FORLEALELA Chapters 1-3 [mF] [Fsub] [blkmail] [huml] [inc] [reluc] [exh]

Chapter 1

Rick, a high school dropout-shut in living with his parents. His father, James, disowned him as a son, and only provides shelter out of pity. He ignores his existence and does not talk to the boy. His mother, Vanessa, checked out mentally years ago, and is more of a robot going through her daily routines. She does not despise her son but babies him instead. She is the only reason Rick was allowed to stay in the house. The relationship between husband and wife is more of a social obligation than any actual intimacy between the two persons. James regularly cheats on his wife with his secretary. Vanessa knows about his affair, but does not see a reason to bring it up. She’s indifferent about her situation. As mentioned before, she’s long since been gone.

The Vicksens lived in a white suburbia just outside the city. James was hardly around. He would regularly go to bed at 9PM and wake up and leave for work around 4AM and come back home just in time for dinner and to sleep. Vanessa stayed at home and made sure things were kept neat and clean for the company they received once a year. She was a typical housewife cleaning the house, cooking food, going shopping, and all the other things you could think of. Rick, the Vicksens youngest son, lived in the basement where his father would never have to see him. It’s not like it mattered much. Rick stayed downstairs on his computer playing video games and watching porn all day long. Vanessa didn’t show much concern as she was busy with the household upkeeping. Little did she know, her devious son began conjuring a terrible idea.

Vanessa heard the loud footsteps coming up the wooden stairs from the basement. She was in the kitchen washing dishes. “Good morning son, would you like to eat?”

“Sure,” her back was turned to him, but she could feel him approaching her.

A sound of a shutter closing came from behind her. She quickly turned around, “What was that?” she asked noticing her son a bit too close to her.

“Just taking pictures of my beautiful mother.” Rick’s acne filled face smiled at her. She felt uneasy but smiled back. She looked down and noticed that he hadn’t changed clothes for at least a week. His overgrown stomach was stretching the sweat and grease stained shirt.

“Oh that’s sweet. Don’t you think you should take a shower?”

“I’m sorry! Does my existence annoy you too? Maybe I should just kill myself.” He slammed his fist onto the kitchen counter and stormed off back to his room. She didn’t meant to insult him, but didn’t stop him either.

When Rick reached his room he quickly connected his phone to his computer. He gazed through the gallery of candid pictures of his own mother. Vanessa was a short woman standing at 5 feet, but her curves more than made up for it. Most noticeably was her wide hips and large but toned ass. Rick’s obsession with his mother started when he was born, but as he grew older, his thoughts only darkened. He cropped all the pictures to only leave out the identity of his mother. He then uploaded the pictures to a “thick girls only” forum. He was regarded as the best original content poster. People kept asking what the relationship was and if they could see nude pictures. He never replied to anyone, but the thought of other people masturbating to his mother turned him on. His collection started a year ago, but he began to grow tired of the candid pictures, he wanted to expose her further.

Rick took a shower as his mother requested and put on a fresh pair of clothes before heading back upstairs.

“Sorry honey, I didn’t mean to upset you.” she said sitting at the table along with lunch prepared.

“You really hurt my feelings.”

“How can I make it up to you? I made your favorite; grilled cheese and apple juice.” She smiled.

“No, Vanessa.” It was odd as an outsider viewing the relationship, but Rick recently started calling his mother by her first name because he felt that it’d change the dynamic of their relationship. As if, in some sick way, they could be a couple. “I want you to go shopping with me.”

“Shopping? Your father only left enough for the groceries.”

“I have my allowance saved up.” Rick said convincingly. “Now hurry up and get dressed. And for God’s sake put on some make up.” For some reason, his last remark hit her hard. She began to think deeply as to maybe that was why her relationship with her husband hadn’t existed for an eternity.

