Lechomancer Chapter 6: One Each [m/f/f][oral][anal][toys]

Lisa sat on the stool at her kitchen counter with a glass of wine, skimming through The Book, the Incubi Prince, looking at the different “spells” her pact with Erostopholes was supposed to grant her. Most didn’t seem much like magic, no matter what the demon told her. The page she was on listed something called Empathic Divination, which was apparently the inverse of Sublimation. The page claimed that if she concentrated on breathed in a certain pattern she would be able to detect someone willing to fulfil her desires. She sighed and took a sip of wine. She had been hoping to find something more interesting.

The doorbell rang. She had been home for about half an hour, and every day for the last week, like clockwork, Ashlynn had come to check on her. It was Friday, and Lisa had half wondered if the eighteen year old would have something better to do, but apparently the allure of the Demon Tail, the one showy piece of magic Lisa had learned, kept brining the girl back.

Wine in hand, Lisa went to the entrance of the townhouse, and opened the door. Ashlynn stood there, one arm grabbing her other elbow behind her back, her breasts pushed forward, blushing a little. “Hi Lisa.”

Looking at her, Lisa was no longer annoyed with her, but she let her tone stay sharp. “Come inside. Strip to your panties.” The taller woman nodded to Lisa, and Lisa felt a thrill as she was instantly obeyed. Ashlynn walked past her, and Lisa closed the door. The college student bent at the waist, thrusting out her round butt for Lisa’s enjoyment as she untied the laces on her boots and left them by the door. Lisa sipped her wine and Ashlynn walked to the living room as she removed the faux leather jacket. Then she slid out of her faded graphic tee shirt, freeing her full, round breasts. Her nipples were already hard. She released the button on her stretch cargos, and slipped them off. She stood, looking at Lisa for approval, wearing nothing but a lacy pair of teal panties, bright against her pale skin.

Lisa took a slow drink of wine.

Ashlynn waited.

“I suppose you’d like your tail again,” Lisa purred coyly. The younger woman nodded. “Wait here. Don’t move.”

Lisa waited until she had turned her back on Ashlynn to break out into a mischievous smile. She really enjoyed teasing the girl. She headed up the narrow stairs to her bedroom, where she kept the wooden case that held the Demon Tails, a collection of sex toys which could temporarily create a demon. She opened the box and pulled out the black rubber plug she thought of as Ashlynn’s tail. She considered trying one of the others on her, but somehow that seemed … wrong. This tail was for Ashlynn, and the others were meant for … others. The thought made her smile, and she thought she might need to start looking for those others. But not yet. Right now, she had a plaything downstairs.

Beside the box, she had several little glass vials of a clear liquid that smelled faintly of rose petals. The Book called the substance Ichor, and it was produced by the orgasm of a Succubi. Lisa preferred to call it Essence, as Ichor sounded disgusting to her. It worked as both a lubricant and an aphrodisiac, and she had begun harvesting it from Ashlynn.

She walked back down the stairs and called out “Ashlynn Jennifer Carter.” There was something powerful about calling the girl by her full name, and it gave Lisa a tingle every time she did it. She heard the soft sound of bare feet on hardwood as Ashlynn rushed to her. Lisa sat down on the third stair and beaconed to Ashlynn. Ashlynn leaned forward at the waist, placing one hand on either side of Lisa. Their lips met, and Lisa enjoyed the cool feel of the metal hoop on the right side of Ashlynn’s lower lip. They kissed for a moment, and Lisa lazily ran the tips of her fingers across the smooth skin at the top of Ashlynn’s tits.

Lisa slid over to one side of the stair case, and patted the step beside her. Ashlynn looked confused for a moment, and then realized what Lisa wanted. Ashlynn knelt on the step beside Lisa, and rested her folded elbows a few steps up. Her ass was in the air, right beside Lisa. Lisa lifted the thong and moved it to the side, revealing Ashlynn’s pink little asshole. Uncorking the Essence, she poured a little drizzle onto Ashlynn, who shuddered with pleasure. Lisa took the rubber plug, and kissed the rounded tip of it. She let her spit dribble down the black rubber, and over her shoulder, Ashlynn watched her with quiet desperation.

Smiling at the girl, Lisa placed the tip against Ashlynn’s eager asshole. Ashlynn cried out with joy, and the Tail started to press into her. Teasing, Lisa pushed it in a little, and then pulled it out. Ashlynn’s cries got louder and louder, each time it went a little deeper. Lisa had nearly fully inserted the Tail when her phone buzzed.

