Showing Off at the Dog Park

I like to tease and show off. I feel confident, powerful, and many times it is more exciting than having sex itself. Then again usually after showing off I am ready for sex but that is another situation all together. Yesterday I was taking Beaux for a walk and came across a dog park that actually had grass. I unhooked him and he took off sprinting around playing with the other dogs. I guess my work had interfered with me giving him enough exercise. I found a bench and sat down watching him play and run. I soon spotted a guy who had spotted me. He was wearing a ring and even though I was far from caring about that I just got the feeling that he would be a good one to have a little fun with. Our eyes met and I gave him a coy smile, he returned the smile and quickly looked away.
I was wearing a white girly cut t-shirt. A v-neck that went down just far enough to show off some good cleavage, very short sleeves that barely covered my shoulders. It was thick enough where it was not see through but because I rarely wear a bra my nipples could be easily seen with just a little stimulation. Below I was wearing a dark green skirt that came down to my knees. It was free flowing, I much prefer this because since I have been shaved, which has been a long time now, I like to feel the air on my bare skin. Panties? Only if I want to show them off, I like to be free. So we exchanged a few more looks and I decided it was time to give a good show. Just thinking about showing off is sometimes enough to get me started.
I started by very nonchalantly pulling my skirt up and massaging my knees. My legs were still together but I let my feet widen. I got this from watching Anime, seems like guys like this look.
I massaged my legs just above my knees like I was sore. I peeked and saw him staring at me and watching. That was all the encouragement I needed.
I continued to work my thighs inching ever so slowly upwards. I let my legs come apart just a bit as if to massage the inside thigh area. I purposely made eye contact and he quickly looked away as if he had been caught. I continued to play with my thighs now brazenly rubbing all up and down them. No one else had noticed. I watched him watch me and as soon as he noticed I made sure I gave him a nice smile and pulled my knees apart and then back together again as if to say ‘you can watch’.
He got the message. He glanced around the park to see if anyone else was watching and everyone was too busy with their dogs.
When he looked back I let my knees fall open and I touched myself. I jumped a bit at the touch. He smiled and his hand dropped to his pants. I began to slowly finger myself. Showing off always gets me so wet so quickly. I don’t think he could see but there was no doubt as to what I was doing. He began to rub himself through his pants. I could see the outline of him and he was clearly liking it. I fingered myself a little more and then licked my fingers very lewdly for him. I like the taste of myself. His jaw dropped open and I went back to playing with myself. I decided I would cum for him. I scanned the park and there was two other people there as well, talking to each other and looking more toward him than me.
My fingers worked their way back inside of me and I used my thumb to play with my clit. My skirt was pulled up high on my thighs now. He was basically stroking himself through his jeans. It did not take long and I had a nice quiet cum. My body lurched once as it likes to do. His eyes were huge now realizing what had just happened. I got up, and walked right by him. As I got to him I let my fingers I was just using lightly drag across his lips. “See you later.” I smiled, called for Beaux and we left the park. I love how after showing off guys usually just sit there stunned and cannot move.


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