Do You Want It:Part 2 [MF] [Oral] [2nd Person] [His POV]

Part 2

You see her enter the bar, order a beer, and turn to look at the room. Her make-up is heavy: black charcoal around her eyes, red lips, pink cheeks. Her hair is ratted in the back. Her black skirt is short; visible at the hem is a run in her stockings that you guess starts at the crotch. Scuff marks dull the tips of her shoes. You think she looks sad, lonely, eager to please someone. Your beer is warm. Your friends are dull. You excuse yourself. You walk directly to her and stop and stare at her face. You guess she is in her mid-30s: typical client. Her head comes to your chest. She is slender, she looks delicate. She diverts her eyes and shrinks left to allow you access to the bar. You want to slam her head down onto the counter, squeeze her ratted hair in your fist, speak into her ear so only she hears you tell her what you plan to do to her in your basement. You order a drink. You feel her looking at you. You ignore her because you know that later you will have as much of her as you want.

She talks to another man. From your table by the door, you watch her flirt: smile, swat at his arm, twist her hair. You see her insecurities unravel from her lips and from her hips and you grow impatient. Your hands twitch. Your cock stirs. You stand and walk to her again. You tower over her and the other man. You ask if you can take her out sometime. Her face brightens with a blush. She bats her eyes, glances to the man with whom she was speaking. He becomes invisible in your presence. She says yes. You say you hate drinking and hanging out in a bar like a loser and would she keep you company at the movies or go get something to eat?

“Now?” she asks.


You open the car door. You slide in behind the wheel. You look over at her. She smiles at you. You see anxiety in the tight corners of her mouth; uncertainty in the corners of her eyes. She wants to know what you would like to do. She asks her questions with her eyes on your lips, her body angled toward you, her mouth an open slit. You tell her you have a big dick that you would like to bury deep in her face or in her ass; that she can get out of the car and go back about her business or she can stay.

Her answer is on her exhale. Her brown eyes are wide. Her throat bobs; a tense swallow. You imagine her anus tenses as well; her body preparing for penetration. Your erection presses against the inside of your jeans. You want to know which end she prefers. You watch her mouth move with the answer. You unzip your pants. Your cock springs up. She licks her lips. Her nervousness excites you. Her free will excites you. Her ignorance about her future excites you.

You lean the car seat back. She closes her mouth over the tip of your dick. You close your eyes. You keep your hands at your sides. Her mouth widens, moves down your shaft; you feel your cock nudge the back of her throat when she nears the base of your dick. She slides up. She slides down. Her teeth press against your thickness. She moves up; she sucks the tip; she traces her tongue along the pink edge. She sucks you like a greedy calf. Your breath quickens. Her sucking makes you clench your teeth. You want more. Your hands move to her hair. You twist and tangle your fingers in the ratty mess; your hands form fists. She moans, moves her face down. Saliva wets her lips and chin. Her nose nears your curly hair; it is all she can take; she pushes her head up. You push her head down. Her jaw is wide open. Her tongue retracts. You seek her throat with your stiff cock, pushing, pushing; slowly, slowly you gag her. Her hands dig into your thighs. Tears brim in her eyes from the strain.

“Shhhhhhh.” You stay inside her mouth. You wait for her body to relax, for her breathing to slow. You let her rise a few inches on your cock. Your hands stay in her hair. You push her face down again. She moans with pleasure, displeasure, you do not know but you do not mind either way. She will learn. This is only the beginning. Her drooling lips approach the base of your dick. You steer her head, angle erection, slowly force all of yourself into her. Her throat resists you, tightens against you, then opens for you. She swallows, gags, swallows. Tears drip from her face. Your hard flesh fills her orifice, she cannot stop you, you will not stop until the tightness you feel in your testicles releases; she is impaled on you, relying on you to detach yourself; her soft mouth, her tongue, her uvula move and shift with increasing discomfort around your power, your intrusion, your penetration. You own her. You will keep her. You harden inside her mouth. She moans against your flesh.

“Shhhhhh.” But her whimpering excites you. Her meekness is her hot tender wetness that surrounds you. Your hips thrust. Your fists squeeze harder. Your dick feels tight and hot and heavy. Heat burns your tip inside her throat. You pull back, you pull back because you think, you pull back, her molars scrape against you, you pull back further and further, and you think, your dick hard as granite, your heart pounding in your ears, you pull back and you thrust forward into her sloppy quivering mouth, and you think Oh my God, your fists pull her to you; your pubic hair pushes against her lips and nose; you pump your hips; drive yourself deeper into her throat. You choke her on your manhood and finally your cock squeezes and releases, throbs, rockets your sperm in powerful gusts that stream straight down her gullet and you think, Oh my God, her sweet mouth is just the beginning.
