[X-Post: r/Autofellatio] True Story: The first time I ever successfully sucked [M]yself off.

This is the story of my first successful self suck, with a little bit of background first:

I'm a straight white male in my mid twenties, standard scourge of the earth, in case someone wants to know. My erectile quality varies a bit, but at my hardest I have measured myself at around 6 inches, a hair over 7 if I push the ruler painfully against my pubic bone. I have to assume this is from the fat pad on the pubic bone. I think if I got in a bit better shape I could probably reclaim some cock.

I was probably in 7th grade when the concept of self sucking first occurred to me. I tried it and was nowhere close, so I gave up. I would go through random phases of trying again and failing for all of high-school, and some of college. Sometimes when I was at home during my college years, the regular horniness of a bedtime masturbation session would boil over and I would end up staying up until 4AM stretching, and reaching, and throwing my legs over my head against the wall in the yoga plow pose, to try to get my cock closer to my mouth.

The problem was that I never formed a habit of practicing. I would just randomly try every once in a while. Occasionally I would be able to barely pull my foreskin to my outstretched tongue and give it a lick, but that was about it, and any pleasure I got from it was just from the intense psychological excitement of making oral contact with my cock.

I would have to keep jerking off slightly to keep hard enough to even have a chance, and I would get quite close to cumming even though I wasn't very hard. I would usually be so turned on that I would finish myself with my hand while in the shoulder stand, onto my neck or chin. The thought of cumming in my mouth was only appealing for about 5 seconds before I came, and then repulsive, immediately afterwards. I would later reverse my position on this.

The crowning glory of my early days of trying to self suck was when parents were out of town for a week and I had the house to myself. I laid a couple towels down on the bathroom floor to make it padded, and then took a hot bath for about 20 minutes. I wanted to soak for 30 to 60 minutes to really loosen up, but my excitement got the better of me. I had turned the heat up in the bathroom to sauna-like levels and was able to towel off easily without getting cold. I laid down on the 3 towel bed I had made and started some stretching, eventually leading to the plow pose.

This time I was able to get some foreskin into my mouth. I guess I haven a decent amount and it is quite stretchy. I only got about half an inch, but it was on the back/frenulum side, which is incredibly sensitive for me. I held it with my teeth very lightly at first, and then used my lips to hold it in while letting go with my teeth. At this point I was quite excited, but still not fully hard, and needed some hand stimulation. Then it happened. While holding my skin in with my lips, I sucked it in as far as I could and ran my tongue over the inside of my foreskin, on my frenulum. The pleasure was immediate and intense. It was amplified exponentially by the instant feedback loop between my cock and my tongue. I had never felt anything so fucking good before. In what seemed like 3 seconds, my cock became harder and thicker than it ever had in my life, pulling my foreskin out of my mouth.

Small digression: I've seen multiple AMAs and posts on reddit about "what does it feel like? Does it feel like you are sucking cock? Or getting your cock sucked?". A fair amount of people seem to reply that it is like sucking cock, or that the sensation of sucking a cock is too distracting to be pleasurable, and I have to disagree. The feeling of being able to instantly change the oral stimulation to exactly what you want and need, is something that cannot be reproduced, it is like being plugged into your own matrix, and having bullet time or something. I hate to say "you're doing it wrong" to all the people who have tried autofellatio and didn't like it but yeah, you're doing it wrong. Or you just suck dick at sucking cock. If you want to be proud of that, then that is cool, but you're missing the fuck out.

Anyways, I still couldn't reach my cock with my mouth, but sucking on my frenulum with my tongue involved was so incredibly pleasurable that I didn't care. I strained and pulled the tip of my foreskin barely back into my mouth and went to town immediately. Rubbing my tongue back and forth over an area of less than an inch eventually made me cum. I was so horny that I came in my mouth, spitting it into the sink when I got up. My back and neck were completely on fire and were insanely sore for a couple days.

I never really went that far again, because life got in the way a bit and I also didn't want to permanently break my back or neck. If I had started slowly and made a habit of stretching and exercise and yoga, I'm sure I could have done it, but I didn't, c'est la vie.

Background story over, fast forward to 2 years ago. I also want apologize beforehand for the possibly off-putting level of detail here. This is burned into my mind extremely vividly because it was so intense, and I just did a memory dump into Notepad.

