Strangers in an Elevator (MF)

Apologies if something like this has been posted before. I don't want to copy anyone, but I'm not familiar with everything ever posted (obviously) and have never written one of these before. Criticisms welcome.

“Hold it please!” she called out from the lobby. He stuck his arm out to keep the doors open as she hurried inside the elevator, pulling her small handcart full of grocery bags. She was about to tell him to push 6, but it was already lighted.

The whir of the lift hummed gently as they stood in silence. She was on his right, her cart of groceries at her feet between them. Above them the sign lighted the floors they passed. 2, then 3. A moment after the 4 filled with light the elevator lurched and sputtered, rocking its passengers gently.

They looked at each other in confusion. The doors stayed closed as they each shuffled uncomfortably, waiting to get home. After 30 seconds, he finally broke the silence.

“I think, is there a phone in here, usually?” He fumbled along the control panel, opening the phone box and lifting it to his ear. “Lancaster Arms, yeah the east side,” he muttered, followed by a few “Okays” and “Yeses.” He hung up and turned to her.

“Umm, it's probably going to be awhile. They said they have two other stuck elevators downtown, then they'll get to us. Maybe like, 2 hours?”

“Oh,” she murmured. “We can't leave it?”

“They said don't open the doors, don't try the roof. It's more trouble than its worth and it's dangerous.”

She nodded and slumped down against the back wall of the small room. He followed suit, the grocery cart blocking their view of each other. “You live on 6?” he asked.

“Uh huh, yes. The uh, riverside.”

“Oh, I'm on the other side, I'm closer to that warehouse,” he said.

“I think we're across from each other, actually,” she said.

“Are we?”

“I've seen you sometimes in your apartment, I….I'm not looking, I just see you sometimes. You're the only one without curtains.”

He was nervous. He never bothered to put up anything on his windows, he assumed nobody would bother to look. He was tall and skinny. Not athletic, just thin, with wavy dark hair and a stubble. He wore glasses and cheap suits he bought on sale that he immediately stripped off as soon as he got out of work. He hated how ties felt, tight around his neck with no real purpose. His mind raced. Which room can she see into? It must be the living room. Chances are all she could ever see is him reading or watching tv, maybe eating a sad meal alone on his couch.

She kept her blinds drawn always, her parents always kept the house buttoned up tightly and now on her own she did the same. But once the light of the sun dimmed she would stand by her window sometimes, looking out. The truth is she knew him better than he realized. She had been watching him for a little while each night they'd lived there, almost 6 months. Every night she'd peer between her blinds across the courtyard at him in his living room. She was ashamed but it excited her. He never did anything arousing, but it was the view into his life that turned her on. She never felt beautiful even though she was. The middle of three girls her sisters were always more popular than she was. Her curvy body and supreme endowment made her self-conscious. She hid behind her red hair and creamy pale white skin. Men didn't pay attention to her, and she normally didn't force the issue. Now she was trapped in an elevator with a man she was attracted to, a man she knew things about she wasn't supposed to know.

“So, umm. Maybe we should pass the time,” she said. “Do you read?”

“Yeah, a try to read as much as possible. Mostly fiction. How about you?” he replied. They couldn't quite see each other but through the mesh of the metal grates on her grocery cart. She turned her head to respond.

“Not as much as I'd like. I like fiction, too. Anything good?”

He described several books he had read recently that he enjoyed, she typed out the titles on her phone, keeping them in her memo app for the future. After a few minutes, his arm reached out behind the cart. It was only inches from her back, extending flat. She watched as his fingers curled around the metal cart and pushed it forward and out of the way.

“That's better,” he smiled, nervously. They each sort of giggled, each of them a nervous wreck. They continued talking as she pushed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“Oh!” he said. “Do….do you mind if….” he leaned in, reaching slowly for her face, allowing her to stop him if she wanted. She didn't know what he was doing but didn't mind. His index finger pressed ever so gently against her cheek and pulled back, a single eyelash rested upon it. “Don't they say that's good for a wish?” he asked. She closed her eyes and wished, blowing the lash off his finger. When she opened her eyes back up her wish had come true. He was even closer, staring into her wide green eyes with his wide grey eyes mirroring hers. He repeated his question. “Do you mind if…” he went in for a kiss and she met him half-way, their lips touched and she felt a chill run down her spine and down her arms. His left arm raised to feel her shoulder, caressing it as they continued to lock lips. He reached back to pull off his jacket and loosen his tie as she undid a pair of buttons, allowing her enormous breasts to spill forth, nearly departing her stressed out bra.

