Lazy Day at Tom & Jess’s flat part 1

Tom woke up. It was so nice knowing that he didn’t have to get up as he had a day off after working in the bar until late last night. He wandered around naked in a bit of a daze as he awoke. Tom is 6’4”, broad shouldered and keeps himself fit.

The flat is warm and sunlight in the middle of summer. His flatmate is out at work. Jess is a fun, sassy woman in her late 20s, quite tall (around 5’ 9”) with a luscious curvy body and dark brown hair in a short bob. They have shared the flat for 4 months after Jess’s friend moved out of the flat to move in with her fiancé

Tom wandered around the flat thinking what he should do with his lazy day. Jess’s door is ajar and he peers in. He wanders into her room and spies a pair of knickers on the floor. It occurs to him that she would have taken these off and stood there right where he was, absolutely naked. He imagined seeing the curves of her body undressed and he felt a stirring in his groin.

He looked around and a red LED on the TV catches his eye. He found the remote control and turned it off standby. Hitting play on the DVD he was shocked to see the naked image of a man stroking his very large erection. So this is what she got up to when she went to bed early!

Looking toward the bed he saw something poking out from underneath the pillow. Upon closer inspection he saw it was a vibrator. A rampant rabbit style one. Now it was all fitting together….

The excitement of being here in her room while she was out was one thing but to discover evidence of her private masturbatory games was a quite another! Tom’s cock was definitely waking up. He was semi hard now and the head of his cock had poked clear of it’s foreskin as his shaft lolled around and bounced off his muscular thigh with every movement. He might have to do something about this…

Unconsciously his hand dropped to his dick and wrapped around it as he took in the sights and smells of Jess’s room. He stood in the middle of her room, stark naked, gently sliding the loose, warm skin back and forth along the rock solid core of his shaft. On the upstroke, the loose skin wrinkled around the head of his cock which was gradually swelling and getting bigger. His balls were jerked forward with each stroke, setting them swinging between his legs.

On the downstroke, his fist drew back the skin as far back on his cock as it would go, stretching taut the skin around his helmet which felt delicious. A tingle of sensation swept around the ridge of cockhead each time this happened.

Tom’s cock was getting harder and standing more vertical with each pump of his fist. His buttocks were clenching hard, tensed to keep his jutting cock sticking proudly out into the air.

Tom imagined Jess lying back watching her DVD stud wanking for her. He’d never really thought of her being so brazenly sexual (even if it was in private). He saw himself standing next to her, looking at her while she touched her wet pussy and seeing her gaze at him instead.

Tom’s breathing was getting faster as his hand worked up a steady rhythm back and forth along his stiff penis. His wide chest rose and fell, panting in air as he worked towards an orgasm. He thought of Jess, sliding her fingers between her legs along the wet crease of her pussy. She had broad hips and soft curvy thighs. Tom visualized Jess moving her warm thighs apart to welcome him in as he knelt between them, aiming his cock towards her sex…

Suddenly, he stopped; gasping and panting. That last thought almost brought him off too soon. His cock was purple and throbbing. Tom stood not daring to touch it in case even the slightest brush against his helmet set off an uncontrollable ejaculation.

He breathed deeply and tried to think of un-sexy things to calm him down. Sport, politics, anything.

After two or three minutes, he dared to touch himself again. Tom knew that it would be worth the wait this time.

By now a drop of pre-cum had formed on the end of his cock. Tom milked his shaft, squeezing the pre-cum up to the end where a larger drop exuded from the slit. Lifting it off with a finger, he tasted it’s sweetness before smoothing the remnants of the clear liquid over the head of his cock.

Looking around, he saw a pump dispenser of body lotion. He plumped up the pillows, laid down on her bed with his erection poking up like a flagpole and pumped three good squirts of lotion into his hands.

He warmed the lotion on his hands and then slid the cream over his still-hard cock. The sensations were so different to his dry hand. It felt like a sensory overload as his slick hands slid over his shaft and cockhead. Tom gasped and panted as he discovered himself again. It was like being touched all over his shaft at the same time, or like having a wet mouth or pussy work upon him.

Tom interlocked his slippery fingers like he was praying and slid his slippery cock between his hands. He swirled his hands around, feeling the insides of his palms and fingers caress his lotioned-up shaft.

As he teased himself, his cock grew hard as steel again, longing for release. Tom imagined slipping his cock into Jess’s wet pussy, sliding deep into her and feeling her thighs wrap around his waist. He’d lie over her, kiss and squash her breasts against his chest as he explored the depths of her warm pussy.

Changing stroke, Tom twisted both hands in opposite directions – one going up to the top and another twisting down to the base of his cock. He was breathing hard now and beads of sweat formed on his forehead and all over his skin, dampening her sheets. He corkscrewed his slippery palms in opposite directions over his throbbing shaft for another minute or two, occasionally slipping a hand underneath his balls.

Tom could sense a climax was imminent. One hand reverted to a classic pumping motion, sliding from the exposed head of his cock down the full length to his balls while his other hand pinched his nipple. His leg muscles tensed as did his whole groin as his shaft felt bigger and fuller than ever before.

Tom’s breathing came in pants and gasps as the first wave of orgasm flooded over him. He cried out and his lips rolled back over his teeth as the first powerful contraction shot from deep within him and along the length of his penis. A long white strand of Tom’s thick semen erupted from his cock, arced over his belly and landed on his chest hair.

His hips bucked off Jess’s bed, wrinkling her sheets as another jet of his sperm spat from his penis and splashed into his navel.

Tom’s eyes shut as he moaned in ecstacy and as collapsed back onto her bed, spurt after spurt of cum dribbling out over his fist and onto his tummy forming a pool which began to dribble toward his hip bone.

He lay contented and catching his breath with the smell of his musk and fresh semen filled the room.

After a while, he opened his eyes and reached for a box of multicoloured tissues by the bedside. He began to wipe up the sticky mess on his chest and belly. Finding a glob of his sperm on his finger he rubbed it into the purple plastic tip of the vibrator. He knew it would dry but found it exciting to know that next time Jess fucked herself with it a little bit of him would end up deep inside her pussy.

Picking up the sticky tissues he headed for the shower.