“Ok. Wait for me,” she quickly snapped out of it knowing it’d only bring suffering to dwell on her marriage. Rick followed her upstairs and waited in her bedroom while she started the shower. As soon as he heard her step in, he began to ravage through her drawers. He knew where she kept her underwear and quickly bunched up all the “boring” underwear. The only underwear left were two thongs that were sets with her lingerie her husband had bought for her a decade ago. She wore the black one once and never touched the pink one. Rick often masturbated with the thought of his mother wearing a thong, but never had the chance to see her in one.

He ran down the stairs and tossed the cotton underwear into the trash.

After finishing in the shower, “Rick?” she called out. He ran back upstairs to his parents bedroom. Vanessa had a towel wrapped around her brunette hair and body. “Did you go through my drawers?” She asked confused.

“Yeah, I threw away all those boring underwear. Can you at least try to act like a woman and dress like one? Why can’t you just wear one of these?” He asked grabbing the pink thong from the drawer.

She was embarrassed, “I guess I could do that,” she was too weak to start disciplining the already adult child. She folded like a house of cards. “I’ll be ready soon.“

She came out wearing blue jeans and a large black T-shirt. She applied very light make up and pulled her hair into a ponytail. When Rick saw this, he simply sighed in disappointment. “What’s wrong?” she asked concerned.

“Never mind, I’m sick of waiting for you. Can we just go already?” His words stung like needles. She felt as if she was failing her son somehow. Honestly, she wanted to cry, but so many years of staying statically normal kept her from breaking to an emotional wreck.

Rick purposely chose a mall where there was little to no chance that they’d be recognized from anyone in their community. This mall in particular was in the heart of the black and mexican neighborhood; it was a bit tacky.

Vanessa hadn’t been to this mall before and was concerned for her safety as well as her son, but she was in no position now to argue against him. She had disappointed him enough.

It was a typical week day, and the mall was mostly empty except a few idling students. Vanessa instantly felt the the stares rest on her big ass by young black men. She followed Rick closely behind like a puppy.

Their first stop was to a makeup studio. The people inside were friendly as they were trying to sell their products. “You sure do have a beautiful face ma’am. I know the perfect products just for you.”

Rick looked around not very interested. “Could you put some makeup on her? She doesn’t know how.”

Vanessa stood silently embarrassed.

“Sure, what kind of look were you going for ma’am?”

“Uh, she doesn’t talk that much.” He whispered into the makeup artist’s ear. Vanessa vaguely overheard the word “prostitute”. The young girl giggled.

“Are you sure you’re okay with that ma’am?”

Vanessa just nodded in agreement already defeated by the situation. She was just relieved that she wouldn’t see anyone that she knew.

It only took half an hour when she finished the makeup. Rick was pretty impressed. The young girl had applied makeup to accent the eyes using eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and a bit of eye brow marker. Next she smoothed out her face with a layer of foundation and shadowed her cheekbones to accent and make her face seem narrower. The lipstick was a light peach that was glossy but made her lips seem a bit more larger and puffier. A Kim Kardashian style.

Vanessa was equally shocked not knowing what to say. On one hand, she wanted to go to the bathroom and wash off the makeup, on the other hand, she was amazed at how much a difference make up could make. She felt as if she was staring at another woman; a much younger-mid 20’s woman. It sort of gave her some confidence.

Rick’s next stop was an urban clothing store. The sole employee didn’t even greet them as she was occupied with her phone. They had the store to themselves. Vanessa was shocked to see some of the clothes and just how revealing they were. Rick swooped around the store picking up various jeans and shirts. He handed the pile to his mother and directed her to a changing room.

She observed the clothes inside the room. They were very revealing to say the least. She hesitated as she opened the door.

Rick looked confused at his mother. “I can’t wear these. They’re just too much.”

“What? I got the money, just try them on.”

“No. Rick. Honey, I mean, I can’t wear these. I’m too old for these.”

“Stop messing around Vanessa. Just put on the clothes.” Again, she failed to argue with her son giving him all the power in the relationship. She bowed her head and closed the door. At least she wouldn’t have to wear the clothes out of the mall, she thought to herself.