At the time, I was hanging out in Vietnam for a couple months, living in small 2 bedroom apartment, with a little bathroom that had no windows and a full bathtub/shower. It was one of those fully integrated and sealed tubs, not the massive cast iron ones with the weird lion feet on the ends of the legs. At the opposite end of the tub from the shower head was a little landing with sealed tiles, so you could sit on that end of the tub like a chair and dangle your legs in. Just remembering it makes me hard.

I had made lots of north american and european friends in Vietnam, and a big gang of us had been frequenting a gym there for almost 2 months. It was more fun with a group, which kept me going. After the weight room we would all hit the sauna and swim in the pool, and just piss away the afternoon relaxing, it was fantastic.

For the last couple of weeks I had been doing kegels occasionally, and regularly jerking off in the shower at my apartment, and occasionally stretching to see if I could suck myself, but no dice. But life was good and I was having a great adventure in this country and keeping pretty busy so I didn't care and it wasn't on my mind or my goal list.

One night around 9pm I was having a shower with decently hot water, and I sat down on the landing at other end of the tub, leaving my legs in the tub. I leaned forward and put my arms under my legs and crossed my arms, grabbing my elbows. Using the way that my arms were hooked, I pulled my face down towards my cock. My cock was completely soft, just dangling there. I went down as far as I could, puling with my arms. At the very edge of my reach, I noticed that it felt much farther than I could stretch before. I think I had lost some weight and not noticed it, and my belly was smaller which allowed much more reach. For fun, I pulled my cock up and closed my legs again. Now my cock was propped up by my balls which were propped up by my closed legs. I pulled myself down again, and suddenly, I could not believe what was going on.

I could fit the very tip of my completely flaccid cock in my mouth. I was floored. I stuck my tongue inside my foreskin and sucked my skin up into my mouth around my tongue like a sleeve. I could cover my tongue by almost 2 inches of foreskin. I quickly unhooked my arms and sat up. There was a surge of energy and horniness that shot through my entire body like hot lightning, I was almost shaking. I stood up and walked over to the wall vent next to the shower head and closed it so that the room would steam up. I got back under the water and turned it as hot as I could comfortably stand it, and then a tad more.

I ended up staying under the water, heating up, stretching my back and neck, massaging my now full erection, for probably 15 minutes, but it felt like an hour. I didn't dare try to suck myself before I was limber and loose, for fear that the previous attempt was just a dream or a misremembering, and that it would float away if I tried to test it. Finally my excitement pushed me over the edge and I went to the other end of the tub and sat down on the landing again. I was visibly shaking with excitement by this point. I locked my arms under my legs and brought myself down for a good long stretch, making sure to push my cock out of the way. It sounds strange but, but again, I wanted to make sure I hadn't made this up. I felt like if I didn't respect the work, do the stretching and warmups, God or whoever might pinch me and I would wake up. I stretched long and hard for a while, testing how far I could go.

Then it was time. I sat up one last time, stretched in the opposite direction and then went down again. My lips easily reached the head of my now rock hard cock. I gave it a couple close lipped kisses and tried to savor what was a completely new experience, but I couldn't hold out for long. I lowered my head more and my cock pressed hard against my closed lips and then, as I lowered my head more, it started to force my lips apart. My lips started to spread and my cock slid slowly into my mouth, which was now literally watering with horniness; I was drooling directly onto my cock.

My lips closed around the head like a lollipop. My mind was racing faster than it ever had before. My tongue found the head and lapped around it, licking and tasting my own cock as much as I possibly could. The taste made me fucking crazy. It was like horniness and lust had become a tangible thing, and I was smelling it and tasting it intensely. My cock is always very clean, but it had a salty musky taste that I couldn't get enough of, and almost drove me over the edge right there.

At that point I suddenly realized that I had been distracted and had stopped in my tracks, so to speak. I exhaled a bit, for more room, and used my arms to pull myself even lower. I couldn't fucking believe it, more and more of my cock kept pushing its way past my eager lips and into my wet mouth. It slid in and in, steadily, undeviatingly is the word that came to mind at the time, pressing my tongue flat against the bottom of my mouth to make room. I could feel the rim of the head of my cock slip past the tip of my tongue, and soon my entire cock head was on the middle of my tongue. In a couple of seconds I had what I estimate was 3 entire inches of my cock in my mouth.

In this position, a good amount of my cock was kind of tucked away in my body, so I had the majority of my external cock in my mouth, so to speak. I was getting diminishing returns on my stretching, I tried to bend even further but I couldn't without seriously straining. I opened my jaw and lips a bit and slipped my tongue out underneath, down the upper side of my cock, and slithered it all the way down, straining a bit, until it actually touched the skin of my pubic mound.

