Corruption of a female monk part 1 of 2 – “The impossible fuck” (MF)

Buddha had taught that there were seven types of wives and four were destined for heaven. Of these 'good wives' the 'slave wives' stood out to me. The slave-wife is patient, unangered, and submits to her husband even when he is mad. She obediently receives physical punishment whenever her husband so desires to deliver it, and is unquestionably submissive to him.

Having read this I found myself often fantasising about a Buddhist slave wife following my commands, tending to my needs and earning her path to the afterlife through subjection to my every sexual whim and desire. It was a turn on to think that she would have swallowed my cum and offered up all of her holes as a kind of religious observance. Her holy communion.

Buddhism is a little more enlightened towards women than most ancient religions and becoming a monk is a fairly egalitarian thing. There are male and female monks and each are subject to strict moral, ethical and spiritual observances. There are a lot more rules for female monks, though, so the fantasy that I kept coming back to – sexually corrupting a female monk – was about the least likely fantasy out there; to take a woman who has had her sexuality almost trained out of her and, firstly, get close enough to build some kind of chemistry and then, secondly, transform that potential energy into a sexual encounter with a virgin who had devoted her life to ignoring the pleasure of the flesh. It was as close to impossible as I could get.

Acting out my fantasy consisted of trying (and failing) to catch and hold the eye of a Bhikkhuni to see if some hidden chemistry could be unlocked. They almost never looked up.

One day, after the usual failed attempts I sat on a wall after a strenuous climb up to a pagoda with many steps. On the way back down I'd caught something in the sole of my foot (you have to walk barefoot on pagodas) and I pulled out a fairly large thorn which left a small wound which started to bleed. I got out a kit I carried, cleaned the foot and stuck on a plaster. A Bhikkhuni I had passed me on the way down who had appeared to be in a rush was now coming back down the steps. I remembered her partly because she had been carrying a large red package up the pagoda steps, partly because she had been alone (the only one to date) and partly because she had been the only Bhikkhuni to offer a faint smile as we passed on the steps.

As she approached the bottom of the steps I had that sixth sense of being watched. I looked up and she was looking right at me. I was sweaty and hardly a pretty picture but my shirt was clinging to my back showing the contours of my body. I looked up and stared straight back into her eyes. She approached the bottom of the steps and sat down opposite me to put on her sandals. They were slip-ons so sitting down wasn't necessary. I continued to look in her direction. She looked up from her sandals and again caught my eye. Something was happening.

She was fairly tall for an asian girl. In her early 20s and, like all the other Bhikkhuni, she had a shaved head. I wouldn't say she was beautiful. The shaved head was jarring and her robes were designed to be as un-revealing as possible. That said, the way she was sitting I could see she had bigger boobs than your average asian girl. My guess at this stage would have been a C cup. She had taken more care with her appearance than her teachings said she should.

We stared at each other for what seemed like an age but was probably only 20 seconds. We were lucky that it was just after sunset and were alone. I shifted my eyes from her eyes to her tits and back again. I did this twice to make it clear what I was thinking. She continued to stare.

I stood up and revealed to her that my trousers were straining against a growing erection. Her eyes left mine for the fist time and took in the outline of my dick. She looked back up at me and back to my cock once again. She lingered there for maybe 10 seconds.

I was almost giddy with the impossibility of it all. I broke all decorum which stipulated that a man should not approach, let alone touch, a Bhikkhuni. I moved the 8 feet or so across to her and stood right I'm front of her. I took her hand and placed it on the bulge in my trousers. The intake of her breath was audible. I was so turned on that my dick pulsed hard, twice. Sheepishly at first she began to carress my cock through my trousers.

I looked around frantically for a place to take her. I was sure that someone would come along and deny us both this moment.

She was thinking the same thing but was one step ahead of me. She stood up, grabbed my hand and violently pulled me behind a shelving unit used to store visitors' shoes on the climb to the pagoda. She tugged at her lower robes in such a fashion that I could see a path straight to her pussy. I thrust in my hand and she closed her eyes.

I focused on her clit initially. She gulped air like a fish out of water. It must have been so new to her and yet so natural. I was shocked at how wet she became and the speed of it. She was dripping uncontrollably onto her robes. I had a sense at that point that she was a deeply sexual being denied the opportunity to experience what she was born to.

I ripped her lower robes from her body, dropped to my knees and pulled her leg over my shoulder. I buried my face in her pussy. I sucked at her lips, ran my tongue around the entirety of her. I sunk lower and pushed my tongue into her asshole. I moved back to her clitoris, took it gently between my teeth, sucked, lapped and consumed her like it was my last meal. She shuddered once, twice and then her legs almost collapsed from under her as she came. Only the leg over my shoulder prevented her from falling down…

End of part 1. Part 2 cuts straight to the horny details. Hope you enjoy. Feedback welcome!