The first outfit was a small white t-shirt with a pair of jeans and black high heels. The label on the jeans read “hip huggers”. When she put them on she found out why. The jeans were cut much lower than regular jeans. Vanessa already had problems with regular jeans fitting nicely around her hips. Her large ass coupled with her wide hips made any jean hard to stay from constantly wanting to sag down. What’s worse, the strings from her thong were now showing. They were completely visible and impossible to hide. She began to severely regret wearing any underwear at all.

She swallowed her pride and took up the shirt her son had chose for her. The shirt itself was a plain white t-shirt, but the size was obviously small. It stretched surprisingly well as she managed to get it on. Her stomach and lower back were both well exposed and the tight fitting around her breasts made it her black bra visible. She had gained some weight over the years, but she looked fine with a flat stomach while standing up.

She slowly opened the door peeking around the corner to make sure no one was around. Rick was sitting silently in a corner with his eyes glued to his phone. “Sweetie,” she called out in an awkward whispered tone. As he met his eyes with his mother’s new outfit, his eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

He got up and ran towards her. He forced open the door staring lustfully at his mother’s body. Up and down; down and up. Again and again. She began to feel very embarrassed but had somehow gotten used to it. “Is this how it’s supposed to look like?” She asked nervously. “It seems a bit small.”

“No, not at all mom! I mean Vanessa.” he paused, “it’s perfect!” He kept eyeing her until something caused him to frown. Vanessa had tried to conceal her thong as best as she could by tucking them into the sides. “What’s this?” He pointed towards her hips pulling on a string.”

“No. Don’t.”

“This is supposed to be pulled up like this.” He grabbed the strings of her thong and pulled them up and around her enormous hips. They rested perfectly on each side. Both strings rounded her ass towards the center of her crack both in the front and the back. “Now turn around Vanessa.” She did as she was told as he quickly started recording a clip on his phone. He caught every angle he could of her in her obscure, promiscuous outfit. “Alright, I think we’re done here.” He grabbed the remaining outfits and checked out.

Vanessa had some trouble walking out the store with the 5 inch heels. She couldn’t remember the last time she wore any elevated shoes. Her balance was off as was her pace. She walked at half strides moving very slowly.

As they exited the clothing store, every man, woman, and child turned their attention towards her. Vanessa looked like a grade A slut. People weren’t so willing to approach her but they stared freely. As they passed by a group of young black men one of them commented on her outfit, “That’s a phat ass right there. Damn boy, I’d eat that shit out of that ass.” More vulgar comments were expressed.

Vanessa’s face was flushed from all the attention. What’s even worse were the people taking pictures of her and following from afar.

They stopped by the food court on their way out for Rick’s second lunch. Vanessa didn’t have anything to eat and sat in silence overcome with embarrassment. “Thanks for today Vanessa. I really enjoyed it.”

“No problem sweety. How’s the food.”

“Good,” he smiled innocently. For a second, memories of when her boy was just a baby flooded her mind. She wanted to cry remembering the long nights she laid awake holding him in her arms. He’d always smile at her and in that instant, she knew she was the most important person to him. She forgave him of today and strengthened her motherly love towards him. It had been such a long time since they had spent time together.

After finishing five large burgers and two large drinks, Rick belched loudly as it echoed throughout the food court. He didn’t bother wiping the mustard and ketchup on the side of his face. Before Vanessa could react, he grabbed her purse and all the clothes. “I’ll bring the car around. Meet me outside.”

“Wait, Rick!” Before she could stand up, Rick took off in a full on sprint. He stopped running when he turned the corner spying on his mom.

She was annoyed but composed herself and made her way to the mall’s exit. It would take her about five minutes to walk to the exit. She tried her best to not draw any attention, but her long strides quickly alarmed any man in the surrounding area. She was approached by many men asking her all sorts of questions, mainly if she was single and if they could have her phone number. She kindly rejected and continued to walk. It became so bad that she eventually ignored everyone all together. Near the end, she had amassed a large group of men talking and taking pictures of her.