That was the tipping point for me, I suddenly realized all of the implications and everything that this meant, and everything became very hot and hazy. A loud and completely involuntary moan escaped my mouth, barely muffled by my cock, my eyes rolled back into my head, and I began to suck.

Part 2 in comments

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2vea38/xpost_rautofellatio_true_story_the_first_time_i


  1. Part 2 I sucked, and gulped, crazily, moaning uncontrollably, trying in vain to shove the head of my cock into my throat, down my throat. My thoughts were completely incoherent, I only remember begging myself to never stop sucking my cock, pleading with myself to shoot load after load after load of cum down my throat. This whole situation was rapidly getting out of control, I had to lock things down. I got up and almost sprinted out of the bathroom to the front door of my apartment and locked the deadbolt, and shoved clothes around the bottom of the door as sound dampening. I don’t know if that even would help, I could hardly think at this point, and I just knew I wanted to enjoy my cock all to myself, forever, and I didn’t want anyone to hear me. I was supposed to go bar-hopping that night, so I grabbed my phone and facebook messaged my friends "shit shit, Work emergency, can’t come out tonight, sorry guys, have a blast" or something like that. I got back in the bathroom and closed and locked the door, shoving my towel underneath it. A second later I was sitting on the bathtub landing, licking pre-cum off my fingers and jerking off with the other hand. I was talking dirty to myself. I was talking to myself as if I was a hot girl that I was going to fuck harder and better than she had ever been fucked. I remember saying "oh god oh baby I’m going to suck all of your cum out and swallow it, I’m going to suck every last drop of cum out of your balls" and other things along the lines of "oh god I’m going to suck that big fucking cock so good, so fucking good, I’m going to shoot all my cum into my own mouth". My cock always ends up being ‘big’ in my dirty talk. And then I was all the way down on my cock again, and it was even better than before. It felt like the most proper, right, thing that I had ever experienced, like my purpose in life. It felt as though it was natural, intrinsic. Like a newborn calf knows to suck on its mom’s teat to get the milk it needs, I sucked my cock, hard, aching for my own milk to spill out into my mouth. Sorry if that sounds fucked up, but it was a vivid image that came to mind in that crazy moment, like Dane Cook’s "my dick feels like corn" joke. Every time it came out of my mouth, I was craving having it back in again, I felt like I couldn’t breath until it was back in my mouth again, being sucked ravenously. I realized that I was sucking so far down my cock that I couldn’t swirl my tongue around it. I could fit so much of my cock in my mouth that there wasn’t room, and my tongue’s frenulum would hit my cock. That realization drove my horniness into overdrive, making me even more cock-hungry, if that was possible at that point. I tried everything, absolutely fucking everything, sucked it every different way I could think of, I literally spent hours sucking on my cock before I came. Several times, I pulled out of my mouth and spit onto my cock before forcefully driving it all the way back into my mouth. I would tongue my cock hole while I played with my balls, and then run my tongue under the lip of my cock head all the way around to the other side, like under the mushroom. I stretched my balls up and put one ball in my mouth, sucking on it and rolling it around with my tongue while I jerked off. Then I would swallow as much cock as I could, and bite down firmly but gently on what felt like the middle of my cock, and wrap my lips around it and stretch them down the shaft as far as I could. Later I spent 30 minutes just giving myself literally the best head of my life, sucking only on the head and nothing else. A couple times I sat back and let myself soften up a bit, and then went back down, using one of my hands to twist my cock 180 degrees so I could suck and lick my cock frenulum, which is something I love, when girls are going down on me. Later I used my hands to bring as much foreskin into my mouth as possible and sucked it all around, with my tongue inside, in the middle. My pre-cum flow was near constant, and I eagerly lapped it all up and swallowed it. When my cock in my mouth as deep as it could go, I would swallow hard, and it created an amazing sucking/massaging sensation on my cock head, at the entrance to my throat. It was getting close to 1AM, and I had started actually sucking at 9:30 or a bit after, so I had been sucking on my cock for a bit over 3 hours. My balls were aching at this point. My cock itself was aching, a sweet and devilish misery like having to sneeze and never getting to. Or like when you have insane blue-balls but without the hurting, just the longing to cum. My tongue was well past sore and it had forced me take a break at several points. The water was only lukewarm at this point, I had probably used the whole tank. I had been breathing heavy and hard, and moaning nearly the whole time. Sometimes it was more like