Glitched [mf] [rough][anal]

For the fourth time this week my computer glitches in the middle of my reports. The mouse and keyboard aren't responding and I need to turn these reports in tonight. Pleading that someone is there, I call tech support.You answer, and my heart skips a beat. I tell you the problem and apologize for it being so late. You reassure me that its no problem, and say you are on your way up. I'm the only one on my floor. So I quickly do a hair and makeup check and unbutton the top two on my blouse. As you arrive to my office, there is already heat between my legs. I want to stroke myself in front of you, but just press my legs closer together. Again I tell you the problem and wheel back a little to give you space.You bend down under the desk to look at the tower, I lean back to get a look at you. As you sit up your arm brushes against my leg. Your touch is like electricity, the current runs up my leg and warms me all over. My breath catches and you looked up at me. My blushing face gives way how heated I am and you give me a cocky smirk. Wheeling me to my desk you lean over my shoulder. Apparently the function program for my mouse and keyboard was disconnected and just need to be troubleshoot and re-connected. I can hear the husk in your voice and feel your breath on my ear. I’m really trying not to squirm under you, but having you so close is making me slightly agitated. At this point I have lost interest to what you are saying and am sucked into naughty thoughts about you.

It takes a moment for me to realize that you have stopped talking. Still bent over my chair, I can feel your gaze on my breasts. My nipples harden under my lacy push up bra, as I subtly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and then trail my finger over my neck and across my cleavage. Your hand soon follows the trail down my neck, my back arches when your fingers slide under my bra. Your other hand takes a fist full of my hair and pulls my head back. I moan as your mouth comes down on mine hard. My breast pushes into your hand and my pelvis squirms in the chair. Your fingers pinch and roll my nipples, the touch sends more heat to my throbbing pussy. Our tongues dance together, tasting each other.

Pulling me up by my hair, your other hand quickly unbuttons my shirt. Now your lips follow the invisible line from my ear to the top of my tits. Soon the bra is undone and my breasts spill out. Quickly latching to a breast, your teeth pinch my nipple and your tongue laps over the hardened bud. All I can do is soak in the feeling of your mouth, sucking hard on my breast and your other hand pulling on my hair. My moans get louder as I push my breast into your mouth. I want to hold your head there, but my wrists are trapped in my shirt.

Using my shirt as a restraint, you tie it around my wrists. Then you force me to my knees as you begin to undo your pants. Releasing your cock, my mouth waters and my hands want to stroke it. My heart beats faster and my pussy feels like it is dripping. My tongue darts out to the head of your cock as you hold in front of me. The salty taste on my tongue encourages my mouth to take it in. Its warm, smooth, and hard. I can push it down to the back of my throat. Sucking on it, my tongue twists as I pull back. I lap at the head again before I take your cock into my mouth again reaching to the back of my throat. I can feel it pulse in my mouth. Sending vibrations along your skin, I moan loudly. Honestly I don't want to stop, you feel and taste so good in my mouth. Before I know it you are bringing me back to my feet and unfastening my skirt. Lace panties that match the bra that is on the floor are slipped off easily. They are soaking wet already. You back me on to my desk. You're on your knees and my legs are over your shoulders. Before I grasp what's going on, your tongue parts my wet lips. I cry out and push my pussy closer to your mouth. Lapping at the hard bud on my clit brings me close already. Whimpering I push harder onto your mouth, your tongue fucks my pussy. Your thumb has taken the nub on my clit. As soon as I feel that I'm ready to release, but you pull away. I look up at you, pass my legs and wet pussy. You have the same cocky grin from earlier. Your fingers glide along my wet lips and disappear into my pussy. The slow strokes and deep penetration leave me at the brink of orgasm.

I whimper softly, wanting my release. You pull me off my desk and turn me around so that your hard cock is laying on the top of my ass. Bending me over my desk, a hand glides over the curve of my ass. Stepping back you give my ass a hard slap. I gasp in surprise, and then moan. The sting turns into warm pleasure. You spank me again and my legs spread apart slightly. The next time you spank me your fingers dive into my soaking pussy, and trail the wetness to my tight hole above them. Oh how I want you there. Fingers, tongue, cock, it doesn't matter. I want something in my ass. Your fingers slide back in my pussy, coating them in wetness. Once again you trail them to my ass, sliding them in this time. My back arches as your fingerings start to fuck my tight hole. You come in from behind me and slam your hard cock into my soaked pussy. My orgasm peaks and I shudder as a wave of ecstasy comes over me. As you thrust into me, slamming hard against my backside. Your cock is so thick inside me, and your fingers feel so good in my tight hole. Each thrust fills me, increases the heat inside me. Your free hand grabs a handful of hair and pulls. My back arches, making my pussy tighter. The excitement of being submissive to you brings me close and I come again on your hard cock. I want it in my ass, fucking me. You pull out slowly, so does your fingers. You pull my head to your cock and have me suck it, tasting myself on you. You let me savor the taste before turning me around again.

The head of your cock nestles the tight opening of my ass. Pushing in I can't believe how good it feels. One hand falls to my clit, rubbing it. Soon you begin to fuck me. The other hand reaches around and grabs my breast, pinching my nipple. I moan loudly, my body begins to build up to the peak. Your thrusts are harder and faster. I like it like that. Your cock pulses as the hot cum fills my ass. Feeling you come sends me over the edge. Still you fuck my ass as both of us succumb to the wave of pleasure. You untie my hands and slip out of me. We both dress slowly, watching each other.

Before I can fasten my bra you take my beasts in your hands. You fondle them softly, kissing them and licking my nipples. You sit down and lean back in my chair. I straddle your lap as you continue to lick my nipples. I slip your cock from your pants and begin to stroke it. You moan onto my breast. It hardens in my hands, still smooth and slick. I want your teeth again, the hard and pain. Pushing the crotch less panties apart, I slip you inside me. My ride starts slow and soft. My fingers fondle my clit under my skirt. I push onto you harder and faster. Other hand on your shoulder to help my stride, gives you room to reach around and finger my ass. I build again, don't want this to end. My pussy throbs and squeezes you as I climax. You keep my pace and soon follow as you come inside me again. This time I collapse on your chest, both breathing hard. Although I am spent, I still want you, badly.



  1. Thank you! I do plan on posting more in the future. I’m happy you enjoyed it.

  2. That was extremely sexy. Please keep writing! Would love to see more in this type of setting.

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