An Insatiable Tongue [MF] [str8] [oral]

You lead me up the stairs, not bothering to turn on the lights on the ground floor because you left a light on in your room which provides enough illumination for us to see where we’re going, as well as enough light for me to admire my view of your body from behind as we ascend the steps. I’ve been longing to get you alone all night, to feel your soft skin pressed against mine, to explore your contours with my hands and mouth. The feeling only intensifies as I watch you deliberately switch your hips, causing your skirt to sway back and forth while you climb each step. My gaze lowers, my eyes trail down your legs, and I take in how smooth my favorite part of your body looks. I love running my hands down them, wrapping my arm around them, wrapping them around my waist, and especially parting them slowly…

Once you reach the top step you spin around, giving me a seductive look and stepping out of your heels. You back into your room until one foot is over the threshold, not breaking eye contact as I make my way up the rest of the stairs and towards you. I finally reach you and, without hesitation, wrap my arm around your waist, pull your body into mine, and kiss you passionately. You put your hands on either side of my head, placing your fingers on the back of it and returning the kiss. I start to back you into your room. You maneuver your body towards your bed along the way, knowing the path instinctively and guiding me during our kiss. Once you feel the bed on the back of your legs, you sit, pulling my mouth down to keep in contact with yours as you lay back. I move my hands down, running them over your ass before placing them under your thighs and pushing you up onto the bed so you’re fully on it. I rest on top of you and you feel my weight as we begin to make out.

I drag my hands slowly down your sides, feeling your warmth through your clothes and imprinting the silhouette into my mind. My hands reach the bottom of your top and grasp it on either side. I pull it up your body, keeping my hands on your skin as they move slowly back up your sides. Biting your lip and pulling my face away, I break the lip lock. You put your hands over your head and your gaze meets mine momentarily as I pull the shirt up and off you. I toss it aside and move my mouth down to the side of your neck, kissing it. You start to run your hands along the sides of my body as I do so. I grab your legs and wrap them around my waist; my kisses become more fervent as you begin to grind your hips into mine, feeling the bulge behind my pants grow larger. I begin to suck and bite your neck, causing you to exhale deeply into my ear. You reach down to grab at my shirt but I take hold of your wrists, holding them above your head, stretching your arms out across the bed.

I start to kiss my way down your body after a while, kissing your shoulder, down to your collarbone, down your upper chest. I release your wrists once I reach your bra, moving one hand down to pull one of the cups down. Taking your nipple into my mouth, I begin to suck on it, causing you to let out another deep exhale due to the feel of my warm mouth on it. I tease it with my tongue while it’s in my mouth, licking it and flicking my tongue on it, getting it hard. You place your hand on the back of my head, letting me know it’s a pleasurable feeling. After teasing it for a moment, I pull the other cup down and give your other nipple the same treatment before returning to kissing the rest of the way down your body. I move my hands down to your skirt and unzip it, keeping my mouth on you as I do so and leaving a trail of wet kisses down your stomach as I descend. You lift your hips and I slide the skirt down your legs. I drop it to the floor and grab your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed so your legs are hanging off the side. I lift one of your legs to my mouth and kiss your foot, moving my mouth slowly to your calf, finally reaching your inner thigh. I look at you and see you propped up on your elbows, biting your lip as I place your leg on my shoulder. I turn my head and bite your inner thigh, causing you to smile and let out a little squeal with your lip still between your teeth.

As I kiss my way to your panties, I notice a wet spot has formed on the front of them. Broadening my tongue, I place it on the front of them, licking slowly from the bottom to the top, flicking my tongue on your clit through the fabric when I reach it. You let out a moan and throw your head back, finally getting the attention between your legs you’ve been longing for. I lick again, tasting the wetness that has seeped into the fabric. The sweetness of your juices makes me want to taste even more so I wrap my arm around the thigh on my shoulder and grab the side of your panties with the other hand, pulling them aside. I lick slowly from the bottom to the top again and taste more of the juices that are starting to drip out of you, this time with my tongue directly onto your pussy.

