Something I wrote. Let me know what you guys think.

I work as a tile repair man for a company called Slick Tiles. It's a small company with very few workers. And boy am I happy to be working here! All of the hard work paid off today!

I had to take over a shift for a sick worker. Granted I did not want to, but I had to because no one else was available at the time. I jumped in my work vehicle and drove down to the apartment. On my way I called the client.

"Hi! This is Wayne with Slick Tiles I was wondering if you were ready for us now?" I said over the phone.

"Oh sure just pull up to the apartment. I will be waiting outside." She said with a rushed tone.

30 minutes later I pull in to the drive way and drove around slowly in the parking structure unsure where to park. I finally stopped under some shade and called her back.

"Hey, it's Wayne with Slick Tiles again. I am here but where should I leave my car?"

"Oh sorry! I am still getting dressed. I will be outside soon to point you in the right direction." She said with a slight giggle.

"Don't worry about it. I will be waiting in the car with Slick Tiles written on all sides."

She laughs and says that she will see me soon. I hang up with the realization that she just got out of the shower. I take the time to go over the type of tools needed to fix her apartment floor. About 5 minutes go by and in the distance I hear a voice shouting.

"Hey Wayne!"

I look up to see an attractive woman leaning against the second story railing waving for my attention. She is wearing a low cut salmon colored shirt, a black mini skirt, and high heels. The tips of her hair stuck together in long black strands. "Yup she was showering alright," I thought to myself. She points to an empty parking space and tells me to park over there.

"Okay thanks!" I shout with a shy wave. "I'll be right up, let me just grab my equipment!" As I'm looking up I realize that her skirt is so short that I can see a shy of sky blue panties peeking from underneath.

She nods then turns to walk back down the aisle to her apartment. I unload the usual in a carrying case and haul the equipment up the second floor. She greets me at the door. The first thing I notice is her beautiful smile it looked so genuine and cute. She sticks her hand out and says

"Hi! I am Amy. Nice too meet you."

I gently take her hand in mine as we both introduced each other. Her hands felt very soft and silky. The next thing I notice are her perky tits. Her blue bra was peeking out of her low cut shirt which showed off a lovely cleavage. I'm a guy. I can't help but take a quick peek.

Amy let me inside and told me to lay my equipment on the ground next to the kitchen. She took me to the master bedroom where some tile lay chipped and broken.

"Oh wow, how did this happen?"

"My clumsy husband dropped a small bronze statue from the shelf." Amy said.

"Ouch! Hope he didn't get in to too much trouble"

Amy laughed "He didn't get any sex for a week."

With a shy chuckle I tell her that I should start getting too work. She tells me that she needs to do some house cleaning before her husband gets home from his flight. She sets back off into the living room while I stay to take quick measurements. As she walked away I couldn't help but notice her plump ass in that mini skirt. It wiggled left and right with each step.

I take my measurements and walk back to the kitchen to grab some tools. She's standing on a stool in the living room cleaning the blades of the ceiling fan. The stool was tall enough that I had to kindly look the other way when talking to her to avoid obviously looking up her skirt. She looked down at me and I desperately tried to keep my eyes locked on hers so she wouldn't catch me perving below her skirt.

"The damages to the tile might take a while to fix," I said.

"It's okay! I have all day so just take your time."

She turns around and looks back up to dust off the fan blade and I take the chance to look below her waist and see that her light blue panties were stretching around each cheek ready to burst out from underneath. She looked so sexy stretching and reaching as high up as she could with both arms. Nicely pressing her tits together.

I went back to work in the room. I could still see her through the doorway cleaning.

I worked at each tile gradually digging out the old to replace it with the new. I take quick breaks here and there to look up and take a quick peek at her beautiful butt.

She moved down from the stool to rinse her cleaning towel and then headed back outside to clean the jealousies. Her windows reached from the ceiling to the floor so I could see her entire figure as she cleaned behind the shades.

She stepped on a stool to clean the top rows and closed them to clean the outside. It covered her face but through the lower jealousies I could still see her plump breast and sexy hips as she reaches for the top shades to clean. Since her face is covered I can freely gawk and stare at her boobs as they jiggle while she vigorously wiped each jealousy.

She must know that I was looking. Any man would look at a women showing off like that. I mean, who wears sexy clothing while cleaning their house? She has to be showing off. She must be teasing me and knowingly giving me a show. I smile at the thought and get back to work realizing that she probably hasn't heard me working on the tile for a while.

I take another break after about ten minutes and looked back in her direction. My mouth dropped as I realized that she is now cleaning the lower shades still hiding her face behind the jealousies. This time though she has her knees bent and is giving me a full view of her silky blue panties. I can see the outline of each lip slightly tugging at the silk. It was amazing and I could not take my eyes off of them.