Rick followed closely behind more excited than he had ever been. The crowd suddenly scrambled when Vanessa was approached by an older white man. Rick didn’t know who the man was, but the two began talking with familiarity.

“Vanessa? Is that you?” The man asked.

“Chris! How are you?” Chris was an elder at the church James and Vanessa attended regularly. He was sort of their guide when they first started attending the church. They were simple acquaintances, but Vanessa always disliked how physical the man was. He was that way with everyone, why didn’t anyone say anything? Perhaps people thought it was harmless.

“It seems as if I saw you yesterday,” he said while getting closer to her. He placed his hand on her back and rubbed it slowly eyeing her up and down. “What are you doing in a place like this?” He asked trying to prolong his perverted touch.

“Just shopping with my son.”

“Your son? Is Jason back in town?” He was speaking of their eldest, more successful son that always overshadowed Rick.

“No. Jason is still working in LA. My younger boy, Rick.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever met him.”

“He’s quite busy with school as of now.”

“Oh. Which University?”

“Well, he’s in Community College. Planning on transferring.”

“I see.” He kept staring at her thong laces. “I’m a bit shocked. You don’t usually dress this way.”

She really didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t say it was her son who forced her to do such things. So she just weakly laughed it off.

He pulled out his phone and pointed it towards her as if acting like he was reading something. He was obviously taking pictures of her, but Vanessa wasn’t the type of person to tell someone, especially not a church elder. “Are you heading out?”

“Yes. My boys waiting outside in the car.”

“Please allow me to walk you outside.” Vanessa was hesitant, but for some reason, the man was a repellant to the other younger boys.

“Sure,” she responded with a half-hearted smile.

His hand slowly crept down her back as they made their way to the entrance. By the time they were outside, Chris’s hand had made it comfortably around Vanessa’s waist just above her thong.

“Well, thank you so much Chris and I’ll see you on Sunday.” She broke away from him and faced him.

“I don’t see your son.”

“Oh, he’s probably waiting in the car for me. Please don’t worry about me.” What she really meant to say was ‘Please don’t follow me anymore.’

“James would never forgive me if something were to happen to you. Especially around these neighborhoods.” Chris seemed to be implying a subtle threat. “Allow me to walk you to your car.”

Now Vanessa felt very uneasy, but knew she shouldn’t refuse him. “Sure.” They began walking side by side once again as Chris retook his position on Vanessa’s hip. They walked only for a minute into the parking lot before Vanessa stopped. “Hmm, that’s weird. I parked right here.” she lied.

“Perhaps your son circled around the mall. I’ll wait here for you.”

“No, that’s really okay Chris. I can just wait for my son now. Thank you.”

“I insist.” He said in a stern voice. She couldn’t object and just stood there defeated while Chris kept sexually harassing her. Meanwhile, Rick recorded the entire interaction from the entrance. This new type of spying – seeing his mother with another man- drove him crazy.

10 minutes passed as Vanessa began to worry. She couldn’t tell the truth now. She didn’t know what to do so she remained quite.

“Well, it looks like your son may have forgotten about you. I’d be more than willing to take you home. I’m not parked too far.”

She stupidly agreed thinking that Rick may have seriously forgotten about her. Just as she was about to leave with Chris, Rick pulled up in the parking lot. Vanessa had never felt so relieved upon seeing her son, her savior.

“That’s my son. Thank you so much for your kindness Chris.” She was about to leave but Chris pulled her in for a hug. Both his hands travelled inappropriately low. He began groping her ass.

“I look forward to seeing you next week Vanessa,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she said finally being able to break the hug off.

“Take care of her Son,” Chris said to Rick as he gave Vanessa a huge slap on the ass. She yelped but didn’t dare look at him again.

“Just please drive,” She told her son after closing the door behind her.