I move my mouth to your clit and suck it into my mouth, teasing it how I did your nipple earlier, licking it and flicking my tongue on it. Your breathing starts to become heavier and I feel your body start to writhe underneath me as I continue to tease your clit. I tighten my arm’s grip around your thigh to hold you in place as I start to flick my tongue faster, releasing my lips from around your clit occasionally to lap up the juices that drip from out of your pussy. I slide your panties over even more, holding it to the side with my fingers and allowing my thumb to rub your clit. My mouth moves down to your pussy lips and you inhale sharply as I part them with my tongue, sliding it in, curling and uncurling it inside you. I rub your clit faster and stick my tongue in deeper; I keep as much of your juices on my tongue as I can but some of them drip down my chin as my tongue moves inside you. You grab the back of my head and push me harder into your pussy, breathing quicker and moaning louder than before. You grind your hips into my face and tell me not to stop what I’m doing. I feel the muscles in your thigh tense against my shoulder and in my arm. My tongue and thumb keep working and you feel the pleasure building up, getting ready to explode all at once. I continue teasing you until you inhale sharply again and squeeze the back of my head before letting out a long, drawn-out moan. I feel your pussy tighten and pulsate around my tongue as you cum, spilling out even more juices that I lap up. The waves of pleasure reach every part of your body during your orgasm. You continue grinding your hips into my face until your orgasm subsides and your breathing returns to normal.

I pull my tongue out of your pussy and bring my lips to your thigh, planting a wet kiss on it, leaving some of your juices to drip down your skin. You run your fingers through my hair and bask in the post-orgasm bliss, smiling down at me. I smile back at you because we both know I’m never satisfied with you cumming just once. I take your thigh from off my shoulder and lean back, licking the rest of your juices from my lips and wiping my mouth before telling you to flip over. You comply and lay on your stomach, looking back at me. I run my hands up the back of your thighs up to your ass, squeezing it in my hands before moving them down to your waist. I lift you up onto your knees, sticking your ass up into the air. I place my hands on your hips and move them to the elastic band of your panties, grabbing them and slowly pulling them down your ass and thighs. I pull them under your knees as you lift one up, then the other, before dropping them to the floor.

I move my mouth to your lower thigh and kiss my way up, grabbing one ass cheek in my hand and playfully biting it. Tracing my tongue the rest of the way down your ass, I return to your pussy. Starting from your clit, I lick up your lips slowly, letting you feel my broadened tongue spread your wetness around your entire pussy. I don’t tease you as long this time, speeding up my licks and fastening my lips around your clit sooner. You rest your head on the bed and spread your legs wider. I eat you more fervently than before, lashing my tongue against your pussy, sucking hard on your clit, sliding two fingers inside you and curling them towards your g-spot. Your moans fill the room now, only broken up by sporadic cries of “oh, yes” and pleas of “don’t stop.” I continue working on pleasing you until I feel your legs start to shake and your pussy tighten around my fingers. I pull my face away from your pussy, gripping your ass and moving my thumb down to rub your clit. I keep fingering you, knowing you’re close to climaxing. In a low, guttural voice, I tell you to do just that: “cum for me.” Hearing me tell you to cum sends you over the edge, causing you to cry out as the orgasm hits you hard. You spill your juices onto my fingers and down your thigh. I lick up some of your cum from your thigh and slow my fingers down to let you catch your breath.

But I only slow them down for a moment. You’re not done just yet. You’re still breathing heavily, still trembling slightly, still hot from your orgasm. And I want you to cum for me again. I pull my fingers out of you and position my head between you and the bed. You sit back onto my face and begin to ride my tongue. I wrap my arms around your thighs, holding you down and allowing a hand to move up and rub your clit. You grind and roll your hips, keeping in contact with my hand as my tongue delves deep inside your pussy. You grab the back of my head with both hands and push it harder into your pelvis. I rub your clit faster; you ride my tongue harder. My tongue probes your pussy and I taste as much of your sweetness as I can reach. I feel your walls start to pulsate around my tongue. Your legs begin to tremble in my arms. You grip my hair and push my head into your pussy as hard as you can. Throwing your head back, you exclaim that you’re cumming and I feel you squeeze around my tongue. Your juices overflow onto my tongue, letting me lick them up almost as fast as they spill out. This orgasm lasts longer than the other ones; they've been building up and growing in intensity. You moan for the entire duration, eventually releasing your grip on my hair and sliding down my body.

You bring your mouth down to mine, kissing me and immediately noticing the strong taste of your sex, the result of you cumming in my mouth three times. You kiss me harder, savoring your sweetness on my lips. I hold you in my arms as you lay on top of me, finally letting you recover for more than just a short period of time. You can feel me throbbing in my pants and grind your pussy onto the fabric, teasing me. I only let this go on for a minute or so before I tighten my grip on you and flip our positions so I’m on top of you again. Smiling, you bite my lip and run your hands down my torso to my waist, reaching to undo my pants. I smile back because I know we’re going to be here for a while…


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