I was still starring and did not realize that she was done cleaning the row covering her face. They pop open and her eyes were looking in directly at me. I quickly turn around hoping that I wasn't caught and got back to work.

I hear her walk in to rinse her towel. She walks up behind me and says "Wow you're working pretty hard. Would you want something to drink?"

Too embarrassed to look at her I say, "I am fine for now thank you."

"Alright sure, if you want anything just let me know!" She giggled.

I turn around and give her a sheepish smile.

She walked away and headed into the bathroom and shut the door. After a while I hear the toilet flush and she gradually walked back outside and continued cleaning the shades.

After about 15 minutes I feel pretty exhausted and look back in her direction to see what she is doing. My eyes grew wide with disbelief. She is still cleaning the bottom half of the shades. Covering her face with the top half but still kneeling and giving me a full view of her opened skirt. This time though she has removed her underwear and I can easily see her beautiful shaved lips. What an amazing sight. Her legs were spread a bit wider than before. I guess she noticed that the noise from my tools have stopped and she took this as a sign that I was watching her. She reached down with one hand and slowly massaged her lips. My dick started throbbing at the site of her masturbating before my eyes. She slid a finger in showing me that she was wet and I heard a soft moan.

I could not believe what was happening. My heart was racing and I was stunned. I did not know what to do. My mind raced with ideas on how to fuck this girl without coming off too bluntly. Then came an idea. I called her name.

"Amy! Would you come in here and take a look at something?"

She slowly closed her legs, "Sure! I'll be in in a sec," she said while standing up and walking back inside.

I lead her to the back of the room and pointed down at the furthest tile.

"I was taking a look around and found that this tile also has a crack in it." I said

"Really? I never noticed it before." She leaned closer to take a look. "I don't see anything."

"It's such a small crack, you are gonna have to get close to take a look." I said.

She got even closer to the tile bending down a little. Her skirt slightly rising up above her butt cheeks. "Not too sure what I'm looking for," she said.

"Maybe if you kneeled down to get a better look?" I said.

She knelt down on all fours. Her eyes straining to see the crack. This time the skirt was fully above her butt and I could see the whole view and what a view it was.

I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly unzipped my throbbing cock and dropped to my knees behind her.

"I really don't see any–, ahh!!

I slide my cock deep inside her and she slid forward as I thrusted. She put both hands in front of her to keep from hitting the wall. I placed both hands around her waist and pulled her back down hard on my cock thrusting deep back into her.

"Oh fuck!" She yelled.

I could feel her quivering. She reached back to grab my waist and pulled me back in to her. I kept pounding my cock in and out of her wet pussy.

"Fuck YES! Ugh!" She screamed.

She took her hand off my waist and pulled one of my hands down to her breast. I squeezed and massaged it between my fingers. She quivered even more and I could feel her ready to climax.

"Ugh, this is so hot! Fuck me!!" She said while squeezing my hand forcing me to squeeze harder around her tits.

I could feel a familiar sensation in my balls and knew that I was gonna explode. She bucked back on my cock harder and faster as I kept up the pace thrusting back into her. She threw her head back and with one long moan she climaxed on my throbbing cock.

I sprayed stream after stream of jizz into her clenching cunt. While her ass kept bucking back and forth slowing down to a slow and steady pump.

She seductivley looked back at me, her hair all pushed to one side and smiled.

"You are a naughty boy," she said. Slowly unmounting my cock.

I could hear a faint pop as my cock fully slid out of her and drops of cum fell to the floor dripping out of her pussy.

"My husband never fucked me like that before." She said as she put a finger down to her cunt and pushed the remaining cum back into her pussy.

She pulled her finger out and licked it. She got up and walked closer to me placing her face just inches from mine.

"I like you, come by again tomorrow. It looks like there is a lot more tile repair needed in this house." She said while running her hands through my hair.



  1. Hi guys. This is my first time seeing this subreddit so I have no idea if this story of mine actualy belongs here. Sorry if it doesn’t. I wrote this story to fulfill a fantasy I had while I was on a job. It actually happened close to how this story began. The client was a huge flirt and was showing off a lot of things. I was too afraid to push any further so sorry to disappoint but the last part of the story didn’t actually happen. I am limited when writing these because I have a girlfriend. She cannot know that I write erotica as a hobby. I am afraid of her reaction. So I write these secretly when she is asleep. I have an idea for another sexy quick story but you guys are gonna have to wait like I said, I am very limited. Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed as much as I did and I am definitely looking forward to posting my next story soon. I hope. Edit: alright. I was too excited and stayed up all night writing another one. [Here]( enjoy!!

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