“Who was that creep?” Rick asked having recorded their entire interaction from start to finish.

“Just a man from church. Please don’t worry about it.” She wasn’t mad at her son. She wondered why she hadn’t stopped such a pervert in this day and age. It’s not like he had any control over her, so why couldn’t she speak up for herself. She was thankful that her son had arrived when he did.

Chapter 1.5

After arriving home, Rick spent the rest of the day in his room on his computer. He went through the hundreds of pictures of his mother dressed in his slutwear. More importantly, he captured the interaction with other men. He made sure to blur the faces and began to compile an entire set. He labeled the first set “Taking the slut to the mall.” These pictures primarily consisted of Vanessa in the outfit by herself. The next album was labeled “Guys hitting on her.” The last album being “Old pervert gets a little too close.” This album consisted solely of Chris groping his mother.

Within minutes of posting his new photos online, the entire forum went crazy. People asked him to post more, to post nudes, to give names, anything at all so they could see more of the woman. Some people even sent him private messages saying that they would pay money for more intimate pictures, but Rick didn’t even flinch at the proposals. He wanted to remain anonymous and only cared that other men felt so strongly about her.

Vanessa wasn’t familiar with computers. She barely knew how to send text messages on her phone. This gave Rick the idea to create a Facebook page for her. He began to upload a load of pictures that were mostly innocent. Then all the perverted and candid pictures he took he set aside as private pictures dedicated to a private group.

Her friend invites started to pour in. Mostly of people who she knew, but a majority of the people being married men of her past. Rick let the computer sit, wondering what he would do next.

Rick became intoxicated with his mother’s behind. How he wished to touch and grab it just like Chris did. A few days had passed since the incident but he could not shake the thought. Vanessa was embarrassed and kept to herself as much as she could. Rick ran upstairs searching for his mother. He had finally gotten sick of masturbating to the pictures and wanted to see the real thing again. He found his mother on her hands and knees with a cloth in hand wiping the hardwood floors. Her ass pushed out, just as he thought, there was nothing better than the real thing.

He approached behind her without her knowing and placed his hand on her ass. She quickly stood up looking flushed with embarrassment. “What do you think you’re doing?” She yelled.

“What? Can’t I touch my own mother?”

“No! You cannot! That’s extremely disrespectful.” She hadn’t raised her voice this loud in her entire life. “I followed you to the mall and wore that terrible outfit, but if you think you can touch me as you want, you must be out of your mind.”

“What about that man? You let him touch you!” Out of nowhere she swung an open palm across his face. The house echoed with the slap.

“Don’t you ever talk about that again.”

Tears began rushing down Rick’s face. “I wonder how dad would feel about it? A stranger touching his wife.”

Her eyes widened at her son’s threat. “How dare you. I stood up for you and took you in even though that fucking bastard wanted to kick you out.” she cried. “He’ll never believe you,” she said under her breath.

“Pictures don’t lie Vanessa.” He pulled out his phone showing his mother the hundreds of pictures of Chris’ arm wrapped around her. She ripped the phone out of his hand and threw it as hard as she could against a wall breaking the phone completely. “I have it backed up. I know you don’t know a lot about computers, but basically, it’s impossible to delete those pictures once they’re on the internet.”

She was broken. She had heard the horror stories of people losing their lives over pictures on the internet. She was informed that there was always a way to pull pictures once they were uploaded to the web. Defeated, “What did I do to deserve this?” she sat there crying. “First my husband, and now you.”

“Stop the dramatic bullshit. If you don’t want dad to find out, you’re going to do as I say. Understand?”

She sat in silence. More than anything she didn’t want her husband to find out. James actually had a running problem with Chris. He hated the man with a passion. Something about jealousy or the way Chris always flaunted his success in front of James. The only thing he ever bitched about was Chris. In a fucked up way, Vanessa cared more about their social status than her marriage. She didn’t want rumours to go around about her. “Fine,” she finally gave in wiping away her tears. She was always a dormatt, what was one more person disrespecting her?

