You’re gonna cum whether you like it or not! [mf, stepsibling inc, reluc, mast]

Quick premise, this is gonna be pretty much a one-sided dialogue. It's gonna be pretty much all of the girls speech, the male is basically mute. I'm writing this like a POV porno where only the girl speaks, and its supposed to be slightly comical, so don't take it too seriously.

This was it. This was the last straw for Carley. She had put up with some stuff from her stepbrother, but this was the last time. In her hands, she disgustingly held a roll of ruined toilet paper with a fresh splatter of her stepbrother's jizz all over it.

She threw it in the bin and marched over to her brother's room. She did back her ponytail and did up her grey hoodie as she forced her away in to the room. Her brother was on the bed….killing time.

"Fuck you! I've had to deal with so much of your shit, but this is just disgusting. I thought you wanted to use my bathroom because you needed to pee or something, not….uhhhh! I don't know what your problem is lately with you jizzing everywhere but it has to stop. I've heard you beating yourself off in every bathroom in this house, in your room, in the family room, this has to stop."

"Look, I know this place is new to you. My mom adopted you from the weird Catholic Orphanage where they would beat you for even touching yourself, and then you moved in with us, and you had all this freedom, but you're not a 13-year old boy, show some self-constraint! I know you don't take 4 1-hour showers every day. No normal person does that, hell, no normal person feels the need to masturbate 4 times a day, but you are not a normal person."

"You…you're doing it right now aren't you! I can see your hand underneath your covers, you're sick! I'm your sister and I'm talking to you and you're jerking yourself off. You know what, I know why this is. This is because of what happened on your 18th Birthday. When Lindy said that she's let you fuck her when you turned 18, but then she left with another guy at your party. This has been going on since then. Is that it? Do you just really need a good lay but because no girl will sleep with you, you feel then need to jerk it every chance you get."

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you. You need help. You have to stop jizzing in every toilet, tissue, everything and just handle your sexual urges like a human being." She was about to leave when she heard him let out a telling moan. He just came.

"You just finished yourself off, IN YOUR OWN FUCKING BEDSHEETS! Are you just turned on by anything, I swear I saw you eyeing up your own stepmom, this morning. What is your problem?" She glanced back at him, and he wasn't even paying attention. He was already at it again.

Carly was so annoyed at her stepbrother for annoying her and his disgusting acts around the house, but she knew she would probably end up killing him if this didn't stop. So she made a decision. She straightened her back and gave him a unconvincing smile.

"Hey, stepbrother dear. So, uh, you like jerking off, right? You feel bad that no actual girl will sleep with you, so you do this all day, every chance you get, is that what I'm understanding? Well, guess what, today is your lucky day. Your bald little friend might finally be satisfied, if he was…actually inserted into a pussy. Like…mine for instance." Her stepbrother finally looked at her since she entered the room. She took a deep breath and forced the words out of her throat.

"I'm..I'm going to let you do things to me. Just so you can finally feel what its like and get it out of your system, because your current method is just, disgusting and driving me crazy. Believe it or not, I don't like seeing your cream in every bathroom around the house, so you're gonna cream one more time for me, then that's it. You're done. You are gonna zip up your jeans and keep your 'little friend' in for a while, ok?"

She reached for her stepbrother's jeans, getting ready to do the deed when he pushed her away.

"No, we are doing this now whether you like it or not. No other girl is going to sleep with you, so I'm gonna have to do it, so you'll stop this stupid habit, now let me unzip your jeans." She pulled down the zipper on her stepbrother's jeans, against his slightly flailing of discomfort.

She looked at him one more time and said: "Now, I'm pretty good at sucking dick, but try not to enjoy this, this is so wrong, its just something that needs to be done. I mean, its not like we're blood related, but its still weird." With that, she took a mouthful of her brothers dick into her mouth and started sucking.

She started licking her brother's dick and rubbing it in her hand. She did it with no pleasure, just someone performing a deed. She had done this for about 5 minutes, but her brother didn't seem to be getting close.

"Ok, you need to cum now, because I don't want to suck my brother's cock anymore. I'm already going to have to supress the last 5 minutes of my life, I don't want to make it any longer." But still he remained dry. "I don't know why you are doing this, but fine, I'll have to try something more personal."

Begrudingly, she took off her hoodie and her vest and let her plump boobs hang freely. She cupped them and jiggled them in front of him.

"You like these? These usually work for the boys at school…" But he held steadfast. "What is wrong with you? Don't you want to get this over and done with. I just need to make you cum so you'll know what its like with an actual woman, so you'll stop this. Do you want me to get more physical? Because I will, you shouldn't like it because it's sick but I will." He just stared on trying to maintain is flaccidity.

"Fine, I'm going actually fuck my brother now." She took off her shorts and her underpants and showed her stepbrother her unshaven vagina. She was completely naked now. She saw her brother go completlely erect and she looked in disgust. "You're hard for your sister, that's disgusting. At least it will make this easier, lie down."

She pushed him down on the best and climbed on upon his dick. And she rode him like a champ. She rotated and gyrated so good it could put a porn star to shame, and he was enjoying.

"For the love of god, how are you hanging on this long? Most guys would have blown their load twice for what I was doing to them. What the fuck!" She climbed off, and went back to sucking his dick, but that didn't work either.

Carly was annoyed, she had fucked her brother and he wouldn't cum for her, so she'd have to deal with him masturbating everywhere. She did not just commit incest to go back to seeing her brother's jizz in the the family toilet.

She climbed on her brother one more time and rode him once again. She fingered her self at the same this time, and instead she made herself come. Her pussy creamed and clenched around her brother's dick which finally made him give up the ghost. He let loose streams of warm semen inside his stepsister.

"Finally." She climbed off him with her brother just staring into space, post-orgasmically exhausted. "That is what sex is like. Now you've had a taste, maybe you can keep your hands out of your pants and save it for a real girl."

She put on her clothes and just before she left she said: "I still think you're sick for making your own sister fuck you. Just think about that." And with her brothers cum still dripping out on to her panties, she left feeling alot more satisfied.


1 comment

  1. I definitely like the premise! If he’s adopted, though, he’s not a stepbrother/stepson. :)

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