It was a text from her sister, Erin. “Are we going to talk about you and Vivian at Velvet?”

Lisa smiled fondly, remembering making out with Vivian on the dance floor of the club before leaving with someone else. Ashlynn moaned desperately, bringing her back from her memories to the real world. Lisa pushed the tail in a little further, but not all the way, and Ashlynn panted. “No,” she texted back to her sister, and then put the phone down. She pushed Ashlynn’s tail in the rest of the way, and Ashlynn cried out in pleasure. She had her head on the step, and she was watching Lisa carefully, on the edge of orgasm, knowing Lisa needed to command her to come to let her finish.

Lisa grinned evilly at the eighteen year old and picked up her phone. She opened a new conversation to Vivian. “You busy tonight? Want to go to Velvet?”

She put the phone down and swatted Ashlynn playfully on the rump. “I’m busy, girl,” she said dismissively. “You have to wait for me.”

“Please,” Ashlynn begged. “Just let me finish.” Her shoulders rose and fell with every laboured breath. Lisa began fiddling with the end of the plug, moving it in gentle circles inside Ashlynn, who bit her lip and whimpered desperately.

When Lisa’s phone buzzed again, and she stopped playing with Ashlynn, who kept panting. “” was the response.

“Meet me there at 10pm” Lisa texted back, and then set the phone down. “I’m going out.”

“Can I finish?” came Ashlynn’s husky response.

“You know what? No. Shift.” At the command Ashlynn changed slightly. Her skin turned a pale shade of purple, and a phallic tail extended from her tail bone. Right now, it was only about a foot long, but it was retractable. Small, rounded horns peaked out from her hairline. In her demonic form, Lisa knew Ashlynn was just as desperate to come, and still couldn’t without her permission, but her breathing was under control, and she wouldn’t bring it up every three seconds.

First Lisa led her Succubi into the shower, and had Ashlynn wash her, kissing her skin while running a soapy luffa across her. When Ashlynn’s unnaturally long, rough tongue started to explore between her legs, she had to focus not to give in, grabbing the demoness’s black hair and pulling her back. “Not tonight,” she ordered, and Ashlynn pouted, but got to work on shaving Lisa’s legs.

In the bedroom, Ashlynn was no help as Lisa tried to decide what to wear. Ashlynn loved everything, but nothing so much as Lisa’s bare skin, and Lisa finally forbade her to speak. She chose a dark olive green dress, which looked almost like a man’s dress shirt with oversized buttons, held closed by a thick leather belt. It showed most of her legs, and if she left the top couple of buttons undone, it let her flash a fair bit of cleavage as well.

Finally, she had Ashlynn do her hair. Ashlynn wanted to run her fingers through Lisa’s hair, massaging her scalp, and Lisa let her do it for a few moment, and kissed her desperate lips. Then she had the Succubi straighten the slight curl out of her hair and braid a thin strand behind each ear, to tie together in the back, while Lisa sipped a glass of wine.

As she laced up the knee high black boots she would be wearing, she looked at the Succubi in teal panties, sitting obediently on the couch, drinking her in with bright blue eyes. “You want to come with me?” Lisa asked, trying to sound bored.

“I want to cum. I will stay here, or I will go with you, whichever you want.”

“Alright, here’s the deal. I’m going out, and you’re not dressed for it, and none of my clothes would fit you. So, first, shift.”

The demoness faded, and now a college girl sat on Lisa’s couch, panting with ecstasy, licking her lips and staring at Lisa.

“At any time, you can take that tail out and go home. Or you can sit there and wait, and if I cum, you’ll come.”

“I’ll be here,” Ashlynn answered.

“I may not give you any relief.”

“That’s okay. Maybe you will.”

Lisa nodded, and headed out the door. Ashlynn sat on the couch, her skin on fire, her breathing ragged. She wasn’t surprised when Lisa’s Master, Erostopholes stepped into the room, looking like a man in a suit. He walked up to her, and lifted her chin. “If Lisa leaves her toys out, she can’t expect me not to play with them,” he said, and Ashlynn sighed with relief.