“We’ll start tomorrow,” Rick smiled. The innocent smile she once viewed her baby in was no longer the same. Her perspective of her son slowly began to change. Rick wasn’t by any means a master in the act of sexual pleasures; in fact he was still a virgin. He only knew that he wanted his mother completely. Complete obedience is what he demanded of her. Physically and mentally, he wanted to become her God. He didn’t rush, knowing he had all the time in the world.

Chapter 2: Training

For the first time since he had been in high school, Rick woke up before noon. Vanessa was already in the living room starting her chores. “You’re up early honey.” she said greeting her son as if nothing had happened.

“First, whenever I enter a room, I want you to greet me regardless of what you’re doing or who you’re with.”


“Second, no more cute nicknames. If dad isn’t around, I want you to address me as Sir, Master, or Daddy. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Yes, sir!” she said mockingly laughing shortly after.

Rick approached his mother and smacked her hard across the face knocking her to the floor. “Don’t ever mock me. You’re no longer my mother. You’re my property. My slave. Only to be used for whatever I wish. A simple toy. Don’t ever talk back to me, do you understand?” Rick asked aggressively.

She could taste blood in her mouth. Suddenly, fear was instilled in her. Another dimension added to her once beloved son that changed who he was, what he was becoming, even more. “Yes sir,” she said quietly.

“Finally, you used to have a fantastic body but it seems like you’ve let yourself go these past few years. Change that. I want you to look like you did when you were running track and field in high school.” The difference between Vanessa’s body from her athletic days to now was that she had more toned legs and a flat stomach. “Can you make that happen?”

“Yes sir,” she responded quietly again.

The training continued like this throughout the week. Whenever Vanessa made a mistake or addressed her son in a playful manner, Rick swiftly dealt the punishment he believed was deserved.

The second week was when Vanessa was starting to become much more obedient. She did all the things that were asked of her and constantly made sure that her Master was taken care of.

“Vanessa,” Rick called out from his room.

She quickly ran downstairs, “Yes sir?” she answered in a pleasant yet submissive tone, just the way Rick liked it, as if she were enjoying being a slave to him.

“We got a few problems.” He said looking her up and down. She had been making a lot of progress with her body. Her body hadn’t forgotten what it was like to train hard with sprints. Her stomach was almost flat, and her somewhat flabby legs were now more toned showing very slight definition. With everything she was doing, it somehow made her ass seem even bigger but tighter and upright.

Vanessa was worried by his words, “What’s wrong sir?”

“Well, I haven’t taken a shower in a while, and to be honest, I smell like shit.”

“No sir, you smell fine.”

“Are you telling me that I’m wrong?”

“No sir, I just meant that I think it’s fine. How can I help you?”

“Well isn’t it obvious? I want you to clean me.”

Vanessa was a bit confused. “I’ll get the water ready for you sir.”

“No. I want you to clean me right here.”

She still didn’t understand. “How should I clean you sir?”

“Not my whole body, but my cock seems a bit dirty. Do you mind?”

“No sir,” She said somewhat hesitantly.

“Good,” he smiled. He got up and took off his pants then laid back in his chair.

The smell was atrocious. It was a mixture of piss, shit, sweat, and cum. She grabbed some tissues from a box nearby. “What are you doing?” He asked.

“I’m going to clean your penis sir.”

“First, it’s my cock. Second, I never told you what to clean it with.”

“What would you like me to clean your cock with sir?” Vanessa braced herself for the worst. It had been so long since she had been sexually active that she was becoming nervous forgetting the thought that it was her son who she would be servicing.

“I’d like you to use your mouth Vanessa, and only your mouth. You’re not allowed to touch my dick with your filthy hands. Do you understand?” Rick was becoming nervous too. This would be the first time that anyone would’ve seen his dick.

With that, she began to lick her son’s cock with her tongue. It tasted terrible, but she knew she couldn’t show such destain. She only licked her son’s cock for a half minute but Rick began to cum. Vanessa paused watching him ejaculate. The cum traveled down his cock and into his ass crack.

