excuse me Father?”

“Get undressed and let’s take a shower.” At this point, arguing would only cause physical pain that she wasn’t wishing to deal with tonight. She simply started stripping her clothes. “Wow.” Frank said looking over Vanessa’s body. “I’m actually impressed. This isn’t how I remembered you all those years ago. In fact you were a little chubby back then.” He smiled. “But what’s this?” he approached her reaching out towards her breast. “My, my. Isn’t time a bastard?” He said playing with her breasts. “There’s only so much you can do for your body. It’s a damn shame to see these things sagging this much.” They weren’t even that bad, Frank was just a perfectionist. “Not to worry, I know someone that can help us.” Vanessa simply nodded in agreement.

After their shower, Vanessa dried herself off and headed toward the drawer pulling out her pajamas. Frank approached her completely naked, “There won’t be any need for clothes tonight.” He lifted her off the floor with his huge arms and threw her like a ragdoll onto the bed. He turned off the light and approached her in the darkness.

Vanessa was scared laying there in the dark. Frank finally made his way onto the bed. He gently touched her leg all the way to her pussy. She sighed in an uncomfortable relief. Frank was now on top of her. “Relax and enjoy yourself.” he said before kissing her. She accepted him and kissed him back with an equal amount of passion. Frank broke the kiss as he gently kissed her further and further down her body until he reached her clitoris. He licked and played with it.

“Oh,” Vanessa moaned out loud. His technique was perfect. The right amount of pleasure and pain as he began sucking and nibbling on it. Vanessa was quickly becoming intoxicated by the ecstasy. Frank moved his fingers in and out of her. She was getting increasingly wetter and more moist with each stroke. She was soon to climax but Frank stopped midway. The teasing was driving her absolutely nuts. “please, don’t stop. I’m almost there.”

“Selfish girl. Why don’t you come and taste my cock. It’ll feel a lot better than what I’m doing right now. I can promise you that.” Vanessa lifted her head from her pillow and swung around to where his cock was. So manly, so rugged, so big. She inhaled his scent before licking and stroking the size of his cock.

She didn’t waste too much time before shoving the cock down her throat. Frank liked it messy as he kept jamming his cock to the back of his daughter-in-law’s throat. Saliva leaked out the sides of her mouth making a bubbly mess. Tears ran down her face, but Frank couldn’t have cared less as he began to feel alive.

His cock rose fast, by the time he was fully erect, Vanessa imagined it was the size of one of her arms. Her estimation was confirmed when he entered inside her vagina. She had never felt someone so large and something that filled her insides completely. She felt it stretching her. Her body was beginning to adapt itself to the size of Frank’s cock.

She moaned as he slowly pushed another inch in. “Oh my god.” It was when he began to move in and out that she lost all sensibility. Her eyes rolled all the way back as she began cumming. The orgasm was more intense than the anal play she had been experimenting with her son. She forgot her native language as she began blabbing like an idiot. “Ah. Huh. Whahaa.a” she came again and again.

Frank had only barely began his reign over her. “While I’m here, you’ll belong to me. Do you understand?” He forcefully whispered into her ear.

She was only able to move her head up and down still coming off her orgasm.

“Good.” He flipped her around and pulled her by the foot to the edge of the bed. Vanessa couldn’t move as she laid mounted off the edge of the bed. Her stomach laid flat on the bed while her ass awaited her true master’s cock. “I’ll never get sick of looking at this.” Her ass in the air and moving from side to side. He gave it a good slap as it rippled through her body.

“Ah!” she yelled.

He placed his cock once again at the entrance of her pussy. Simply pressing the head of his cock inside was enough to send Vanessa over the edge again. “GUH!” she gasped for air as he forced the entire length of his cock inside of her.

She continued to make the retarded noise while Frank slapped her ass continuously. She lost control of her body again. This time, Frank grabbed her head pulling her up.

“Oww.” she yelled while cumming.

“Shut the fuck up Bitch.” He slapped her ass again; they were nearly bleeding. Frank loved how she would clamp down on his cock every time he slapped her ass. It was no longer in the realm of normal sex for Vanessa. She was simply trying to endure the never ending waves of orgasm. Every thrust, every move, every word made her cum.

Finally Frank was getting ready to blow his load. He buried a finger deep inside her ass. “NO! NO! NO!” She yelled. It was too late. Frank found her spot and began rubbing it ferociously while still fucking her doggy style.

It was over, Vanessa’s mind went completely blank as she passed out pissing herself. Frank continued his assault on her ass not knowing she had passed out. He laughed feeling her piss run down his leg. He finally ejaculated inside of her five minutes later. He rolled Vanessa onto the bed and fell asleep with her.



  1. I’ve written half of chaper 6. I didn’t post on reddit, since it didn’t seem like it was making much of a buzz. The rest of the story is getting posted to literotica. Would you like to see it here?

  2. I would love to see the next installment of the story on reddit if it is not too much trouble!

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