Whistle blower part II: Show off [exh][MF][reluc]

This is the second stand-alone story I've posted about the Golden Whistle. I'll post a link to part 1 in the comments.

It’s a few years later and Joe Checulo has ranked up. He is now working as a detective. Every now and then, he still hits the streets, but a lot of his time is spend sitting behind a desk. Boston is getting uneased. As everywhere else in the world, the beginning of a new century has stirred up working classes. In the lower-class areas of the city, policemen are required to pair up when they hit the streets. Young men are rioting in small groups and young women are making themselves heard. Rumour has it women are even thinking about voting, although that will of course never be realized. Even the thought of it makes Joe laugh. He is cracking case ‘Walnut’ and is stuck in his thinking. The office is empty, everybody else has gone home.

Joe looks around and sighs. There is still one witness in the case that will not speak up. It’s a young woman, Lisa Richmond, whose father is the suspect of making one million dollar disappear. She is rich, beautiful and wanted by every man in the greater Boston area. Her golden hair is famous, as is the way she looks down on men. She refuses to talk to men, as the oppress her (in her words). She spends a great deal of her time on charity, but surrounds herself with only women. Whereas her appearance is not legend in itself, her attitude takes care of the rest. He looks around the office and decides to go for a walk. The witness lives around the corner, so maybe he could run into her.

It’s cold out and Joe sticks his hands in his pockets. His fingers feel that whistle. The golden one that has brought him in unexpected situations before. This could be such a night, the streets are more crowded than normally, it’s a full moon and something’s in the air. People watch him, he still feels like they can sense his profession, even though he looks just like anyone else. In his pocket, his fingers are stroking the whistle. Flashes of sweaty bodies moving together are running through his mind. The more he fumbles the whistle, the more he sees. Now he hears a woman breathing loudly, almost screaming. The sound is very clear, it’s like she’s about to come while breathing in his ear… He stops and looks around. Nobody is around. This whistle has too much of an impact on him. He looks up and stares right into the eyes of miss Richmond. She looks back at him. She is in the display of a shop, decorating the Christmas charity window. Without hesitation, Joe walks towards the door of the store and knocks. A man in a suit opens up, most likely the owner of the store. ‘I’m sorry sir, we are closed, but we’d love to see you tomorrow.’ the man says. Joe looks at him. ‘I’m with the Boston police department, my name is detective Checulo. I’d like to talk to the woman that is decorating your charity display.’ The man stumbles a bit and then opens the door. He lets Joe in, closes the door and gets to an office around the corner. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with this, neither does he want to feel responsible for cornering miss Richmond like this.

Joe walks up from behind her. She’s concentrating on her work and doesn’t even hear him coming. He walks slowly and admires her body from a small distance. It feels as if the whistle is glowing in his pocket. Her body stirs up his, he swallows and then clears his throat. She looks around, as if she feels busted. ‘What are you doing here?’ –‘Miss Richmond, I’m detective Checulo, Boston P.D. I’d like to ask you some questions.’ ‘I have nothing to tell you, you are wasting your time. I won’t say a word.’ She turns around and continues her work. She is not even looking at him, not even seeing if he’s still there. ‘Miss, you will have to talk to me sooner or later. I will have to take measures if you refuse to cooperate.’ She laughs, shakes her head and continues ignoring him. Joe gets frustrated. Not only is she ignoring him, he feels almost hypnotized by her strength and appearance. Again, he feels the whistle in his pocket. He knows it’s the last resort and very unethical. Then he looks at her body and sighs. How he would want her body helplessly crawling on the floor, waiting for him to penetrate and release her from the urges that he installed in her by blowing that whistle.

He knows the procedure, he has seen the three stages before. Without making a sound, blowing it will switch her mind. She will stop doing anything she is doing and see a red filter over her eyes. Her clothes feel like they’re shrinking and she will want to release her body. At the same time, her skin is so sensible that every touch feels like it might lead to an orgasm. Her whole body is sensible like never before and the sensitivity is like an itch. Touching herself will make it only worse, but not touching and rubbing her own body will only grow the urge to be released in another way. Then, after she has taken off the clothing that was bothering her, her hand will slide all over her body, finding her way to the epicenter of all the sensitivity. She will touch and it will feel like her spine is on fire. Her body will be shaking and with her hands she will feel the wetness that has driven her crazy this far. Then, in the final stage, she will need to be released of one final urge: penetration.

