Babysitting for the Jones’ [fmf]

Cleaning up after myself downstairs, then checking on the kids upstairs. I didn't hear you enter the house. The carpet cushioned your foot steps. As I exited the bathroom I jumped, surprised by your presence. My heart slammed in my chest as I tried to calm down. You chuckled, your laugh thick and warm. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I blushed softly. Although you were almost twice my age, I found you very attractive. The mature, musk, and slightly rough look you had made me feel warm in side.

I've found myself wet the nights you drop me off at home. Pretty sure that you would smell me from under my short skirt. I made sure to wear whenever I came over. Definitely sure you peaked at my ass when I got out. Did you think I couldn't see the proof in your pants?

You motioned to follow as we headed to your bedroom door. I waited outside the door while you changed and grabbed your wallet and keys. This time the door was cracked open. Peering inside I could see you in the midst of getting dressed. When you turned slightly I gasped, my jaw dropping open. In the front of your boxers, barely being held back by them, was your large erect cock. My pussy clenched seeing you standing there. I didn't notice you had seen me until I followed your body back up to your face. Quickly I turned away and tried to calm myself, thinking that you didn't really see my gawking at you.

My answer was a hard grip on my arm pulling me into your room. My voice squeaks. The door closes as you push me toward the bed. The heat and lust in your eyes drenches my panties. Walking to me, I took a step back, suddenly very nervous. Grabbing hold of me you put me on your bed. No explanation or warning, your hands reach up and rip my panties off me. The coolness doesn't last long as you lower your mouth onto my pussy. I try to push away, but your hands grab my wrists and hold them down. With one hand now on my wrists, the other snakes down and two rough fingers penetrate my pussy. My back arches, pushing against your hand and mouth. A groan comes from you, making me wetter. Your tongue laps at me and you nibble my clit. The two fingers inside fuck me hard. My legs open farther so there was more room. It seems surreal this was happening. Not being able to stop, I squirm and wiggle on your bed. Pulling from me you stand. At some point you boxers were gone as you stood. Your rough hands pull my shirt off quickly. That hot mouth lowers down to my sall tits. You suck them softly and bite my nipples playfully. Between my thighs I can feel your hard cock. Grinding it against my clit, I whimper wanting it in me. A soft noise has me looking towards the bathroom. Behind us stood your wife. Half dressed, but not too satisfied.

That's when I try again to get away from you, but you hold me down. You hold on to my wrists tightly. A silky fabric wraps around my wrists, tying them together. I shook my head, trying to get free. I didn't want it like this. Not with your wife watching. A hard slap on my ass froze all body movements. I still, laying on your bed. Your wife crosses the room and climbs on the bed next to me. Your hot mouth came down on my sensitive clit again. Tonguing my wet lips, and fucking my hot pussy. I bite my lip trying not to moan. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to will it all away. A pinch to my nipple has me opening them again. She sat there with her legs open, fingering herself. She pinches me again and I moan loudly. Rough fingers fuck my pussy as you lick and nip my clit.

She moves over so that her pussy was on top of me. I look up at her with a combination of shock, fear, and curiosity. Lowering herself, she shoves my face into her clit. I brought my tongue out softly, tasting her wet lips. Her hips grinding on to my mouth. Behind me I hear you moan. You are watching us. Knowing you are watching has me licking her harder, playing with the little nub on her clit. Moans came from both of you. Her taste was different, but good. I push my tongue down and inside her. My tongue moving in and out before lapping up again. Another finger was added inside me. Your thumb rubs my clit. I begin to have this feeling, of something building up. Harder, I grind against your hand. That thick laugh brought me closer to what was being pent up. My moans and squeaks getting louder. Your wife also began to get louder, moving harder on my lips. I cried out as a wave of ecstasy washes over me. This was the first orgasm that wasn't from my hand. It felt remarkable. She cries out as she fingers herself. You push my lips back onto her. I lick and suck her, getting her clean.

The next thing I know I'm being pulled from the bed and pushed down on my knees. A soft slap across my breast. I wince, looking up at you. Your cock is right in front of me. Pushing to my lips, I close my mouth before you can get in. A soft giggle from behind me. She reaches down rubbing my clit. A gasp opens my mouth letting you in. Grabbing my pony tail again, my mouth is guided along your cock. Its so hard and tastes salty. I'm moved back and forth by her hand. Once I'm able to get it wet, you thrust into my mouth. Your hand takes over hers. There is shuffling behind me. Before I realize it, I feel her head between my knees, spreading my legs apart. Her tongue is softer than yours, but feels so good. I succumb to the assault, allowing you to use me. The thrusts get harder. A pause every so often so I could breathe.