“Who told you to stop?” he demanded. after coming off his orgasm.

“Sorry sir,” She continued licking his cock.

“I’m getting bored of your tongue. Why don’t you use your mouth now.” She nodded consuming his cock. A pleasure he had never felt before overrode all types of stimulation his cock had ever felt. The wet mouth with the tongue sliding up and down his cock was phenomenal. He came shortly after inside his mother’s mouth. She slowly swallowed the small amount of cum inside her mouth.

His body was paralyzed from the stimulation and back to back orgasms. “You’re free to go.” he said passing out on his bed.

Vanessa quickly ran to her room and threw up the cum she had just ingested. She brushed and rinsed her mouth many times.

Over the next three months, this became a normal chore for Vanessa. She was to give blowjobs to her son whenever he requested one. At first, she’d always go to the bathroom to vomit, but after awhile, her throat swelled and felt too strained from the stomach acid. She learned to keep the seamen inside her stomach.

In their fourth month of training, Vanessa was almost completely obedient. She listened to her master well and serviced him whenever she asked. She didn’t hesitate to please either. She quickly learned what he liked and how he liked it.

It was 5 in the evening, close to when James usually came home. Vanessa was in the kitchen preparing dinner for her husband when Rick came upstairs.

“Good evening sir, would you like some dinner?” She attended to her son.

“I’m fine. Why don’t you cook for your husband.” He looked over his mother’s body and noticed the progress over the months were amazing. Vanessa was able to slim down without losing her curves. Her stomach was now flat; legs and arms well toned. As she was cooking, Rick crept up behind her and grabbed her breasts from behind. She gasped but continued to cook. She could feel his cock rubbing against her ass. “What do you say?” he whispered into her ear inhaling the scent of her hair. “Should I let you take my virginity tonight?”

She was surprised, but knew not to disobey. “If you wish for it Master.”

He continued grinding his cock into her ass. His touch and hard penis trenched between her ass cheeks had started to turn her on. It had been such a long time since a man had embraced her. She became embarrassed.

“I got a present for you.” He pulled out a small water bottle that was half filled with seamen. “To tell you the truth, I’ve been saving this up for a month now. I want you to drink it tonight when you’re eating dinner with your husband.” He handed her the bottle.

“Thank you sir, I’ll make sure to enjoy it.”

Just as expected, James walked into his home at exactly 5. He placed his things down washed quickly and sat down at the table where his food was prepared. His wife sat next to him but Rick was absent. Just the way he liked it.

After 10 minutes of chewing, James broke the silence. “I’m flying out to Japan tomorrow.”

“Oh dear, what for?” Vanessa asked.

“It’s for work. I need to train a team over there. I’ll be gone for a month.” Vanessa realized that it wasn’t for his work, but for his secretary. She was a japanese college student interning at his office. The unsettling feeling in her stomach had killed her appetite.

If there was ever a time to speak about everything that was wrong in her marriage it was now. It’s almost as if James was giving her an opportunity to tell him what they both knew, but all she could mutter was “do you have to go?” tears started to form in her eyes when she asked the question.

James kept his head down only staring at his plate. “I have to go.” Vanessa’s tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably. James was so cold he ignored it and continued eating.

She got up placing her plate in the sink, “I’ll get your things ready.”

James slept alone that night in the guest bedroom. Simply because he didn’t want to face his wife. This convoluted relationship required at least one to talk to spark a conversation but neither would give in. Perhaps a lot too late.

James left for Japan without saying goodbye to his youngest son. Later that evening Rick asked about it. “You’re not making your husband dinner tonight?”

“He went to Japan,”

“Oh,” he paused. He could see the tears falling down her face. “Like forever?”

“For a month.” She responded.

“So you’ll be sleeping alone?”

“Yes,” she cried.

