I Bend Over the Couch in My Innocent White Panties [mf, Fsub, hotel, Paris]

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My name is Chloe; I’m a 28 year old maitre d’ at a 5* hotel in Paris, making sure guests are taken care of while they dine in our exclusive restaurant looking out at the Eiffel Tower. I work hard, saving my money to travel the world one day, seek adventure.

I meet Mr Sands on a Friday evening. He’s sitting at the best table in the house enjoying a bottle of Bollinger Champagne, gazing out the window. He’s wearing an Armani suit and open white shirt. I can see he’s also wearing an Omega watch, the kind of luxury I dream of.

For exclusive guests like this, I serve the table personally. But that night Mr Sands got far more than table service.

After several glasses of Champagne and caviar starter, he gets a little flirty with me, complimenting my blonde hair and green eyes. He’s incredibly handsome, obviously wealthy, and I can’t resist flirting back. I catch him checking out my bum as I walk away from the table. Tonight I’m wearing a white blouse, tight grey skirt and high heels. By the end of the meal, Mr Sands has charmed me. I agree to meet him for a drink on his balcony later. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t resist the thrill.

Two hours later and we’re watching the sun go down behind the Eiffel Tower from his terrace in the penthouse. We’ve gone through a bottle of fine Champagne from his mini bar and I’m feeling a little tipsy. I’m a respectable girl at the hotel, and I know I shouldn’t. But finding out he works for British Secret Services, travels the world in style, and stays in the best hotels makes me feel like taking a risk tonight.

Back in the room now standing by the red velvet couch he stares into my eyes. Then he asks me to unbutton my blouse while he takes a seat opposite the couch, Champagne glass in hand, lights low. I’m under this British spy’s spell now and I want to live on the wild side for once. Slowly, I unbutton my white blouse, all the way until it drops to either side revealing my white lacy bra, never expecting anyone to see it tonight. I feel exposed, but I’m not resisting. I slide the blouse off my shoulders and stand there waiting for his next instruction.

Reaching behind me I unzip the back of my grey skirt and, bending over a little, I slide it down to my ankles and step out of it. Now I’m standing there in just my lacy white underwear and high heels. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. He just stares at me from his chair in the shadows, sipping Champagne.

Then the order comes. And obediently I step back onto the red velvet couch facing him. At this point he gets up out of his chair and walks over to me. I feel things getting a little hot down below, beneath my white panties.

Grabbing my shoulders he turns me over onto my front and hoists my hips up, forcing my rear into the air. I wait there on my knees, hair covering my head. I hear him unzipping his suit trousers.

Then, without warning, his fingers slide the back of my white panties to one side revealing my smooth hole to him from behind. He lets his fingers linger there for a while teasing me. I even try and push back a little into them, but he holds me forward.

Then he grabs my shoulders with strong hands, locking me in place, and he just like that he drives himself deep inside me, all the way up my hole. I cry out as his length stretches me to the limit. He pushes himself so far inside me and leaves himself there. I gasp.

Slowly he slides out, all the way so that his tip is touching my wet lips. Then he drives in hard again, making me squeal. And again, he slides back out slowly, preparing me for what comes next.

Ahhh, he pushes in full force, then out again much faster. Then all the way inside me again, each time making me cry out. Like a machine he starts to pick up speed, thrusting himself inside me while clutching my shoulders, locking me in place. Faster, faster, harder, harder. He doesn’t let up.

I feel my body tensing up, jerking uncontrollably now. I’m losing it. I can’t hold on. I cry out as I explode with him inside me, pounding me like a machine. My body turns to jelly but he holds me upright, not letting up while I orgasm. Then moments later, boom, he blows up so far inside me. I feel his full load shoot up my hole further than his length reaches. I gasp in shock as he unloads everything into me.

Now things begin to slow down, my body wet to the touch, my hair still covering my head. Eventually he comes to a stop and slides himself out of me, running his hand down my back, tweaking the top of my white lace panties. I’m still trying to catch my breath as he gets off the couch from behind and walks over to the table where his Champagne glass sits.

He takes a sip, looking out the floor to ceiling windows across Paris lit up at night. Then he turns to face me.

‘More Champagne Chloe?’

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2uquas/i_bend_over_the_couch_in_my_innocent_white

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