Family Picnic [MMF][inc][first person] – Part 1

I had given you a knowing wink a moment before you knew you wouldn't be able to wait until we got home to fuck me. We made up an excuse, saying we had to grab something in the car and then found a somewhat secluded spot behind these big bushes. Your brother saw the way you kept standing behind me, obviously trying to hide the growing bulge in your pants, he only pretended not to notice the way I would arch my back and press my ass into your crotch.

He waited a couple minutes before he went looking for us, and when he found us, the first thing he saw was me bent over, your hands gripping my swaying breasts, your cock buried deep inside me. When we heard him, we quickly tried to straighten up, but it was too late. He knew and he walked up to us, "what are you guys thinking? this is a family function." He's standing right in front of me and reaches out to hook my chin under his index finger as he uses his thumb to wipe away some of the spit on my lips from when I blew you. He shoots you a look to gauge your reaction, but it was more an FYI than it was a question of permission. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and I look over at you while making out with your brother. You're still processing the situation, unsure what to do or what to think, but hand is wrapped around your throbbing cock.

Your mouth drops open as you stand there watching him kiss me, not even realizing what your hand is doing with your cock. It's slick with my juices as you slide it up and down your hardness, still staring, unable to break the gaze. He looks over at you, "Seriously? in the middle of a park in broad daylight? And you didn't even think to invite me?" He unzips his jeans as you take a step forward, opening your mouth to show some sort of hesitation, but nothing comes out. You just watch as he takes his hardening cock out of his jeans, you watch as my eyes widen and mouth opening up to take him in.

You snap out of it and make your way over to me, one hand on my hip, the other still wrapped around your cock. You move the hand on my hip over the curve of my ass as you tighten your grip and pull away, spreading me for a better view. The other hand releases your cock and does the same to my other cheek, spreading me wider, opening my hungry little hole up, giving you more than an eyeful. I'm still moaning and sighing a little bit as I take your brother's cock deeper in my mouth. You see that I'm even wetter than I had been when we were fucking.

You drop to your knees to get my ass at face level and you lean in the take a long, deliberate lick from the bottom up. I gasp at the unexpected pleasure, my pussy sensitive to every touch, every sensation you have to offer. You just had to have a taste and once that was satisfied, you stand back up and press your fat cock right up to my sex. Move slowly as you ease your way in, stretching me, feeling me swallow you whole, my juices coating your cock and my insides squeezing down and gripping you tight. You watch intently as you pull out, my lips continuing to grip you, your cock slick and shiny from my wetness.

"Start fucking her harder," you hear your brother grunt, "we don't have all day." You pick up the pace and intensity, each thrust getting your brother's cock deeper into my mouth, entering my throat. I start whimpering quietly, from the ecstasy of being filled, the pressure of your dick hitting me on each thrust, and trying my hardest not to choke on your brother's cock. He moves his hand around the back of my head, fingers intertwined in my hair. He takes a tighter grip to steady my head. your thrusts were making me a little sloppy. I was starting to gag from him forcing his way down my throat, spit and drool making a mess. It seems I was leaking all over both of your cocks, at both ends.

After a little bit, he pulls out and walks around to your side. I straighten up and try to catch my breath. He nods and gestures away from me, he wants you to move. You don't want to, but he's already made his way in between you and me. You step back to get out of his way, but you're unsure why you did. You're standing on front of me now, thinking that you could take your turn with my mouth, but your brother is much more selfish than you are. He gathers my hair and wraps it around his fist, pulling it, forcing my head back in my standing position. my back is arched, ass sticking out, his arm wrapped around me, hand on my stomach to hold me in place as he enters me. His cock is thicker than yours, I notice the difference immediately and can't help but moan a little louder because of it. He reaches upward and takes hold of my breasts, pressing one in with his forearm while grabbing the other in his palm and pinches my hard nipple between his fingers.

"You don't have to just watch," he says. You step forward and reach down between my legs, finding your way to my clit, you start rubbing it between your fingers, moving deeper down my slit, back and forth. I take your cock in my hand and stroke it while you're rubbing me. With my head pulled back, you don't have to bend over so much to make out with me. We continue kissing while he fucks me. You take your other hand and place it around my neck, gently increasing pressure the more aroused you're feeling. I start to have trouble breathing deeply, but it only gets me more worked up. Each pass you make across my clit, you move closer and closer to my hole, careful not to touch your brother, but over the next few passes, you lose your inhibitions. On the next, you graze your brother's hard cock. He doesn't react, he just continues fucking me. On the next, you let your fingertips linger and you feel the length of his cock on the out-stroke. You've tried not to react either, but I notice the change in pace, I know what you've just done and I can't help but smile at you while still kissing. We make eye contact and I know you are more turned on than you've been your entire adult life. I bite my lip in a playful way and run my hand softly down your side. It's okay, babe. We're having fun, right?



  1. Well I’m hard now. I hope to god she gives up her ass…can’t wait for the rest ;-)

  2. I hope he goes down on her and his tongue makes the same "mistake". DP would be amazing!

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