She licks and sucks on me. Harshly devouring me. I can't move against her, but I begin to build up again. Soft whimpers surround your shaft. She stops before I come. I cry out in frustration. You pull away as well. You sit on the bed and pull me up on your lap. I'm positioned on my stomach bent over your knees. She sits behind me again. There is something she is playing with, but I can't tell what. My skirt is lifted to bare my ass. A soft slap on my ass makes me squeak.

You tell me that I need to be a good girl. Another soft slap. Not so naughty or dirty. Another one. My mini skirts drive you nuts, making you want to do things to me. The slap is a little harder this time. Something rubbery slides along my clit. A harder slap. It moves along the lips. Another slap, harder. The object penetrates me. You move to the middle of the bed and shove my mouth on your cock. The thing inside me begins to fuck me. I'm pushed onto you with each thrust. She grabs my hips and pushes deep in me. She's so gentle. My ponytail is a handle again as you fuck my mouth. She slaps my ass, telling me that I need to please you. That I'm such a tease and she usually has to attend to you when I get dropped off. There is so much you want to do to me. Fucking my mouth and my pussy. Tying me up and using me for hours on end.

Her thrusts get harder. I squeeze my mouth on your cock. You begin to breathe hard. Now you are relentlessly fucking my lips. A hot liquid fills my mouth. My head is pushed down and all I can do is swallow the salty cum. I'm close, but she pulls back again.

The haze of arousal overcomes me. Not even noticing that I'm being repositioned again. She lays down and I'm lowered onto the strap on she is wearing. Forced to straddle her, she brings my face down to one of her large tits. I open my mouth and suck on it, playing wither her nipple. Moaning, she pulls me to her. My other hand pinches and plays with her other breast. The feeling of being used and having no say drives me farther into the haze. Not until you are fully behind me do I notice your tongue on me. But you are tonguing my tiny ass hole. This brings me out of the haze and I try to struggle. Her arms keep me pinned to her. Gripping my skirt you pull my hips closer to you face. This feels wrong, your tongue shouldn’t be there. Except my pussy is soaked and I feel so good. A rough hand reaches around and palms my tit. The tip of your tongue goes in and out of me. Her thrusts get harder and quicker. A thick finger replaces your tongue. I’m so nervous that it will hurt. The pain is slight as you enter me, but the tightness opens new feelings. My body feels as if I will explode, and I do. I tremble and shake as wave after wave of ecstasy floods me. She stops as her climax takes hold. I pinch and suck her nipples and grind against her stretching out her orgasm.

The sound of you stroking yourself brings me back to the moment. Before I can ask where you want it, you push the head of your cock into my tight hole and come inside me. I bury myself into her chest and arms as your hand strokes every last drop into me. When you pull out I can feel it drip out of me. I just lay in her arms shaking. So exhausted. Both of you help me clean up and dress. I wait on the bed for you to get ready to drive me home.

The car ride its silent, but satisfying. Your hand strokes my leg softly, playing with the hem of my skirt. A finger slowly makes its way to the soaking wet panties. My pussy is still sensitive. We pull over into a vacant lot and you unzip your pants. Your hand is now in my panties rubbing my clit. The other hand pushes my mouth onto your cock. I moan softly, tasting precum. You groan and insert your fingers into me. We touch and molest each other, fogging up the windows. My hand gently plays with your balls. You ask me if I want to fuck you. If I want to ride your hard cock. I nod. The seat you are in lays back and I gracefully climb over the console and lower myself onto you. You are so thick. It feels so good. Your hands go up my shirt as I begin to ride you, thrusting down onto you. Each push takes you into me farther. My shirt goes up as you bring my chest to your mouth. I moan and throw my head back. I can feel every inch of you in me. Carefully I take one of your hands and guide around me, placing fingers on my ass. Your bring it up to my mouth to wet it before going under my skirt and inserting it into my ass. My pace quickens, pushing onto you harder and faster. The pressure of be filled in bith holes brings me so close. I can feel your pulse as your cock unloads into me. You call me your baby girl and wrap a hand around the back of my neck. The slap if your hips fill the car as you continue to fill me. My body trembles as another orgasm takes hold of me. After we are spent, you pull me to your chest and hold me. Petting my hair and back softly, you whisper that I'm a good girl.

When we finally reach my house, I unbuckle and look to you nervously. You tell me the next day you will need me to watch the kids. The next time though, I shouldn’t wear panties or a bra. And I better be waiting when you return home. Wet and willing.



  1. Please don’t take *four whole days* to write the next next one… In fact, 7 hours is plenty. Moar plz.

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