whimpering, in between sobs of "oh fuck" and "please". I don’t know how I lasted so long in terms of self control, and how I was able to stop when I needed to, in order to prevent cumming. I think it was because it was so new, and I didn’t know if it was ever going to happen again, so I had to milk it for all it was worth. I knew that I never, ever wanted this to stop, but I also knew I needed to cum, more than I needed anything else in my life. Finally, cumming won. I would like to stop for a moment and say that I have a new respect and understanding for women and gay men, regarding the whole art of blow jobs and dealing with sperm. Until you suck a cock to completion and have it ejaculate into your mouth, you have no idea how intense it is to handle, or any idea what it will really feel like or how to deal with it. At least, I didn’t. I did my best though. The hornier I am, the more cum I have, and the longer I’m masturbating or having sex, the more cum I have. This was the perfect storm of both; it was the horniest I had ever been, and the longest I had ever been pleasured before having an orgasm, or close to it. I decided I was ready to cum, and I was so fucking horny that there wasn’t even a decision to be made about where that cum was going. It was going into my mouth and down my throat, I was going to swallow it all like a fucking cumhungry slut. When I decided it was time to make myself cum, that decision was almost enough to make me cum on its own. The excitement reached a new level and was completely overwhelming. I took a deep breath and tried to settle down, and then leaned down and sucked my cock back into my mouth all the way down. I took an inch or so of the shaft out of my mouth, so that I just had the head plus another inch in my mouth. I drooled heavily onto my cock and made it extremely slippery, sliding my head up and down all the way in and out, pressing my fingers on my cheek and feeling my cock head against it. I began to suck earnestly and pointedly, not holding anything back; I was going to make myself cum now. The pleasure built and built and finally I felt my PC muscle tense up and I groaned into my cock. My cock spasmed in my mouth very hard, like a shotgun firing. At this point, it felt so fucking good I was almost screaming with my mouth closed. Semen shot out onto my tongue with unexpected force and volume, and I sucked it down immediately. As I gulped the first load down, the second shot came, easily twice as much cum as the first, flooding my mouth completely. I strained to suck it into my throat, scooping it back with my tongue, but my cock was already shooting a 3rd batch, and a 4th. It tasted vaguely salty and mostly like nothing, but in that moment I couldn’t get enough of it. It was steaming hot, sticky yet smooth, and plentiful; it was like some beautiful nectar that I wanted to drink forever. The cum was pouring into my mouth faster than I could gulp it into my throat, so I shoved my head down even further. Now my cock hole was right near the back of my mouth and I just opened my throat permanently and let the cum shoot directly down it, swallowing occasionally. I had learned that trick in gym class when we would only get one gulp from the water bottle. I just opened my throat and poured it in continuously. The 5th shot of cum was the biggest, exploding into my mouth like a geyser, but by the 6th or 7th shot it was definitely slowing down. I pursed my lips to act like a squeegee and pulled 2 inches of cock out of my mouth, not losing any of my cum. Now I was just working the head, lapping up every stray drop. I had swallowed everything in my mouth, and as the 8th shot came, I was working my cock hole, using my tongue for suction. The feeling was totally different now. I wasn’t shooting cum into my mouth anymore, I was greedily sucking cum out of my cock. By the 10th shot, I was milking my cock like the last of an Otter Pop, pushing any stray cum up my shaft and onto my tongue. I licked and sucked all around my cock like a quickly melting popsicle that I wanted to save from dripping on me. I pulled it out and looked at it while I gently stroked it. I don’t think I lost any cum, it was the cleanest my cock had ever been after cumming. So that is the story of the first time I ever actually sucked myself off. It was one of the longest orgasms I’ve ever had, and it was the most cum I’ve ever produced by probably a factor of 2. I was completely spent and exhausted. I showered off and hobbled to the couch and cracked a Hanoi beer which I couldn’t finish, and fell asleep until noon. Parting thoughts: Thanks for reading, I hope it inspires some people to keep fighting the good fight, getting fit, and stretching regularly. I love sex, and I love performing oral sex on others and having them go down on me, but the most intense and pleasurable sexual experiences of my life have been through selfsucking, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I highly recommend this most rewarding of adventures to anyone open-minded enough to try.

  2. Wow that was not only hot but amazing story. You got me touching myself reading it. I wish I could give myself that pleasure, I probably would never leave the house.

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