Joe looks around. Of course, the man that let him in is far away in his office. Outside the window, the streets are getting quiet. Not that many people walk around this time of day. He shouldn’t do it, that’s for sure. He wants to do it. He can do it. There will be nothing for her do think about. She looks at him. Without even blinking she says, ‘Now get your pig face out of here.’ He feels in his pocket, his fingers find the whistle. His hand goes to his mouth, he takes a deep breath and blows.

No sound can be heard, but the impact is immediate. He sees the changed look in her eyes. He sees her swallow for a second, then she steps of her pedestal. She sits on it, looks at him and moans. Her hands go all over her body. One hand goes up her skirt. As the skirt moves up, Joe sees her legs and the wet spot occur. This is what he wanted. She has entered the first phase. She rips the skirt apart, so her hand is now clearly visible. Two fingers stroke the wet spot and she throws her head back. Her fingers keep moving up and down as her other hand takes a good hold of her shirt. She tries to tear it off her, but it just rips apart, forcing her to tear it with both hands. Again the hand goes down and the breathing gets louder and heavier. She is almost topless and Joe decides to rip the last part of her body. When he touches her, she just shivers and moans. Now she is just wearing her underwear and has surely entered phase two. Any touch of him would result in a reaction so intense, neither of them could tell it from an orgasm. It doesn’t stop her from touching herself, even though that intensifies every touch as well. She is making unrecognizable sounds, building up tension with every touch of her hand. The wet spot has now grown so much, it covers every part of her underwear, making Joe see through.

She must be about to enter the third phase. The need for penetration will come in no time. Joe loosens his belt while he looks at the woman still sitting on the pedestal that has just slid in the fingertips from her two fingers. She looks back at him and her hungry look descends towards his belt area, where she moans at the bump in his pants. As he takes his belt off entirely, he watches out on the street and sees four people watching the show. Three men and a young woman are watching how he takes off his belt and even more how the woman right under him has lost all contact with the world and is furiously moving her body on the rhythm of her fingers going inside and outside of her. He hesitates for a moment. He never anticipated this after he blew the whistle. Of course people were going to stop and watch them, he just never thought about it after she insulted him. Beneath him, phase three has kicked in loudly. She gets up, supports herself with one hand and reaches the other one to his pants. She grabs onto his hard bump and starts feeling him up, still unaware of the small crowd that is watching them. He tries to get away, but then her hand pulls down his pants. His hard erection has caught all her attention, and while a sixth person joins the crowd outside, she puts his penis in her mouth while she caresses the shaft with her fingernails. It is very clear how her body is longing for penetration, for she pushes it as far in her mouth as is possible, while her fingers are rubbing her own wet area faster than ever. Both her hands are now in fast motion, one is getting wetter and wetter of herself, the other one is shooting down his shaft, as her tongue curls around the tip. Then she stops. In a flash, he sees that the crowd has grown to almost twenty people. His dripping wet hard penis is harder than ever as she lays on the ground waiting for him. Her legs are spread and she has already taken off her underwear. Twenty people are watching Joe as he hovers over her body, ready to come inside her. Her body is still moving heavily as he feels how his tip is getting wet. Smooth as silk he moves inside her, while she moans loud. She immediately grabs the back of his head with both her hands and holds his face next to hers. ‘Now fuck me as hard as you can.’ she whispers in his ear. He looks outside for a moment, where 25 people are now staring at the scene and closes his eyes.

Every single movement has her screaming now. Slowly he starts going back and forth, making each move go deeper than the one before. Her nails run down his back and she clearly cannot contain herself. She is screaming on the rhythm of his moves, she feels him go deeper, harder and faster. Thirty people now watch how he is not holding back any more. Her arms go over her head, her hips start shaking and now she seems to be running out of breath. With a fast tempo, he keeps smashing his hips into hers, delivering his hardness where she wants it. He feels how she is coming, he can hear her squeaks dying out. One long scream marks her orgasm that, judging by the shaking of her body, lasts for about ten seconds. He keeps moving faster, their bodies are melted into one. Then he feels his own explosion coming up. Her body is shaking again, her screams are getting louder once more. In a poetic mutual scream, both their bodies release their tension. He comes inside her, as her eyes show only white. Looking over her breasts, he sees that now the crowd has gotten to forty people. Two officers run towards the door as the people push each other aside to see some of the show. As Joe catches his breath, he hears Lisa still moaning with her eyes closed. In just seconds, their cuddle time will be disturbed.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2rf9ic/whistle_blower_part_ii_show_off_exhmfreluc