His mother had always had her emotions in check. She was strong like a robot. To see her displaying such emotion scared Rick. He had never seen his mother cry before. It scared him so much that he left her there.

Rick spent the rest of the night laying in his bed trying to comprehend what was happening. At times, he even wondered if he should quit everything all together. He quickly shook that thought out of his mind.

It was near midnight when he heard his mother’s footsteps coming down the stairs. She was cutely dressed in her pajamas but tears running down her face. “Please Rick. Baby.” She couldn’t control herself. “Can you hold me just for tonight? Make me feel like a human just for tonight. I’m so lonely.” She cried.

He really felt for her knowing this was extremely out of character. He couldn’t turn his back to his mom. He held her and cuddled with her.

He cared for her for the next three days. She stayed in bed crying the whole time for two days before finally arising on the third day. It was as if someone turned off her emotional switch. “Are you ok mom?”

“Yes, Rick. Thank you so much. I feel a lot better.”

“Good. Let’s go back to the way things were okay?”

“Yes sir,” she said obediently.

“Before that, I just want you to know that I really do love you and I’ll never do anything to seriously hurt you.”

“I know honey. You’ve always been that way. My little boy.” She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

That day was specifically reserved for the two of them. As mother and son. Enjoying each other. They swore it was their happiest day in their lives.

Rick and Vanessa were back to their master and slave relationship with a little more appreciation for one another. Instead of the thought of being blackmailed, Vanessa thought that she needed to support her child in this weird phase of dominance and wanting that Rick was experiencing. She thought there was something wrong with him on a deeper level, and in order for him to move past that, she would devote everything to his will. She felt as if there was a light at the end of this tunnel.

Chapter 3: Training Continues

Nearly a week had passed since James left for his work training in Japan. Vanessa was temporarily sleeping in her son’s bedroom during James’ absence.

Vanessa awoke to a sharp pain in the middle of the night. The room being pitch black, she couldn’t identify where it was coming from. Then she felt something move inside her asshole. “Oww,” she moaned. Rick had a finger inside Vanessa’s asshole. “Please stop, it hurts.”

“Really?” he asked turning his finger around inside her asshole. “You told me that I could use this didn’t you? After you told me that I wasn’t allowed to actually use your pussy.”

“Yes, but please, be more gentle.” She recalled the night Rick had forced himself onto her trying to force his cock inside of her pussy. She felt that above everything, the mother and son could never actually have conventional sex. Instead, she offered an alternative solution that Rick took instantly. To substitute her pussy with her asshole. Vanessa had never done any anal play and had only heard that it was different for every woman. “It’s too dry. Let me lick your finger.” She grabbed her sons hand and began blowing it as she would his cock.

He inserted a finger inside her asshole again this time it went in much more smoothly. “Ahhh,” she moaned. It still felt very uncomfortable, but if this was the price she would have to pay in order to save her pussy, she would take it.

After playing and stretching her asshole with little to no success, Rick felt as if it was time to enter inside her. She felt his cock press against the entrance of her ass. She jumped and turned around. “No Rick! Your cock is way too big. It won’t ever fit.”


“Please listen to me. You’ll rip me in half.” Rick did feel concerned for his mother. Pain was not his aim. He wanted them both to feel pleasure. While it certainly wasn’t acceptable, he knew there had to be a way to stretch her asshole to fit his cock. He began researching that night and came to the conclusion that stretching the asshole was possible. He ordered 5 butt plugs all in sizes ranging from small to large. He explained the idea to Vanessa, explaining that she’d move up progressively as she stretched her asshole.

She wasn’t sure but accepted to try it out.

The package arrived later that week and Vanessa began her training. They were skeptical at first, but the whole idea was to go at their own pace. Vanessa was to simply hold the plug in for as long as possible before pulling it out. If she was able to hold it in for several hours, she’d graduate to the next larger butt plug. By the end of the second week, she was able to hold the middle sized butt plug in for nearly the entire day. She was ordered to keep it in at all times.