Meanwhile, at Velvet, Lisa grabbed a gin and tonic and staked out a booth. She had come early, in part because she was enjoying the cruelty of leaving Ashlynn unfulfilled. She watched the few people who were on the dance floor by nine, and smiled at a few different guys, who invariably would bring her another drink. She was feeling more than a little buzzed when Vivian showed up, right on time, at ten.

Vivian was wearing an orange dress that tied behind the neck, and cupped her perky breasts like a bikini top. Just below her tits was a golden band, and the skirt barely covered her pert ass. Even though she was five foot ten, she wore three inch platform heals. The tall Asian girl looked stunning as she slid into the booth beside Lisa. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” she apologized.

“I got here early on purpose,” Lisa said, opening the little purse she had brought with her. “I like to watch the place fill up.” She pulled out an old lip gloss bottle, one she had filled with Essence. She started brushing it onto her lips. It tingled and buzzed as she did, and it sent a shiver down her spine. The Aphrodisiac was already making her wet, and if the Book was right, she was less susceptible to it for having completed the Rite of Devotion. It would hit anyone else twice as hard. She offered the little brush to Vivian, who shook her head.

“Listen,” Viv started, then shook her head. “I need a drink. Do you need a drink?” Lisa shook her head, and Viv headed over to the bar. Lisa enjoyed the definition of her back as she walked, and the long legs. She thought about using one of the spells, like Sublimation, to ensure she entrapped Vivian, but there was something … exciting … about doing this without the Book. Sure, she was planning to use the Essence, but that wasn’t the same as pushing her mind aside to fulfill Vivian’s desires. This was about what Lisa wanted.

Vivian came back with a drink, and finished it in silence. Lisa just watched the people on the dance floor. Vivian cleared her throat and tried again. “Listen, Lisa, about last time …”

“That was a blast, wasn’t it?” Lisa flashed a smile at her, and Vivian blushed.

“I’m not sure, I mean…” Viv struggled for words, and Lisa put her hand on the other girl’s knee. Vivian tensed and then relaxed. “What I mean to say is …”

“Mmm hmmm?” Lisa hummed, she leaned in closer, towards Vivian’s lips, which were slightly apart.

“I’m not sure if …” Vivian lost her train of thought as Lisa’s hand traced its way up her inner thigh. “I think we should …” She had to stop again as Lisa put her other hand on the back of her neck. “Lisa, what I want to say is …”

Lisa kissed her, gently. When she pulled away, Vivian’s eyes were closed and she was waiting to be kissed again. The tingling of the Essence on her lips buzzed, and she was certain it was buzzing more intensely through Viv. The hand between Viv’s legs confirmed she was on fire. “Did you want to talk,” Lisa purred, “Or did you want to make out.”

“Second one,” Vivian whispered. Lisa smiled, and kissed her again. She threw one leg over the taller woman and straddled her in the booth, holding the back of her head with both hands know, pulling Vivian in. Vivian’s hands wrapped around Lisa’s waist, and she rammed her tongue into Lisa’s mouth. Lisa started grinding against Viv, who squirmed happily below her.

Reaching behind her with one hand, Lisa reached into her purse, and founded the Essence. She took the lid of the container and threw it aside. She poured the little bottle into her mouth, and felt it tingle. Then with one hand on the back of Viv’s head, and the other under her jaw, she held Vivian’s mouth open. She spit the viscous fluid, which smelt like roses but had no taste, into Viv’s mouth.

“Swallow,” she instructed. She watched Vivian’s cute little breasts rise up and down, frantically as she considered obeying. She wasn’t sure what was in her mouth, and her eyes were a little wild as she looked at Lisa. “It can’t hurt you,” Lisa purred, “and it will make me happy if you do it.”

Vivian considered for another moment, and then swallowed the Essence. Within moments, the effect on her became obvious. She was glossy with sweat, and her temperature rose a couple of degrees. Her skin was flushed and her breathing was ragged. Much like Ashlynn had been earlier, Viv was on the edge of orgasm.

“Do you want me to make you come here?” Lisa asked, one hand trailing down the fabric covering Viv’s tight stomach, under her dress, under her panties, and against her wet pussy. Fingers traced across her outer lips. “Do you want me to bring me to orgasm here, in front of everyone?”

“Please don’t,” Viv begged. “I’m … I’m a screamer.”

(rest at https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/lechomancer-chapter-6-one-each/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2spuer/lechomancer_chapter_6_one_each_mfforalanaltoys


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