They knew what the other wanted and instinctively they began to take more clothes off. On his knees he removed his shirt. She unclasped her long skirt and unzipped it, kicking her legs up and sliding it down and off. Her white underwear was studded with little red polka dots, matching her bra. He stood up to get his pants off, and they were both down to only their underwear. She stood to meet his eyes.

“You want this?” he asked. She nodded, biting her lip as her arms reached behind her to unfasten her bra. Her milky white breasts fell gently to her torso, magnificent examples of the female form. She took a step forward toward him, putting her mouth to his neck and whispering, “I've wanted it for some time.” Her hands grabbed his boxer shorts by the waistband and pulled them down. Between the kissing and her big reveal he had grown excited, the boxers pushed his cock down before it boomeranged back up once it was free. He stepped out of his boxers as her hand held his manhood gently. She slid her hand on it, feeling the pulse of blood pumping through it as it throbbed in her hand. He held her panties by the waistband and pulled them down slowly. She had a tiny bush behind the polka dots that revealed itself inch by inch before the underwear slid down her thighs, below her knees and onto her ankles. She stepped out of her underwear, letting go of him for a moment.

He licked his fingers and reached down to touch her, sliding his fingers across her body very lightly, very easily, like a gentle breeze passing by her. Once he felt her body fully relaxed he let his fingers begin to explore her more, slipping inside one by one as they resumed kissing each other.

They were both ready for more. He walked her back to the wall and took his hand back. She kissed his neck some more and licked his fingers clean as he positioned himself in front of her. She spread her legs a bit as he held his cock and rubbed the tip of it against her lips. He thrust forward and entered her with conviction. She gasped a little. She wasn't a virgin, but it had been at least 2 years, since college, the last time she'd felt the real thing. He could tell she wasn't fully relaxed. He slowed down and continued to kiss her, first the lips, then her neck, then her beautiful breasts. Her body began to very slowly uncurl its tensions, he felt it on his cock as she moistened and her body softened. He sped up his thrusting, his 7 inches going deep within her as she moaned and held him by the shoulders.

She never came just from penetration before but she also never came anywhere other than her bedroom. This was definitely a special sort of day and her body recognized it. She felt the orgasm begin to build, the waves of pleasure starting as small tidal waters lapping at the sands before rising greater and greater each thrust.

He felt it too. He was mostly used to being alone for his orgasms. Being with a woman, particularly such a beautiful one had brought him to the brink several times. He slowed himself to keep it going. She hadn't indicated her own pleasure yet and he didn't want to be rude.

She was reaching the breaking point. She held his right shoulder with her left hand but reached down with her right hand to rub her clit as she got to the edge. This was all she needed to go over and her body shuddered and shook as it radiated waves of pleasure and she moaned loudly. In the afterglow, as he continued to thrust, her body pulsed with hot energy, the aftershocks of the best orgasm she'd had to that point in her life.

He felt her body clench and release, tingling and quivering as she came. He was right behind her, he could feel the train leaving the station and within seconds he slowed his thrusting as his cock squirted 6 big pumps of cum inside her.

They panted together for a moment, smiling and wiping sweaty hair from each other's forehead. He laughed as he took a step back, releasing the union they'd made.

Standing naked, each so satisfied they felt no tension. He laughed as he crouched to pick up clothing. He handed her her underwear and her blouse. She grabbed her skirt as he went back to collect his own things. They complimented each other as their clothes went back on, otherwise dressing in silence.

It wasn't 5 minutes after getting dressed that a tapping was heard at the doors. They were pried open by the elevator company. A man told them it was working again and they could take it to the 6th floor. It rose the final 2 floors and the doors opened. She pulled her groceries behind her, turning right, he turned left. As they reached the ends of their halls, they looked back at each other and waved. They knew they'd meet again.
